Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Jul 21, 2018


--------------Chapter 7--------------------

Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

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From Chapter 6I jumped up, wanting to try to regain some standing. Austin calmly stood up and just looked at me as if to say "and...".

I just stood there. Austin stepped forward, put his hands on my shoulders and pushed down. I went on my knees and was at eye level with his crotch.

Austin stepped forward a little more and pressed his leather covered crotch into my face. I could smell the leather and I could smell the sweat and musk off of him. Without thinking about it, I let out a moan.

"You like that don't you bitch?" Austin said quietly but with a sinister tone. "That's what a real man smells like. That's what a real man's cock feels like. Now, you've got two choices. Back off and I'll leave the room and we'll pretend this didn't happen or you can start worshiping my leather with your tongue."

Chapter 7The smell of Austin's leather covered crotch was intoxicating. He continued to press it against my face. Without thinking about it, my tongue came out and I began to lick the leather.

Austin reached down and grabbed the back of my head and ground harder into me. I continued to lick all over the front of his pants and inhale his scent. I could feel his cock through the leather getting hard and my cock was at full hardness in my tight leather pants.

"Yeah, worship that leather. You feel that man cock through there bitch?" Austin said in the same quiet but sinister tone. "You want that don't you? Want to feel the power of my alpha cock in your pussy mouth?"

I groaned more at this, picturing myself totally submitting to Austin and letting him use me like a slut. He was right, I wanted to feel his power take over me.

"Ahem" we heard from the door of the den. Jorge stood there.

Austin didn't let go of my head and continued to grind his crotch against my face.

"I was coming to check on how you were doing, Josh" Jorge said. "But I can see you seem to be doing pretty good, at least based on how hard your cock seems to be."

I looked up at Austin towering over me, his perfectly formed abs flaring out at his pecs which only looked better in the leather harness he was still wearing.

"Austin, you heard Malcolm earlier. Action on the patio or the basement" Jorge said.

"Who says this will turn into action" Austin said with a sneer. "I doubt this little boy could handle me."

Jorge looked at me on my knees with Austin grinding the front of his leather covered crotch on my face and me still licking the leather and taking deep breaths of his scent.

With no warning, Austin let go of the back of my head and used his boot to push me backwards into the chair I had been sitting in earlier.

"I need another beer" Austin said as he picked up his empty bottle and started for the door.

Jorge put a hand on Austin's chest and started to say something quietly to him, too quiet for me to hear. Austin looked Jorge in the eyes and nodded and continued out the door.

Jorge stepped to me and put a hand out to help me to my feet.

"Wow, you picked the alpha of the alphas to try out some submission with Josh" Jorge said."

"I didn't really mean for it to happen, it just kind of did" I said.

"That happens with alphas like Austin. Guys with submissive tendencies just kind of naturally give themselves over to them. It didn't look like you minded what he was doing."

"No, it was something about the smell of the leather and of him" I said.

"Smells can be a powerful aphrodisiac" Jorge said. "It doesn't make sense but alphas seem to have a unique smell that just gets to you. The fact that he had just worked up a good sweat with Cameron helped make his smell even stronger. Add in the leather and it's a pretty powerful cologne. Too bad we can't bottle it."

"What did you say to Austin before he left" I asked?

"Now, if I wanted you to know what I said, I would have said it loud enough for you to have heard." Jorge said in a voice that suddenly sounded a little more stern and loud.

"Yes, sir, sorry sir" I said.

"Come with me" Jorge said in a voice that was clearly an order, not a request.

I followed Jorge out of the den and through the house to the door in the kitchen I had noticed earlier that I assumed lead to the basement. We went through the door and, as expected, it lead to a set of stairs downward. At the bottom of the stairs we were in a good sized room that was dimly lit by burning torches around the walls that looked to be made of stone. In the dim light, several pairs and larger groups of men were in various states of groping and kissing. Several guys were on their knees sucking cocks or eating asses.

"Last reminder, Josh, cappuccino" Jorge said as he removed my leather jacket and vest leaving me in just my boots, leather pants, leather harness and armbands.

"Now, I think you have some work to complete boy" Jorge said as he turned me so that I could see Austin sitting alone on a stool in a corner of the room. He had removed his leather harness and pants and was just wearing a leather jock and his boots. He was leaning back against the stone wall and drinking his beer. He gave me a look up and down and took another drink of the beer while he reached down and adjusted his package in the jock.

"Fuck me" was all I could think. I was scared as hell but also so fucking turned on by Austin right now.

