Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Mar 5, 2023


--------------Chapter 26--------------------

***Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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***This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

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------------From Chapter 25---------------

"Ok men, let's hit the road" Jorge said. "Josh, you're driving. Kyle and I want to get a nap."

"Yes SIR" I said, catching the keys as he threw them at me. ------------Chapter 26---------------Note to readers - this is one of the last few chapters in this series. This series will wrap up with Josh and Kyle heading to college. I'm considering a new series that picks up somewhere in their college life. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that idea and any ideas for the storyline. My contact information is above/below.

"See, told you. It's a nude beach" Kyle said.

Kyle and I were walking across the sand at Blacks Beach in Southern California. Sure enough, there were naked men and women playing in the surf, walking around and laying on the sand.

"When in Rome" Kyle said as he stripped off his t-shirt and swimming trunks.

I quickly followed suit.

"Just remember, it's the northern part of the beach that's nude" Kyle said. "Southern part is run by the city and they don't allow nudity there."

We spread out our towels and weighed them down with our shoes and the cooler we had brought with drinks and food and raced each other into the water.

"Shit!" I yelled as the cold water hit me.

"Forgot to tell you. Water's a bit cold" Kyle said.

It was our first full day of our end-of-summer trip to California. After hearing about my windfall from my investments from Malcolm, I decided to blow some money and take a trip. Kyle insisted that he and I come to California so he could show me around and we could meet some of his friends.

Kyle's parents had kept their house in Orange County and AirBNB'd it out. They were happy to let us use the house and, as a bonus, the convertible roadster that Kyle's dad stored there.

We had landed late in the evening and had spent the night at the house eating pizza and drinking beer that Kyle's dad had the caretaker stock in the fridge with a couple of Kyle's buddies in the area. Kyle assured me they were all straight so the evening was just a bunch of guys eating, drinking, gaming and talking. I'll leave your imagination to what happened with Kyle and me after the buddies went home.

This morning, we got the car out of the garage and Kyle navigated the freeways south towards San Diego. I hadn't believed him when he said there was a nude beach; but here we are.

After splashing in the water, we headed back to our towels. Being careful to apply sunscreen (especially to areas that don't usually get a lot of sun!), we let the warm sun dry us off and began to talk plans for the rest of our week in California.

"Dude, there's so much I want to do and show you" Kyle said. "I'm not sure we have enough time."

"Don't forget that I need to be up in LA on Thursday to meet that guy Jorge introduced me to" I said.

"Yeah, what's that all about?" Kyle asked.

"No idea. Jorge just said I should meet him and I do what Jorge says" I replied.

"Yeah, and Wednesday night you'll do as I tell you" Kyle said with a grin, reaching over and tweaking my nipple. We were going to a BDSM party that Malcolm had referred us to. It was being held in a private home not far from where we were staying. I was going in a very explicit outfit that Jorge had sent along for the occasion.

"Careful, I'm going to get hard" I said as Kyle continued tweaking my nipples, pulling an extra towel over my hardening cock. Jorge had just uncaged me in the restroom at the airport before we went through security. I had been panicking thinking I'd have to explain my metal accessory to a TSA agent when I set off the alarm and Jorge made me sweat it out right up to the last minute.

Needless to say, I blew two loads in the aircraft lavatory during the flight.

"This is a nude beach" Kyle said, grabbing the towel away. My cock was rapidly rising. "Keep your cock exposed, that's an order."

"Yes SIR" I said. My cock just got harder.

Thankfully, there weren't a lot of people on the beach. A few couples spread here and there and some guys with boogie boards that were enjoying the waves.

A couple minutes later, one of the guys on the boogie boards walked back on the beach, dropped his board, unzipped his wetsuit and took the top part off showing his upper body. This guy was a wet dream. Probably about 19 or 20, at least 6'4, lean and well toned. His upper body was hairless. He had a sexy tan and you could see a slightly lighter patch of skin on his hips where the wetsuit was riding low.

The guy picked his board up again and began walking towards us.

Shit, my cock just stayed nice and hard and was showing a little pre-cum on the head.

"Kyle, come on man" I said, trying to grab the extra towel.

"You defying an order?" Kyle said.

"No SIR" I said, settling back down.

The surfer guy stopped in front of the two of us. "Like what you see?" he said, nodding at my hard cock.

"Yes he does" Kyle said. "You like what you see?"

The guy groped his crotch and I noticed a nice tube running down his left leg. I swear it grew while I watched it.

"Yeah, I do" the guy said. "Mick, by the way" he said as Kyle and I stood up.

"Kyle, this is my buddy and my slave, Josh" Kyle said.

Fuck, what was Kyle doing?

Mick shook both of our hands.

"Slave huh?" Mick said. So he does what you tell him to?

