Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Aug 10, 2018


--------------Chapter 9--------------------

Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

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From Chapter 8

"So, it's 11pm. Eric said he has you covered with your mom until morning. Want to hang out here for a while or what? No pressure, I'm in for the night, got an early shift at the diner tomorrow."

I reached over and placed my hand on Jorge's leather covered crotch and said "I want to stay SIR".

"Nice, boy" Jorge said with a look that screamed lust and sex.

Chapter 9

"Get out of the car and strip boy" Jorge said in a newly commanding voice.

"But the garage door is still open, someone could see..." I started to protest.

Jorge grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me across the center console of the car so that his face was no more than an inch from mine. "Look bitch, you've already shown what a slut you are crawling around licking men's jocks, sucking cocks and getting fucked. Fucking do what you're told or get your ass out of my house and go home to mommy." Then he spit in my face.

Fuck, what have I gotten into? Who was this guy? This isn't the easy going guy who I'd just been talking to in the car. Fuck, he smelled so good.

"You got two minutes boy" Jorge said "If you want it, and I know you do, strip, step inside the doorway to the laundry room and put this on." I looked down at what he handed me, it was a blindfold, black and leather.

Jorge got out of the car and walked in the door to the laundry room. I got out of the car and looked out in the driveway at my truck. I could just get in it and drive home. But, I don't want to let Jorge down. I want him to be happy with me. I removed my clothing as fast as I could. My cock certainly seemed happy, standing up against my abs rock hard and leaking pre-cum despite having blown three loads tonight.

I walked across the cold concrete floor to the door where Jorge had gone and turned the knob and stepped into the laundry room. The lights in the laundry room were off and a dim light showed through from the other door into the house. I heard the garage door start going down out in the garage and also heard the electronic lock on the laundry room door lock. Jorge must have it all connected wirelessly.

Putting the blindfold on, I faced the door to the house and assumed the position that Austin and Cameron had taught me. Feet shoulder width apart, eyes facing downward, not that I could see anything with the blindfold on, and hands behind my back.

I'm not sure how long I stood there. It seemed like a long time but probably was just minutes. I felt a presence near me and could hear breathing.

"Remember, cappuccino" I heard Jorge whisper in my ear. "From this point forward, you're mine to play with and use as I want until either I'm done with you, it's morning and I need to get to work or you use the safe word. Got it?"

I nodded and suddenly felt what I found out later was a leather paddle smack my ass, hard. I let out a yelp.

"When I ask you a question, you speak up and answer me loud and clear" Jorge barked at me loudly and gave me another crack on the ass.

"I asked you if you understood what I just told you. Do you!". By now, he was yelling very loudly.

"Yes SIR" I yelled.

"Better. You're going to need quite a bit of training. Those guys tonight were easy on you. I'm not going to be so easy. But, from the look of your cock, you want it" Jorge said as I felt him stroking my cock.

I moaned.

"Here" Jorge said and took my right hand and put it against his cock and balls. "Feel that bitch. That is going to tear you up tonight. You will worship it, you will beg for it, you will do whatever I tell you to do just to get to touch it again." He pulled my hand away just as I was starting to stroke his cock without even thinking about it. I put my hand back behind my back and clasped my other hand, returning to the position.

"Let me see what that pussy of yours looks like after Derick used it" Jorge said and turned me and pushed me up against either the washer or dryer and pushed on my upper back until I bent over the machine.

I felt him rubbing his fingers against my hole. "Nice, he did a good job getting you ready for me. I might have to find him on the the membership list, text him and see if he wants to come over and have another run at this pussy before we're done tonight."

Suddenly, I felt Jorge start to lick my hole. He ran his tongue up and down and pushed it into my hole several times. I moaned loudly.

"You're noisy. I think we can do something to help." I felt something that felt like leather being put over my face. "Take a deep breath" Jorge told me.

As I did, I was overcome with the man smell. It was like Austin's smell, somewhat different but still intoxicating.

"That's the leather jock I wore this evening. You're smelling my cock and balls and sweat. Breath it in, you know you want it."

I took several more deep breaths before Jorge shoved the jock in my mouth and wound what felt like a leather strap around my head to keep it in place. Every breath I took, I could smell him, my tongue was licking the leather to taste as much of him as possible. I felt like I was getting high off of his smell and taste.