Jorge gave me a little shove. I stepped forward. Austin looked up at me and then down at his leather jock covered crotch and motioned with his head as if to say "get down there".

Without another thought, I dropped to my knees in front of Austin and dove onto his jock with my face. The smell, oh my god the smell! The jock was a bit small to contain Austin's cock and balls and I could see through the gap that he kept his crotch neatly trimmed. I looked up at Austin and he was watching me and continuing to drink his beer.

I continued my worshiping of his package with my tongue. Once I had thoroughly covered the leather in my saliva, I continued to one side of the jock and kept licking in the space between the jock and his leg. The smell was even stronger and I found myself burying my mouth and nose in between his legs.

Austin spread his legs some more and gave me more access to worship his crotch.

Lost in licking and smelling Austin, I realized I was hearing kissing and looked up. Austin was deep in a kiss with the guy I recognized as Cameron from school. Cameron was only wearing a red leather jock and boots. The bite marks from the clamps on his body confirmed that it was him in the gazebo earlier.

Austin was twisting, pulling and pinching Cameron's left tit. I could hear Cameron groaning but never breaking the kiss.

I must have unconsciously stopped my worship as I watched these guys share their passion. Austin suddenly broke the kiss and they both looked down at me.

"I don't recall anyone telling you to stop" Austin said quietly and firmly.

"Yes sir, sorry sir" I said and resumed my licking and smelling. I found myself trying to get my tongue under the jock so I could taste his cock and balls.

After a few more minutes, I felt a hand reach down and grab me by the hair and pull me off Austin's crotch. Austin held my head while he stood up and Cameron sat down on the stool. Austin shoved my face into Cameron's jock and held it there until I resumed licking and smelling as I had for Austin. Jorge was right, Cameron's smell was different than Austin's. It was still turning me on but not as strongly as Austin's.

Once I got into a groove on Cameron's jock, I felt Austin's hand reach down my chest and found my right nipple. He began to rub it and gently squeeze it and then I felt his other hand on my other nipple.

We continued for a few minutes and I began to notice Austin's work on my nipples was getting more aggressive. I began to feel some pain as he stepped up the squeezing and added in twisting and pulling. I suddenly gasped as Austin bore down on my right nipple with his fingernails. It felt just like the clamps I had been using at home but different because he mixed the pinch with twisting and pulling. He added the same treatment to my left nipple.

"Don't forget to keep worshiping his jock boy" Austin whispered in my ear. I had stopped my licking, getting lost in the feeling on my nipples.

I quickly resumed my worship of the leather covering Cameron's cock and balls. Austin continued the assault on my nipples. I thought my cock was going to rip through my leather pants it was so hard. Cameron was also clearly hard. I looked up at Cameron's face and he reached down and rubbed my head and said "good boy, make sure my jock is nice and clean."

Austin stopped working my nipples and grabbed my hair again and pulled me up to standing. He also reached over and grabbed Cameron's arm and pulled him up as well. Cameron and I were face to face,

"Kiss" Austin ordered. Cameron leaned forward and began kissing me deep with plenty of tongue. I happily reciprocated.

"Work each others nipples, hard" Austin ordered.

Cameron reached out and resumed the pinching, twisting and pulling that Austin had been doing. I reached out and started working his nipples in a similar way. Both of us were moaning as we continued to kiss. One of us would step up the nipple assault on the other and the other would return the favor until we were both moaning in pain as we kissed.

"Do you want to cum boy" Austin whispered in my ear?

I nodded as well as I could without losing contact with Cameron's lips.

"Do you want Cameron to make it happen?" Austin again whispered in my ear?

I nodded again, still keeping the kiss going.

"Do you want to make him cum too?" Austin asked.

I nodded harder, losing the kiss and saying "Yes please sir".

"Get your cocks out" Austin ordered.

Cameron kept kissing me but stopped assaulting my nipples long enough to push his jock down so it fell to the floor around his ankles. He resumed on my nipples.

I undid my leather pants and tried to slip them off. They were too tight and I was too sweaty from all the action the I couldn't make them drop.

"Cameron, get his pants off him now" Austin ordered.

"Yes sir" Cameron said and immediately got to work on getting my pants down. I stepped out of the pants.

"Cameron, assume the position" Austin ordered.

Cameron stood up straight, feet shoulder width apart, hands clasped behind his back and looked down at the floor.

Austin looked at me, nodded towards Cameron.

"That's slave position. When you serve a man, this is the position you stand in unless and until he tells you to do otherwise." Austin explained.

I quickly did my best to repeat what I saw Cameron doing.