"Yeap. And for the next 30 minutes, I'm telling him to do whatever you tell him to do" Kyle said.


"Really" Mick said, grinning. His good looks weren't helping my cock go down.

"Yeap, he's an experienced BDSM sub" Kyle said.


"Fucking hot" Mick said, groping himself again. "Get your trunks on boy and follow me."

I gave Kyle a `fuck you' look and grabbed my trunks. I followed Mick up the trail to the road where we were parked. He lead me to a van that said "Mick's Pool Service" on the side.

Mick opened the drivers' door and turned the motor on. He then walked to the back and opened the doors. "Get in" he said.

I climbed in the back of the van and Mick followed me, pulling the door closed behind him. The AC was running and, while the van was still warm from sitting in the sun, it was cooling down quickly.

I had to kneel as did Mick in van. Fortunately, the floor was covered with an industrial type carpeting. He pointed for me to get in the middle of the van which I did, still on my knees.

"Naked" Mick said. I quickly removed my trunks.

There were several buckets, poles, hoses, brushes and other things you'd expect to find in the van of a pool guy. Everything was well organized. A cage separated the back of the van from the front seats.

Mick hung his boogie board on hooks on one side of the van and grabbed a roll of duct tape. He quickly tore off a piece and put it over my eyes.

"You're going to get to know my cock by touch and taste before you see it" Mick said.

"Yes SIR" I said, suddenly getting very turned on.

I then felt my arms being pulled behind me and expertly tied. This guy wasn't an amateur.

"Lay down on your back" Mick ordered.

I did my best to lay down with a blindfold on and my hands tied behind my back.

I felt Mick's legs on either side of my head and then felt the wet suit against my face. I could smell the salt water and some sweat. I moaned and began to lick. As Mick pressed down, I could feel his cock and balls pressing against my chin as I licked and smelled his crotch.

"Yeah, you want that don't you?" Mick said as he rubbed all over my face.

I just moaned my agreement.

After some more rubbing his wetsuit covered crotch and ass on my face, I felt Mick move away from me. I could hear what sounded like him taking the wetsuit off completely.

Soon enough, I felt his legs beside me again and very quickly felt his ass sitting on my face. I stuck my tongue out and moved my head around exploring his ass crack. I found his hole and went to work eating it out. I could taste and smell sweat and the scent was turning me on.

Above me, Mick was moaning and saying "oh yeah, eat that hole."

I felt Mick rubbing my chest and abs. He began to play with my nipples. I moaned encouragement. He began to play rougher with them, pinching and twisting. I moaned more encouragement.

"Oh, you like some pain?" Mick said and really bore down on my nipples and pulled them.

I yelled out into his ass but kept licking.

Mick's ass left my face for a moment. I heard rustling and then felt him grab my balls. He pulled down on my ball sack and I felt him tie them off with something. He returned his ass to my face and I resumed eating him out.

Suddenly, my balls reported in pain. Mick was pulling on the rope tying my balls off and had hit my balls with something. I yelled out.

Mick pressed his ass harder onto my face. "Need to keep it down boy. Don't want to attract any attention."

At this point, I was struggling to get a breath with Mick's ass engulfing my face.

My balls took another shot. I yelled again but it was muffled by Mick's ass.

Mick continued yanking on and beating my balls and muffling my cries with his ass. Just as I was reaching a point where I thought I might have to figure out how to stop him, he stopped.

"Back up on your knees" Mick said and helped me get up.

I heard something being dragged across the van floor.

"Lean down and forward" Mick said.

I did as instructed and felt what was probably a couple buckets that were the right height to be a makeshift fuck bench.

Mick reached under my chin and pulled my head up. I then felt the familiar feeling of a cock at my lips. I opened my mouth and licked the cockhead. I could taste Mick's precum. The head of his cock was large both in width and in height. If it was any indication, I was in for a treat!

Suddenly, I heard the door of the van open. What the fuck?!!

"See, told you I had a nice piece of ass for us to play with" I heard Mick say. "Hop on back there and let me know how that ass feels."

I didn't hear another voice but soon felt someone between my legs. My ass cheeks were pulled apart and I heard and felt spit being put on my exposed hole. Fingers began to rub around and into my hole. These were skilled fingers that quickly found my prostate causing me to moan.

More spit was applied and more fingers entered my ass. I put my attention back on the cock at my mouth, continuing to lick it and trying to take more of it in me.

After Mick had teased me enough, he began to move into my mouth more. Within a couple seconds, he had entered my throat and was continuing. His thick head was making me work to manage my gag reflex and it kept going. While I didn't think he was as big as Orson, he would give him a run for his money.

Mick took up a steady fucking of my face, alternating between slow and deep thrusts and fast and brutal thrusts. I kept my focus on catching breaths when I could.

