Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Jan 22, 2023


--------------Chapter 22--------------------

***Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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***This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

***HELP DEVELOP THE STORY - Give me feedback and suggestions at

------------From Chapter 21---------------

Jorge opened the trunk of his BMW. "Get in" he said to me.

I paused for a moment and Kyle yanked the chain hard. "Get in the trunk" he yelled.

I crawled in the trunk and managed to bend my body to fit.

"Tonight you are just a piece of property" Jorge said. "Property rides in the trunk" as he slammed the trunk lid shut.

Well this was a new twist. My cock was hard as a rock.

------------Chapter 22---------------

The car drove for what felt like about 20 minutes before stopping. Not being able to see out the windows was very disorienting.

When the trunk lid opened, I squinted for a moment expecting sunlight but it appeared we were in a parking garage and there was no daylight.

"Get out" Kyle said, grabbing the chain connected to my collar and pulling on it hard.

I got myself out of the trunk as quickly as I could stumbling to the ground.

"Get the fuck up" Kyle yelled at me.

I scrambled to my feet.

Jorge came walking up to us with a dolly like you'd use to move large appliances like a refrigerator with.

"Get on it, face outward" Jorge ordered.

I hesitated, not sure I understood.

"Move it" Kyle barked at me. He smacked my ass with a riding crop I hadn't noticed he was carrying.

"Yes SIR" I said as I stepped on to the dolly, putting my back to the frame, facing forward.

Jorge and Kyle used the built in straps on the dolly to secure me to it. A spider gag was put on my mouth, propping it wide open. I was then blindfolded. My cock was getting hard at the idea of being in this vulnerable predicament.

I felt the dolly tip backward and start rolling. All I had seen before I was blindfolded was a generic parking garage, about half the spaces filled with cars. It seemed to be underground as there was no daylight or sounds from the outside.

After rolling for a while, I heard what sounded like elevator doors closing. The binging after confirmed that it was an elevator and I could feel us moving upward.

After a lot of bings, the elevator stopped and I heard the door open. Again, I was tipped back and began to roll.

When the dolly next stopped and I was put upright again, I could hear soft rock music playing faintly.

The straps on the dolly were released from around me.

"Step forward one step and turn to your left" Jorge ordered.

"Yes SIR" I said as I did as instructed. Without thinking, I assumed my submissive stance, feet shoulder width apart, hands behind my back.

"Hands in front of you and take the tray I'm holding" Jorge said.

I put my hands out in front of me and found metallic handles which I grabbed on to.

"Don't tip the tray, hold it where it is now" Jorge said. "You spill something, you will regret it."

"Yes SIR" I said working to make sure I had a good hold on the tray and held it in position.

"Tell the caterer the stand for the welcome drinks is ready" I heard Jorge tell someone.

A few minutes later, I felt weight being added to the tray and could hear the sound of glass setting down on the metal. I had not realized how hard it would be to keep it flat and stable when I couldn't see it.

After a few minutes, I heard a doorbell. Someone opened the door and I heard a male voice I didn't recognize say "Welcome to the party men. Come on in. Enjoy a welcome drink on the stand over there."

I felt some of the weight leave the tray and had to quickly compensate to not spill.

"Nice drink stand" I heard another new male voice say.

"It's multipurpose" I heard Jorge say. "We'll be using it for other purposes as the evening progresses."

The cycle of the doorbell, someone taking a drink and usually making some sort of comment repeated several times until I could tell the tray was empty.

After a few more minutes, the spider gag and blindfold were removed. Kyle was standing in front of me. I was in what appeared to be a entrance hall of some sort, a door on my left and an archway on my right.

"Get in there and collect the empty drink glasses" Kyle ordered, motioning towards the archway. "As you collect them, take their next drink orders. Be sure to remember it. You can only go to the bar and get the drinks once you have at least three empty glasses. Fuck up and get a drink wrong and the guy whose drink you're getting will get to take out his disappointment on you."

"Yes SIR" I said.

As I walked through the archway, I entered a large room. It looked as though it was the living room to an apartment. The wall to the left was floor to ceiling windows with a large balcony outside and I could see we were fairly high up with a view of the lake.

