Finding Yourself

By samuel coher

Published on Nov 20, 2017


Finding yourself Pt 9

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It was a few weeks since our little adventure on the web. That is when I decide to go broaden my horizons. We had our first meeting with the geology club. We meet on Wednesday midday. The leader of the club was all decked out in her climbing and digging gear. I thought it was interesting that she was completely decked out.

"You must be the two new recruits for geology club, will what we are doing here," she said and started walking towards the door.

"Where are we heading," I asked wondering where this adventure will be leading us.

"Follow me, my name is Gale," she said and out the door she went. I looked at Damien and he looked back at me. We both smiled and grabbed our stuff. She turned around to make sure we were following her. She smiled but had confused look, on her face. Then a bright idea hit her. She turned the corner and stopped at a closet.

We turned the corner as she was opening up the closet. Just as she opened the door, she got buried by digging equipment. We rushed to her side and asked, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, this happens all the time. I keep forgetting that this is not really that organized," she told us as she grabbed to hard hats and some picks and small brushes. She handed us the gear and went digging for one more piece of equipment. We started helping her put the equipment back in the closet when she found a pair headlamps. She hand them to us and push the rest of the stuff back in closet. She quickly closed the door and moved quickly out of the building.

We followed her and we were heading towards the edge of campus. "Those are for you to borrow and hopefully you will get some new gear within the next couple of weeks. We are almost at the dig site," she told us.

"Ok," I said and smiled at the thrill of adventure in the air. It has been awhile since Damien and I been on an adventure. Things died down a little bit since we left California. No ghost towns, hidden treasures or any crazy adventures we were tossed into. Then it made me remember my friends back home. I took a deep sigh and Damien snapped me out of my daze by throwing his arm over my shoulder.

He just kissed me on the cheek and smiled at me. I smiled back and was about to speak when we reach a hole in the earth. Within the hole, was a small entrance to a cave and some other people already working one different dig sites within the hole, the places were busy with activity. Someone walked up to Gale and handed her, her hat and headlamp. They talked for a few moments and she turned to us.

"Let me guess, this is your first time at a dig site," she paused.

"Yeah, we wanted to try something different and this is as different as it comes," Damien replied to her as I was still amazed by the whole thing.

"Ok, then I will start by asking what your skills are?" she asked as we walked into the dig site.

"Well, we know how to spelunk, do not know much about digging but we are great at finding hidden treasure," I smiled as the memories start flooding back.

"Yeah, that sounds about right," Damien said with a smile as well.

"Well, that is great. We just found a cave that needs to be explored. Put on those hard hats and follow me," she said with a skip in her step. "I will take you guys down there and you will be looking and just taking pictures for now. Then come back up and we will see what you can do," she said hoping that we were the real deal.

That is when it hit me, this was our test to see if we will be able to work with the group and how good we were with spelunking. We made it to where the ropes dangled down. We both step into our harnesses and I gave Damien's a jiggle to make sure it was tight and he did the same to mine. We thread the rope through our harness and tugged them to make sure they were secure. When the ropes were secure and we were all ready, we lend over and started walking down the side of the cavern.

About five minutes walking down, the cave wall disappears. We were now in suspended and had to rappel down to the bottom. There were already glow sticks lighting up the bottom of the cavern. Gale already zipped down the rope. She was standing at the bottom looking up at us. I was the first to zip down. I made it with no problems. I started pulling the rope out of my harness as Damien came flying down. He made it and we now were unhooked from the ropes.

"So we just found this cave and need to start mapping it out. So started out here and work your way around till you finish. Once done come back on up and find me," she told us and quickly scurry up the rope. I was impressed at how fast she got up the rope and back into the hole in the ceiling. We both had cameras so Damien took the left and I took the right to cover more grounds. All you would see is flashes of light every couple of seconds. The cave would light up then go dark. It did not seem like much but we only got quick glances at the cavern when it was lit up with the flash. About an hour later we meet up in the middle once more.

I laid flat on my back and took a few of the ceiling as well. Then the flash went off and Damien was right above me. He bent down and kissed me. I kissed him back and pulled him down on top of me. We made out in the glow of the glow sticks and nothing else.

"Though it would be hot to do it down here in the cave, I think we should get going back up," I told Damien.

"Yeah, do not want to get caught in the first meeting," Damien said shyly.

We hooked up our harnesses and started to climb up the rope. Somehow Damien's rope got tangled right when we reach the entrance to the cavern. So I got right behind him and wrapped my hands around him help him untangle it. Well. Since the thought of what he wanted to do to me down, there did not leave my head and our bodies were rubbing together, I could not help but get hard.

"His that your flashlight hitting my butt?" Damien said with a laugh.

"You know it's not but you woke him up," I said back to him.

