Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Jan 24, 2023


--------------Chapter 23--------------------

***Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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***This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

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------------From Chapter 22---------------

"Lean back" he ordered. I leaned back, feeling the strain in my abs as I was on my knees all the way down on the floor with my hands cuffed in front of me so I couldn't support myself. The dildo also re-positioned inside me as I changed positions causing me to moan.

Number Two leaned down and, just like Number One, spit in his hand and began stroking my cock.

Again, I managed to breathe and control myself but was challenged with the large dildo and its bumps and ridges stimulating my ass and I almost lost control when Kyle, thankfully, called "time".

"Number three" Kyle called out.

------------Chapter 23---------------

I remained on the floor, on my knees, impaled on the dragon dildo, leaning back with my hands cuffed in front of me. My abs were protesting the continued effort of holding my torso up. Knowing better than to change positions, I remained where I was.

Number Three approached the stage. This guy had caught my eye earlier in the evening. He was mid twenties, 6 foot tall with striking good looks. He was sporting a couple days of dark beard growth on his face. He was wearing a pair of black leather football pants, a black leather harness, black armbands and black leather gloves. The outfit showed off a well defined body with nicely cut abs and a very full package pushing at the laces of the football pants.

My cock started to leak. I wasn't sure I could avoid cumming if this guy decided to work my cock.

Number Three came out from behind the curtain carrying a bucket and a flogger. He stepped over me and stood looking me in the eyes. As he smiled, he showed me that the bucket was filled with black and red metal clips.

Number Three made no mention of me changing positions so I remained bent backward, on my knees, hands in front of me. My abs were getting a hardcore workout in this position.

Starting on my still stretched balls, Number Three began attaching the clamps to my body. He continued up my torso, many times struggling to get enough skin on my tightly stretched abs. I stopped counting around 22 clamps and he kept going. I was moaning from the pain as each clamp was attached. The pain was eased by this hot stud being so close to me.

"Stand up" Number Three said when the bucket was empty and my body was covered in the clamps. Good news, I was able to get the dragon dildo out of my ass. I got to my feet. He then took the bucket, grabbed a piece of twine and hung the bucket from my ball stretcher.

Number Three turned to Kyle and Jorge and said "Since it brought us all our drinks, I thought it would be nice if it would also let us relieve ourselves of our drinks. May I invite any other audience members who want to piss in the bucket up?"

Jorge smiled and nodded.

"Men" Number Three said, looking to the audience. "To use the time efficiently, let's have two guys in the front and two in the back pissing in the bucket."

All of the men began moving towards the stage. Four at a time, they surrounded me and began to fill the bucket hanging from my balls with piss. With four at a time, it didn't take long for the pull on my balls to become noticable and, quickly, painful. I moaned. The smell of piss began to engulf me.

Once everyone, including Kyle and Jorge, had pissed in the bucket, I looked down and the bucket was about two thirds full. The pain in my balls was unreal.

"Time?" Number Three asked.

"Two minutes" Kyle said.

In what was becoming a pattern, Number Three began to stroke my cock. As a surprise twist, he leaned in and kissed me, hard and open mouthed. Our tongues tangled and I almost forgot to focus on not cumming. This stud in his leather football pants hit all the buttons for me.

Oh God, I was going to cum. I began to frantically try to shake my head no while Number Three continued to kiss me. it comes, oh God.

"Time!" Kyle yelled and Number Three released my cock and wrapped up our amazing kiss.

I was shaking from the stimulation and struggling to catch my breath. Literally stopped just in time.

"Number four" Kyle said. No rest for the overstimulated.

As Number Four made his way to the stage, I took stock of my position. Standing in a Chicago high rise apartment, on a stage, naked except my harness and boots, hands cuffed in front of me, clamps on my nipples and all over my body and my balls being pulled by a bucket full of piss. I was stimulated to the max but faced `severe punishment' if I came. My cock got harder and leaked some more at my thoughts on my situation.

Number Four was a sexy gray daddy who was big but not heavyset - just large and powerful looking. Sort of a slightly shorter Master Orson. He was wearing leather pants and an open leather jacket that showed a large chest covered in salt-and-pepper fur.

He emerged from behind the curtain carrying a bar and a set of wrist restraints. "Un cuff him" Number Four requested. Jorge stepped forward and removed the handcuffs from my wrists. I assumed my stance, feet shoulder width apart, hands behind my back.

While Jorge was removing the cuffs, Kyle helped Number Four attach the bar to the pulley system. Number Four roughly grabbed my arms and put the wrist restraints on them and hooked the restraints to the ends of the bar, spreading my arms out to about a forty five degree angle.