Jorge resumed eating out my hole. "Mmm, I can taste the load Derick left in your cunt boy. You're such a little slut letting a man fuck you and dump his load in you."

I moaned again but the jock in my mouth muffled it.

After a while of eating my ass, Jorge finally stopped. I felt him take my arm and stand me upright again. I then heard the telltale sound of a smartphone camera several times.

"Yeah, taking some pictures to commemorate the occasion. You are one hot fucker standing there in slave position with that blindfold on and my sweaty jock in your mouth. But you need some more accessories" Jorge said.

I wasn't sure what that meant until a few seconds later when I felt a sharp pain from my left nipple. I yelled out but, again, was muffled by the jock.

"Does that hurt bitch? I thought Eric said you liked nipple clamps. I'm just giving you what I thought you liked." Jorge said as he attached the other clamp to my right nipple. I tried to yell again. Eric had even told Jorge about what he caught me doing with the clamps way back when this journey started?

"Come on boy" I heard Jorge say as I felt the clamps on my nipples get pulled forward. Not wanting to have my nipples ripped off, I quickly followed.

We didn't go very far before Jorge stopped and I heard a door close behind me.

"This is my little playroom" I heard Jorge say. "It's not as elaborate as the stuff you saw at Malcolm's place for the party but I think we'll have enough to make things interesting. It's also well insulated so the neighbors aren't going to hear you scream, and you will scream."

Suddenly, I felt Jorge grab my ball sack, circle his fingers above my balls and pull down. I moaned from the pain/pleasure. I felt him putting something around my ball sack.

"That's a parachute for your balls" Jorge said. "We're going to see if they can handle some weight. I'll start with a two pound weight, not much but enough that I think you'll notice it"

I saw stars in my closed eyes behind the blindfold as I felt my balls yanked down. Jorge must have connected the weight and just let it drop. I yelled around the jock in my mouth.

"See there, you noticed. We'll add some more weight as the night goes on."

I felt the clamps on my nipples being pulled again and automatically started walking to follow and keep them intact.

"Hold your arms out straight from your sides" Jorge ordered.

I raised my arms in front of me, probably looking like a mummy in a bad horror movie.

Suddenly, I felt the weight ease off my balls and then more stars as Jorge dropped the weights again. I tried to scream through the jock gag.

"You dumb fuck" he said with anger in his voice. "I said out from your sides, like you're on a cross not out in front of you. When you fuck up, you get more weight on your balls, that was another five pounds."

Note to self, don't fuck up.

I felt bands being put on both my wrists and then Jorge took each arm and raised it over my head and I could feel the bands being connected to something. When he let go, I could not bring my arms down. I then felt bands being put on each of my ankles and my legs were pushed apart almost as far as I could get them apart and still stay standing. I felt something put between my legs and I was unable to bring my legs together again. I heard a clinking sound and my arms started to spread apart further and pull up. When I was standing on my toes, it stopped. It was now taking a lot of effort to keep my balance and not put too much strain on my arms and wrists to keep me upright.

"I don't have the fancy motor like at the party so I have to do it the manual way" Jorge said. Now, let's give you a look at yourself. Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them so you don't get blinded by the light."

I felt the blindfold being removed and was careful to keep my eyes tightly shut. `Don't fuck up' was my new mantra.

"Ok, open your eyes" Jorge said.

When I opened my eyes, I was confused. It was pitch dark, no different than with the blindfold on. Then I noticed a light over me slowly getting brighter and illuminating me. I then noticed a full mirror in front of me giving me a full view of me. As the light became brighter, I saw myself, arms spread wide above me, legs spread wide with a spreader bar between them, mouth stuffed with a leather jock, clamps on my nipples and a parachute on my balls with weights swinging between my legs. All the work Austin had put me through at the gym was paying off and I was rock hard at the image in front of me. It was as hot as any picture I'd whacked off to online.

I heard more camera clicks from the smartphone.

"Getting some more still shots. Also, everything going on here is being video recorded" Jorge said from somewhere behind me. "I've got to say, Josh, you are one hot fucker."

Jorge snapped some more pictures and then I saw him step in front of me.