"We should take care of it," he said to me and one of his hands reached around and started rubbing the fabric of my jeans. My cock got even harder and the harness was not helping either. I am not sure if anyone has worn one of those climbing harnesses but it makes sure everything is pushed up and snug fit. With me getting hard there was no room for it to go anywhere. It started to hurt. I kissed the back of his neck and soon I was pinning Damien between me and the cave wall. He trusted me to hold him up there, so his other hand unzipped my fly. He fished out my cock and I moaned and breathe from the freedom of my cock.

Since I was holding him up, his hands did most of the work. Soon his hands pulled down the back end of his track pants he had on. He spits in his hand and rubs it over my cock. I moaned into his ear and only imagined that his cock was doing the same thing. Luckily he wore loose fitting close with some stretch room. I reached around the best I could and started stroking his cock through his track pants.

Damien lined my cock up with his hole and whispered to me, "Ready." I just push forward a little bit and slipped right in. He moaned as I pushed him to float against the rock. My hand moved from his cock to under his arms to hold him. I was rocking in and out of his tight hole. His moans started echoing off the cavern walls and mine join his.

I picked up the pace and I felt the all so familiar feeling. I thrust one more time and whispered to him, "I'm going to cum."

"Fill me up, you sexy stud," Damien said I trusted a couple more times and hit his sweet spot. He lost control and came through his briefs and pants. I thrust one more time and unloaded deep inside him. He reached around and help me there because he knows I get weak the moment I come. He did not want me to falling down to the bottom of the cave.

A few seconds past and I got my composer back. My cock went soft again and I was able to tuck it back in my jeans. I pulled Damien's track pants back up to cover is tight ass up. I gave him a smack on the ass and he yelped. He spins around and showed me my handy work. A giant white glob of cum and wet spot was in the front of his track pants.

I dropped down a foot and was now in front of his bugle. I opened my mouth and licked the cum right of the front of his pants. He shivered from the touch since he was still a little sensitive. I smiled.

"Did you get that knot?" I asked him.

"Yeah, thanks for the help with it. It was really sticky," he said. We both laughed.

Just a few seconds after we heard footsteps above us. Then a voice yelled down to us, "Are you guys alive down there?" Gale yelled down into the cave.

"Yes, Damien had a knot in his rope that got him stuck. We got him untangled and heading up to you," I yelled back.

"Good," she paused. "I did not want to lose the newbies on the first meeting. Did you take pictures of the cavern below?"

"Yeah, hope they are what you're looking for," Damien replied and reached the platform where she was standing. She helped him up and waited for me. My hand reached the platform and she helped me up. We hooked ourselves from the rope and took off the harnesses. Damien and I quickly adjusted our junk and walked with Gale out of the caves.

We followed her over to the main tent. She hooked up the camera to her computer and download the picture. She had a software that would take the pictures and create a 360 rendering of the cavern below. I thought that software was amazing. She was able to just move her mouse and see every angle of the cave.

"Hmmm...," she paused at one photo. "I do not think I can use this one."

She turned the screen and it was the last photo of Damien bending down to kiss me. "Sorry, was taking ceiling pictures and he got in the way," I told her.

"Besides that last picture you guys did good, I think we can use these. Will you guys come back this weekend, we will be exploring the cave and would need you guys to photograph it," she told us.

"Yeah, that should be no problem," Damien said all excited.

I just nodded my head.

"Just try and get your own gear by then because you do not know what people been doing in these old pieces of gears," she said and handed us a list of gear to get for this weekend.

I smiled at the thought and I'm pretty sure she knew what goes on down there. We said thank you and started to walk away.

"Oh one more thing," she paused. We turned around to face her. "You guys did it quicker than anyone else here."

"Oh, really?" I said wondering what she meant by that.

"Normal, everyone takes there time to have a little fun down there if you get my drift," she told us with a laugh. "See you guys this weekend."

We both looked at each while we walked away from the tent. We both were beat red and trying not to show it. We finally made it back to my dorm room. Connor was there with Logan.

"Hey guys," Connor said as we entered the door.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Oh my god, we got a story to tell you," Logan blurted out.

"So do we," Damien replied to it.

Connor and Logan went first and to us about their first couple of weeks. The Damien and I shared our experience of the past couple of weeks. We both were intrigued that we did what we did.

"So then when are you going to have your night with Alejandro," I asked.

"Soon, we need to make plans with him," Logan said.

"Could we have the dorm to ourselves that night?" Connor asked shyly.

"Sure, I will just bunk with Damien that night," I replied to them. "Maybe this weekend since we will be underground. I do not know if we will be getting much sleep either that night."

"Oh so you're going to make the earth move this weekend," Connor said with a chuckle.

"You better believe it," Damien said while thrusting his hips.

"Will it have been a long day, I am going to shower then pass out," I told them. Damien got the hint and joined me towards the shower. We showered together and then walked back to my dorm.

Connor and Logan were on the couch. "Goodnight," we said to them.

"Goodnight," they said back to us.

We walked into my room and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter of Finding Yourself. Let me know what you think by emailing me at or commenting on my blog site,

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