As I looked around the room, I noticed that the couches and chairs had been arranged to look towards the opposite wall from the window and there was a temporary stage on that end of the room that was about a foot off the floor. The stage had poles at each corner that supported a frame above the stage that had various hooks and pulleys hanging from it. To the left of the stage was a black curtain concealing a large area in the corner.

Mingling around in the room were probably 15 men of a variety of ages, ethnicities and builds. I noticed several very well built young men, several well built gray daddies and a couple slightly overweight middle aged men. All were wearing leather clothing and accessories.

"Move it" Kyle said behind me and cracked my ass with the crop, getting the attention of a few of the men in the room.

"Yes SIR" I said and began walking around to guys whose glasses were empty. As I made it to the other side of the room, I could see through an archway directly opposite the one from the entry hall into a large dining room. The table was set for dinner and there was a bar with a bartender off to one side.

"Vodka martini, straight up, two olives" the first guy asked as he put his glass on my tray.

"Double crown and diet coke with a lemon" the second guy ordered.

"Vodka and soda, tall glass, with a lime" was the next order.

I turned to try to get to the dining room but another guy stepped in front of me and put his empty glass on the tray. "Gin martini, very dry."

Shit, now I was up to four orders. I didn't drink a lot of cocktails so I was really having to pay attention.

I made it to the bartender and he took the empties from my tray. "Orders?" he asked.

"Vodka martini, straight up" I began.

"Did he want any garnish?" the bartender asked.

"Garnish?" I asked.

"Did he want any fruit or anything?" the bartender laughed and said.

"Oh, yeah, olives I think" I said.

"Ok, what else" the bartender asked as he started making the martini.

"Double Crown and Coke with a lime, vodka and soda with a lemon and another martini, gin, very dry?" I said questioningly.

The bartender nodded and set to making the drinks. Thankfully, he identified each one as he gave it to me.

I returned to the main room and set about finding the men and matching them to their drinks. Of course, they had moved around in the large room so I had to search.

"I said a tall glass" Mr. vodka and soda said. "And a lime, not a lemon."

"We apologize sir" I heard Kyle say at my elbow. He took the drink from the man and put it back on the tray. "We'll get you a correct drink right away and you will get 10 minutes during the show later."

The guy grinned at this.

"Lemon not lime" Mr. Crown and Coke said. He took a small sip and spit it out. "Fuck, this is Coke, not Diet Coke! And it's definitely a single, not a double!"

Kyle again apologized and offered the man another 10 minutes, whatever that meant.

After giving the martinis, that were, thankfully, correct to their owners, I collected three more empty glasses and drink orders and returned to the bar.

Kyle was standing next to the bar.

"The correct drinks are already ready" Kyle said. "The bartender will get five minutes for every drink you make him remake."

Since I assumed the minutes were something sexual, I took a moment to size up the bartender. He looked to be in his early 20s, probably late college age. His bartender uniform for tonight was a tight black sleeveless shirt and tight fitting dress slacks. The shirt and pants suggested a good build and his arms showed that he spent time in a gym. His left arm had a geometric tattoo running from his elbow to his shoulder, disappearing under the t-shirt.

I gave the bartender the next round of drink orders and Kyle returned to the living room with me to deliver the corrected drinks.

After several more rounds, I had picked up the basics enough to be able to keep three or four drinks in my head. I only had a few more screw ups.

A well built man of about 30, dressed the same as the bartender, stepped into the living room and announced that dinner was ready.

All of the men moved towards the dining room. I saw a couple other men dressed like the bartender beginning to put food on the table.

"Property doesn't eat. Leave the tray with the bartender and follow me" Jorge said.

"Yes SIR" I said and did as instructed with the tray and followed Jorge back to the living room.

He lead me up on the stage and had me stand in the middle, facing out towards the furniture and the window.

"Shorts off" he ordered.

"Yes SIR" I said and took off the leather shorts I was wearing. My perpetually hard cock jumped up and slapped my stomach.

"Remember boy, no cumming without permission" Jorge warned, noticing my hard member.

"Yes SIR" I said.

Jorge stepped behind the curtain and came back holding several things in his hands.

