Finding the Needle in the Haystack


Published on Sep 7, 2007


Disclaimer: This is story is ENTIRELY fictional and the characters are my own. you may not reproduce this story unless permission is given.

The following day, Sophie and I rose and spent the day around the city, shopping and talking excitedly about whether Kate and Skinny Boy would text us. The day passed by smoothly and we had a good time. Skinny Boy phoned up Sophie and they arranged to meet that night. Pleased as I was, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealously. Was Kate just playing hard to get again? Was I to phone her, or should I play it cool as well? So many questions, such is the beauty of teenage lust!

Evening came around and we went to a bar, a straight one this time, to meet Skinny Boy and some of his friends. I was feeling pretty bleak about the whole thing, but I'd dragged Sophie along with me the other night, so I told myself to stick it out. We arrived at a brightly lit open bar, with tables and chairs littering the veranda outside and music and cigarette smoke spilling from inside, accompanyed by cheers and laughter which reverberated around the night. I hadn't dressed particularly nicely for the occasion, I was wearing smart black jeans and tight grey top that had buttons halfway down the front. Sophie wore a summery, flowing dress which was black and white and hugged her curvacious figure. We picked our way through the crowds, to a table where Skinny Boy sat, with two other girls and two other boys. When I noticed the girls weren't to bad to look at, I perked up a bit. Skinny jumped out of his seat on sight of us and kissed Sophie nervously on the cheek. She flushed and grinned and I shook my head to myself, smiling.

"Sit down, honey!" One of the girls said, adressing me and patting the seat next to her. I slipped into it and beamed at them.

"Thanks, I'm Jess and you two are..?" I said, politely.

"I'm Karla," said the girl with poker straight, black hair and slightly frightening make-up. (She seemed friendly, despite the cold exterior).

"I'm Tilly, good to meet you," smiled the other girl, who had curly ginger hair and a milky, freckly complexion. She wore a navy blue top which went perfectly with her bright hair.

"So are you guys on holiday? How'd you all know each other?" I questioned.

"Yeah, we all came as a group, poor Liam is the odd one out here!" Laughed one of the boys, who had brown hair with blonde highlights and huge, warm blue eyes. I knew on instant that he was gay.

"I'm Ian and this is Danny, say hello Danny," Ian said sternly, prodding Danny out of his conversation.

"Hello! You're Jess, right, I think I caught your conversation earlier," Danny said, extending his hand to shake mine.

"I see, so you two are, you know, together?" I asked, but warily incase I was wrong.

"Yes darling and so are they," Liam replied, gesturing over to Karla who was now sitting atop Tilly's knee.

"And this is why Liam is the odd one out, right?" I laughed.

"Yes, oh yes, this is why we're taking it in turns going to gaybars and straight bars!" Tilly chimed, smiling quickly at Karla.

"So, if Liam is straight and we forced him to the gaybar last night, where he met Sophie, who is also straight, she must have been forced there too, right?" Ian said slyly, narrowing his eyes at me.

I looked over at Sophie nervously, but she was sitting next to Skinny, having an animated conversation about, seemingly, cucumbers. I felt unsure, I'd only ever came out to people at my school, these people were perfect strangers..but then again, they were gay themselves, they weren't going to judge me.

"Yes, well, know," I trailed off, feeling myself start to blush.

"It's ok hon, don't worry. Are you gay or bi?" Karla cooed.

"Gay, I'm pretty sure, not 100% but almost,"I muttered, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Ok, cool, well we're both bi," Tilly motioned to herself and Danny, "And these two are the homo's," she grinned, pointing at Karla and Ian. "Welcome to the ranks!"

I suddenly felt a lot better and joined in conversations with all of them. They were all very interesting and had a frightful amount to say. I was pleased that I was involved in every conversation, they were really trying to make me feel at ease.

After a few drinks, Sophie and I needed the toilets so we made our way through the now packed out bar and into the cool corridors of the toilets. In the ladies, Sophie and I leaned against the sinks, checking our make-up and talking.

