Finding the Needle in the Haystack


Published on Aug 30, 2007


Disclaimer: this story is ENTIRELY fictional, the characters are my own and you may not reproduce this story unless permission is given.

The story will have sex in it, guys, but not till part two. you can read my other story, summercamp, in the lesbian high school section.

Finding the Needle in the Haystack

Sitting on Becci's plain white sofa, I thumbed idly through a teen magazine, looking for something of interest. It was the middle of summer, and my legs, covered only by shorts, were sticking to Becci's leather sofa.

"Haha, read this," Becci exclaimed in disbelief. She proceeded to read to me one of the problems from the problem pages of her magazine, which regarded the size of a girl's vagina.

I laughed sarcastically and flopped back onto the sofa.

"What's up with you, mardy bum?" Becci asked, eyeing me suspiciously over the top of her magazine.

"I'm fed up of here...everyone's the same," I grumbled, picking at my bitten fingernails.

"You mean, there's no lesbians round here, right?" Becci giggled, duffing me with a cushion. She was partly correct, that was what I meant. It seemed I was the only lesbian for miles around here, and since discovering myself, I was eager to find some like minded people. Most of my friends had been fine with it, that wasn't the problem. I just wanted some people that I could relate to.

"Well, yeah. But more importantly, why're we inside on a smoking hot day, reading rubbish magazines?!" I laughed.

"Because, I am MUCH too tired from our walk from the shop to do anything else," Becci stated, feigning a yawn.

I rolled my eyes. There was a sudden trill, and I leapt off the sofa in surprise as I felt something vibrating beneath me.

"Becci.....!" I cried in mock horror, covering my mouth.

"It's my phone you PERVERT," she shot back, laughing. She flipped open her phone, read the text with a smirk, before flipping it shut again.

"Peter?" I enquired. Peter was her newest victim, aka - her boyfriend.

"Yes, Jessica, yes. Where's the text from YOUR girlfriend?" Becci quipped. I silently cursed her fantastic wit, and pondered to myself the answer to her question, whilst she began garbling on about a pair of shoes. It was of course because I had no girlfriend, but why not? Everybody including the head teacher at my school knew of my sexuality, but I'd still not had any luck. And it was hardly my looks - ok, so I wasn't BREATHTAKING, but I was certainly not ugly. I had swirling green eyes, animated with flecks of yellow, a cute, button nose, an undoubtedly smallish mouth and hair that reached just below my shoulders which was a dark, dirty blonde colour. As for my figure, I was slim, with medium sized boobs and regular curves. I knew plenty of BOYS that wanted me, just no GIRLS.

"You know what you need to do, Jess?" said Becci, forcing me out of my musings.

"What?" I sighed impatiently.

"Go somewhere where they're in STOCK."

"Erm...what?" I was perplexed. Was she talking about some kind of lesbian super store?

"The shoes. To get some, you're going to HAVE to go to somewhere they've got them in stock. They're sold out, EVERYWHERE," Becci said seriously.

I rolled my eyes again. Becci was a typical girl, obsessed with the colour pink, shoes, handbags, shopping and...boys.

"Bex, I've gotta dash now sweetie. I'll see you at school tomorrow," I told her, peeling myself off of her sofa.

"Ok, lezzer. In a bit." Becci replied shortly, and re-emersed herself into her magazine.

I let myself out of the front door, and stepped out into the bright sunshine, shielding my eyes against the unexpected intrusion of light. The air was hot, and my skin tingled as the sun beat down on it. I rested my back against the cool door for a moment, inhaling the grassy scented air. I didn't want to go home yet, but I wasn't sure where I wanted to go either. I stepped out of the shade into the sun, and began walking slowly down the street. There had to be some place that I could go where I had the freedom to find myself. Here, there was no chance. There were no oppurtunies, nothing to reach for. As I strolled, watching my shadow stride along side of me, I thought over what Becci had last spoken to me.

She was infact correct, I had to go somewhere that people like me were in stock. I had to go to a place where lesbians were, in their dozens. But where was this place? I quickened my pace now, eager to get home and fire up my laptop, so I could research. I didn't have a clue where to start - I could hardly go home and type "lesbian land" into Google, could I?

