Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Jul 4, 2018


--------------Chapter 5--------------------

Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

Nifty Archive provides a great service and deserves to get your support. Donate...I did!

This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

This chapter is going to have more action than previous ones but his isn't just a sex story, I enjoy the stories with more content and background. Give me feedback and suggestions at

I sent this to Nifty for reposting to fix a character name issue with Malcolm. The guard at the gate should have been referred to as Monte. New writer here and still learning to keep track of character names. Apologies for any confusion.

Back to school. My senior year was lighter than earlier years as I'd taken some extra courses in my sophomore and junior years so I got out of school two periods early. Eric made arrangements with the school for me to be able to go off-campus and work a shift at the gym. Eric, mom and I talked and agreed I'd not do track this year so I could focus on being ready for baseball in the spring.

On the social side, I'm wasn't dating any girls and wasn't really interested in doing so. I don't know that I'm fully gay but I do know I want to explore men more right now.

One Saturday morning, I decided to drive out to the diner Eric and I visited when he first "discovered" me. Eric had told me that Jorge, a waiter there was someone I could talk to. Jorge had sort of hit on me that day as well. The diner was pretty empty when I arrived. I decided to sit at the counter so Jorge and I could talk while he worked.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Jorge asked as I sat down. He looked as hot as the last time I saw him. He had let his beard grow out some more and it looked damn sexy.

"I see Eric's regimine for you is paying off" Jorge said eyeing me up. I had intentionally wore a tight pair of jeans and a form fitting polo. It really showed off my biceps.

"Yeah, took me a while to get used to eating better but now I hardly miss junk food" I said.

"So, I'm guessing you're not going to order eggs, bacon and hotcakes for breakfast?" Jorge said with a smile.

"No, egg white omelette with spinach and a side of fruit. Water and black coffee to drink please" I asked.

"On it" he said as he punched it into the computer.

After he had delivered my water and coffee and had taken care of the few other customers in the restaurant, I got his attention and he came over to where I was sitting.

"So, I'm not sure how much Eric told you but I've had some revelations about myself since we met" I said quietly. "I'm still not sure of a lot of things but I've decided I do want to explore man to man action some more and potentially look for some more kinky play. You mentioned that we could talk more, so I'm not just here to have breakfast."

"Yeah, Eric mentioned your progress. "You should know he's very proud of you and will do all he can to help you and protect you. Not that you couldn't protect yourself pretty well" Jorge said and reached out and squeezed my bicep. "He made it clear to me that if I or anyone else did anything nonconsensual or to aggressive with you, we'd have to answer to him. And noone wants to answer to Eric."

"So you and Eric have both told me that there are ways to engage in some action despite this uptight town" I said. "How can I tap into that?"

"What were you looking for?" Jorge asked.

"I don't know. Eric has told me about lots of things. Alphas, submissives, sadists, masochists and other things. I'm interested in all of it but am also scared of a lot of it" I said.

"That's normal and appropriate. This isn't something you go from zero to 100 immediately" Jorge said. "Are you open to some suggestions?"

"That's the reason I'm here" I said. "I don't know how far Eric wants to go given his commitment to my mom and I don't want to mess with that. She's happier than I've ever seen her."

"So I have some questions for you and I need you to be honest" Jorge said. "Can you do that?"

"I'll try my best" I said.

"Bitch, I'm not interested in you trying, you gonna do it or not?" Jorge said suddenly less friendly and more stern.

"Yes SIR!" I said.

"Good" Jorge said more calmly. "Based on that reaction, I think you answered my first question which was going to be if you are feeling like exploring an alpha or submissive role?"

"Well, I guess submissive" I said with a sheepish grin.

"Is that what you really want?" Jorge asked. "I was fucking with you a little. Don't let that be the determining factor."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I want to explore a more submissive type of action" I said. "From what Eric and I have talked about, it seems like my inclination is to follow direction rather than give it".

"That's not a bad thing. I truly believe that alphas or sadists should understand what the submissive or masochist is experiencing before they pick up the flogger" Jorge said with a smile.

