Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Jul 9, 2018


Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

HELP DEVELOP THE STORY - I"ve heard from a few folks after chapter 5 - lots of ideas about characters. I'll do my best to incorporate some of them while keeping the story somewhat realistic. Give me feedback and suggestions at Some things I'm wondering about and would appreciate ideas on: 1) how much of Josh's discovery story do we tell before we return to that door in Los Angeles where we started? 2) How does Josh interact with Austin now that Josh has seen him in action at the show? 3)Will Eric and/or Jorge play with Josh? 4) Is Josh a masochist/slave or a sadist/top? 4) Someone suggested that maybe Roger, the guy banging Josh's mom before the divorce, make an appearance. Yes/No? What would it be?

And now, back to our story...

I followed Jorge and the rest of the crowd back into the house leaving Cameron laying on the ground under the gazebo. A few people headed for the door but most seemed to be staying. Some were at the bar refreshing drinks and mingling around talking and I noticed a lot of them heading towards a door in the kitchen that I guessed lead to the basement Malcolm had mentioned before the show. I looked around for Austin but there was no sign of him.

Jorge guided me over to the bar for some more club soda and then lead me to a small den area off the main hallway and gestured for me to sit and he sat across from me.

"So, based on the bulge in your pants, I'm guessing something about that show was exciting for you. I probably should have told you that those leather pants don't hide anything. Don't worry about it, take a look around and you'll see plenty of other bulges, some of them quite big, not that you aren't packing pretty well yourself" Jorge said.

"It definitely was exciting" I said. "It was like that video I told you about on the Internet, live and in person but even more intense. It definitely made me horny"

"Yeah, Austin and Cameron are always a hit when they do the opening show at these parties." Jorge said.

"Are they a couple?" I asked.

"Not in a romantic way. They each have a need that the other fills so it's more like they're golfing buddies, they just swing floggers and whips instead of clubs although I wouldn't put it past Austin to use a club on Cameron and Cameron to like it. They play hardcore, probably as hardcore as anyone around here. I've only seen play on their level when I've attended leather and BDSM events in Chicago or San Francisco."

"What kind of events?" I asked.

"Well, in Chicago, there's an International Man of Leather competition. The main part of the event is guys in leather competing for who looks the best but when you get thousands of guys in leather in one city at a time, there's a lot of hotel room, bar backroom and dungeon activity going on. There's also the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. San Fran is a hotbed of gay and alternative lifestyle. There are others but those are a couple of the biggies" Jorge explained.

"Do people from here attend?" I asked.

"Oh yes, including Eric" Jorge said with a smirk.

"Really, wow" I said.

"You looked pretty concerned when Cameron was asking Austin to stop and saying he couldn't take it" Jorge said.

"I know Austin, he's my trainer at the gym. He's mean and intimidating just in workout pants and a t-shirt, in his leather with the flogger, he's amazing and gives off an energy that was frightening. So, yeah, I was worried when he didn't stop but then you reminded me about the safe word. But why was Cameron saying stop and that he couldn't handle it? Why didn't he just use the safe word? I asked.

"That's one of the dynamics of a sadist and masochist that a lot of people don't understand" Jorge said. "First, Austin and Cameron know each other very well and play a lot together like I said. Austin can read Cameron very well and knows how he's doing with the action without Cameron saying it. No honorable sadist would work someone that hard if they didn't know them and no matter how evil Austin can be, he's an honorable man who respects and cares for his submissive. When he's with someone new, he holds back and doesn't unleash all he has on them. Second, Cameron trusts Austin and puts himself, sort of literally, in Austin's hands. I've talked to Cameron and he's what we call a true pain slut which kind of means he's a super-masochist. He wants Austin to push his limits and take him beyond where he himself thinks he can go. It's kind of like Austin training you at the gym. I'm guessing he pushes you and challenges you to do things you either don't want to do or didn't think you could do right?"

"Oh yeah, he takes me way past what I would do if he weren't there" I said.

"And you don't tell him to fuck off or walk away from him or just not do it. You push yourself harder because, deep down, you want the results he's going to get for you, which by the way, it's fucking working!" Jorge explained. "It's kind of like that with Cameron except the result he's looking for is the high he gets from the pain. His mouth may be saying `stop' but in his heart and in his dick, he wants more and that keeps him from using the safe word. I also expect that Cameron knows that Austin gets off even more when Cameron reacts to the pain Austin is inflicting. You looked back and saw what Cameron did when everyone started to walk away right? Did you see how fast and hard he came? He'll likely jack off and cum several more times as he enjoys the soreness and marks that Austin gave him. Hell, he's probably down in the basement right now playing with someone."

