Finding Yourself

By samuel coher

Published on Mar 31, 2017


Finding yourself Pt 5

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The first couple of days was hectic for everyone. We barely got to see each other expect for in the classes that we had together. I saw more of Connor than I did of Damien for the first week. I texted Damien to meet me up at the club fair this afternoon and he was so excited for the fair but more to see me.

"Hey Connor," I said to him before I left to go to the fair.

"Yeah, what's up?" he asked back.

"Are you coming to the club fair?" I asked him.

"No, Logan is coming over and we will have some alone time," he told me.

"I get that, I barely got to see Damien at all for the last couple of days. Just text me when it is safe to come back. I do not want to interrupt anything that might be going on in this dorm room," I said with a smile.

"Sure, will do," he said with a even bigger grin on his face. "You can have the dorm room another day if you need it."

"Sounds like a plan," I told him and closed the door.

I made my way to the Quad area and they had a row of tables on each side of the main walkway with signs and banners of tons of clubs and frats. I did not start walking in-between them since I wanted to do this with Damien. Just then I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and squeeze me tight.

I turn around in his arms and saw a big smile on his face. I smiled back and passionately kissed him on the lips. The sparks were flying with this kiss since it has been a couple of days since we had seen each other. I broke the kiss and just looked into my partners eyes. He looked back and was just happy to be in this moment.

"I missed you," he told me then looked around. "No Connor or Logan."

"Nope, just us today," I told him as he unwrapped me from his arms. "Are you ready to pick some clubs or frat house to join?"

"Sure as long as I get into this one exclusive club. I heard it is pretty hard to find time to do though," he suggested to me.

"What club would that be?" I replied back trying to think of what he meant.

"Well, I just kissed the president of this club," he said back with a sly smile.

"Oh, you mean the one that has only two members and they seem to take on the world and whatever it throws at them together," I replied back and kissed him on the lips. "Yes, that club will always come first."

He smiled and took my hand. We walked past some clubs then one club noticed we were holding hands. Yes it was the LBGTQ club and they asked us to come over. "Hey, you two. Yeah, the couple holding hands."

We turned our heads and walked over to the table. "Did you mean us?" I asked.

"Yep, is this your partner," he asked.

"Yeah, maybe even husband soon," I told him and winked at Damien.

"That is great to hear, would you be interested in joining our schools, LBGTQ club," he asked us.

"Well tell us a little more about the club, what do you do? What interests does this club follow and how does it help the community?" Damien asked the gentleman behind the table.

"Well, first my name is Paul. I am the Vice president of the club. The President is off in class right now but we normally hold rallies for gay rights, bring in guest speakers in some of the local business to talk about what is like to be out in the real, we hold movie nights and speed dating and plan other activities through the year," Paul told us.

"That does sound interesting, my name is Damien and this is my partner Zach," he told Paul. "One more question, how well does this club interact with the other clubs?"

"Well, we try to do interclub activities yet some clubs just stick to themselves," he told us with some disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah, I get that. It can be a hard sell sometimes to get others to join or even cooperate with each other," Damien paused to look at me. I looked back and just smiled. Damien knew what I was thinking. "Sign us up."

Damien was filling in and get the information as I was still looking around to see if any other clubs might be worthwhile. I noticed a couple of tables that might be interesting to go see.

We walked over to another booth. It was hiking and camping club. I picked up one of the information sheets and read it. No one was at the booth but it seemed interesting. It told us that we would be going on two hikes per month plus five camp outs for the semester. It listed off the sites for camping and the possible trails that we would be hiking.

"This sounds like fun," I said to Damien.

"Yeah but will we have time to do this with all the homework and other stuff," he brought up to me.

"I think so. Plus look at this way, it is a chance for us to get away from here and go explore more of this place. Plus it is alone time under the stars," I told him with some excitement in my voice.

"Ok, you make a good point. A couple of days away from school never hurt," he said back and I signed us up on the sheet.

We walked over to a couple more booths then we hit the frat houses area of the club fair. Most of the jocks and cheerleaders were out there on this side of the walkway. They were cheering and hollering at everyone that walked by to come join this frat or that frat house. To be honest, I did not get all the hype from these frat houses. Damien and I walked past all the house and wound up in the sports which was the last section of the walkway. They had most of the sports that you can think of, even chess club was out promoting for new recruits.

I looked over at Damien and asked, "Do you want to try out for any sports?"

"Not right now, plus we need to make time for Logan and his swimming competitions. We promised to go watch him," he reminded me.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," I said back to him. "Since it is Friday and my dorm room is being occupied by those two love birds, let's find somewhere where we can catch up."

"Well my roommate is in class all day, we can go back there and have some catch up time," Damien said and grabbed my hand. We went running back through the clubs and off to the dorms.

Within ten minutes we were already back at the dorm rooms and waiting for the elevator to take us up to his room. Our hands were still intertwined as we waiting to go up. We heard the ding from the elevator and the doors slowly open to an empty box. I could not wait for some alone time with my love so I decided to start things off on the way up to his room. I got behind him as the elevator doors closed.

My lips where now kissing the back and side of his neck. Damien just tilted his head back so I could get better access. My hands wrapped around him and start to unbutton his jeans as he took a wider stance so they did not fall completely off. He was wearing a jockstrap which I did not noticed before. I stopped kissing him to look at our mirror reflection of us and I whispered in his ear, "That is so hot."

"I was wearing it just for you," he told me back.