"Any word from Kate?" Sophie asked, casually.

"Nah, maybe she's playing hard to get," I wondered aloud.

"Perhaps. Do you like all of Liam's friends? Aren't they all so lovely? Isn't LIAM?" Sophie said, happily.

"Yes, Sophie, they're lovely," I sighed, exasperated. Feeling slightly dampened after Kate being brought up, I was going to suggest that I headed off back to the hotel, when I felt my phone ring in my pocket. I snatched it out, elated to see it was Kate.

"Hello...yes...helllooo to you too...well, yeah, you?, no, I'm at...yeah...yeah if you like! Good idea...It's this bar...Uh...Latitude or something...yeah...ok then! Yeah, go for it..all right...see you!" I clicked off and beamed and Sophie, who was staring at me in earnest.

"What did she say?!" She cried.

"She's coming down here with some of her mates as well!" I leapt in excitement and hurriedly checked my appearance in the mirror. Sophie dragged me away and we squeezed through the people back to our new friends.

"Jessica's GIRL is coming down with some of her friends, is that ok?" Sophie said mischievously.

"Yeah that's fine! JESS you didn't tell us you had yourself a GIRL ALREADY?" Karla screeched, incredulously.

"Well, she's not exactly, I mean I met her last night, please don't say that in front of her! I don't know what we are!" I stuttered, feeling a wave of nerves well up inside me.

Tilly and Karla laughed, "We wouldn't, we understand, don't worry!" They winked. Danny and Ian gave me knowing smiles and I knew I was going red again. I sat, waiting eagerly, joining half-heartedly into the conversations, but I couldn't help looking at the door every so often. I was excited and jittery, I hoped Kate still liked me!

After about fifteen minutes, a group of girls came jostling in, waving at friends and searching over heads. I saw a flash of chestnut coloured hair and my stomach somersaulted with glee. Kate approached our table, flashing that grin which gave the impression that she was hiding nothing, she was all on show, what you see is what you get. I liked that about her.

"Hi," she addressed the table before turning her gaze on me and slinking into the seat next to mine. Her friends began pulling up chairs from all around and joining us, all of them pretty, pretty, ordinary looking girls who emanated self belief and coolness. I loved the aura around them.

Kate's arm snaked around my shoulder, I felt the heat coming off her body and felt my nipples and throat simultaneously tighten.

"This is Louise, that's Rose, there's Leigh and that's Alysha, we all live around here and met Jessica and Sophie last night," Kate informed the table, as everyone began exchanging friendly smiles and chatter. There was quite a crowd of us now and I was gobsmacked to discover that out of all of the group of girls Kate had brought along, not one of them was straight. They were all of varying sexualitys, but the only straight people in the crowd were, infact, Sophie and Skinny. I was doing the maths in my head in amazement and realised that ten out of the twelve people here liked people of the same sex. This truly WAS the place to be. Right then I was glowing, I was so happy to be here and everybody was so friendly and getting on brilliantly.

"Wow, finding a straight person here must be like finding a needle in a haystack," I joked to Kate, still in awe while the table was enagaged in multiple conversations.

Kate thought a while.

"You're probably right, I don't think I have that many straight friends at ALL," she said pensively, looking upwards as she thought about her friends. She looked gorgeous, just sitting there. As though reading my mind, her sharp eyes suddenly locked onto mine. I could see the devilish smirk on her moist lips, that she was trying hard to restrain. My mouth went dry as I looked at her and I nearly squeaked when I felt her hand land on my thigh, without breaking eye contact. My eyes grew wider and her smile became harder to disguise. Casually, trying to ignore the throbbing between my legs, I turned back to the table to speak to Alysha. Kate's hand remained and I almost forgot about it until I felt it gliding smoothly up my thigh, squeezing gently.

