Finding Yourself

By samuel coher

Published on Oct 20, 2017


Finding yourself Pt 8

All T's and C's apply

A few weeks have passed since the try outs for the swim team. The first meet came and he placed second place for his first college swim meet. Still it was not much of difference between Logan and the person that beat him. I think it was 2/10th of a second that he was beaten by. I was still proud of him for that and the team wanted to celebrate since the person that beat him was the captain for the swim team.

That night was an interesting night to say the least. After the swim meet, Logan and the captain were standing outside of the lockers when I walked up to them.

"You did a great job, you almost had me," the Captain said to Logan as I walked up to my sweetie.

"Yeah and next time I will make up the 2/10th of second to pull off the win," Logan said back to him.

Logan noticed I was walking up to him. "Hey sweetie," he say to me. "This is Alejandro."

"Nice swimming out there," I told him. "I am Connor."

We shook hands. "You're right he is cute." Alejandro said to Logan and me.

"Yeah but you're straight and have smoking hot girlfriend from what I heard," Logan said back. "Speaking of that, when do I get to meet here, maybe a double date?"

"Oh, totally forgot. I was going to invite you over to our frat house tonight. We are throwing a welcoming party for the new teammates," Alejandro told us.

"What time and sounds like fun," I chimed in.

"I believe it starts at 8. See you guys there, I got class to get too," he told us and walked away.

He walked away and I noticed Logan staring at him. "What are you looking at," I asked.

"Alejandro, he has a tight ass," he said back to me.

"You do not get enough looks at him during your time in the locker room, you eye stalker," I said with a smile. I leaned in to kiss him and he kissed me back.

"Yeah but something tells me that he wants more than just his girlfriend," he told me back as we started walking back to his dorm room.

"Why would you say that? Is your gaydar picking something up," I asked.

"No but he has a wondering eye in the locker room. I seen him checking me during the practices and then he called you cute. What straight man use the word cute to describe another man," he said to me.

"I see your point but still he is straight. I did not get any pings on my gaydar," I said back. "Plus we can test your theory out tonight."

"What do you have in mind?" he asked wondering what I had in mind.

I told him my plan as we walked into his dorm room to get ready for the party. We chilled for the rest of the day until the time to leave for the party. We were lucky it was on campus at one of the frat houses. We started walking over there and was just enjoying the night air.

We reached the door and we were greeted by one of his teammates. "Welcome, beer is in the kitchen with other alcohol. Feel free to make your drink of choice, mingle and have good time."

We walked in and the music was blast from the living room with the DJ spinning off the last hits from the radio. People dancing and walking around. We made our way to kitchen and walked into the backyard. A few more people we out here just chatting with cups in there hand.

I did not feel like drinking and neither did Logan. We walked around some more and talked with some of his teammates. He introduced me to some of the other swimmers but Alejandro did not show up yet. I figured his girlfriend was taking her time plus he does not show up on time. You know, trying to fashionable late.

I was in the backyard when Logan noticed Alejandro walk through the door. The girlfriend was smoking hot. It looked like she just walked out of one of those model magazine. Absolutely stunning. He was just in some black slacks that hugged him just right and tight fitting shirt. You could see his muscles with every step. They both knew all eyes were on them. I looked over at Logan and his eyes were on Alejandro as he walked. I just smiled and wondered what he was thinking about.

Alejandro did his walk around the room and had a small look of disappointment on his face. It looked like he was looking for someone. Finally, he made his way out to the backyard and his face lit up. He spotted both of us and made a beeline towards us with his girlfriend in tow. He got to us and had a big smile on his face.

We walked over to meet him. Alejandro introduced us to his girlfriend Olivia. "This the freshman that is almost as good as me," he told us.

"Yeah, he looks like he might get you one of this days," she said with a smile.

"One day he will be better than Alejandro," I chimed in to boost about my partner.

Logan blush and his cheeks turned bright red. "Maybe," he said shyly.

"Do not be modest. A little healthy competition never hurt anyone," Alejandro said to us. "It has been a while since anyone on the team has come that close to beating me. I enjoy it."

"Did you guys get something to drink?" Olivia asked.

"No not really into drinking," I said back.

"You?" she looked over at Logan. Before he could answer she drags Logan with her to the kitchen for some drinks.

"You got a good one," Alejandro said to me.

"So do you," I said right back.

"How did you guys meet?" he asked. I told him the story of the night and our fence between each other. "That's awesome. We just meet online and went to dinner one night. That was four years ago with Olivia."

I looked at his face and it seemed like he was hiding something. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, I do not want to burden you with our relationship problems," he said to me while looking at the ground.

"Are you sure? I am a good listener," I offered one more time.

He did not say a word but that is when Logan and Olivia came back from the drink run. Logan had a drink in his hand and Olivia had two in her hands. She handed on to Alejandro. They cheered and took a sip. I smiled and was now worried about our new friend Alejandro. We talked about most things and a few drinks later all three were buzzed.