"How you doing boy?" Jorge asked.

"Good sir" I tried to say through the jock gag in my mouth. `Don't fuck up' was all I could think.

"Good boy, you tried to do what you were told even though you had the gag in. I like that obedience. Do you want more boy? You can nod or shake your head for now" Jorge said.

I didn't hesitate, I nodded vigorously.

"Good boy. Let's make sure those balls and nipples don't get bored" Jorge said as he picked up some ball weights from somewhere just outside of the light.

"Look in my eyes boy" Jorge said.

I looked into Jorge's eyes and almost melted from lust and fear of what I saw.

"Keep your eyes looking at me boy"

I felt the clamps on my nipples moving and then incredible pain as the weight Jorge must have connected to the chain was allowed to drop, yanking my nipples downward and digging the clamp into me more. I yelled through the gag but never took my eyes away from Jorge's eyes.

I then felt the weight lifted off my balls.

"You know what's coming right boy" Jorge said.

I nodded, not losing eye contact.

"You want it don't you boy. There's another five pound weight on there, that's twelve pounds total."

I felt a knot in my stomach as I knew what was coming but I kept eye contact and nodded.

I screamed in pain as the weights dropped and hit bottom pulling my nuts away from my body and swinging back and forth. Still, I kept eye contact.

"Good boy, very impressive" Jorge said. He reached forward and began stroking my chest and abs, eventually moving down and stroking my rock hard cock. "Very, very impressive".

Jorge increased his grip on my cock and began stroking it more aggressively. Then he stepped around behind me and reached around from behind and continued to stroke my cock while rubbing his cock up and down the crack of my ass.

The view in the mirror was almost more than I could handle. Me standing there stretched out in my bondage, nipples and balls in pain, my cock being expertly stroked and a cock rubbing up and down my ass crack.

"You are not permitted to cum boy" Jorge whispered in my ear. "Make sure you let me know before you get there. If you cum without permission, you will receive a severe punishment."

Jorge continued working my cock and rubbing his cock against my ass.

I felt that feeling starting to build. I tried to say "I'm getting close" but it didn't sound clear through the gag.

"Getting close huh?" Jorge said. "Good, now remember, don't cum" as he continued to work my cock and I felt a finger of his other hand find my hole and begin to push in.

"Sir sir sir, I'm going to cum" I tried to scream. There was no way I could hold out if he continued this. I shook my head as hard as I could trying to make him understand.

Just as I thought I was going past the point of no return, everything stopped. Jorge let go of my cock, removed his finger from my ass and stepped away, out of the light where I could no longer see him.

I was standing there, looking at myself in the mirror, panting like I'd just run five miles at a sprint pace and shaking from the almost orgasm I had just had. My cock seemed hard enough to drive nails with and the precum was flowing from the head.

"Damn nice boy" I heard Jorge say from the darkness. "Damn nice. I've got to admit, I'm impressed."

The idea of pleasing Jorge made me feel so good. I realized the pain and suffering was worth it if it pleased him. I was starting to understand the masochist role and the desire to please my master.

Jorge stepped in front of me and removed the leather strap holding his jock in my mouth and removed the jock. He leaned in and kissed me deep and hard pushing his tongue deep into my mouth. I happily reciprocated. After one of the hottest kisses I've ever experienced, Jorge stepped back a bit and looked at me.

"We have two choices and, since this is your first time, I'm going to let you choose. I can remove the clamps and the parachute, untie you and take you upstairs to my bedroom and ravage your mouth and ass with my cock. Or, I can leave you tied up, maybe remove the clamps or the parachute and we can explore some corporal. I'll still fuck you after the corporal but it'll be hardcore, `I want to hurt you' fucking. If we go upstairs, it will be more passionate, still hard mind you but I'll kiss you while I rape your ass."

Jorge paused for a moment, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Well, what is your decision boy?"

"Permission to speak freely SIR?" I yelled.

"Normally the answer would be no and I'd add some weight to those balls and nipples as punishment for not answering my question but I'm feeling generous tonight. Speak freely boy" Jorge said with an amused grin.

"SIR, I would love both but..."

Yet another cliffhanger...let me know what you think.

Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

Next: Chapter 10

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