At the mention of a flogger, I thought about a video I had watched a few times online where a slim naked guy was standing in the middle of a room on a platform with his hands tied above his head and pulled up until his toes just barely touched the platform. The room is dark except for spotlights on the guy on the platform. A man enters from the darkness and begins to progressively administer corporal on the guy, getting more aggressive until the man was using a large flogger without mercy on the guy. The guy was screaming but kept saying "thank you sir". I barely had to touch my dick and I blew my load watching this video the first time and I'd watched many more times since and always blew a big load.

"Do you have experience with flogging?" I asked Jorge.

"Whoa, someone's been doing some research" Jorge said. "Yes, I have experience in that area. Both a giver and receiver. Sounds like that's something that interests you."

I told him about the video and how much it turned me on.

"Ok" he said. "There's something happening tonight that might be interesting to you. What are you doing this evening?"

"Nothing special" I said. "Probably dinner with the family and see what friends are up to."

"Ok, how would you feel about joining me for a show around 9pm?" Jorge asked.

"What kind of show?" I asked.

"Let's just say it's a demonstration that will interest you." Jorge said with a smile. "Tell you what, let me give Eric a call and see what he thinks."Jorge checked on the other customers and brought me my food and then disappeared into the back. When he returned a few minutes later, he had a smile on his face.

"Eric is onboard. In fact, he suggested you have dinner with me and then go to the show. Are you ok with that?" Jorge asked.

Dinner with this stud, yes, please.

"Sounds good" I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Ok, I'll text you my address. Be at my place around 6pm."

"Should I dress a certain way?" I asked.

"Just come as you are. We can talk about your wardrobe at my place."

I finished up my food and reached for my wallet. Jorge shook his head no.

"It's on me" he said. "Seeing your reaction to the show tonight will be well worth it."

"Thanks" I said. When he turned away, I still snuck a $20 bill under the plate. Eric would expect a real man to always pay his way.

"See you at 6" Jorge called as I walked out of the diner.

I pulled up to Jorge's condo at about 5:45. Not being sure what to wear based on his comment, I had stayed with the tight jeans and donned an oxford button down shirt that was also a size or two too small now that my chest was beefing up with Austin's workouts. Eric had given me a pair of black doc martin boots that afternoon and told me I should wear them tonight.

When Jorge opened the door of his condo, my breath caught in my throat. He was wearing a tight pair of leather pants, a form fitting black t-shirt and an almost identical pair of doc martin black boots. I could feel my cock moving in my jeans as it chubbed up at the site of this hot latin stud in this outfit.

"Come on in" Jorge said. "Not quite like my uniform at the diner huh?"

"Uhh, no" I said as I walked into his condo. It was pretty nice for a waiter at a diner. I wondered what secrets Jorge held that allowed him to afford a nice place like this.

"Hope you like. There's some similar things on the table over there for you to wear. I've got a pair of leather pants to replace those jeans that I think will definitely fit you in all the right places."

I walked over to the table and saw the pile of various black leather clothing and pair of work boots similar to Jorge's.

"So, let's get a couple questions out of the way so we can decide how else you need to prep. I'm guessing by now, Thomas has schooled you in cock sucking?"

I nodded yes with a shy grin.

"Ok, good, those skills might come in handy tonight. Have you tried being fucked yet?"

"No" I said.

"Want to try tonight? Now, I shouldn't assume you'll be playing bottom tonight, maybe you want to be a badass top. There will be plenty of takers if you would rather be on the giving end instead of receiving".

"I'm not sure" I said. "Getting fucked is a big step. On one hand, I'm turned on by it, on the other, I'm worried about how it will feel".

"First time, I'll be honest, it's gonna hurt. You've fucked girls right?" I nodded yes. "Ever take their cherry?"

"One told me I was her first" I said. "Ok, he said, I'll bet she hurt a bit and said so right?"

"Yeah, I tried to be gentle but she still said it hurt."

"Ok, what was she saying after a while when you really were able to get going?"

I smiled, "She was begging me to fuck her harder. I fucked her three more times that weekend. She couldn't get enough."

