Finding Yourself

By samuel coher

Published on Mar 18, 2016


Finding yourself pt 4 edited

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Zach's POV

We got out of the showers and quickly change so we could meet with Connor and Logan in the dining area. He got dressed and so did I. We walked hand and hand to the dining area and were greeted with both of them smiling at us from the table they were sitting at.

"Over here!" Connor yelled from where he was.

We made our way through the tables. "You made it," Logan said to us.

"Yep, we made it," Damien said to them as we took our seats.

"Did you guys eat or is that our first stop on our tour around Bloomington?" I asked before taking a sit at the table.

"Let's grab some food in town. I am starving from the move in and the extra activity that we done this weekend," Connor chimed in and got up from his sit.

"Sounds good to me," Damien said as his stomach growled.

We got up from the table and started walking towards the end of Campus. There were a couple of local eateries around campus. I did not really have a chance to explore outside of campus so it would be fun to find new places with the group.

We found a place called Opie Taylor's. One of many places around here, we took a sit and placed our order. We started talking about our past and how we got here. I listen closely to Connor's story and how they met. After they were done, Damien started telling him our story and the many adventures that we went on. Our food arrived and we all started chowing down.

After we finished our food, we hit the streets to look at the local shops. Walking down the street, I grabbed Damien's hand and he smiled that we could still be a little more open here. We are in college and do not have to worry about the drama of high school. Still a few people gave us looks as we walked down the street but I ignored them. I looked over and Connor and Logan were holding hands as well.

About an hour later, we found ourselves back at my dorm room. We were all on the couch and that is when it hit me to look and see if we have any classes together. It would be cool to have some familiar faces in the class. I went into my room and grabbed my schedule of classes. Damien somehow had his memorizes. Connor and Logan both pulled theirs up on the laptop. Thought it was interesting how each of us had our own way of retaining information. Call me old fashioned but I like writing them out, it helps me remember things better.

We started comparing our schedules, it turned out that I had two classes with Damien and one with Connor. Logan had one class with Damien and one with Connor. IT looked like our lunch time was roughly around the same time. Yet I had the one night class, which would not end till 10 at night. I knew that night would be one of my longer days.

"Are you guys going to try out for any sports or clubs? I asked.

"I was recruited for the swim team here," Logan told us.

"I do not know yet. I think on Tuesday they have the club sign-ups in the main campus," Damien said while using Connor's laptop to look up the information.

"I did swimming but I might try something different," Connor said shyly as if Logan would say something.

"That's cool, babe. Expand your horizon, who knows what new fun things you might get into here at college. Just make time to see me at swim meets," Damien said. After hearing that Connor and Damien started looking at the other activities and clubs the school had to offer. I peeked over their shoulders as they scroll down the schools website. I saw a few clubs that I might want to join or at least try out for.

"Any of you guys going to go to sign up for a fraternity?" Logan asked us.

"Have not thought about that," I said to him. "I was more concerned about school work and clubs then those fraternities."

"Really love, I thought it would be up your alley," Damien said to me. "You know all those fine guys and BBQ's that they throw all the time."

"Why would I need all that when I have one of the hottest guys on the planet right here," I said with a smile. "His name is Connor."

A pillow came at my head when I said that. I looked at Damien and he had a smile on his face. He knew I was kidding but still Connor was a hidden stud. I walked over and massaged Damien's shoulders then I kissed him passionately on the lips.

"Get a room," both Connor and Logan said simultaneously.

I looked over at Damien and gave him a wink. "I thought you guys might want to watch us."

Both their mouths dropped open as I slowly peeled Damien's shirt off his body. Damien did not fight it; he just sat back and wanted to see how far this went. My mouth started to kiss Damien's neck and then it went down to his nipples. Damien tilted his head back and let out a moan that echoed throughout the room. I paused for a moment and the out of the corner of my eye; I noticed both Connor and Logan's bugles start to grow in their jeans that they had on.

My tongue went to work on Damien's nipples and I teased him with a little light nibbling on them. Damien hands peeled my shirt off my body then pushed me down on the floor where we were. He followed suit and my hands start to massage his back. My hands made their way under the waistband of his jeans that he had on I started to massaged his tight butt. My hips started pushing into his groin and I could feel his was almost at full mast down there.

My head tilted to the side and noticed that both Connor and Logan were rubbing each other bulges. I did not want to make anything else awkward so my eyes went back to Damien's eyes and he knew that look. He turned his head to see Logan and Connor. I wiggled my way out from underneath Damien and sat next to him. I smiled at all three of them.