Not long after Mick began working my mouth and throat, I felt what I assumed was a cock at my asshole. As it entered me, I could tell it was decent sized but not huge. It wasn't long before it bottomed out and the two guys took up a rhythm spit-roasting me.

For some reason, the phrase `when the trailer's rockin...' kept coming to mind as I wondered what the van must look like from the outside. These guys were putting some energy into their work and I could definitely feel the van rocking.

After a while, I heard the breathing of the guy in my ass getting faster and he began to moan. Within a couple minutes, his thrusts became harder, his grip on my hips was tighter and he was grunting as he deposited a load in my ass.

"My turn" I heard Mick say as his cock left my mouth. Feeling lots of movement around me, I soon felt Mick's large cock head at my ass and took a deep breath knowing that, even with the fucking I had just taken, it was going to stretch me. Mick didn't disappoint, thrusting his whole cock in me at once. I yelled out and moaned. I then felt a cock at my mouth. I opened my mouth and began to clean off the cock that was just up my ass while Mick got to work using my hole. The cock in my mouth had not gone down after unloading and it wasn't long before it was fucking my throat, not as deep as Mick but still doing a nice job. Mick reached under me and began to stroke my cock as he rammed my ass.

Within a few minutes, Mick's pace and intensity of thrusts picked up and he was grunting and yelled out as he unloaded in my hole. I soon tasted cum in my mouth as the other guy gave me his second load. That was all I needed, I yelled out around the cock in my mouth and blew my load all over the floor of the van.

The cock in my mouth left and I felt Mick present his cock for cleaning. I tasted my ass and two loads of cum as I sucked and licked his cock.

The rope was removed from my wrists and balls. I got myself back up on knees. The tape was removed from my eyes.

"Here's your shorts" Mick said, handing me my trunks. I got my first look at his cock. It was even larger than it had felt in my throat and ass; maybe even as big as Orson. His balls were like golf balls and hung low. The hair around his cock and balls was neatly groomed.

I turned to look at the other guy in the van with us. My breath caught in my throat as I recognized the guy as a celebrity I had seen in several movies and TV shows. I remember getting hard watching one of his movies recently where he spent a lot of time shirtless.

((note to readers, I'm not going to pick any actor to identify here...pick your favorite hot actor and use your imagination...send me a note about who you thought of))

"I see you know who I am" the guy said with a grin. "I'd appreciate it if you kept this between us."

"Uh, well, uh, yeah" I stammered, suddenly star struck, having stopped putting my trunks on with just one leg in.

Mick and the actor laughed.

"Shit" I said, laughing at being star struck by a guy who had just dumped two loads in me. "Yes, of course but my buddy down at the beach sure would like to meet you!"

The actor said "Sure"

"Can you text him from my phone?" Mick asked, handing me his phone.

I quickly punched in a text to Kyle telling him to come up to the van.

Mick and the actor put on shorts and we talked some while we waited for Kyle. Mick found out that we were going to be in town for a while and gave me his mobile number on a business card.

Soon, there was a knock on the door and Mick opened it. Kyle stepped into the van and looked around. When he saw the actor he paused and a shocked look came over his face.

The actor reached out and shook Kyle's hand, introducing himself while Mick and I grinned at Kyle's star struck condition.

"Your boy here gives good service" Mick said.

"Good to know" Kyle said, not taking his eyes off the actor.

"Well, I got pools to clean" Mick said in a not so subtle hint that we needed to get going.

"Come on man" I said to Kyle and opened the door and hopped out of the van. Kyle followed.

"His house is the first one on my route today so he can ride with me" Mick said, nodding towards the actor as they got into the front of the van. "Text me and let's connect again before you go home."

Kyle and I picked up the towels and cooler he had carried up from the beach and walked over to our car as the van pulled away.

"So did you...?" Kyle asked.

"Yeap, both of them, both ends, one load from Mick and two from the actor" I said proudly.

"Fuck" Kyle said, punching me in the upper arm. "You slut."

"Hey, just following your orders SIR. They both were amazing" I said. "Mick is hung, big and thick like Orson, the other guy, he's respectably hung and knows how to use it. I was blindfolded and didn't even see his face until it was done."

Kyle and I put the top down on the car and baked in the sun as we drove back up the freeway towards Orange County. Along the way, we stopped and grabbed burgers at a local joint on the beach that Kyle knew.

Back at the house, we showered and dressed in shorts, tank tops and flip flops. Hopping back in the car, Kyle drove me around for several hours showing off his `hood' as he called it. I could see why Kyle missed living in California. It was beautiful, both the scenery and the good looking guys.

As we were driving up Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach, Kyle said that we were going to grab dinner at the Santa Monica pier tonight and then he wanted to check out a club in West Hollywood he had heard about but was not old enough to go to when he lived here.

"I'm along for the ride" I said.