"OH MY, I mean, yeah, I agree, that-that's awful, yeaaaah," I stumbled as I tried to continue my conversation with Alysha. I bit down hard on my lip and tried to focus on Alysha as she spoke, but that was pretty hard when Kate's hand had it made it to the junction between my legs. I was breathing hard and kept taking a drink to avoid making this obvious to Alysha and our other companions.

"Are you ok?" Alysha asked, curiously.

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyeah," I uttered, barely daring to make too much of a sound. Kate's fingers had started a slow but insistent grind against the crotch of my jeans, rubbing over my clit and then down to my pussy, her fingers fighting the material of my trousers. I was so wet and I knew she could feel that. Keeping a straight face was extremely hard! I gulped and gasped and tried not to squirm as Kate pushed her whole palm over my crotch and gently applied pressure.

Alysha turned to speak to Leigh for a second and instantly Kate was at my ear, breathing her hot words down my neck.

"You look flustered, do you want to go somewhere quieter?" she drawled, barely above a whisper. Her words caused me to shudder in anticipation and I felt the throbbing of my pussy heighten.

"Yes," I croaked.

Kate rose from her chair, beaming around.

"Jess is feeling a little sick, we're just going to go for a walk on the beach, it was lovely to meet you guys," she said, flawlessly, shaking hands and waving.

"I wont be too long, Sophie," I added, waving half apologetically as Kate clasped my hand and lead me outside. The second the cold air hit me in the face, a warm body was flung against me, driving me into the wall and feverishly sucking my lips. Kate ground her hips feverishly against mine, pinning me hard against the stone wall while her searing tongue probed my mouth. I was gasping helplessly, clutching Kate's hips and groaning in ecstasy.

"My place," she told me rather than asking me. She was firm and I knew I couldn't turn back. I'd just have to let her take me. But I think I was ok with that.

I nodded weakly as Kate fiercely grabbed my hand and lead me away. The walk through the dark streets flew past as I gazed in wonder at Kate's back, wondering what was going to happen. My pussy may as well have been a tap, it was so wet. My stomach clenched in delicious anticipation as we finally reached a door. I barely got a chance to look up at the house before I was pushed inside. I heard the door close behind me and immediately felt strong arms wrap around me from behind and milky, white hands cupping my boobs. A wet, fervent, desperate mouth trailed scorching kisses along my neck and under my ear. I was powerless and weak and struggled not to collapse into Kate.

"Upstairs," Kate instructed, releasing me and guiding me up the stairs to a bedroom door. We hurriedly entered and I had time to see a darkened window and a double bed before that sizzling mouth was recklessly overcoming my own.

I felt eager hands pulling at my clothes and all of a sudden I was lurched backwards onto Kate's bed, with her atop me, wildly kissing and sucking the top of my boobs. I wondered slightly where the hell my top had gone and as I attempted to lift my head slightly, my jeans were whipped off and I was swiftly in my underwear. Kate's coarse jeans chaffed delightfully on my pussy as she rubbed herself on me and in a haze I reached for her hips to move her harder over me. Kate leaned forward and I inhaled her mesmorizing scent, before hearing her groan into my ear;

"I want to fuck your brains out so badly,"in that same confident, self assured way.

"Oh shit," I cried, closing my eyes tight to preserve the feeling of insane wanton I was feeling. My pussy was so wet that my thighs felt sticky as Kate's hand prised them roughly apart.

"You're going to cum so hard you scream," she stated simply, nipping my neck and massaging my clit over my soaked underwear at the same time. I was breathing so hard my chest was heaving under the weight of Kate sitting on my abdomen. Without missing a beat, I felt her fingers mercilessly slide into the sticky mess between my legs and felt my pussy walls clinging hard to them.