Once I was secured, Number Four began to pull on the other end of the pulley system and my arms raised upward. He kept raising me until I was just able to touch the stage floor with my feet. Number Four then disappeared behind the curtain again and brought out two wooden blocks, each about a foot tall. He placed the blocks on the stage near my feet. He then resumed pulling on the pulley system. I put my feet on the blocks and used them to ease the pressure on my shoulders. Not only was I supporting my weight but the weight of the bucket of piss on my balls.

I continued to rise until I was standing on the balls of my feet, balancing on the blocks that were just wide enough for my feet.

All of this rearranging of me had used a good bit of Number Four's time. He looked at Kyle and Kyle looked at his watch and said "seven minutes."

Number Four stepped in front of me and, with no warning, balled up his fist and punched me squarely in the stomach.

"Ahhh" I yelled. I lost my footing on the blocks and my shoulders screamed out. I quickly got one foot back on the blocks but the second had fallen over.

Another punch to the gut. I strained to hold my position, not wanting to lose the remaining block.

More punches to my upper legs and pecs, popping off some of the clamps in the process.

I glanced over at Kyle and Jorge. They both had a concerned look on their face and were whispering to each other. Not wanting to let them down, I yelled "Thank you SIR" just as Number Four landed another punch in my stomach.

Kyle and Jorge looked up at me with looks of surprise. Jorge smiled and just shook his head. Kyle looked at his watch and called "Time".

Number Four looked up at me and said "You are one tough fucker kid. Too bad you got my drink right. I'd enjoy some more of this and I think you might also."

He wasn't wrong.

In a surprising show of kindness, Number Four repositioned the block that had fallen over so I could rest both feet on a block. In a not so surprising show of sadism, he gave the bucket of piss a shove so it started swinging, pulling harder on my balls.

Before calling the next guest, Kyle and Jorge stepped up on to the stage and walked over to me.

"How you doing boy?" Jorge asked. "I almost stopped him with the punching. You took a beating."

"I'm amazing Sir. These men are pushing me harder than I've ever been pushed before and I love it" I said quietly.

Kyle reached out and grabbed my balls, slowing the swing of the bucket. "These guys need to be given some relief so there is no permanent damage."

"Only if one of the guests decides to give him relief" Jorge said.

"Yes SIR" I said.

"Ok men" Jorge said, addressing the guests. "Just a quick check in to make sure it was in good shape. It is ready to continue."

"Number five" Kyle called out and he and Jorge exited the stage.

Number Five was a younger looking guy, maybe not even 20. He was wearing nothing but a leather jockstrap and boots. Well built and hairless, when he turned to go behind the curtain, I got a look at his magnificent ass and my cock twitched.

He emerged carrying just a flogger. Walking up to me, he said "I think it's time we remove these clamps."


Using rapid and seemingly random shots from the flogger, Number Five began knocking the clamps off my body. The places on my skin where the clamps had been screamed pain at my brain each time a clamp left. He was going so fast that there wasn't a moment of non-pain. As fast as one began to subside, another was popped off.

"Shit, oh fuck, ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed.

About midway through, I forgot to focus on my balance and one of the blocks fell over again. Now I only had one foot to balance on.

When the last clamp was off me, I tried to catch my breath but I was not given much of a chance. In a total surprise, Number Five leaned down and took my cock in his mouth and down to the base.

"Ohhhhh" I moaned.

Again, I was getting close to the summit and not able to find a way back with this very expertly delivered cocksucking. I was breathing to almost hyperventilating.

"Please, please, no" I begged.

Number Five stopped sucking me suddenly, stood up and used the crop to deliver 10 rapid and hard shots on the head of my swollen and sensitive dick.

"Shit, oh God, shit, fuck" I yelled. It felt like electrical shocks were pulsing through my cock.

Number Five set the block back up and I was able to stand on both feet again. Just as Kyle called "time", Number Five stepped off the stage, sporting a very large bulge in his jock.

I stood there panting and sweating like I'd just done two of Austin's intense workouts.

"Number six and seven have asked for a joint session" Kyle said. "They will get 30 minutes."

Two men rose from the audience. Number Six was african american, tall and muscular wearing a leather jock, chaps and a tight fitting leather vest. Number Seven was white and was built very similar to Number Six. He was also dressed exactly the same. Both men looked to be in their thirties. I noticed they both had an identical star tattoo on their upper left biceps so I assumed they were a couple.

