Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Jun 25, 2018


Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

This isn't just a sex story, I enjoy the stories with more content and background. Give me feedback and suggestions at

"Josh, get up now" Eric was saying as he was shaking me awake. Today was to be my first day as a locker room attendant at the gym Eric owns.

I looked at my clock, it was 3:45am. "Eric, I wasn't going to get up until 4:30, I don't need to be there until 5 and it's only about 5 miles away; a quick drive"

"You're not driving, you're going to get in a run on the way so you'll want time to shower and change before your shift starts at 5" Eric said. "Like I said yesterday, I'm going to be handling your nutrition and exercise going forward. There's a protein shake in the kitchen for you. Get up and get moving" he said as he pulled back the covers. I was naked and sporting morning wood. "You'll need to take care of that as well I guess."

"Yes sir" I said as I got up and grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top out of the dresser and threw them on along with socks and running shoes. I headed to the bathroom and took care of things there. My wood went down a bit after I took a piss.

A five mile run didn't bother me, like I said, I was on the track team, but getting up this early and realizing I could look forward to this pretty much every day wasn't my idea of fun.The protein shake tasted good and woke me up a little more. I headed out the door and hit the road. Made it to the gym in just under 30 minutes. Not my best time but respectable. I unlocked the front doors with the code Eric had given me, disarmed the security system and headed for the locker room. In there, I went to the locker Thomas had issued me the day before to keep my uniforms and personal stuff in and stripped. After grabbing a towel, I headed for the showers. I took my time in the shower, enjoying the feel of the high pressure hot water. I heard the curtain get pulled closed and the water turn on in the shower right next to me. Eric had said that sometimes other employees would come in early for the 5am shift and shower at the gym before getting dressed for work so I figured it was one of them. After a few minutes, I heard the sound of the dispenser shelf in the other stall being slid to the side. The showers in Eric's gym had a special feature where you could slide the shelf holding the soap and shampoo dispensers to the side and, if the guy in the shower next you to slid his to the side as well, you had a nice glory hole; well really a glory rectangle about a foot wide and about half a foot tall right at cock level.

Not long after hearing the shelf slide in the other shower, I heard a light but clear knock on the wall. I knew from the orientation Thomas had given me yesterday that this was a signal to open your dispenser shelf and start some action. I didn't move to open my shelf right away and the knock came again. I looked at my watch and saw that I had about 20 minutes before I had to start my shift. Good news was my workplace was right here in the locker room so I didn't have to go far. Stepping over to the wall, I pushed the hidden button Thomas had showed me and slid my shelf to the side, opening up the glory hole between the showers. I could see the lower body of a guy that looked very well built with light colored hair on his legs. A hand appeared in the opening and a finger motioned me to step forward. By this time, my thick 8" cock was getting hard and starting to stand straight out. What the fuck, I thought, any blowjob in a storm. I stepped forward and put my cock and balls through the opening. Within a few seconds, I felt a hand grab my shaft and jack it, making it even harder. Then I felt what must have been a mouth and tongue on my balls. No girl had ever worked my balls like this and it felt amazing. I couldn't see my cock but it had to be leaking pre-cum like a firehose. The hand kept stroking it. After a couple minutes of this, I was pretty close to cumming and was starting to moan and make some noise. The hand let go of my cock and I could feel the tongue working it's way up my shaft. The lips wrapped around the head of my cock and the tongue played with my piss slit and stimulated the sensitive head. I was struggling to keep my footing on the wet floor as I jerked and moaned from this attention. Suddenly, the mouth took my entire cock to the root and I felt an amazing sensation of the throat working my cock like I'd never had it worked before. No girl even came close to deep throating my cock, always saying it was too big. This guy had not only deep throated it but he was working it. The guy started to bob up and down on my cock, almost all the way out and then all the way in again. I grabbed the bottom of the opening to steady myself. By this point, I was moaning loudly. I didn't notice or care if anyone else was in the showers at this point.

I could feel my orgasm building. I whispered loudly "I'm gonna cum". A hand appeared in the opening and gave me a thumbs up as the guy took my cock all the way down and just held there. Within a few seconds, I began to unload my cum right down his throat. When I was done cumming, the guy took a moment to clean my cock off with his mouth and then stood up. I stepped back into my shower and he closed the dispenser shelf and I did the same. Looking at my watch, I still had 15 minutes. Amazing how much could happen in just five minutes.