Turning left onto my close, my house was immediately in view. It was a detached, two story house with black railings surrounding it, and colourful flowers lining the sides of the driveway. It was on the corner, and stuck out more so than the others. I let myself in as quietly as possible, hoping nobody would hear me and I could just get up to my bedroom. No such luck.

"HI JESSICA HONEY," my Mum called, materializing in the hallway.

"Hey," I said as brightly as I could. "I'm tired so I'm just going to go up to my room!" I smiled.

Mum nodded and sighed, and I raced up the carpeted stairs and shut myself in my bedroom. Crossing the blue carpet, I stepped over to the mirror that was beside my single bed. I didn't look too bad, I thought. Would I fancy me if I was a lesbian? I laughed to myself and sat down at my desk, facing the large window, and fired up my laptop. Outside I could see the neighbours children running around in the front garden, and the thirteen year old boy from up the road skated by on his skateboard, calling things to the other kids. Life was so simple when you were that young, hey?

I sat at my laptop, spinning idly on my chair as I checked through my essentials: email, MSN, horoscope and the networking sites that I never used anyway. If one in ten people were supposed to be gay, then where the hell were all the homo's hiding???

I was jerked awake the following morning by my old fashioned alarm clock blaring in my ears. As usual, I'd fallen asleep with my head on my desk by the laptop. Feeling sick, I ambled over to the mirror to see the pattern of my desk imprinted onto the side of my face. I sighed, tied back my hair, dressed for school with all the enthusiasm of a robot and left as quickly as possible. The morning sun was shining far too brightly for a person who'd just woken up slumped over their desk, and I rammed a pair of sunglasses on. At least the summer holidays were coming soon, I thought. I heard the sound of people jostling around as I neared closer to the school gates, and as I passed a group of older boys, I was met with wolf whistles and jeers. I sighed and grumbled to myself, it wasn't that I wasn't flattered, it's just that they weren't what I was looking for!

I reached the school and looked around the grey buildings, splayed around in all directions, as though someone had temporarily built them there, only to forget to move them to their real places. As I scanned the hoards of kids for my friends, I heard hurried footsteps behind me. Whirling around, I was met by a very excited Sophie.

"JESS," she screeched, "Mum and Dad say that you can come on holiday with us to Brighton this year, if you like!"

I stared at her. Then I looked up at the sky and wanted to shout, "There is a God!" But thought that might be a bit overboard. Brighton. BRIGHTON. The city of scandal - and more importantly, widely known for it's population of gay people. It was like all my prayers had just been answered.

I restrained myself from screaming with excitement.

"Yes, Soph, yes, I would like that," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. We said our goodbyes and I rushed to my first lesson. I'd never been so excited to get to maths in all my life.

I flung myself through the door and slipped into a seat next to Becci, who, surprise surprise, had her nose in another magazine.

"Becci...guess what?" I said, a playful smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

"You got laid," she replied, not looking up from her magazine.


"The girl of your dreams just told you she was a lesbian."


"The entire netball team have declared their love for you."

"No," I said firmly.

"What then?"

"Sophie, God bless that wonderful girl, has just invited me to go on holiday with her..."

"Great!" Interjected Becci, injecting false enthusiasm into the word.

" Brighton." I finished, proudly.

Becci didn't speak for a moment, I almost checked her pulse.

"But, that's heaven..." she said slowly, looking at me with a sneaky smile.

"Exactly! Clearly, someone up there is looking out for me," I sighed, looking up the ceiling in awe.

"And you can FINALLY get laid," Becci grinned. She always had to have the last laugh.

That night, I almost ran home to ask my parents. Of course, they said yes, but my mother was somewhat reluctant. She was still convinced that she could stamp the gay out of me, despite my Dad telling her to lay off. It didn't bother me, though, I knew she didn't love me any less, and we still always had a laugh together. With all this extra excitement, I didn't know what to do with myself, so inevitably I ended up doing what I normally did when I had a little too much extra time on my hands...masturbating.