"Well, getting fucked in the ass is a similar experience. It's gonna hurt at first and you want to make sure the guy doing it knows its your first and takes his time. There will be plenty of time for balls deep slam fucking later. But trust me, the first guy I took, I saw stars from the pain at first but within a few minutes he was riding me like a bronco. I was addicted to his cock and couldn't get enough. If he hadn't moved away, I'd probably be on my back with my legs in the air letting him pound me right now."

"Ok, I said, let's assume I'll get my cherry popped tonight" I said.

"Then there's some other prep to do. Strip down and head into my bathroom over there. In the cabinet above the toilet, you'll find some enemas. Follow the directions, rinse and repeat until you are putting out clear water. Shower and come back.

I paused before taking my clothes off, looking at him.

"I suppose you could strip in the bedroom or bathroom but I'd suggest you get past being modest right away. Depending on how tonight goes, I'll see plenty of you."

With that, I stripped down. Jorge paused and looked me over head to toe. "Oh man, you're gonna get a lot of attention tonight Josh. I hope you're ready. There are clippers in the closet as well if you want to do a little manscaping. It'll make your cock look even bigger" he said with a grin. "Now, get going, we need to be out the door in an hour.

45 minutes later, I was cleaned out, clippered, showered and decked out in tight leather pants, black work boots, a leather vest that only had two buttons very low down showing my abs, a black leather harness and black leather armbands on each arm showing off my biceps.

"Nice" Jorge said. "You'll get plenty of notice tonight. There's a grilled chicken salad in the kitchen for you before we go. You'll have to hurry."

I went into the kitchen and quickly ate the salad and grabbed a bottle of water to take with me.

"Ok, let's go, we can discuss what's going to happen on the way" Jorge said, leading me down some stairs to his private garage. There was a basic truck I remembered from the diner parking lot and a BMW 5 series. We got in his BMW and headed out."

"In case you're wondering how a waiter at the diner affords this, here's the secret, I own the diner" Jorge said. "A few years ago, the owner passed away and left it to me. He and I were close, intimately. I didn't know he'd willed it to me until after the car accident that killed him. I keep quiet about owning it. I like waiting tables and talking to everyone and, if they knew I was the owner, it'd just be different."

"So, we're going to a friend's house for a party that will include some performances of S&M and bondage and discipline. There will also be opportunities for participation but it's not required. You can just watch. A lot of people do the first time." Jorge said as he drove us north into the nicer area of town.

"A couple important things to remember. This is a private party that is very discreet for the reasons you already know. You are going to see people there you recognize and people there will recognize you. Outside of the party, there is no conversation or acknowledgement of what is seen and done there."

"Kind of a `what happens at the party stays at the party' rule?" I said.

"Exactly. The second rule, all activities are consensual. Nobody forces themselves on you and you don't force yourself on them. Now, you will likely see things where it looks like someone is maybe having things done to them without their consent, like a rape scene, but it's been agreed to in advance. We play with a safeword. Do you know what that is?" Jorge said.

"Yeah, I've been surfing the internet. A safeword is something that you can say that will make the action stop, like `red'."

"Exactly, we establish a safeword up front at all parties. For this party, the safeword is cappuccino. Kind of silly sounding I know but that's kind of the point. You want it to be a word that you wouldn't say in the heat of the moment. That's why we don't just use No'. If the scene is one where there is consensual aggressive action going on, someone might say No, no, stop' but they're doing it as part of the scene. I can't figure out any reason someone might yell out cappuccino in a fit of passion." Jorge said smiling.

By this time, we were in the very expensive area of town where the most wealthy lived. We pulled up to the front gate to a group of homes. A guard stepped out of the guard house. He was african american, about 6.5 and appeared muscular under his tight fitting button up uniform shirt and pants.

"Hey Jorge, how's it going?" the guard said.

"Great Monte. Things going ok for you?" Jorge asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately my shift goes until 11 tonight so I won't be there for the beginning of the festivities." Monte said. "Who's this stud?" he asked, looking at me.

"Monte, meet Josh, Josh, this is Monte." Monte reached in and shook my hand with a firm grip that made me tingle a little at his touch. "Josh is in exploration mode and wanted to find out more about the scene."