"How about we make a deal right now," I said and paused to make sure that all parties were paying attention. "I can see we would all like to have some fun with each other but I think it might be a little too early for that. Your relationship has just started out and I do not know if you have set any ground rules for that. So my deal is set some ground rules and we can have some fun at a later date. How does that sound?"

Logan and Connor both looked at each other then back at us. Not saying anything, both of them just nodded their heads in agreement. Damien put his shirt back on and I did as well. Connor broke the silence, "That was totally hot. To be honest, we have only done it with someone else once. A couple of our friends from Washington, it was pretty hot. It was at their campsite."

"I remember our first time as a threesome, you know, with Ryan and the hot tub. I passed out after taking both Ryan and Damien's cock at once," I told them.

"Yeah, you scared the hell out of me when that happened. We never did look into why that happened. Luckily it never happened again," Damien added.

"Wow, you did that," Logan said with some shock in his voice.

"Yep, it was a pretty tight fit. You feel like you're going to burst but just as the pain is too much to handle, the pleasure kicks in. I would not try it if your not into pain," I told them.

"Wow, I might want to try it," Connor said.

"We can work on it. Get you all prepared," Logan said rubbing Connor's butt.

"Well, hopefully this not being to front of me, yet I was talking to Damien a few nights ago and was telling him I might be ready for three cocks inside me. I would not mind it being with you guys and Damien if you would be ok with it," I said to them.

Both of their eyes went wide and almost popped out of their heads. That was not the only thing almost popping out. I thought to myself after seeing how big their bugles got that should be able to handle all three. I looked over at the time and we were talking most of the day away. Damien followed my eyes and said his farewells and would see me in the morning. I kissed him goodnight and Logan did the same thing. That left Connor and me back in the living room.

"Did you really mean what you said?" Connor asked me.

"What that I want to take all three of your sexy cocks at once? Yeah, I meant it," I told him.

"Yes but what I was referring too was that you think I was one of hottest guys on the planet," he said shyly and blush a little.

I paused for a quick second and realized at the moment how powerful my words can be, It can really bring a person up to the highest point or completely tear them apart. "Yeah, I do think you are one of the hottest guys on the planet. It is not just your physical look that makes me say that," I took him with a wink.

"You're the second person to tell me that," he paused to think of that moment. "Logan told me that too."

"I am glad to hear that, Logan must be able to see what I see in you as well. You both are great people and do not forget that. Is there anything else on your mind?" I asked him and that made me feel like an adult. I was happy that I could help someone out with their curious mind.

"Can I show you something?" he asked.

"Sure, I guess," I was afraid he was going to take out his cock right then and there.

He walked into his room and came back out holding three pairs of underwear. A pair of CK's white briefs, a pair of old Navy red and black boxer briefs, and a pair of Tommy Hilfiger's black and green checkered boxers. "Which one do you think would Logan like? I can try them on for you," he said to me.

My mind just went to endless possibilities. I was horny as fuck after the little show and I knew if I saw his cock I might not be able to control myself. "You do not need to try them on, just hold them up in front of your crotch for me to see what they look like on you. What reaction are you trying to get out of Logan?"

"I want him to just see them and rip them off my body," he said with a little sexiness in his voice.

"Well, I would say the briefs are something that does not leave any imagination but can sometime turn people on so they know what they are getting. Boxers you just go nuts and can have endless possibilities till they come off your body. The boxer briefs are somewhat in the middle," I told him.

He stood up and held each pair of undies over his crotch. Then he just unbuttoned his shorts that he had on and showed me what he had on underneath. He let his shorts hit the floor and he stepped out of them. "Would you rip this off my body?" he asked and took a step closer.

I took a step back to keep space between us. My cock was starting to rise from the sight of Connor but I knew better. "I would rip those off your body in a heartbeat," I told him.

My eyes finally unglued from the bugle in the boxer briefs that Connor had on and I noticed that he had a big fat grin on his face. Then it hit me. "You got me," I said with a laugh.

"I can tease just as well as you can," Connor said to me.

"Truce?" I said while extending my hand.

"For now," he said back to me and shook my hand. He turned around and picked up all his clothes. I took a good look at his tight cloth covered butt. I smiled and walked into my room. I thought to myself, this is going to be one hell of a year at college.

Thank you guys for waiting for the next chapter, I am working on the next one as we speak and hopefully it would not take as long as this one did. Let me know what you guys think or if you want to just chat about life. or on my blog site

Next: Chapter 5

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