I got into bed, discarded my jeans, laid back and closed my eyes. My hands expertly danced across my stomach as my fantasy unfolded in my mind. A girl, my age, had me pinned against a wall as she feverishly kissed my neck, her locks of hair falling across my chest. Her scent filled my nose and her fingers carefully slipped into me as my own fingers circled my clit. As she sped up, breathing heavily into my ear, I started to get much wetter and eased two fingers into myself. I groaned a little, and aroused, she moaned back, her tongue skating across my collarbone and her magic fingers quickening as they moved futher inside me.

"Feels good, huh?" she whispered hotly into my ear.

I moaned again, my back arching as my own two fingers thrust easily through my wetness, stimulating my g-spot, while my other hand urgently rubbed my clit. She gently drew her thumb over my hardening nipple, and I gasped, pulling myself closer.

"I'm going to make you cum," she breathed. Her voice sent tingles down my spine and this brought me to the edge. I came hard, my hands still moving beneath my covers as I convulsed, clenching my teeth to keep from groaning. With a smile, I lay back and brought my hand up to my mouth. Who knows, I thought, going to Brighton may well fulfill this fantasy.

The next couple of days crawled by so slowly and were so repititive, I almost thought I was in the film, "Groundhog Day". I'd finished packing for the week way before the scheduled leaving date, and spent a lot of the days on the phone to Becci, venting my excitement. She was, for once, not engrossed in shoes and was very enthusiastic for me. As it would, the day to leave for Brighton was finally upon me. I'd barely bade goodbye to my parents before I was out the door, skipping to Sophie's car and dragging my surprising light suitcase. Sophie greeted me and took the case off me.

"I am soooooooo excited," I said, smiling widely.

The whole way there we chatted excitedly, discussing what we would do upon arrival, where we would go that night, (both of us being seventeen, it wasn't hard for us to get into bars and the like with a bit of fake ID), what the hotel would be like and anything else we could think of. When we arrived, I literally fell out of the car in my haste to look around. I don't know what I was expecting, perhaps crowds of girls kissing and holding hands, and waving rainbow flags, but certainly not this. These people just looked...ordinary. I saw two men, walking together out of a shop and wouldn't have thought anything of it if they hadn't kissed each other goodbye.

The hotel was a tall, orange building which overlooked the sea. The air smelled fresh and salty and there was always a cool breeze from the water. Added to the constant sound of waves gently crashing and falling, I knew I could get used to it here. We found a bar near by, and I insisted we went to it that night.

"...Is it a gay bar?" Sophie asked, eyeing me suspiciously. I fought to keep my face straight.

"No," I tried to say firmly, averting my eyes and scratching my neck. Although I was hardly convincing, Sophie seemed to buy it. I smirked to myself, knowing I should feel bad, but it wasn't like we had to go to a gay bar everytime we went out. I would happily go along to regular bars with her.

I observed Sophie as she hurried about our hotel room, checking her hair in the mirror and asking whether the top she tried on previously would go better with that skirt. Sophie was pretty; slightly shorter than me, with brown curly hair which fell just past her ears. She had large, green eyes which always looked concerned and a crazy laugh.

"Are you ready then?" I called, impatient.

"Of course. I've been ready for ages," she said seriously and flew past me out of the door. I tutted and followed her out, my excitement starting to mount.

We got to the bar, which was a small, dingy looking place, and we joined the queue. It felt weird to know that most of the people in the line in front of me were probably gay. I tried to distract Sophie from all the loved up, same sex couples.

"Do you think I'll pull?" Sophie inquired, looking sideways at me. Again, I surpressed a smile, rubbing my chin in an attempt to cover my grin.

"Mmm maybe..." I replied, quietly.

"Maybe! We'll see," she growled, playfully hitting me on the arm. We got to the door, quickly showed our ID and we were in. The place was a lot more alive on the inside than on the out, that was for sure. The DJ was loudly playing dance anthems (I guess some things are the same), and the dance floor was pulsing. The air smelled of beer and cigarettes, and everything was flashing different colours from the lights. There was a rainbow flag on one of the walls, and I knew it was only a matter of time before Soph saw it.

"C'mon, let's get a drink," I cried, snatching Sophie's hand and leading her to the bar. The bartender was a woman, and she eyed our locked hands in a pleasing manner.

