Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Dec 21, 2022


--------------Chapter 20--------------------

***Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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***This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

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------------From Chapter 19---------------

My brain was racing. The endorphins from the pain combined with the realization that I was the center of attention for a bunch of men and my best friend was learning to hurt me had me flying high. My cock never lost its hardness.

As Kyle continued to knock the clamps loose, I writhed in pain and continued to scream out around the bit gag. When the clamps on my cock were knocked loose, I raised my torso up off the table as I screamed.

Suddenly, I felt my cock being stroked. After three weeks of no cumming, I immediately forgot the pain and began to enjoy the sensation of my cock being stimulated. I even felt someone sucking on it. Awesome, I was going to get to cum. I began to pant and moan as I got closer. Just as I felt like I was going to peak all stimulation stopped and something slammed into my balls.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" I screamed in both the frustration of the interrupted orgasm and pain in my balls.

"You didn't think you were going to get to cum did you?" I heard Kyle whisper in my ear.

Had Kyle been the one sucking me too?

------------Chapter 20---------------

"Comfy back there?" Jorge asked with a smirk.

`Funny guy' I thought. I was sitting in the back seat of Jorge's BMW sedan as we headed along the freeway on our way to Chicago. I was naked other than a leather jock (with my cock cage underneath) and a ball gag. My arms were cuffed behind my back. I was sitting on a large butt plug. Thankfully the back windows were darkly tinted so I wasn't visible to the passing cars as we sped along.

Jorge and Kyle were sitting in the front seat enjoying burgers and sodas. I had been fed a protein bar and water at our last stop. "Got to keep you lean and mean for our weekend" Jorge had said as he put the ball gag back on me.

I had been on a `lean' diet for a couple weeks now, ever since Jorge had told me that he was taking Kyle and me on a summer road trip to check out the city before our upcoming first semester at the University of Chicago. While not giving any specifics, Jorge had indicated that there would be plenty of playtime in our trip and that he wanted me in my best shape possible for it. I had to admit, the lean diet and Austin's even more rigorous workouts had the desired effect. My pecs had never been bigger, my abs were cut and defined and my ass, well, even I was turned on looking at my ass in the mirror. Squats, including squats wearing a weight vest, had certainly paid off. Jorge and Kyle had shaved my body completely the night before we left for the trip, even buzzing my hair on my head down to a soft fuzz.

"No answer? See if he's awake Kyle" Jorge said.

Kyle picked up the remote that went with the plug in my ass and pressed a button. The tip of the plug was metal and the button sent a surge of electricity up my ass. I moaned in response.

"Yeap, still awake. Let's make sure he stays awake" Kyle said, pressing another button and resuming a random program on the plug that he had used earlier in the trip and turned off when we stopped for food. Bursts of electricity of random strength pulsed in my ass, keeping me constantly stimulated.

My cock strained in the cage with the stimulation in my ass. I was sure the leather jock was soaked with my precum by now.

Unexpectedly, Jorge took an off-ramp in a rural open area. He navigated off the freeway onto a two lane road on which we drove for several miles before he turned onto a dirt road that was barely noticeable from the paved road. The dirt road lead us through some trees and bushes to a small cabin with a nice looking 4-wheel drive truck sitting outside.

Jorge stopped the car, turned off the ignition, got out and opened the door next to me. He reached in and unbuckled the seat belt and told me to "get out".

I got out of the car, wincing as my bare feet hit the gravel on the dirt road. I assumed my sub position, feet shoulder width apart, hands behind my back (no choice, they were still cuffed) and eyes forward. Jorge reached behind me and yanked the plug out of my ass causing me to gasp in surprise.

The door to the cabin opened. A man stepped out. Or rather, a mountain of a man stepped out. This guy must have been 6'5 and had the build of of someone who focused on the heavy weights at the gym. He was wearing a tank top that showed off massive arms with tattoos. His pecs stretched the material of the tank top. The jeans he was wearing left nothing to the imagination, showing a powerful set of legs and a large package at the crotch. He looked to be about 45 or 50 with salt and pepper hair, beard and mustache that were all trimmed and neat. His black work boots capped the picture perfectly.

As the man walked over to us, I was very aware of my cock cage as my cock reacted to this daddy man beast.

The man and Jorge shook hands and pulled into a hug. "It's good to see you Jorge." the man said.

"Great to see you too Orson. It's been way too long since IML" Jorge said. "Orson, meet Kyle. He's the dom in training I told you about" Orson and Kyle shook hands and exchanged greetings.

"And who or what is this" Orson said to Jorge, nodding in my direction.

"This is Josh but I'm sure you have some other names you'll call him this afternoon" Jorge said. "Josh, this is Master Orson or Sir to you. You will be in his control for the next couple hours. You are to do as he says and take what he gives you. Don't disappoint me" Jorge said in a menacing tone.

I looked at Jorge and nodded to try to indicate I understood since I couldn't speak with the gag in my mouth. I was both aroused and scared by this beast of a man having control over me.

"Here's the keys to his cage and cuffs if you want to remove either of them. Up to you" Jorge said, handing the keys to Orson.

