Finding Yourself

By samuel coher

Published on Feb 16, 2016


Finding Yourself pt 3

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Damien's POV

I just finished jerking off to Zach's little video, when I heard a coin drop coming from outside my door. Then another and then a flood of coins, then I heard a couple of grunts and a soft moan coming from the living room. I just let Matthew do what he was doing but I figured I would talk to him tomorrow. I was too tired from everything that happened with us moving from L.A. and unpacking and walking around campus, my body and mind were tired.

I feel asleep after I heard the door to his room shut. The sun shined through my window and the chirping of birds. My eyes slowly opened up and I heard some rustling about in the living room. I threw on some gym shorts and walked out into the living room. My roommate was just watching some TV and eating a bowl of cereal.

He turned around and smiled at me. "Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Yeah but heard some coins dropping last night," I said as I poured some cereal for myself.

"Oh sorry about that, next time I will turn down the sound. I did not hear you come in," he told me and his face was getting a little red.

"I did not mean to catch you in the act," I apologized to him.

"No it's ok. It is kind of what I do for a little extra money on the side," he said back to me.

I had a confused look on my face. "You mean you do porn?"

"Somewhat, it is more amateur than just the big end stuff. I have been doing this for a little while now," he paused to make sure it was sinking in.

It was a little early for this type of conversation. It took me a minute to realize that I was sleeping next to someone that does porn. "Huh?" was what I replied.

"Ok, let me show you." He put his bowl of cereal down and walked into his room. A few moments later he came back with his laptop. He moved his bowl and replaced it with his laptop. The laptop booted up and there was a picture of a half naked man as his background.

Before I go any further, let me describe Matthew. He is you average hidden geeky stud. Looking at him you would not give him a second glance. He wore some slim frame glasses with some sparkling green eyes behind them. Somewhat fair complex and his clothes were baggy and did not show anything off. Yet, what I saw last night was someone completely different. His body was slim with a hint tone of muscles development. He looked to be well endowed but I did not get to see it that well. I did not need to invade his space since I really do not know him that well.

He loaded a webpage called Chaturbate. I had never heard of that site and believe me, Zach and I have been to plenty of porn sites. "So you pretty much, what, jerk off and people pay you to watch?"

"Something like that, here let me show you," he signed on and his webcam booted up. I read his goal that said, "make it rain for a shower of cum" As soon as his camera turned on the comments start coming in. Then I heard the coin dropping. I looked at the comment screen and it was someone donating some money to his wallet. "See, that noise is when someone pays me. There are tons of options from playing hidden prizes, to keep the counter going to just simple ones like pay in the order. Of course, you have to do what the item says like take off pants, flash cock for a few seconds and so on."

I was looking at the comments and realized they were asking who I was. Matthew spoke into the camera to introduce me as his roommate. He also told them that he will be on later tonight. He logged off and shut his laptop. "Are you ok with this? I promise I will try to make it mostly in my room but sometimes there is no space to do all the things I do with it," he asked.

"I guess so," I replied meekly back.

"Ok, hey, just had an idea. Maybe you and your partner can join me one night. You know have a little fun and I would split the profits with you and him," he said excitingly. "My fans want me to start doing more with other people. Back home before I came here, my girlfriend and I did a live show together and that is when I made the most money."

"What, I thought you were gay? You have a half naked man on your background," I said shockingly.

"I'm bi. I like both worlds. My girlfriend and I broke up before leaving for college she thought it would be best for us to explore our options. Next thing I know, I was hit on by one of my fellow teammates on the Track and Field. He name was Tommy. He was a runner and I did discuss and shot put. One day in the locker room, everyone had left. I was walking out the door and he pulled me down the locker room aisle. He pushed me up against the lockers and planted a kiss on me," Matthew told me.

"Yeah, did it go any further," I ask intently.

"It did," he pause to look up and remember what happened. "After a quick second, my mind started giving into my hidden urge. My hands wrapped around the back of his head and my lips were pushing back as well. His hands started roaming over my track uniform. Those uniforms did not hide any of my lust for him or the lust that he had for me. My hands started moving down and found that his cock was free from its confiding. It was poking out of the leg hole in his short track shorts. Luckily mine was pointing north and just tenting them to the brim. He broke the kiss and we stared into each other's eyes for a moment. That was all he needed to continue on with his plan to have me."

"Wow, that sounds like something my partner, Zach and I would do. I am sure we have done something like that," I chimed in to hear the rest of his story. His story was turning me on a little bit but I would save that for later with Zach.

"So he snaked down my body and I released my cock from the shorts and jockstrap that I had on. His mouth was so warm and inviting. I start to fuck his face with my hands on the back of his head. I arched my body and used the lockers to balance myself. I looked down at him as he looked up and me. I smiled and moaned out his name. The locker room echoed from my moan. He sped up because he knew someone might have heard that. His mouth became a vacuum and was sucking it till I came. Within a few moments, I shoot every last ounce down his awaiting throat. My knees buckled and I was now at eye level with him. I looked down his toned body and noticed that his cock exploded all over his shorts and both of our legs. We sat there for a moment and we kissed a few more times. He tucked both our cocks away and we headed into the showers to clean up. Nothing happened in the shower but we did exchange numbers," he said to finish up the story.

"Wow, yep. That is how it goes, you never know who is going to be your next and where it might come from," I told him with a smile from ear to ear.