"Well, Josh, welcome. You definitely fill out that leather very nicely and I'm pretty sure you'll have a good time. Don't let Jorge corrupt you too much, unless that's what you want" Malcolm said with a grin. "Hopefully, I'll see you guys later tonight. There's already about 15 people here."

Monte stepped back in the guard house and the gate started opening. Jorge drove through and we headed up a winding street and pulled up in front of a very nice two story brick house with a well landscaped lawn. As Monte had said, there were a bunch of other cars parked in the area and up the driveway.

"So, last couple things before we go in. A reminder, these people all take their privacy very seriously. Eric and I both vouched for you including telling them you were over 18. Don't fuck up and tell anyone about this. It's ok to talk to folks here about what's going on, but after we leave, there is no mention of this outside of another gathering. Also, we can leave anytime you want. I'll stay nearby you until you tell me you're ok on your own, if you feel like it. This will be a lot to process and my suggestion is to take it in and observe. If the spirit moves you and you want to participate, feel free. Everyone here is clean and recently tested for any STDs so you can feel safe playing however you want. There will be condoms, lubes, toys and a bunch of other stuff around for you to use as you like. One rule, if you get bodily fluid on anything such as a dildo, drop it in one of the baskets marked `cleaning'. There will be some staff here that will pick it up and make sure it gets cleaned and sanitized before being put back out."

"So, ready?" Jorge asked looking at me.

"I think so, no, wait, yes, I'm definitely ready" I said remembering Jorge's orders earlier.

We walked up the path to the front door. A well built guy that I recognized as a member of the high school basketball team that graduated a few years ago was standing at the front door wearing what looked like a dark suit. As we got closer, I could see that he wasn't wearing a shirt under the suit and the jacket was open revealing his well groomed hairy chest and abs.

"Welcome Jorge" the doorman said. "This must be Josh. I heard that you would bringing a guest."

"Josh, meet Cory" Jorge said.

I shook hands with Cory. "I remember you from the basketball team a few years ago when we went to state" I said. "You were awesome!"

"Yeap, now I'm playing for the university. Home for the summer and working odd jobs like this to earn some cash" Cory said. "Understand you're a novice to this. Watch and learn, you'll get a lot out of tonight."

"The first show will be in the back patio area in 15 minutes. Head on in, get yourselves something to drink and go take it in" Cory said as he punched a code into a keypad by the door and opened the door for us. "I'll be a party participant later so maybe we will see each other again Josh".

As we walked into the entry hall, there were several people milling around. Other than the outfits they were wearing which were heavy into leather and metal, it looked like any other neighborhood party. People were holding drinks, talking in small groups and music was playing in the background.

Jorge walked me over to a bar. "Two club sodas please" he said. While the bartender got our drinks, he quietly said to me, "your first time here is not the time to be drinking. You'll want all your wits about you tonight".

We took our club sodas and walked around the first floor of the house. It was a very nice house with clearly expensive furniture and decorations. It did have a very masculine feel to it with more dark wood, deep colors and leather furniture.

A bell sounded shortly after we arrived and the crowd started moving towards the back of the house. Walking through a huge kitchen that was probably bigger than Jorge's kitchen at his diner, we walked out onto a large stone patio area with a huge pool and a hot tub off to one side. The patio extended out into the yard and at the end of the patio was what looked like a gazebo with spotlights illuminating the center. Beyond the gazebo, the yard seemed to go on forever into the woods.

Chairs were arranged around the gazebo for the audience of whatever show was about to happen. Jorge and I took some chairs in the second row.

After a few minutes, the rest of the outside lights and the house lights dimmed way down giving all the focus on the gazebo area. From our seats, I could see that this wasn't an ordinary wooden gazebo like dad built in our backyard years ago. It was more metal than wood and sait on a proper concrete slab that was surrounded by the stones of the patio.

Once everyone found a seat, a well built older man who looked to be in his late forties or early fifties stood up. He was wearing leather chaps that showed off his ass that clearly he worked on regularly in the gym as well as a leather jacket and a leather cap. He walked to the center of the gazebo and began to speak.