Number Six approached me as Number Seven went behind the curtain. He picked up the bucket of piss and released the ball stretcher on my balls. I moaned as the blood started to flow back. He also removed the tit clamps, getting another moan of pain and relief.

"We want him down out of this" Number Six told Jorge and Kyle. They stepped up on the stage and the three men lowered me to the ground and removed the cuffs. I immediately assumed my position.

Number Seven approached the stage carrying a fuck bench. It was about two feet high, a three feet square black leather cushion and the poles on one side extended up about another foot and had stirrups. Essentially, the fuckee would lay down on the cushion, put his feet up in the stirrups and be in a perfect position for access to his ass and mouth.

Number Six pulled out a spider gag similar to the one I was wearing earlier and installed it on me, forcing my mouth open wide.

"Get on" Number Six said.

I got on the fuck bench. The two men made quick work of tieing my wrists to the legs of the stool and my ankles to the stirrups they were sitting in.

Both men then unfastened their leather jocks, allowing their cocks and balls to come out.

Number Six was huge! At least 9 inches and appeared to still be growing. Number Seven was no slouch and was growing into a very nice 8 or 9 inches and very thick.

Number Six stepped to the head of the bench, turned around and began kissing Number Seven. Number Seven reached behind Six and pulled his muscular ass cheeks apart. Six began to lower his ass onto my face. While the two of them continued to kiss, I got to work eating Six's ass and trying to work my tongue into his hole. Six's balls rested on my nose and cheeks. My dick was almost vibrating by now.

This continued for several minutes and the two switched and I got to eat Seven's very nice ass as well.

After Seven was satisfied that his ass was well eaten, they both stood on either side of my head and pulled my mouth onto one and then the others' cock, switching frequently. Because of the angle, deep throating was a challenge but I was in a sub slut's happy place.

Once both of them were fully hard and ready, Six centered himself over my mouth and began to feed his cock in. Thanks to the spider gag, there was no resistance and he kept plowing down into my throat. Once again, I had his balls on my nose. After a few seconds, he began to fuck my throat, picking up steam and beginning to breathe heavily.

I had not noticed Seven step to the other side of the bench and position himself between my legs. He wasted no time in going balls deep in my ass.

Both men picked up their pace and energy. Before long, the entire bench was slipping back and forth as one then the other slammed into my body with all their might.

"Let me know when we've got 10 minutes" Six yelled as he plowed my throat.

"You're at 15" Kyle called out.

I was their fuck toy. Truly a thing, a piece of property. And I was loving it.

When Kyle called 10, the two switched. Again, the routine resumed. By now, both men were sweating and I could feel their perspiration hitting my body.

"Come on baby, let's load him up" Seven said to Six.

"Fuck yeah, give him our loads" Six said.

Within a few seconds, both men were grunting and I could taste Seven's cum in my mouth and was sure Six was loading my ass.

Without removing their cocks from me, the men leaned forward and kissed again, over top of my used body.

When they finished kissing, Seven moved away from my mouth and Six came over and gave me his cock to clean. I was still lavishing over it when Kyle called "time".

"Thank you SIRS" I said.

"Now, the bartender is owed 25 minutes for the excessive drink mistakes it made" Kyle announced.

The bartender stepped on the stage. He had stripped down to nothing. I was able to see that the tattoo I had seen earlier extended over his shoulder and down his chest. His chest was broad and well developed. Both of his nipples were pierced and had large rings in them. His cut cock was heavy and hung down in front of his large balls. Shit, how did they expect me not to cum just from looking at him?

The bartender carried a bamboo cane and nothing else. He quickly took the gag off, untied me from the bench and turned me over and re-tied me to the legs.

"You will count each one and thank me" the bartender said.

"Yes SIR" I said. I was a bit nervous as I had never been caned and knew that it was supposed to be exceptionally painful.

"Ahhh one, thank you SIR!"

"Ahhhhh ahhh two, thank you SIR!"

By the time we reached 15, I had slipped into another world, just riding the pain and experiencing the pleasure side.

"Twenty five, thank you SIR!" I said as he stopped.

With no warning, he slammed his cock into my ass and began fucking me. He leaned down over my body and put his muscular arm around my neck. Given how raw my ass was, the contact of his groin slamming into it was painful but his cock was amazing in my ass.

"I'll bet you don't fuck up drink orders from now on bitch" he said in my ear.

"I might if you're the bartender and this is my punishment" I said, quietly so that just he could hear me.

"Little slut" he said and tightened his arm around my neck and picked up the pace of fucking. I was in pig heaven.