"Oh, you'll get ridden, plenty" Kyle said, laughing.

When we got back to the house mid-afternoon, Kyle told me to grab a duffel bag and pack up my leather gear for the club after dinner. He also told me that we both should make sure we're cleaned out properly.

The evening was looking up!

Dinner was at a great sushi restaurant near the pier. The evening had cooled off and we enjoyed sitting outside watching the mass of people walking by while we ate.

After a quick walk out on the pier to see the rides, shops and things, Kyle and I headed to the garage where we had left the car. Kyle punched an address into his phone's GPS and we set off, heading inland towards West Hollywood.

As we exited the 405 freeway on Santa Monica Blvd, Kyle put the top down and ordered me to remove my shirt and put on the leather harness I had brought along. `Along for the ride' I thought as I did as ordered.

As we got farther into West Hollywood, the traffic slowed down and several guys on the sidewalk eyed me up. I realized that I wasn't totally out of character dressed as I was. West Hollywood was LGBTQ central in Southern California and plenty of guys were shirtless and even a couple were sporting leather accessories.

Kyle pulled into a parking lot in front of a store called `The Pleasure Chest'.

"Come on" he said.

I followed him into the store. I was not the only one shirtless or wearing a harness in here either.

Kyle and I wandered around the store, checking out the selection of sexual clothing and accessories. Kyle picked up a jock with metal studs on the outside and handed it to me. He also picked out a leather hood with snap on eye, ear and mouth covers along with a studded collar and a leash.

After paying for our items, Kyle and I went back to the car. By now it was about 9pm and the party in West Hollywood was getting into its groove. Bars along Santa Monica pumped out music of all sorts from disco to rap to country. Guys dressed in every imaginable way cruised the street. Many couples were holding hands, kissing and doing other PDA. We definitely weren't back home anymore!

The GPS guided us up into the hills above West Hollywood. We pulled into a driveway that had a large gate blocking it. Kyle pulled a card out of his pocket and swiped it on a reader next to the driveway. There was a beep and the gate began to open.

I looked at Kyle quizzically. He just grinned, put the car in gear and began driving up the driveway.

Inside the gate was a parking lot that looked to have about a dozen cars parked in it. The parking lot seemed strange since the building was clearly a house and not a business type building.

Kyle parked the car, grabbed our purchases and a duffel bag out of the trunk and lead me to the front door. Here, again, he swiped the card and the door clicked. Kyle pushed the door open and we walked into the house/building. Inside the door was a small foyer like space with another door. On the side was a window setup like a ticket counter with glass and a tray on the bottom to slide things back and forth. Behind the window was a hunky looking guy about our age wearing a form fitting black leather shirt. Kyle walked up to the window and slid the card he'd used to enter as well as a credit card until the glass.

"Two please" Kyle said.

"Room or locker?" the guy asked as he swiped the card and the credit card and typed on a computer next to him.

"I was told to ask for room 15" Kyle replied.

The guy looked up from the computer with a look of surprise. He then took me in standing there shirtless in the harness and nodded. "You understand there's a significant upcharge for that room right?"

Kyle nodded.

The cards were returned along with two forms. Kyle handed me one of the forms and took the other for himself.

`DISCLOSURE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT' was the title on the top of the form. The form outlined a whole bunch of terms that basically said we were entering a private business that was not responsible for what might happen to us and that we were responsible for our behavior and to be safe.

I looked at Kyle. He had already signed his and handed me the pen. I signed as well and Kyle returned the forms through the window.

"Through the door, end of hall and turn right" the guy said. "Your card will open the door to the room. You can also purchase things with the card and it will be charged to the credit card you just gave me. Have fun guys!"

The inner door buzzed and Kyle pushed it open. We stepped into a hallway that was painted black with dark hardwood flooring. Pin lights lit the way down the hallway creating pools of light giving the hallway a dark and mysterious feel. To the left of us were open stairways leading up and down. To the right was a sitting room type area with a flat panel TV showing ESPN. Nobody was in the sitting area.

We headed down the hallway. At the end of the hallway was another hallway going left and right. As instructed, we turned right and found the door marked 15. Kyle slid the card into the door handle that looked like a hotel room door handle.

We stepped into the room that was pitch black and, suddenly, I was grabbed by someone and something was put over my head like a burlap bag or something.

"What the..." I tried to say as an arm went around my neck in a headlock. I tried to pull the arm loose but the surprise they had on me left me with no leverage.

Something was pressed against my face. I smelled something like alcohol and began to feel foggy. I tried to resist some more but it wasn't long before everything went black.

Been a while since I gave you a cliffhanger! Hope you enjoy.

Love to hear from readers!Kik: traveling_txEMail: writingaboutjosh@yahoo.comTwitter: @waboutjosh/#waboutjoshExtra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

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