I quickly finished my shower and headed to my locker to get my gym uniform on. As I was finishing drying off at my locker and starting to pull on my very tight shorts, I heard the door to the shower area open and looked up to see Thomas coming out with his towel over his shoulder.

"I thought I knew that cock" Thomas said and just smiled and headed to his locker and began getting ready.

My first day as a locker room attendant was fairly normal. Lots of running around, picking up, cleaning, washing, drying and folding towels and just generally making sure things were in good shape. Eric had been right, eight hours in the locker room gave me a lot of opportunity to scope out the guys and their bodies. Although there was the fair share of out-of-shape and older guys, in general, the gym seemed to cater to a younger and very well built crowd.

Eric and Thomas stopped in several times to check up on me and both seemed pleased with how I was doing and told me so. It did feel nice to have these guys praising me and my work. During my meal break at 9am, Eric made sure I knew I was to go to the nutrition bar in the gym and told me they would be expecting me and have what I was to eat. When I got there and told the guy at the counter who I was, he handed me a packet of pills, a protein bar, a banana and a bottle of water. "The pills are nutrition and muscle supplements" he said. I took the packet of pills, ate the bar and the banana and washed it down with the water.

At around noon, Eric stopped by the locker room and told me that when my shift was done at 1:30, I was to change into some workout clothes and report to the personal trainers' office and see Austin.

As 1:30 came, I was folding and putting away a load of towels and told the guy taking over I'd finish this up before I went. He thanked me and headed off to take care of other things in the locker room. By the time I was done, it was 1:45. I headed to my locker and got changed back into the shorts and t-shirt I had worn on my run in that morning. Fortunately, Eric had suggested I toss these into the wash with a load of towels so they were clean.

It was just a few minutes past 2:00 when I arrived at the trainers' office. There were five very well built guys in there and they all turned to look at me. "I'm here for Austin" I said.

"Austin headed out on the workout floor at 1:45 when you were supposed to be here" one of the trainers with "Derick" on his name badge said. "I'd suggest you get your ass out there and find him, you'll be able to spot him as he'll be the one looking pissed".

"Yes sir" I managed to say (why do I keep saying that to men?) before I ran out to find Austin.

Austin was in the free-weights area doing some bicep curls. As he curled, the massive muscles in his arms bulged out. If he hadn't been wearing a sleeveless shirt, I'm pretty sure it would have ripped the sleeve to shreds. Aside from his sleeveless shirt, this 6'1 guy was wearing a tight fitting pair of workout pants and tennis shoes.

"I'm Josh, I'm sorry I'm late, I had to..." I started to say until the look from Austin stopped me.

"First lesson for you, I don't do excuses. Show up on time otherwise you're wasting my time" Austin cut me off. "Since you wasted 20 minutes of my time, we've only got 40 minutes left for your workout. Sucks for you because I'm not staying late but we're still going to get the full hour's worth of work in 40 minutes. You'll start here at the weights with bicep curls. Normally I'd have to do three sets of 12 and it would take about 10 minutes. You have 5."

I jumped to get to work pushing myself hard and got the sets in within 5 minutes. Austin kept correcting my form and telling me I clearly needed some discipline. This continued for the remaining 35 minutes as Austin pushed me harder and faster than I'd ever worked out before all over the weight room and on the machines. I was sweating buckets by the time we were done. Austin never showed any semblance of being nice, he pushed continually for more and continued to correct me and put down my performance. When we were done, he told me to stop by the nutrition bar saying they'd know what to give me and that I was to go see Eric after that. Without another word, Austin turned and walked away.

At the nutrition bar, the guy gave me another protein bar, an apple and more water. I guzzled the water and asked for another bottle. "OK the guy said but Eric said he's only paying for what he orders for you so anything else is coming off your check".

"No problem" I said, desperate for more hydration.

I ate the protein bar and banana and took my water up to Eric's office. Austin was walking out the door as I arrived. He didn't look at me and sort of shoved me aside as he walked out.

"You didn't make a good impression on Austin" Eric said frowning at me. "He's my best trainer by far and he knows it. He's a mean arrogant fuck but he can back it up and the members who train with him get results. I asked him to do what it takes to get you built up and performing at the level he thinks you should be at. He just came in saying he doesn't want to work with you anymore and that he'd get his pay docked an hour if needed rather than train you. I managed to convince him to give you another chance and told him I was sure you'd bend over to satisfy him."

"Backwards, you mean bend over backwards right" I said.

"Don't fucking correct me" he yelled. "Frankly, you'll bend into whatever position he tells you to and you'll fucking like it. I don't think you'd want me telling mommy what I caught you doing yesterday right?"