"What can I get you, ladies?" she said, winking at me.

We got our drinks and found a table, near the dance floor.

"Why was she looking at us so oddly?" Questioned Sophie. This time I couldn't help it, I let out a laugh, amazed that she was still oblivious to where I had taken her.

"...What?" she said, dejected.

"Hahahahahahaahaa," I replied.

Sophie looked around, trying to determine the source of my laughter. I watched her face as slowly, her expression changed as the truth began to sink in. Her bemused smile carefully sank into a frown, and she slowly turned her face to me, looking confused, angry and amused all at the same time.

"You. Said. This. Wasn't. A Gay. Bar," she said, her voice low as she leaned in to me.

"I know, but how else would I have got you here? Come on, it'll be a laugh, and I'll go to your bars with you!" I smiled, trying my best to be cute and appealing.

Sophie sighed heavily and looked around again.

"So you don't think I'll pull then?" she whined, forlorn.

I laughed, seized her hand and pulled her onto the dancefloor.

"Oi, get off! People will think we're together!" She cried, mocking disgust and yanking her hand out of my grip. I moved towards her, so that our bodies were in extremely close proximity. Sophie's breathing seemed to slow down as I moved even closer to her, so our bodies were touching now. I saw her eyes falter on my face and mouth. When I was close enough for me to feel her breath on my face, I moved to her ear, whispered,

"I'd not be seen dead dating you!" and then bounced away, chuckling.

Sophie looked slightly disgruntled, and hesitantly at first started dancing. A few drinks later, we were both dancing shamelessly and wildly, our hair now a mere shadow of what it had been when we left the hotel, and our cheeks flushed.

"Doesn't look like you're going to pull tonight, either!" yelled Sophie, in triumph. I gave her my middle finger to look at.

"I'm just going to the toilet, back in a sec," and with a turn she had disappeared into the throng of dancing people. I made my way back to our table, which surprisingly, was still unoccupied. As I sat down for a rest, a figure moved in front of me.

"That was fast," I said idly, not looking up at Sophie.

"That's the worst chat up line I've ever heard," replied the figure in a bewildered tone of voice. I looked up, shocked to see that it wasn't infact Sophie, it was a girl of about eighteen, with straight, shiny chestnut coloured hair and a cheeky, confident smile. I blushed furiously, realising what was happening.

"Uh, hi, sorry, I thought you were Sophie, she's my friend, I bought her here, I mean she's straight don't worry, she's just my friend," I stuttered wildly. The girl didn't look phased. I guessed it was obvious I was new to this.

"Sssh," she put her finger to my lips. It felt soft, and I was taken aback by how confident she was. But I found her confidence sexy, for sure.

She pulled me out of my chair and back towards the dance floor, and I couldn't help but stare in awe at the way she moved. She seemed to fit in here, probably a local. She danced to my ear.

"I'm Kate," she told me, offering me her hand. I took it. It felt warm and I began to wonder what it would feel like on my body...I realised this was all happening so fast! I also realised that I hadn't replied yet.

"I'm Jessica!" I responded, a little too urgently than I had meant to.

"Nice to meet you, Jess," she grinned playfully, dancing against me as she made eye contact. I was in some state of shock, wondering what had just happened. I didn't know, all I knew was that there was a very hot girl who was seemingly interested in me.

As we danced, I started to loosen up a little. Kate smelled heavenly, it was a mixture of her perfume, the shampoo in her hair as it brushed my face occasionally and the smell of soap on her body. Feeling more confident, I rested my hands on her hips as she danced with her back to me.

"So Kate, are you from around her?" I breathed into her ear, letting my lips brush against her earlobe for a second.

"Yes, I'm guessing you're not? I've never seen you before!" She replied.

"No, I've never been here before. Infact, I've never been to a bar like...this before," I said, a little sheepishly.

"I gathered! But don't worry, you're doing pretty good," she smiled and winked at me.

Just as Kate started to lean in, that so-sure look in her eyes capturing me like a deer in headlights, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Screaming inwardly, I slowly turned around. Sophie was standing there, a sly grin twitching the corners of her mouth and a glint in her eye.