"Oh god, please," I moaned, having trouble keeping my voice level as Kate teased me. She slowly pushed her fingers all the way in before carefully dragging them back out at a pace slow enough to make you plead. My juices were running freely and I'd no idea I was capable of making that much wetness! I felt hot and flushed as Kate stared down at me looking powerful and in control while I lay underneath her, gazing desperately into her eyes and willing her to fuck me. I saw that familiar smirk return to her features and felt a third finger enter my pussy. Kate started to finger fuck me harder, rubbing my G spot on the way up and thumbing my clit as she drew back out again. She lowered her head to my bra and bit my nipples through the material, all the while pinning my wrists above my head with her free hand.

"Oh god, I can't, oh my god Kate," I was speechless, clawing desperately at words to describe how intense I was feeling.

"What are you waiting for? Cum Jessica," Kate ordered, sternly. I cried out as I felt my climax rapidly approaching and Kate's finger pumping my pussy as hard as she could now. I was about to explode when suddenly she pulled her hand away.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I groaned in disappointment as my orgasm ebbed away.

Kate just smiled again and bought her dripping hand to my lips, smearing it across my face. I licked my juices and felt my pussy clench as Kate took it to her own, sweet mouth and licked it clean.

"I hope you're ready to fucking explode," she said in a gloriously harsh tone. Suddenly her weight was off me and she was between my legs, her mouth inches from my pulsing pussy. She moved up and rested the backs of my thighs on her shoulders, looking up at me in that sultry way that made me throw my head back in desire.

"PLEASE just FUCK me," I yelled, shocked at my own words. I heard Kate laugh and felt her three fingers brutally forced back into me, so hard that I moved backwards on the bed, her fingertips colliding with my G spot. Her mouth encircled my clit, her teeth biting first gently and then much harder. It almost hurt. No, it did hurt. I was moaning wildy out of pain and pleasure as she furiously forced her fingers in as far as she could, biting down on my button.

"OH KATE, OH MY GOD," I was shouting now, with complete disregard for anyone else who may be in the house or even in the whole town. I just wanted to cum all over her cute face, I just NEEDED release.

"Tell me how much you want it," Kate said, firmly, in the level voice she'd been using throughout, the voice that had so much authority I knew I had to obey it.

"I need it so bad Kate, I need you, I'm desperate, I'm begging you, please, oh god please," I cried shamelessy, wrapping my legs tightly around her head.

The squelching sound of my pussy being viciously slammed into in was the sound that started to push me over the edge again. I felt my orgasm building and I was not letting it go this time. My orgasm started to wash over me and I started to moan so loudly I surprised myself.

"I'm CUMMING, OH GOD," I screamed as I trembled and shuddered to a rich orgasm which left me shaking with pleasure. Kate withdrew her hand and licked it clean again, still smirking. She was so sexy, I couldn't believe she'd just fucked me. I lay on my back, sucking in air, staring in astonishment at Kate who was still fully dressed with that grin.

"That was AMAZING, Kate," I exclaimed. There was no way she was missing out on this. I pulled her to me and kissed her hard, tasting myself in her mouth.

"I'm going to make you cum just as hard if it's the last thing I do," I said aggressively, breaking away from her. Kate groaned in the same way I had and I realised how good it felt to have this power over someone...

Kate and I fucked pretty much all night, giving each other as many orgasms as we could until our wrists and jaws ached. I'd never done anything like it, but I loved the skin and curves of Kate's body and would've been quite happy to service it for longer. When I awoke the next morning, I smiled to myself at Kate wrapped around my body, her curly brown hair splayed across her freckled face. My eyes wandered casually over to the clock and I surveyed her bedroom, taking in the posters on the walls and the way everything was organised into neat little draws. Then I realised...

"SHIT," I yelped, scrambling out of bed.

"WHAT? WHAT? WHAT'VE YOU DONE?" Cried an alarmed Kate, sitting upright in bed and holding her head in confusion.

"I didn't go back to the hotel last night!! Sophie's parents are going to kill me!!!" I garbled, frantically pulling on my pants.

Kate sighed in relief and pulled back her shiny hair into a messy ponytail.

"Don't worry, I'll take you back, we'll say you got a bit drunk last night and my place was nearest. They won't suspect a thing, they'll be grateful I'm not a boy," she said, calmly dressing.