"Here, put this on" he said, handing me a leather ball stretcher that looked to be about one and a half inches. The stretcher snapped on your ball sack and pushed your balls downward. I had used several ball stretchers at Jorge's instruction to add more hang to my balls so I was familiar with how to put it on. This particular stretcher had hooks on the sides unlike any other stretcher I had ever used.

Once I had the ball stretcher on, Jorge handcuffed my hands behind my back again. He then threaded rope through one of the hooks on the stretcher and under my scrotum coming out the hook on the other side. Once the rope was evenly pulled through, he ran the ends of the rope through a hook on the stage directly below where I was standing. He then began pulling on the ends of the rope causing me to bend my legs to ease pressure on my balls. Once I was in the position he wanted, he tied off the rope to the hook on the stage, forcing me to stand in a semi-squat type position. Next, he installed a set of clover nipple clamps with a chain on me and used another rope to tie the chain to the frame above the stage. I was now in a predicament. If I lowered myself to ease the pressure on my balls and legs, my nipples would suffer, if I raised up to ease the pull on my nipples, my balls would suffer.

"One last thing" Jorge said stepping behind me. I grunted as a butt plug was shoved in my ass, causing me to jerk and pull on my balls and nipples.

Leaving me in that position, he turned, stepped off the stage and went to the dining room, presumably to join the others and have dinner.

Thanks to my fitness routine and focus on my legs, I was able to find a position that was a balance on my balls and nipples but it was going to be a challenge to sustain this if dinner ran long. Nevertheless, my dick remained hard.

I could hear talking in the dining room and the sounds of utensils and plates. Fortunately, the view out the window over the lake was a welcome distraction.

Several times during dinner, one of the guests or one of the employees would come out to the living room. Sometimes to retrieve something, sometimes to just look at me.

I had begun to sweat from the exertion I was having to expend to balance and protect my balls and nipples. I could feel my hamstring muscles beginning to ache at the sustained position.

Eventually men began to return to the living room. Most of them carried a drink and they began to take seats on the couches and chairs. Conversation continued as if I wasn't even there. A few of the men did give me some long looks and adjust their package but not a word was said to me. I understood Jorge's property label.

Kyle and Jorge came in the room and stepped to the stage.

"Gentlemen" Jorge began and the room quieted and the men gave their attention to him.

"Thank you for joining Kyle and me this evening. We appreciate your patronage and we hope the accommodations, drink and food were to your liking" Jorge announced.

"It was once it got our drink orders right" one of the guys said with a grin.

"Yes, it seemed to struggle with remembering those" Jorge said, smiling. "But, its mistakes will be to your advantage now."

Kyle began to speak. "You all know the rules because you signed them but I want to emphasize a few of them again. There will be no photography or video taken by any guests. The staff will be taking still photos and video and you will be given an opportunity to purchase any you like."

"You have all signed a non-disclosure agreement about tonight and agree to keep the activities, names and faces here and any of the videos or photos private" Jorge added.

"As far as our plaything for tonight, there's only a few limitations. No scat, no blood, no severe injuries" Kyle explained. "Jorge and I hold the final say on something that is out of bounds or we feel is not ok. It has no safeword and is reliant on us."

"So, let's get started" Jorge said. "Oh, one last thing. It is not supposed to cum without Kyle's permission and if it does, it will be severely punished. Just so you know."

Most of the men in the audience smiled at this bit of information.


"Those of you who payed the `hands on' fee will each be invited up in the order you signed up and paid for this evening" Kyle began. "For everyone's anonymity, you each have a number that we will call instead of your name. When we call your number, step behind the curtain, pick your implements of choice and join us here on the stage. You will each have 15 minutes with it. You can reposition it if you like but that takes away from your time. Those of you who were unfortunate or fortunate enough to have a messed up drink order will be called up for additional sessions once all of the guests who payed the extra fee have had a turn."


Jorge released the ropes from my nipple clamps and balls allowing me to stand again.

"Number one" Kyle announced. A well built guy who looked to be about 30 stood up. He was wearing tight blue jeans, leather suspenders and a leather garrison hat. His torso was hairless and he sported a barbell nipple piercing on one nipple. My cock twitched.

When he came out from behind the curtain, he was holding a ball gag and a large flogger. "Hands above his head" he said.