"Welcome friends. Thank you for joining me tonight. It's always an honor for me to host these parties and I look forward to how the evening progresses. I see a couple new faces here so I'll remind everyone about a few things."

"First, and I'm sure you've already heard this from whomever brought you, this is a private event and we expect each of you to maintain the privacy by not talking about this with others, including others here, unless you're in a private place where you know nobody would overhear."

"Second, there are no cell phones, cameras or anything like that. Hopefully you all left that at home or in your car. As usual, we have a photographer and videographer who will be recording tonight's action and a select set of photos and videos, with faces and other identifiable marks removed, will be made available to the members of our viewing club. Their membership fees help to pay for this party and other events and venues we enjoy."

"Please confine all play activities to the patio area here and the basement. You'll find plenty of space there along with all the equipment and accessories you may need."

"Lastly, the safeword for tonight is cappuccino. If someone uses that word, the action stops and we make sure everyone is good before anything else happens."

"With that out of the way, again, welcome. Now, I'd like to introduce our first show for the evening. This couple are very experienced in s&m play and are well known among our group. They will be giving you a taste of some intense corporal play they engage in regularly. I've been told by the sadist that there are a few surprises in store for the masochist and he doesn't know what is coming. Of course, he's ok with that."

"That's Malcolm" Jorge whispered. This is his house. He owns one of the banks in town.

Malcolm returned to his seat in the front row. Curtains dropped from the inside of the gazebo and noises could be heard from behind them.

When the curtains raised back up, the lights showed a naked and hairless muscular white guy standing in the middle of the gazebo with a leather hood covering his face with just a hole for his mouth open. His hands were tied to a chain hanging from the top of the gazebo and his ankles were secured to chains on the floor.

Next to him was my trainer, Austin, decked out in tight leather pants, black boots, black leather gloves and a leather harness that really showed off his build. I had never seen Austin other than in his workout uniform at the gym. He was a beast. All muscle and definition. No hair on his chest. A tight V shaped upper body.

Austin had a control box in his hand that was attached to a cable hanging down from above. He pressed the green button on the box and a whirring started and the chain holding the guy in the middle started to raise. Austin let it raise until the guy was forced to stand on his toes to touch the slab.

My cock was already stirring in my tight leather pants.

A cart was rolled out by someone I didn't recognize. I couldn't see what all was on it but I definitely saw some rope and some metallic things.

Austin picked up some rope from the cart. He walked over to the guy who was already struggling to keep his balance and not put all his weight on his arms and wrists above him. Austin began to tie the rope around the guy's cock and balls and then continued wrapping it around just his balls so that his package was pushed out and away from his body and his balls were stretched down at least three rope thicknesses. After tying it off in a well tied knot, Austin took the rest of the rope and walked over to a loop hook on the upper part of the gazebo directly in front of the guy in the middle. He ran the rope through the loop and began to pull it so that the guy it was tied to had to stretch his body forward to ease the pressure on his cock and balls. When he was satisfied the guy was in enough of a predicament, Austin tied the rope off with another well crafted knot. The guy in the middle now was really struggling and sweat was starting to roll off his body as he worked to manage the pressure on his arms and the pull on his cock and balls.

"You'll notice the knots are all easy release" Jorge said to me quietly. "If Cameron needs to get out of it, Austin can release the knots in seconds." So, the guy in the hood was Cameron. I knew a Cameron from school...could it be?

Austin went back to the cart and picked up what I knew from my Internet research to be a riding crop. He walked over to Cameron and started to rub the end of the crop over Cameron's chest, legs, back and ass. Austin continued to slowly rub Cameron with the crop, it almost felt sensual. The only noises around the gazebo were some occasional grunts from Cameron as he struggled in his bondage position.

Suddenly, Austin pulled back the crop and hit Cameron square in the stomach. A loud crack echoed around the yard.

"Ahh" Cameron yelled.

Austin hit his stomach in exactly the same place four more times, each time looking and sounding harder than the last. Cameron continued to yell out with each hit as the pale skin on his stomach started to turn bright red.