I glowed. This girl had an answer for everything.

"Kate...last night-" I began,

"Was fucking mind-blowing," Kate finished, seriously. She looked into my eyes as she said it, sending jolts of excitement through my tired body.

"I've never done that before, you know," I said meekly.

"You did brilliantly, if that's what you want to know!" Kate laughed.

I laughed, pleased. It was around eight in the morning and Kate and I began to sneak down the stairs, holding hands and touching each other to try to make the other make a sound. We were right near the front door, when...busted.

"Kate?" Came a harsh whisper from up the stairs.

Kate froze for a second. There was a creak on the top step.

"Kate? What're you doing?" A groggy looking woman, clutching a gown around her had appeared at the top of the stairs, blinking down at us in confusion.

"Sorry, Mum, this is Jess, she stayed the night," Kate said, carefully.

"Oh...did she now," Her Mum replied knowingly, nodding her head slowly.

For the first time, I saw Kate blush. So she wasn't so confident and outgoing, after all? She had her weaknesses too.

"Come on, Jess," Kate mumbled, waving quickly to her Mother. She dragged me through the front door.

"Does she know?" I asked, nervously.

"That I like girls? Yes. She's caught me fucking them before, it's awful, I really should be more careful. She knows what I'm up to when girls come home with me, normally," Kate said, avoiding my eye. A thought crossed my mind.

" bring girls back to your place a lot then?" I inquired, barely keeping the hurt out of my voice.

"Oh, well, I've had a few there, you know, not many I promise you," she replied sincerely, meeting my eye this time. I believed her and shrugged it off. What did it matter anyway? This was just a holiday thing, we weren't going to be anything serious.

Kate took me back to the hotel and escorted me to the room door.

"Here we are, Miss," she said in a posh voice, presenting the door to me.

I smiled and moved towards her, hands around her waist. I pushed my body against hers and leant her up against the wall.

"Thankyou," I whispered onto her face. I kissed her deeply and slowly, savouring her saliva in my mouth. I groaned slightly and pulled away.

"I better go," I said, reluctantly.

"See you soon," Kate breathed, breaking away from me.

I crept into the dim hotel room, the sounds of my feet cushioned by the carpet. But, as I approached my bed I heard rustling and the next thing I knew, Skinny Boy rushed past me and out of the door. I stumbled backwards in surprise.

"SOPHIE!" I hissed.

"WHAT! You were out all night, too!" came a muffled response, and Sophie appeared beneath the mass of crumpled bed sheets.

"How did you get him in here without your parents noticing?" I giggled.

"Well they were in bed when we came in, so I pretended he was you...they don't know you stayed out all night," Sophie grinned. I heaved a sigh of relief.

"So did you fuck?" she said, abruptly.

I nodded, remembering her taste. "You?"

Sophie nodded too and we stared at each other momentarily before bursting out laughing.

"Well I think we're doing pretty well this holiday!" Sophie joked.

Later that day, we went out with her parents to the pier and on the way back to the hotel we incidientally bumped into Kate and her friends. Kate hugged me, her lips lingering tantalizingly on my neck for a short while.

"Jessica, do you remember when you said trying to find a straight person here was like trying to find a needle in a haystack?" Kate questioned, smiling slyly.

"Yes," I said slowly.

"Well, I found it," she responded, turning around to her friends.

"Jess, meet Ali, the only straight girl in the group," Kate motioned to one girl, who waved shyly.

"I'm Ali and I don't like girls," she laughed.

I laughed too, taking in as much of Ali as possible. She was tall and quite thin with long slender legs and small hips. Her breasts were cute and kind of small and her face, well. Her face was beautiful. She had defined cheekbones with plump, full lips that glistened invitingly. Her face was accompanied by two green eyes, not unlike my own, and a long mane of glorious blonde, wavy hair tumbled down towards her shoulders.

Oh my God, I thought.

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