Finding Yourself

By samuel coher

Published on Jan 12, 2016


Connor's POV

The door swung to the start of my new life. I was greeted by a nice view of my new roommates cloth covered ass. He was wearing some bright orange American eagle boxer briefs and nothing else. I do have to say that the sight of him bending over did get my cock's attention. My jeans start to get a little tight. I gave a cough to let him know I was in the room. He was completely bent over then I saw his head between his legs. He smiled at me and stood straight up.

He looked down and noticed he was in just his underwear. He grabbed a pair of gym shorts that we lying on the floor in front of him. "It is finally nice to meet you in person, Connor," he said extending his hand.

"Same here," I said back to him. I took hold of his hand and he pulled me into a hug. I fell into his embrace. He gave me a big hug that may have lasted a little longer than I expected. Then I felt my cock already half hard now and there was no way that Zach could not have noticed it. Then I felt that there was something else hitting my cock. His was halfway hard as well.

He let go and I regained my balance. "Now that we got the awkwardness out of the way, we can become friends," he said to me.

"What just happened?" I asked a little stunned.

"I was just trying to see if you have any attraction to me and me to you. I hugged you and judging by the semi bugle in your pants you have some attraction to me but not enough to ruin the friendship and relationship that we will build. I have about the same feelings towards you as you can see," he paused to show me his tented shorts. I took a quick look and he was right it was not really fully tented up. "I do not think much more will develop once we get to know each other. Also when we meet each other's partners will be the same level of attraction to the other as well."

The shock finally wore off and my mind started going again. "You have a weird way of doing things but you do have a point. My cock would be fully hard if I had more feelings for you especially after seeing you bend over in those boxer briefs of yours. Were you doing Yoga when I walked in?" I asked.

"Yes, do you?" he said back to me.

"I do not do Yoga but I was interested in it. I just never have the time with swim practice and everything else going on in my life," I told him.

"Well maybe we can do it together early in the morning sometime. Now that you're here, we can get down to business," he said in a more serious tone.

"What do we have to talk about that is so serious?" I said with some worry in my voice. My mind start racing with so many thoughts as to what he might say next.

Zach's POV

I was bent over when I heard the door to our little dorm room open up. I was finishing my yoga stretch when I looked through my legs at the person standing behind me. I smiled and got up from my pose. I realized that I was in nothing but my boxer briefs and that is not the first impression I really wanted him to be thinking about. I grabbed a pair of shorts and quick put them on. "It is finally nice to meet you in person, Connor," I said to him extending my hand to set my plan in action.

"Same here," he said and took my hand. I pulled him into my embrace and the first thing I felt was his awkwardness and that he was semi I hard. I hugged him so our bodies would be rubbing together to see if there is a physical attraction between us. My cock start to raise a little but did not become fully hard, just halfway. His cock did not grow any more then what it was already. I let go so it would not get any more awkward then it must have been.

"What just happened?" he asked while regaining his balance.

"I was just trying to see if you have any attraction to me and me to you. I hugged you and judging by the semi bugle in your pants you have some attraction to me but not enough to ruin the friendship and relationship that we will build. I have about the same feelings towards you as you can see," I paused to show him my tented shorts. He took a quick look at my somewhat tented shorts. "I do not think much more will develop once we get to know each other. Also when we meet each other's partners will be the same level of attraction to the other as well."

"You have a weird way of testing things out but I guess you have a point. My cock would be fully hard if I had attraction's to you especially seeing you bent over in those boxer briefs. Were you doing Yoga when I walked in?" he asked me.

"Yes. Do you?" I asked back. He told me that he did not do Yoga but wanted to try it. "Maybe we can do it in the morning, now onto some serious business," I told him.

"What serious business do we need to talk about?" he asked with some hesitation in his voice.

"Which room would you like and we can compare schedules to see what times will we be here or not," I told him as a starter. Let me describe the room. It was broken into three sections. There were two rooms with doors for privacy. The bedrooms were not that big; it had a twin size bed and small desk in built in them and nothing else. The living space was about the same size if you put both bedrooms together. I would say it was not bigger than about 600 sq feet in total. The living room/kitchen had a couch, stove, refrigerator and small counter top for prep work of cooking. It looked like nothing else was proved.

"To be honest, I would prefer the left bedroom if you do not mind," he told me.

Connor's POV

"To be honest, I would prefer the left bedroom if you do not mind," I told him.

"I have no problem with that. Do you need help unpacking?" he asked me with a friendly smile.