"No sir!" I said quickly.

"Now, get your ass home. I was going to give you a ride but you can run it. It's about 98 degrees out so that'll be fun. I'm going to call the house phone in 20 minutes and you better fucking answer it so get going."

I took off out of Eric's office, dropping my water in the first trash can and ran out the door of the gym. The heat hit me like a train after the comfortable air conditioning of the gym. As I ran across the parking lot, I saw Austin getting into his Shelby Mustang. He laughed at me and called out "better move it faggot". Oh shit, did he just call me a faggot? I didn't have time to think about it and I made it home just in time to pick up the phone.

"Hello" I gasped, barely able to speak.

"Good, you made it" Eric said on the other end. There's water in the fridge, that's all you need until dinner. Get cleaned up and, before you get in the shower, check under your pillow, I left something there for you to try out. I'll be home in about an hour.

I grabbed a bottle of water and headed for my room. Under my pillow was a package that showed a guy on the front. He was naked, wearing a set of nipple clamps similar to what I had found in my mom's room and they were connected by a chain to a ring fitted around his cock and balls. There was an adjustable leather strap to adjust the distance between the tit clamps and cock ring.

Instantly, my cock started to swell up. I took the setup out of the bag and looked at it closer. Like the ones from the day before, the clamps had screws on them to adjust their tightness. The ends of the clamps had rubber coverings but had a flat end instead of alligator teeth. Reading the instructions, I saw that it was easiest to put on the cock ring if my cock wasn't hard. Good luck with that...

I took the setup, some clean shorts and a loose fitting t-shirt into the bathroom. While in the shower, I turned the water as cold as it would go. This felt good after my run in 98 degree heat and also helped my cock go down. Once I was done washing and before things changed with the state of my dick, I grabbed the setup and worked my cock and both balls through the ring. Given my cock thickness, the balls had to squeeze a good bit to get through much to my pain. I finished drying off, shaved, put on deodorant and then took the nipple clamps and placed each of them on my nipples. As before, I took a deep breath as the clamps dug in but didn't take them off. My cock responded immediately getting incredibly hard. I connected the chain on the cock ring to the chain on the clamps and tightened the leather strap until my cock and balls were riding high and proud and my nipples were feeling a strong tug.

I definitely liked what I saw when I looked in the mirror. My cock was dripping pre-cum and I reached down and took some and put it in my mouth. I'd never tasted my cum before and found it a bit salty but not unpleasant.

"Josh, I'm home" I heard Eric yell. I quickly loosened the leather strap to let my cock and balls hang a little lower, pulled on the loose t-shirt and my shorts. Thankfully the t-shirt was long enough that it partially covered my rock hard cock that showed no sign of softening.

I found Eric in the kitchen opening a beer. He had removed his shirt and was just wearing the gym uniform shorts, socks and sneakers. As I had in the locker room many times before, I couldn't help noticing his strong, masculine build. Plenty of muscle and tone but not too much. I also noticed his nipples were standing straight up.

"So, did you like your present?" Eric asked, snapping me out of staring at him. "Figured a set of your own would keep you out of your mom's and my stuff. The cock ring is a're welcome."

I didn't know how to answer and just stood there trying to process what was going on. My mom's boyfriend had just given me a present of a sex toy.

Eric didn't say anything more but turned to head to the family room walking past me and patting me on the chest right over my right pec. He felt the clamps through the t-shirt and paused, leaving his hand there and playing with the clamp through the shirt. I moaned in a mixture of pleasure and pain involuntarily.

"Interesting" Eric said and continued to the family room. Not sure what to do next, I followed him. As Eric sat down, he said "after dinner tonight, you and I are going to go run some errands I need to do for the gym and have a talk about what's going on. I expected you'd want to try out those clamps soon but never expected you'd leave them on walking around the house. We're ready to talk more seriously about what you're feeling, who you are and what's next."

Still not sure what to say, I simply said "Yes sir".

"Head on up to your room, take those things off before your nipples fall off. You have some time to chill. Your mom and sister will be home around six and we'll have dinner together. I've already explained to your mom that you're wanting to improve your performance in baseball so we'll be keeping your diet protein heavy and carb light. We'll be having pasta but you'll be enjoying grilled chicken, vegetables and fruit. Good news, you can have all of that you want."

Fuck, I loved my mom's pasta dishes but I didn't get any sense that Eric was up for negotiation. This guy was definitely taking over my life and I think I liked it.

Next: Chapter 4

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