"Not bad" Austin said. From him, this felt like a high compliment and I realized I was focused on nothing but pleasing him.

"So, Josh, you want to cum, you want Cameron to make you cum and you want to make him cum?" Austin asked.

"Yes sir" I said looking up at him.

"Don't look at me boy, keep your eyes downward at the floor until I tell you do to otherwise!" Austin barked. He reached out and grabbed my right nipple and pinched it and pulled it until I moaned in pain.

"That's a mild punishment for disobeying orders" Austin said as he released my tit.

"Cameron, take Josh into our room" Austin ordered.

"Yes sir. Please come with me Josh" Cameron said.

Cameron lead me to a doorway in the room that I hadn't noticed. Through the door was a long hallway lit by torches like in the room we had just left.

About halfway down the hallway, we turned to another hallway.

"Malcolm expanded his basement a lot after he bought the house. It extends out under the backyard" Cameron said quietly as we stopped at a door. Cameron entered a code in the keypad next to the door and the door clicked open. We walked into a small room that contained a storage cabinet with a padlock on it and a bed with what appeared to be a black leather sheet covering the mattress.

"Sir will be here shortly" Cameron said. "Get back into slave position facing the foot of the bed"

Cameron and I both got back into our positions facing the bed with our backs to the door. After a few minutes, the door clicked again, opened and closed.

"Cameron, bed on your back" Austin ordered.

"Yes sir" Cameron said as he moved to comply.

I remained in my position looking at the floor. I heard some metallic rattling but resisted the temptation to look.

"Josh, crawl on top of Cameron, put your cock in his mouth and start face fucking him" Austin ordered. "Don't be gentle, he doesn't want it gentle. Once you get your rhythm going, you start sucking him."

I raised up my eyes and saw Cameron spread out on the bed, arms chained to the top of the bed and ankles in chains that had his legs in the air and left his ass exposed. His face was covered with a hood that looked like the one he had worn in the gazebo earlier. There was only a hole for his mouth. I looked at Austin for confirmation.

"You know how to stop things boy. Either say the word or follow your orders or prepare to be punished" Austin barked.

I crawled on the bed and positioned myself to straddle Cameron's hooded head. I put the head of my cock at the opening in his hood. My thick cock was barely able to fit. I started to ease my cock into his mouth. I could feel his lips and tongue get to work on my cock.

"I said don't be fucking gentle" Austin said and slapped my ass hard.

I let out a yell and, before thinking about it, plunged my cock all the way into Cameron's mouth. Cameron didn't react, just kept working my shaft with his tongue. I looked down at Cameron's cock was fully hard and leaking precum.

I started moving in and out of Cameron's mouth, trying to be gentle but also not incur Austin's wrath for being too gentle. Once the rhythm felt right, I carefully leaned forward and took Cameron's cock in my hand to raise it up. I licked the head and tasted his precum. I then began working my lips around the shaft, taking care to not graze it with my teeth, just as Thomas had taught me. Before long I had a good motion going. Thrusting into Cameron's mouth as I lifted off his cock and taking his cock in my mouth and throat as I pulled out of his mouth.

"Neither of you are permitted to cum until I tell you to" Austin ordered.

Fuck, I wasn't sure I could hold out much longer. I tried to ease off Cameron's cock and ease off my fucking of his face.

"Nice try" Austin said as he smacked my ass again. "Keep working it. Cameron needs to work on his self-control and I'm pretty sure it won't hurt you either."

I tried to shift my brain to other topics. Dead puppies, rotten food, anything to distract my cock that felt like it could go off at any second.

I noticed Austin step up to the end of the bed between Cameron's legs. I could only see his boots and lower legs. Suddenly, Austin's black jock dropped down his legs and he stepped out of it.

"I think I'll make it a little harder for you guys to not cum" Austin said.

I got my first look at Austin's cock as he stepped forward between Cameron's legs. LIke the rest of Austin, his cock was amazing looking and a little intimidating. Looking to be at least 9 inches in length, uncut with a head that was disproportionately large compared to the shaft which wasn't small to start with. Hanging below his cock was an impressive set of golf ball sized nuts that hung low.

Austin stepped forward and positioned his cock head at Cameron's hole. With no warning and no lube, he thrust forward and went balls deep in Cameron. I felt Cameron convulse under me and heard and felt a scream as he continued to take my mouth fucking.

Wow, wasn't expecting this chapter to lead here. I was stuck on where to go for a while and, somehow, this made sense. As always, your ideas and contributions to are welcome. This chapter has several ideas inspired by other readers.

Next: Chapter 8

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