That is when the bet happened. Alejandro was talked again about his lap times. That is when Olivia spoke up in her drunkenness, "I bet you that at the next meet my boyfriend will beat Logan with ease."

"Fine, what is Logan beats Alejandro," I asked since I was the sober one out of the group.

"Both of you can have Alejandro for one night. No questions asked," she paused to see Alejandro's face. He smiled which was his way of agreeing with her. "If Logan loses, we get you for one night, no questions asked."

I looked at Logan and he just nodded to agreement like Alejandro did. I extended my hand and shook her hand to seal the bet. After that Olivia and Alejandro said goodnight to the both of us and took off to probably have a little fun of their own.

I plopped down next to Logan on the couch that was in the backyard of the house. He was buzzed and I made the decision to wait it out before we walked back to the dorms. Do not need to have any bad stuff happened on the way home, plus you know the saying, nothing good ever happens after 2 in the morning.

"Did you have a good time tonight?" Logan asked me.

"I did. Let's stay here for a little while longer," I said to him.

"Ok, I like cuddling with you out under the stars," he told me.

"I do too," I replied back and kissed him on the lips.

He smiled and I realized I might have just started something. I reached down to double check what might have happened. Since this was the first time I seen him buzzed, it did not take much for him to get aroused. I was right, he had a bugle in those jeans he had on. I knew what need to happen. My hands already started working their magic on unbuttoning his jeans and pulling the fly apart for better access to the tent inside. My hand started to stroke his pole through the boxers that he had on.

A moan escaped his mouth from my touch. I looked at him and his head was tilted back. I took that as my invitation to nipple on his neck. My mouth started to work its magic and soon we got into a rhythm, our bodies moved as one. Soon his cock was sticking through the fly in his boxers and my hand was working its magic. Logan moaned my name. I felt a shiver run through his body. I did not want to make a mess so I snaked my way down his body.

My mouth slowly engulfed his member and another wave of pleasure went through his body. A few more moan escaped Logan's mouth and I felt his hands run through my hair. It felt good, not just the touch of someone else but cool air and the being out in the open adds a rush and thrill to the experience. Soon I felt his cock pulse inside my mouth. I felt his cum hit the back of my mouth and waited for a few more shoots to swallow.

I gulped down his cum and kept sucking his cock. His body arched and fell back down to the couch. Soon his breathing went back from shallow short breaths to normal. I crawled back up his body and rested my head on his chest. I tucked his cock back in his boxers and zipped him up. I fell asleep listening to his heart.

The sun rose and I was awoken by the gentle warm kisses of sunlight on my face. I looked around and remember where we were. I looked up and kissed Logan on the lips. He slowly woke up and smiled at me. He was a little hung over but we both got up and walked back to the dorms. We cleaned up and started to get ready for classes.

A couple of days later, we were at his swim meet. Olivia showed up this time and sat with me. I knew she was there to make sure that the bet was honored. She had a devilish grin on her face. She had something in store for me if I lost the bet, I was afraid of what it was. Yet then again, I am sure what she had in mind was not as bad as what I had in mind for Alejandro.

I smiled back at her with some confidence. She did not like that. I bet she was the controlling one in that relationship or at least in the bedroom. That told me more about Alejandro and got me more excited to have one night with him and Logan.

Anyway back to the race, both Logan and Alejandro did take their marks in the free style. The gun went off and both of them did dive into the pool. The race seem to last forever but it was over before it began. Logan and Alejandro did take first and second.

Yet you asking me who came in first right about now, who won the bet. Well, it was just as close as it could have got. 1/100th of second was the difference between the two young men in nothing but the black speedo covering their crotches. Both boys pulled themselves out of the pool and you could see both of them look at the time board to see. The scores started to appear on the board. We all held our breaths.

Then Alejandro name appeared on the board as second place. Then Logan name was on top of his. He did win and it was really close. We all let our breath go after that. Logan and Alejandro both smiled at each other and shook hands. They knew that this was going to be a great year for the swim team and a fun night.

Olivia was shocked that Logan won. Her mouth was open from the shock. I looked at her and smiled. "Just wondering, what did you have in store for me?" I asked. She just leaned over and whispered in my ear everything that was going to happen. I was in shock at some of the things that she had in store for me. I smiled at her creativity. "Maybe next time."

She got up after that because she never came to any other of his swim events. I was shocked she even came this time. Yet, I am sure she has her reasons. Logan looked at me and a smile was across my face, I was proud of him not only because he beat the captain of the team but his own personal best too.

I worded that I will meet him at my dorm room afterwards. He nodded and I took off to get ready for our night with Alejandro.

Thanks for being patience, I know it has been a little while for this chapter to come out. Hopefully the next one will not take as long. Let me know what you think, or check out the blog site,

Next: Chapter 9

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