Austin continued to crop Cameron, moving his focus to his chest and pecs, then to his back, then his ass, then his legs. Each hit gave a loud crack and was followed by a yell, turning into screams, from Cameron.

After giving Cameron a few seconds to catch his breath, Austin began to rub the crop up and down Cameron's cock which was rock hard and turning purple from the pull of the rope. He also stroked his stretched out balls.

Again, just as suddenly, Austin hit the tip of Cameron's cock head with the crop. While the hit wasn't as hard as the hits on his body, clearly it hurt because Cameron screamed out and lurched in his bondage. Austin continued to strike his cock and moved to hitting his balls as well. By this time, Cameron was thrashing about as much as he could in the bondage. I began to wonder how much more he could do before he ripped his cock and balls off.

Finally, Austin stopped his assault on Cameron's jewels. Surprisingly, I heard Cameron say, "Thank you sir" as he hung in his restraints panting like he'd just run a hundred yard dash.

Austin returned the crop to the cart and walked over to the rope hook pulling on Cameron's junk and released the knot. Cameron came back into a standing position, still on his toes. Austin removed the rope from Cameron's cock and balls. Cameron remained hard as ever and I could see the glisten of pre-cum on the tip of his cock.

From the cart, Austin picked up a plastic box. He brought the box out towards the audience so everyone could see what was in it. When he walked around to me, he hesitated for a moment and then kept going. The box was filled with what looked to be plastic clothespins but the clamp part of the pins were metal teeth.

"I could use an assistant for this next step." Austin said. "You, Josh, get up here" he said pointing at me.

I looked at Jorge in a panic.

"Remember, it's all consensual. You don't have to if you don't want to." Jorge said to me in a voice loud enough for others, including Austin, to hear.

Austin looked at me with a bit of a smirk as if to say "I didn't think so".

Fuck this, I wasn't going to give Austin the satisfaction of me chickening out. I got up and walked into the gazebo. Up close, I could hear Cameron still breathing fast.

"So these aren't your regular clamps" Austin said to me quietly. "They can break skin so there may be some blood. Cameron here is a pain slut so he'll take it."

Austin brought the cart over in front of us, put the box on the cart so both his hands were free, took one of the clamps from the box and, with no warning, grabbed Cameron's right nipple, pulled it forward and placed the clamp on it such that the teeth of the clamp were about a quarter inch in from the tip of his nipple.

Cameron gasped at the pain.

Austin handed me another clamp and motioned for me to do the other side. I tried to repeat his moves and successfully go the clamp on his other nipple. Cameron gasped again and moaned a little.

Austin took another clamp and pinched the skin under Cameron's right armpit and placed the clamp. He took another clamp and did the same about an inch lower.

"Go on, do the other side" he told me.

As Austin and I proceeded to line up the clamps down both of Cameron's sides, Cameron would alternatively gasp and moan as they dug into his skin. As we reached Cameron's hips, his skin on his tight muscular body became difficult to pinch and get enough to put a clamp on so we stopped.

Austin then pulled another box out of the lower shelf on the cart. There were five clamps in here, similar to the others but much larger and with bigger teeth.

Austin handed me two and took two himself. He grabbed the right side of Cameron's ball sack and attached both clamps to it. Motioning to me to do the same, Austin picked up the last clamp.

Cameron was quite a site. Stretched between the ceiling and floor, clamps digging into his nipple, sides and ball sack.

Austin handed me the last clamp. "For his dick head" he said.

Cameron's cock remained hard and standing straight up. The head was large with a pronounced head that stood out from the base quite a bit.

I took the clamp and opened it as wide as it would go. Grabbing Cameron's dick, I placed the clamp over his piss slit and let it close down on his cock head.

Cameron screamed in pain. I jumped back.

"Thank you Josh. I think you can return to your seat now" Austin said. This was probably the nicest Austin had ever been to me.

I went back to my seat and resumed watching.

Austin rolled the cart to the side and picked up a flogger. He began hitting Cameron's back and ass gently. Cameron was moaning and hanging limply from the chain on the ceiling. No longer concerned with trying to keep the pressure off his arms.