My hands did not waste any time and went underneath the pouch of the halfway tented jockstrap. His cock started to grow just from the light touch of my fingertips. I brushed them up and down his shaft. He shuttered and a moan escaped his mouth. The elevator dings and announced we were on the fourth floor. The doors open and luckily there was no one waiting for the elevator. We moved as one down the hallway and I could not wait to get through his door way.

We reached his dorm door and I wanted to tease him a little. My hand left his cock and I pushed all my body weight up against him pinning him to the door. My member was rubbing between his jeans and his butt cheeks. I knew he could feel my monster was ready to be buried deep inside him. I pushed harder and start dry humping him right in the middle of the hallway. His hand had the key and was frantically trying to unlock the door so we could strip butt naked and have some fun.

Soon we both hear the door unlock and he turned the handle to open it up. We both went crashing down to the floor as the door swung open. We both start laughing but soon the laughter turned into moans. Our hands were all over each other and soon we were down to just his jockstrap and my compression shorts.

Both our cocks were straining against the fabric. We both got up off the floor and he noticed the new underwear on me. "I like those but I bet they look hotter on the ground," He said to me and quickly they were off my body and on the ground like he said. "Yep, much better off you than on you."

"Well in that case, maybe you should have a closer look," I told him but he was already ahead of me. He was on his knees with my cock in his hand. He was going feed my cock to his awaiting mouth. Soon I felt his mouth slowly taking every inch into his mouth then I hit the back. Damien waited a minute and started to deep throat me to no end.

I looked down as he looked up with those puppy dog eyes. I did not want him to have all the fun. My hands found a drawer and opened it. I found some lube inside the drawer and I bent over and start to lube up his tight hole. My fingers slipped in and his mouth moaned onto my dick. I shot a little pre-cum down his throat when that happened. He opened his mouth and released my cock.

He stood up and started kissing me. We stopped kissing for a quick second and I knew what he wanted. He did not wear that jockstrap just for nothing. He wanted to get fucked in that thing. I turned him around and pinned him up against the wall once more. This time his moans came out of the forcefulness and excitement that I was going to fuck him so hard. He arched his back so I could slip right into him.

I lubed up my cock but it did not need that much since it was leaking pre-cum all over the floor. I lined up my cock with his hole and he pushed out. I stuffed my cock deep inside him. He felt himself fill out with my monster and he bit his lip from screaming from the pain. I rested once I was fully inside him so he could get used to me once more since it has been a while since we last had a fuck this rough.

I whispered in his ear, "I love you. Your tight ass, your jockstrap and everything else." I said then I snapped one of the straps. He moaned and that was my cue to continue what was happening. Sweat rolled down his back and was down my chest as well. I pulled my cock out just enough and pushed back in. He arched his back even more and I wrapped my arms around him to hold the position. I kissed the back of his neck and while one hand pinched his nipples and my other hand found its way back underneath his jockstrap.

I wrapped my hand around his cock and started stroking his cock to the timing of me fucking his tight hole. I moaned into his ear to turn him on a little more. My chest was now resting on his back as my hips were doing all the work. In and out, up and down, in, out, up, down.

"Oh fuck me, Zach," he yelled down. "Harder babe, faster please."

"Yeah, you want me deep inside of you. You love my hard cock pounding your tight ass," I said back to him as I picked up speed.

After a few moments of this the room started to smell of sex and sweat. I pulled down really hard on his cock and held my hand at the base of his cock. I felt his ass tighten up real quick as I felt his cock start to pulsate. Five, six, seven powerful shoots were shot into the cloth of his jockstrap. They sent me over the edge. I could not hold back any longer.

"Here it comes, love," I said and released deep inside of him. Eight, nine, ten shots I release into his hole. Soon it started leaking out of him and down our legs.

We both collapsed onto the floor, I was still holding onto him as we spooned on the living room floor. I nuzzled his neck like a lost puppy dog finding its place in the world. Damien turned around in my arms and we just laid there for a moment. It was the best sex we both had in a while after everything that had happened.

He looked over at the time and it was about five in the afternoon, his roommate would be home shortly. "Either we can stay like this and get caught by my roommate or we can move this to the bedroom," he told me and started to get up.

"Bedroom, can I stay the night," I asked like it was our first time being together. He smiled and called me a goof for asking him. I just smiled and picked up all our clothes. He removed the cum stained jockstrap and added it to the pile of discarded clothes now in his room. I went to lay down on his bed and he followed suit. We spooned for a few minutes before turning on the T.V.

We heard the door open and close to the living quarters. Then we heard the other door shut to his roommate's bedroom. I reached down and pulled the blanket over our bodies just in case he came over to see if we were home. We watched some TV and I must have fallen asleep.

I awoke at about two in the morning to some weird noise. It sounds like someone was watching a loud porn in the living room. I figured it was just his roommate jerking one off in the living room but then Damien's voice came on over the speakers.

I peeked out the door and on the TV was me fucking Damien. His roommate was sitting there just jerking off watching us fuck our brains out. Then I heard some dings coming from his computer. I walked behind him slowly but tried to stay out of view. The dim light of his computer was on so I could see he was on the Chaturbate that Damien told me about. Every time the computer would ding, he would speed up his jerking.

I figured I would let him finish and we could talk about the video tomorrow when Damien was up. I sneaked back into Damien's room and snuggled up to him.

It has been a long time for this to come out. Hope you guys enjoy this next chapter and hopefully the next one will not take as long as this one did. Let me know what you think, email me at or

Next: Chapter 6

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