"You're right about that. That was not the only time we hooked up. He might make an appearance sooner or later here as well. We never made it official that we were boyfriends but sometimes you do not need the title to understand what you really have," Matthew told me.

"Very true," I said finishing my bowl of cereal.

"Would love to hear some of your tales? Also would not mind meeting you boyfriend," he said to me.

"Sure but right now I need to go see my partner to take care of this," I said and my eyes went down to my bugle.

"Sounds like a plan. See you later," he said and went back to watching TV.

I got up and went into my bedroom. I quickly changed and left my dorm to go find Zach.

Zach's POV

I woke up with a stretch. I put some clothes on since I knew we had company. I started making breakfast. I heard the door crack open and I turned my head. It was not Connor that came out of the door. I smiled and said, "You must be Logan."

"Hey," he said while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Would you like some breakfast?" I said offering him some eggs that I was cooking on our little stove.

"Sure," he said groggily.

"You're not a morning person, are you? Damien is kind of the same way," I told him as I plated some food for him.

"Would Connor want something too?" I said as I noticed his body was leaning up against the doorway to his room.

He just nodded and made his way to the table. I made him a plate as well then served me. Connor poured some drinks and served them as well.

"Since we still have one more day before school starts tomorrow, anyone up to going around and checking out this little sleepy town," I offered as I took a bite of food.

They both looked at each other then back at me. They smiled and nodded their heads in unison.

"Great, how about we get ready after breakfast and meet back here say in two hours," I asked.

"Sounds good to me," Connor chimed in.

I shoveled the rest of my food into my mouth and put my plate in the sink. I went back into my room and grabbed my phone. I noticed a text from Damien. It asked me where I was.

I replied just getting up. Do you want to go out on the town with Connor and Logan? I heard the door to the dorm room shut and knew Logan went back to his dorm to change. My phone buzzed.

It said sure but I have some interesting news about my roommate. I must tell you everything. I am on my way over right now.

I replied see you soon

Just as I sent it there was a knock on the dorm room door. I went out and opened it. Damien was there with a big smile on his face and noticed his gym shorts were tented. "Well someone is happy to see me," I said with a chuckle.

He did not say a word but just grabbed my hand and dragged me towards my bedroom. He grabbed my laptop as I took a seat on my bed. He joined me on my bed and booted up the laptop. "What's going on?" I asked again.

He went to the webpage and to this person's personal page. It came up and there were a couple of free pictures and one small video of him. "Who is this? I asked again.

Finally he talked, "This is my roommate."

I took a look and clicked on one of the free pictures. It was a picture of him with a girl. Then I click on the next one. It was with him a guy and the last picture was of him in nothing but his underwear. "Are you sure this is him?" I asked.

"Yes, I am positive. He showed me this site this morning. Well, I kind of walked in on him last night jerking off on this site in the living room. He makes money by showing off. He asked if we might want to join him one time, he would split the profits with us," Damien told me all excited.

"Well, how about I meet him in person then we can discuss about future plans with him," I said to Damien with a kiss. I noticed that his bugle did not go down and I knew I was still haven't came in a few days. Without a word, I pushed Damien back on the bed and start to take his gym shorts off his body. He had on a pair of really old briefs that I knew he did not need anymore. I ripped them off his body and started working on his member.

I swung my body around him and wasted no time pulling my shorts and underwear off my body as well. I felt his warm mouth on my cock. It became fully hard as soon as his breath hit it. I was horny as fuck right now and I wanted to show Damien that. I start going all out on him and his member. He moaned a little at quickness I was going at it. I want to make hot passionate love and did not care who heard us.

I soon felt his fingers enter my hole. He pushed them deep inside me and I looked down at him. He saw the lust in my eyes and knew what I wanted him to do. I got on all fours and waited for him to start licking my hole. His tongue entered my hole and it sent me through arraign of pleasurable emotions. I moaned out his name and told him not to stop. His tongue sped up and that sent me over the edge.

His tongue left my hole and I felt something larger start to stretch my hole. It felt great and I was moaning like crazy. I felt inch by inch of him filling me up. Then I felt him stop but he was all the way in. He bent over my body and he whispered in my ear, "Are you ready?"

I nodded and smacked his ass. That pushed his cock a little further in and it hit my sweet spot. It made my eyes roll in the back of my head. He started out a little slow and picked up speed. His hand reached around and started stroking my cock in time with his pounding. He started moaning and verbal speaking about me, stuff like yeah you like my big cock deep inside you, fuck you're so tight and take it big boy.

I was enjoying every moment of it. I responded to his comments with my own of yeah fuck my tight hole, do not stop, faster my love. He sped up and hit my sweet spot again and again. I moaned out his name one last time and yelled to the world, "I'm...I'm... cumming!!!!"

My hole tightened up around his cock but he was still rocking in and out of me. I shot my entire load onto the bed sheets. He said back to me, "That is so hot." He reached down and took some of my cum that was oozing out of my cock and used it as some lube for himself. He pulled out and was jacking off his monster cock. Within a few second, I felt his cum shoot all over my back. He moaned a little and I felt the weight of him slowly fall upon me. I turned us sideways on the bedroom so we now were in a spooning position. We rested to regain our strength and I put on some gym shorts and we both rushed off to the showers before we headed out with Logan and Connor.

Hope you guys enjoyed this next chapter. I believe the story will flow better with switching between characters POV instead of the one chapter per person. Let me know what you think. Hit me up at or

Next: Chapter 4

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