Again, as with the crop, Austin suddenly pulled back the flogger and landed a solid hit on Cameron's back. Cameron's head raised up and he cried out. Austin continued to flog Cameron's back with plenty of force. Austin even was starting to sweat from the work. Several times during the back flogging, the flogger would catch one of the clamps on Cameron's side and pop it loose. When that happened, Cameron would scream like he did when I clamped the head of his dick.

The flogging continued, moving down to Cameron's ass and legs. With every hit, Cameron would swing forward in his restraints. Feet sometimes leaving the floor.

Austin moved back to the cart, put down the flogger and picked up the riding crop again. He then proceeded to use the crop to knock off the clamps from Cameron's right then left side. Cameron screamed continuously but his cock never went down and no safeword was said.

After all the clamps were off his sides, Austin used the crop to knock the clamps off of Cameron's nipples. Additional screams ensued.

Austin turned and looked at me and waved me back up. I walked back on stage.

"So, first take the clamps off the balls. Grab all four and open them at once and remove them" Austin told me quietly so that the audience and not even Cameron could hear.

I did as instructed. Cameron began to buck and scream again as the blood returned to his nut sack.

This left just the clamp on the head of his dick. Up close, I could see that Cameron's cock was leaking lots of pre-cum. Clearly he was into this pain. Austin motioned for me to go ahead. I reached out and squeezed the clamp and removed it. Cameron's scream for this was his loudest and highest pitched yet. I could see the marks were the teeth had bit into his cock head. If his head was as sensitive as mine was when he's hard, that had to be torture.

I looked at Cameron's body. In several places on his side where the clamps had been, a slight trickle of blood ran down the skin.

Austin reached into the cart and came out with two cloths and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. He doused one of the cloths in alcohol and handed it to me and then doused the other one.

"Wipe down wherever the clamps were" Austin directed me. It'll make sure there's no infection and it'll burn like a mother-fucker.

He proceeded to run the cloth down Cameron's right right from his underarm to his waist. Cameron moaned and yelled.

"Go on" Austin said. Don't be a pussy. "This little masochist likes this."

I took the cloth and wiped as gently as I could down Cameron's left side. Despite my attempts to be gentle, Cameron continued to moan and yell.

The moaning and yelling went to new levels when we wiped down his nipples, ball sack and cock head.

By the time we were done, Cameron was soaking wet with sweat and panting almost uncontrollably.

Austin thanked me and motioned me back to my seat.

As I sat down, Austin unbuckled the cuffs on Cameron's ankles, freeing his legs from the chains on the floor. He grabbed the control box and pressed the green button again, raising Cameron higher off the floor. When Cameron's feet were at least two feet off the floor, Austin stopped. He picked up the flogger again and proceeded to wail on Cameron's body from all angles. The hits from the flogger were non-stop. If Cameron tried to move away, Austin would grab a leg and hold him in place while he beat whatever part of Cameron's body he wanted. When Austin wasn't holding him, Cameron swung around like a fish squirming on the end of a fishing line. He couldn't see so he didn't know where the hits were coming from next. This continued for at least 15 minutes. The look in Austin's eyes while he was doing this was frightening. He was clearly a true sadist at heart. Cameron screamed and yelled. Several times he said "stop" or "mercy please".

"Remember, Cappuccino" Jorge whispered to me as I must have had a look of concern on my face. "Until he says that, Austin will continue".

After he stopped, Austin was panting and sweating from his work. Cameron appeared to be shaking and sobs could be heard from him.

Austin took the control box and pressed the red button, lowering Cameron to the floor. Cameron's legs wouldn't hold him up at this point so Austin kept lowering until Cameron was on his knees on the floor with his arms still up in the cuffs.

Austin walked over, released the cuffs from the chain and let Cameron crumble to the floor. At that, Austin walked out of the gazebo and towards the house. Cameron laid on the concrete slab and continued to sob and shake.

As the audience started to disassemble and move back towards the house, I saw Cameron roll over on his back. His cock remained fully hard. He reached down with this hand and started to stroke his cock. Within a few seconds, his body convulsed in an orgasm he let out a moan and blew his load all over his stomach and chest.

Next: Chapter 6

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