Looking at me, Jorge said "Kyle and I will be back to pick up what's left of you in two hours." And with that, he and Kyle got in the car and quickly left.

`What's left of me?'

Master Orson took a collar and leash from his pocket. He buckled the collar around my neck. He clipped the leash to the collar.

Without a word, he turned and started walking, fast, pulling me along by the leash and collar. I had to move quickly to avoid falling over. I'm pretty sure he would have continued walking if I had hit the ground, dragging me along across the dirt and gravel.

When we got to the truck, he opened the tailgate, unclipped the leash and said "get up in there."

I sat on the tailgate and managed to swing my legs up and get into the bed of the truck, even though my hands were cuffed behind my back.

Without a word, Master Orson closed the tailgate on the truck. He walked to the driver's side, reached into the truck bed, grabbed my collar, pulled me forward towards the cab of the truck and laid me down on my stomach. He picked up a chain hooked onto the side of the truck bed and clipped it to my collar. He then walked around to the passenger side and repeated the process with a chain on that side to the other side of my collar. The chains did not allow for much movement so I was effectively restrained to the truck bed. The warm summer sun beat down on me and the truck bed was already hot. I began to sweat.

Master Orson left me there for a few minutes. Just as I began to get concerned that he wasn't coming back, he returned and tossed a bag into the truck bed next to me.

I heard the truck door slam and the engine started. As the truck began to move, I realized it was going to take some work to keep from being choked by the collar as the truck lurched around. I stretched my legs out to brace myself on either side of the truck. Thank goodness for all those leg days.

I couldn't see where we were going from my position laying down inside the truck bed but I was able to see that we were driving under several trees and the road was rough so I assumed we were going deeper into the property. After several more minutes of driving, the truck stopped and the engine turned off.

Orson got out of the cab and grabbed the bag from next to me. After a few minutes, he returned, opened the tailgate, climbed up into the truck bed and unhooked the chains from my collar. He then grabbed both my arms and, with surprising ease, lifted me to a standing position. He reconnected the leash to my collar and began to walk to the tailgate. He didn't hesitate as he jumped down to the ground and kept walking. I had to jump down as well and barely stayed upright as I struggled to keep up with him.

Master Orson marched me to a tall tree. I noticed there was a rope hanging from the tree with a hook on it. The rope was threaded through a pulley that had been bolted to the tree branch overhead. The other end of the rope lay on the ground with another hook on it.

"On the ground on your back" Master Orson ordered as he disconnected the leash from my collar. I dropped to my knees and then lay down face up on the grass and dirt. Master Orson removed a set of foot stirrups from the bag and put them on my feet and ankles. He then pulled a spreader bar from the bag and put it between my ankles, spreading my legs wide, and connected the bar to the stirrups.

Without a word, he roughly rolled me over on my stomach. I felt the handcuffs being unlocked. Roughly he rolled me on my back again. From the bag he removed some four buckle hand restraints and fit them on my wrists and hands.

Then he grabbed the bar between my ankles and pulled it so that my legs were up in the air and quickly connected my wrist restraints to the bar so that I was now laying on the ground with my legs and arms in the air. Master Orson grabbed the hook on the rope hanging from the tree and connected it to the bar. He then grabbed the hook on the other end and connected it to the front of his truck. Still not saying anything, he got into the truck, started it and began backing up. As the rope tightened, I was raised off the ground. When I was about two or three feet up, the truck stopped and turned off.

I rotated in mid-air. Because I was constantly turning, I was only able to get brief glimpses of Master Orson. On one turn, I saw that he had removed his shirt. I gasped at the site. His upper body was covered in a well groomed layer of hair that, like the hair on his head, was salt and pepper colored. His large pecs were capped with large nipples that each had a large ring pierced through them. I'm pretty sure my cock bent the metal of the cage it was in trying to get hard.

Suddenly, I felt warm liquid hitting my upper legs and ass. As I turned, the liquid moved to my hip and up the sides of my torso. When I came around to see the source of the liquid, I saw that Master Orson had his cock out and was pissing on me. When my face was in front of him, he grabbed me and stopped the spinning. He continued to piss, directly in my face. Finally his flow tapered off and he stepped closer and rubbed his cock on my face while he finished.

A moment to describe Master Orson's cock. It was, like the rest of him, massive. Easily seven or eight inches and not yet completely hard. It looked like it would rival a beer can for thickness. He was uncut and, as he rubbed his cock on my face, he pulled his foreskin back. I could smell sweat and funk on him. As usual, this triggered me and I moaned in pleasure at the musk of this alpha bull.

On hearing my moans, Master Orson reached behind my head, released the ball gag and removed it. Without thinking, I stuck my tongue out and began to lick his cock, paying special attention to getting under his foreskin. After some work cleaning his cock, he leaned in and lifted his large ball sack and lay it on my mouth and chin. I continued licking, taking each ball carefully in my mouth and gently savoring it, giving it a thorough tongue bath.