"So speaking of the basement, it's your call" Jorge said. "We can hang out up here for a while, we can head home or we can go explore the basement. If we head to the basement, there'll probably be some more demonstrations like you just saw with Austin and Cameron. There will also be some real play that is not scripted. I'm going to go refill my club soda and catch up with a couple guys. You sit here and process what you saw for a bit. Come find me when you're ready for whatever you want to do. I'm here tonight mostly for you so I'm happy to do whatever is right for you."

As Jorge walked away, I couldn't help but admire his ass. He was right, these leather pants hid nothing.

Speaking of not hiding anything, my cock was still at full hardness and I'm sure I was leaking pre-cum inside the leather pants. The show with Austin and Cameron was so fucking hot and yet just a little scary. Was that where I was headed? Am I a sadist, a masochist or what?

"Well, I'm a little surprised to see your ass here" I heard Austin's voice say. I looked up and he was standing in the doorway to the den. "Did you enjoy yourself at the show? I thought you'd be too chicken to come up on stage but you did. I'll give you that."

"It's a lot to take in" I said. "I had no fucking idea about any of this until tonight."

Austin shut the door to the den and came over and took the seat Jorge had been sitting in. He was holding a bottle of bud light.

"Yeah" he said "I remember my first party. I was probably about your age. Malcolm did a fisting demonstration on a buddy of his from New York City."

"Fisting?" I said looking confused.

"Oh you are still a babe in the woods. Let's just say that some guys enjoy taking more than a cock or a dildo up their ass."

"Oh" I said, not sure what else to say. Fuck, that sounded kinda hot too.

"I'll say this" Austin said, looking me up and down. "You should be thanking me for being such a hardass on you. You fill out that leather very well and look pretty fucking hot. Jorge dressed you well for tonight."

"Thanks I guess" I said.

"What, you don't fucking appreciate the work I do?" Austin said his voice rising. His face started to get the look I noticed in the gazebo when he was wailing on Cameron. "Someone fucking pays you a compliment and you say `thanks, i guess' like some pussy. Maybe you should just head home. You're still a little boy and this is all just way over your pretty little head. Next Saturday night, go see a Disney movie or something."

Austin started to lean forward like he was going to stand and leave.

"Wait" I said louder than I expected. "You're right, I should be more appreciative of you being a mean ass mother fucker to me and treating me like dirt because it does make me look fucking hot. There, happy asshole?"

Where the fuck had that come from?

Austin paused and took a long drink of his beer, draining the bottle.

"Look" Austin said as he looked straight in my eyes. "I know I'm a mean ass mother fucker and an asshole and I do treat you like dirt. Wanna know why? Because you need it pussy boy. You need powerful men like me giving you direction. I'll admit, I admire you standing up to me there. That took guts. Don't make a habit of it or you'll seriously regret it. I'm an alpha dog here and I'll only give you that one time."

"How do you know I'm not an alpha as well" I said sneering at him getting more angry at him putting me down.

"You! Alpha!!?? Fuck that's funny. Dude, you still don't know so much. Nobody has to tell you someone is an alpha. You can tell it from how they talk, how they walk, the things they do and how they look. Trust me, you might be a muscle boy, you're welcome by the way, but you are no alpha. An alpha would have been up in my face by now and taking me down for the way I'm talking to you." Austin said.

I jumped up, wanting to try to regain some standing. Austin calmly stood up and just looked at me as if to say "and...".

I just stood there. Austin stepped forward, put his hands on my shoulders and pushed down. I went on my knees and was at eye level with his crotch.

Austin stepped forward a little more and pressed his leather covered crotch into my face. I could smell the leather and I could smell the sweat and musk off of him. Without thinking about it, I let out a moan.

"You like that don't you bitch?" Austin said quietly but with a sinister tone. "That's what a real man smells like. That's what a real man's cock feels like. Now, you've got two choices. Back off and I'll leave the room and we'll pretend this didn't happen or you can start worshiping my leather with your tongue."

Bit of a shorter chapter this time. Felt like a good cliffhanger place to stop. Like I said above, weigh in on the story. The Austin encounter was prompted by a reader that e-mailed me. What does Josh do? What does Austin do?

Next: Chapter 7

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