"Having fun?" She asked, her voice raised above the music.

Before I could reply, I noticed a tall, skinny boy with mussed up hair standing beside her, glancing around awkwardly. I gaped. Sophie had pulled in a GAYBAR?

Sophie noted my response, grinned, and kissed my cheek.

"See you back at the hotel, don't be too late," and she'd taken Skinny Boy's hand and was gone.

"I guess it's just us then," Kate said gently, resting her hand on my shoulder.

Her fingers began to entwine themselves in the strap of my top, and I soon realised she was pulling me in towards her again. The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was the cute, brown freckles on her cheeks, and her pale pink lips. Her lips met mine precisely, pushing lightly against mine with confidence and expertise. She kissed me hard and soft at the same time, her lips pressed firmly against mine, but then she'd pull back slightly, making me want to grab the back of her head and hold her there forever. I felt her mouth open, and I met her tongue with my own as she entered my mouth. Her moist tongue slid across mine so delicately that it left me gasping and moaning softly into her mouth, wishing for more force. I wrapped my arms around her waist to steady myself. The kiss was so slow but held so much passion. Too soon, she pulled away and I felt her hot breath caressing my neck and her fingertips drawing a trail up my back. I felt my pants get wet.

"Wow," I sighed, hardly believing what was happening.

She leaned back in to kiss me, and we spent the next two hours dancing against each other and kissing. I was so wet I was almost sure it would be coming through my white jeans. Kate turned me on so much because she was sexy without being direct. A lingering touch here and a quick brush of her hand there, left me reeling and wanting more. All too soon, I noticed the time and realised I'd told Sophie I wouldn't be late. Reluctantly, I broke away from Kate's flaming embrace.

"I've got to go, Kate," I said softly, noticing that her chestnut brown eyes matched her hair tone exactly.

"I'll see you soon?" Kate asked, seeming casual, but not completely disguising the tiny speck of hope in her voice. She was definitely good at playing it cool. I hoped she didn't do this often.

"Yeah, if you like," I smiled, trying to play her at her own game. She laughed, obviously noting this. She rolled her eyes, as if it was against her morals to do this.

"You're supposed to ask me for my number," she said, half laughing. I laughed too, realising I had infact beaten Miss Cool and Casual. We exchanged numbers and Kate kissed me again, a wet kiss which lingered on my lips long after I'd left the sweaty club and entered into the cool night air.

I practically skipped back to the hotel, enlightened that I'd met someone on my first night of being here and she was as hot as hell. I hummed my way back, looking at the rich, deep blue-black of the sky, wondering what happened to Sophie.

When I arrived back at the hotel, the room was lit dimly by a small lamp which was illuminating the stupid smile plastered across Sophie's face as she lay sprawled on her bed.

"Er, Soph, are you...ok?" I said, tentatively.

Suddenly, Sophie sat bolt upright in bed and I knew she was about to launch into the events of her night.

"Well, Liam and I left the gaybar, can you believe that? I pulled in a gaybar! Anyway, we left, he said he was only there with his friends as well, and we went outside and kissed for ages and it was soooo good, and then we walked along the pier and we have sooo much in common, then he walked me back and got my number and OH he's just sooooooooooooooo perfect," she gushed, gasping for air.

I was taken aback, but happy for her nontheless.

"I'll never must be the only person that can find someone to get off with in a gaybar, Sophie! When will you see Skinny Boy again?" I chuckled to myself.


"Uh, I mean when will you be seeing Liam again?" I said quickly.

"Tomorrow, probably. So come on then, what happened to you and that girl? She looked nice."

A ridiculous smile began to present itself and before I knew it I'd explained the whole thing to Sophie, who stared at me with a mixture of curiosity and pride.

"We're machines. We both pulled on the first night. Now get some sleep, you want to beautiful for Karen, don't you?" Sophie said, falling back onto her bedsheets.

"KATE," I corrected, sternly.

"I know and you thought I didn't hear you call him Skinny Boy," she replied into the darkness.

We snickered and lay there, both of us immersed in daydreams of tomorrow, watching the shadows of our future selves being played on the back of our eyelids.

Next: Chapter 2

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