Thanks for the offer but I think I got it," I told him and went into my room to drop my stuff off. I closed the door behind me and started to unpack. I got my laptop put on my desk and put up some pictures on my desk of my family and friends. I started putting my clothes away into the closet when there was a knock on my door.

I poked my head out of my room and Zach was standing there. "What's up?" I asked.

"Just wondering if you wanted to head and grab a bite at the cafeteria," he asked.

"I am going to finish unpacking and maybe head down in bit," I said to him.

"Ok, I'll see you down there. My partner should be there as well. Cannot wait for you to meet him," he said and started heading out the door.

"Cool, mine might be down there already," I told him as the door shut.

I left my door open and went back to unpacking my clothes. I was into my stuff and thinking about what might happen I did not realize that there was another person standing behind me. I felt to hands encompass my waistline. I jumped a mile from the person's touch.

"Relax, love. I came up to help break in the new dorm room," Logan whispered into my ear.

"You scared the hell out of me and how did you get in here?" I asked as I turned myself around in his arms.

I think you roommate did not close the door all the way. It was open just a crack so I let myself in," he told me.

"Well, since I have the room to myself. Where should we do it?" I asked while trying to be seductive. My hands we already tugging at his jeans, I unbutton them and watched them fall to the floor. He had on a pair of briefs that we already at half mast. He pushed me down on the twin bed and crawl on top of me. I gave in and let him have his way with me. His mouth started kissing me at my neck and worked his way down to the pair of jeans I had on.

He popped the button on my jeans and yanked them off my body. My cock was fully hard and it found its way through the fly of my boxers. "Looks like someone is happy to see me," he said before hid just engulfed my hard member.

I moan from his warm mouth over my cock. He started bobbing up and down on it. His tongue was swirling around the tip driving me wild. My hands spun him around so his cock was now facing me. I pulled his briefs down underneath his balls and started sucking him. He stopped bobbing up and down on my cock to look down at what I was doing. I deep throated his cock and that made his eyes roll in the back of his head. He moaned out my name.

After he came back down from the euphoric pleasure that I gave him, he went back to work on my member. We both were a mix of moans and grunts coming from my and his mouth. A few minutes of use trying to out pleasure the other, I felt his cock expand in my mouth. I knew he was at the point of no return. He took his mouth off my cock for a quick second to tell me he was cumming then went back to work. I felt his first shoot hit the roof of my mouth. The next couple came and I swallowed every one. I lick him clean and he shuttered a little from the pleasure my tongue gave him.

His mouth was still going with every shiver that was sent from his spine. I spanked his ass once then twice. He moaned on my cock and I could not hold it any longer. I shoot about several times into his awaiting mouth. He swallowed all of it too. Both our cocks fell out of our mouths. I grabbed the cover and pulled them over our bodies.

"I love you," Logan said before he fell asleep.

"I love you too," I said back and kissed him. I fell asleep after him.

Zach's POV

"Ok I'll see you down there," I told Connor as I walked towards the door. He said something but I was already half out the door and did not hear it. I was going down the stairs when I remember the door was not completely shut. I went back upstairs and was about to walk in when I heard someone moaning.

"Oh fuck," Connor's voice rang through the door. I knew what was happening and quietly shut the door so no one could interrupt what was going on. I smiled and knew this was going to be an interesting year. I made it down to the cafeteria. Damien was already chowing down on some food he got. I waited in line and got some food myself and joined him at the table.

"Did you meet him?" Damien asked me.

"I did, he is going to be cool as a roommate and friend. How is your roommate?" I told Damien.

"He is a real stick in the mud. Seems like the book worm type. I wish I could room with you and Connor," he said back to me.

"Do not worry, I am sure you will be spending a lot of time in my dorm room than your own. Did you stuff arrive yet?" I asked.

"It has not arrived yet. Are you sure you gave them the right address?" Damien asked back while sipping on his coke.

"I did, I checked on it this morning and they told me it would be here tonight if not tomorrow. You got your backpack that has a week's worth of clothes and essentials right?" I asked back.

"Yeah, you always have a plan for everything," he said back with a smirk little smile.

"Oh, I almost forget. Before I came down here, I almost walked in on Connor and Logan going at it. Remind me that I need to let him know that we need a system for us to know when we need private time," I told Damien.

"Yeah, I am sure that I do not need to tell the book worm since I will be mostly having fun in your room," Damien said to me with a laugh. "Want to go for a walk," I asked as I finished the last bite of food.

"Sure, where are we walking to?" he asked back.

"To start our adventure on campus," I said to him and extend my hand. He took my hand and we walked out of the cafeteria into the moonlight campus.

Next: Chapter 2

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