Just as the bartender started to grunt and, presumably, cum in my hole, Kyle called "time". They politely let him finish up in me and catch his breath.

"I hear you're moving to Chicago for college. Look me up when you get here. Kyle has my contact info" the bartender said as he got up from on top of me.

Ummm, yes please.

As I watched the bartenders amazing ass as he walked off the stage, I heard Jorge announce "Ok, so we have five men who each have additional time with it. The hour is getting late so we have talked to all of them and they have agreed to join us at our townhome tomorrow. In exchange, each of them will get a half hour.

No rest for the horny I guess.

"Before you go, as you know, it has been restricted from cumming. We are going to now reward it by making it cum here on stage for anyone who wants to stay and watch" Kyle said.

Fuck yes!

"But there's a twist as you might imagine" Jorge said with a grin.


"It will be made to cum by electro stimulation" Kyle said. "Heavy stimulation that will run for 30 minutes, no matter when he cums."


The dolly reappeared on the stage. Kyle released me from the bench and he and Jorge strapped me back onto the dolly.

"Here, you can suck on these while you take this ride" Kyle said. "The bartender says you're welcome."

He stuffed a pair of black boxer briefs in my mouth. I could smell sweat and man on them. These must have been the underwear the bartender wore tonight while working.

Jorge quickly inserted a metal butt plug in my ass, attached electrodes to the bottoms of my feet, put a corona and urethral stimulator on the head of my cock and added a loop at the base of my cock.

Once the box was wired up, Jorge pressed a few buttons and said "start the clock."

Electricity first began to flow between the ring at the base of my cock and balls down my legs to the feet. Shortly after, pulses of electricity traveled down my cock to the plug in my ass.

The pulses weren't too strong, yet, and were quite pleasurable.

Jorge was watching my reaction and began to adjust the dials. The strength progressively increased. Soon, my leg muscles were contracting as the electricity triggered the nerves. I began trying to thrust my hard cock forward despite my restraints. Kyle stepped over and held on to the dolly to keep me upright.

Suddenly, the power spiked way up.

"Ahhh, ahh, ahh, ahh, shit" I yelled around the underwear in my mouth.

The power went back down.

"We'll leave it on that pattern and see how he does" Jorge said. "Feel free to come up and plaster him with your cum while he takes his ride gentlemen."

Within moments, there were men standing around me, all stroking their cocks. That was all it took. When the power spiked up the next cycle, I screamed "ahhh fuck, I'm cumming" and began to jerk violently as I enjoyed a powerful and long orgasm. This was a trigger for several men around me to also begin to unload on me.

"10 minutes in, not bad. Enjoy the next 20" Jorge said.

For the next 20 minutes, I rode the roller coaster of mild to extreme electrical stimulation on my very sensitive cock. I shot twice more before it was all over. When Kyle called "time" and Jorge shut it down, I was struggling to catch my breath and was pretty sure if it wasn't for the straps on the dolly, I would have collapsed on the floor.

I was left there on the stage as Jorge and Kyle saw the guests out and settled up with the crew.

Kyle stepped up on the stage and pulled the underwear from my mouth.

"So?" he asked looking at me with a grin.

"Oh fuck, oh my God. Thank you both" I said.

"You are welcome. We made a tidy sum tonight" Jorge said looking at a paper the crew had given him. "Cleared just over 15 thousand after expenses. Two thirds of that goes to you Josh and Kyle and I will split the rest."

"No, we should split it evenly" I said. "You guys made this happen and that had to take a lot of work."

"You were the star of the show, Josh. Almost every man here asked how he could engage your services when school starts" Jorge said. "You deserve it."

"Yeah" Kyle said. "You earned it!"

"Now, let's get you home. Do you think you can walk if we unstrap you?" Jorge asked.

"I'd rather you roll me down and put my sweaty and smelly body back in the trunk" I said with a grin.

"Spoken like a true sub" Jorge said with a smile.

Between the two of them, they got the dolly off the stage. I wasn't given any clothing to wear and they just rolled me to the elevator and down to the parking garage. Fortunately, it was late at night and nobody else was in the garage.

Once unstrapped, I climbed in the trunk and, before they closed the lid on me, I said "Thank you SIRs".

Once we got home, we all got into the master suite shower together. We spent almost a half hour soaping each other up and groping and fondling each other. Afterward, we all crawled naked into the massive bed and Kyle and Jorge fed me their cocks and fucked me before we all fell asleep in a tangle.

Love to hear from readers!

***Kik: traveling_tx


***Twitter: @waboutjosh/#waboutjosh

***Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

Next: Chapter 24

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