Jorge unlocked one of my cuffs, brought my arms above me and put it back on. He then connected the cuffs to a hook on a pulley. Kyle stepped to the side of the stage and pulled on a chain until I was stretched upward as far as I could go and keep my feet on the floor.

Number One put the ball gag on me and nodded to Jorge and Kyle who stepped to the side, off the stage. "Let me know when I've got three minutes left" Number One said to Kyle who nodded.

Number one looked me in the eye and smiled. Not a friendly smile. The smile of someone who was about to make me hurt. He stepped behind me and began to warm up my back, ass and legs with the flogger. Very quickly the intensity of the hits increased. About 20 hits in, the intensity got very high and I could hear him grunting from the exertion of swinging the large flogger. By now, I was moaning and beginning to yell around the gag in my mouth.

By the time Kyle called "three minutes" I was sweating again, panting and my back side was on fire.

Number one dropped the flogger and stepped in front of me. He had opened his jeans and had his cock out, stroking it. He spit in his other hand and began to stroke my cock. Oh my God it felt so good!

Taking Jorge's advice, I focused on breathing to try to avoid letting this guy's strokes push me over the edge.

When Kyle called out "time", I was getting really close. Number One looked at me and said "I've got another chance coming up."


"Number two" Kyle called out as Number One returned to his seat, keeping his cock out and stroking it. I noticed that several other men had their cocks out and/or had removed pieces of clothing.

A guy who looked to be pushing 50 stood up. He was a bit overweight and wore a leather vest, leather pants and boots.

When Number Two stepped out from behind the curtain, my breath caught in my chest. He was holding a very large dragon dildo.

"I'll need him on his knees" Number Two said as he stepped on the stage.

Jorge released my cuffs from the pulley above me and I dropped to my knees. Kyle reached down and removed my butt plug roughly causing me to moan.

Number Two put the dragon dildo on the stage under my ass, took the ball gag off me and said "You're going to suck my cock and get yourself down on that dildo all the way. I'm going to be pulling on your nipple clamp chain until you're all the way down."

He stepped in front of me and began to unbutton his pants. As he pulled his dick out, I positioned my ass on the dildo and began sitting down on it. The first few inches were reasonably narrow and, especially after the butt plug, were not a challenge but I quickly came to the first large knot in the dildo. I moaned a little as I pushed it inside me. Number Two grabbed my head and pulled it to his cock. He had a nice looking cock, uncut with a decent girth. It was still not completely hard and looked to be growing to about eight inches. I opened my mouth and began to work on his cock.

"Get under that foreskin. I didn't clean there for the past couple days just for you. Even after I fucked my buddy this morning" Number Two said.

I stuck my tongue in his foreskin and encountered a strong taste.

Number Two reached down and grabbed the chain on my nipple clamps and yanked them hard, causing me to cry out around his cock.

"Better `get down on it' as the song says" Number Two said.

I continued pressing down on the dildo. This particular dildo had bumps and ridges all over it so it was stimulating my ass as it made its journey. I hit the large base part of the dildo that flared out to the size of the base of a large butt plug. My ass began to protest but my nipples were also protesting. And I needed to continue sucking his dick.

Number Two yanked on my nipples extra hard and I yelled out. Well, the nipples win and the ass loses. I took a breath around his smelly cock and spread my legs so that my ass dropped all the way down on the dildo. The dildo's base was just like a butt plug and once it went in, my ass closed around it.

"Ahhh shit" I yelled around his cock.

Number Two let go of the nipple chain and looked over at Kyle. "Time?" he asked.

"Four minutes" Kyle answered.

Number Two stepped back, removing his cock from my mouth.

"Lean back" he ordered. I leaned back, feeling the strain in my abs as I was on my knees all the way down on the floor with my hands cuffed in front of me so I couldn't support myself. The dildo also re-positioned inside me as I changed positions causing me to moan.

Number Two leaned down and, just like Number One, spit in his hand and began stroking my cock.

Again, I managed to breathe and control myself but was challenged with the large dildo and its bumps and ridges stimulating my ass and I almost lost control when Kyle, thankfully, called "time".

"Number three" Kyle called out.

Love to hear from readers!

***Kik: traveling_tx


***Twitter: @waboutjosh/#waboutjosh

***Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

Next: Chapter 23

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