Once I had satisfactorily cleaned his balls, he stepped a little farther forward and I continued to lick and clean his taint and, eventually reached his ass. He reached back and spread his ass cheeks, I lifted my head and began to aggressively clean his asshole. His hole smelled of man musk with just a bit of shit. I had never really done this sort of `dirty' ass play before but I was loving it. This was a MAN who smelled like a MAN and I was happy to be taking care of him.

Master Orson let go of his ass cheeks and wrapped both hands around my head and pulled me into his ass crack even harder. I was having a hard time getting a breath but diligently kept at my job. I was pushing with my tongue to get it as far up his hole as possible.

After what seemed like the longest time and also the shortest time, Master Orson released my head and stepped back, leaving my head hanging down gasping for air.

While I was coming down from my man ass induced high, Master Orson stepped out of site. After a couple moments, he stepped between my legs and was holding a length of thin rope. Pulling down the leather jock covering my cage enclosed cock, he proceeded to wrap my balls with the rope. Once my balls were stretched down with a good inch of rope layers, he walked over to the tree, pulled on the rope enough to put some pressure on my balls and tied the rope off to the tree. Good news, I wasn't spinning any more, bad news, my balls were susceptible to any movement I made.

Again, he left my site. When he returned this time, he was holding a device I was familiar with. It was an electric zapper stick. This one was bigger than the one Jorge had used on me before. Shit, my poor balls!

My face clearly showed my feelings and Master Orson looked at me and spoke.

"I'm going to have some fun zapping your pretty boy body for a while. When I'm done, I'm going to fuck you, with your balls still tied to that tree. Then I'm going to leave you here for Jorge to find."

With that, Master Orson proceeded to begin applying the zapper to me in various places, starting with my chest, sides, legs and feet. For most of that, I was able to steel myself and avoid jerking too hard, but my balls were still feeling it. He then stepped away and came back with a blindfold and put it on me. Now I had no opportunity to prepare for where the zapper would hit.

He continued using the zapper on me. Each touch of it was like a strong needle prick on my skin with a lingering tingle. With no visual ability to get ready, I was jerking much harder and my balls were taking the abuse and I was starting to yell out more and more.

"Shut up" Master Orson said and stuffed some sort of cloth in my mouth. It had a familiar taste, it was the taste of Master Orson's crotch that I had been savoring earlier. It must have been his jock or underwear or something.

The undergarments in my mouth did little to muffle my screams when Master Orson began to focus the zapper on my more sensitive areas, nipples, taint, balls and, finally, the metal cage holding my engorged cock. When the zapper touched the cage, I nearly passed out as the electricity traveled down the metal rings and sent shocks and tingles through my cock.

Master Orson amused himself with some more cock and ball electro torture before the shocks finally stopped. By this time, I was barely able to catch my breath, drool ran all around the garment in my mouth and my entire body was shivering.

Within a few moments of the shocks stopping, I felt something at my asshole. A new feeling of dread hit me as I remembered the size of Master Orson's cock. It would be, by far, the largest real cock I had ever taken. The girth I saw rivaled even some medium butt plugs I'd had in me.

I felt him turn me slightly so that my balls were pulled to one side, still attached by the rope to the tree. A cool liquid was at my ass as he, thankfully, liberally worked lube into me.

I then felt his presence near my head. Something was put under my nostril and a finger closed my other nostril. I greedily inhaled the poppers I knew were there. These were fresh and strong. They might help me get through.

"Take another hit" Master Orson said as the bottle remained at the same nostril. "You're going to need it."

I inhaled a second hit on the first nostril and repeated the two hits on the other nostril. I have never used poppers a lot so this much of these fresh and strong poppers had me in a whole new head space. Suddenly, the only thing I could think of was taking this massive man's manhood inside me and letting him have his way with me.

I felt Master Orson return to the space between my legs. I felt the massive head of his cock running up and down my ass crack. I could feel more lube being applied. First one and then a couple of this man mountain's massive fingers invaded my hole. I moaned through the cloth in my mouth. He continued to work my hole, kneading and stretching it.

The poppers appeared at my nose again and I figured this was a signal that things were going to move to the next level so I greedily took more hits.

What must have been the massive cock head was at the entrance to my hole. I tried to take a deep breath and relax, knowing that if I was tense, this was just going to be worse.

Without warning, Master Orson grabbed my balls and the rope tying them off and began to pull and squeeze, hard. I yelled loudly through the gag in my mouth at this new, unexpected pain. Suddenly, the head of his cock entered me and I screamed again. While the balls had distracted me, it had also caused me to tense up again and this massive cock was beginning its invasion of my ass and it hurt like hell.

He mercifully held with just the head in me and allowed me to adjust and calm down a little. For the first time, I wasn't sure I would be able to take this but also realized I really had no choice.

Unexpectedly, the rope around my balls was untied and my balls were free. While you might think this was a relief, this also allowed increased blood flow to the area that had been taking a lot of abuse for a while. It hurt, a lot! I moaned loudly.

"Well, time to get this over with. I've found there's no easy way for a guy to take my cock gradually so it's just better to do it all at once" Master Orson said.

`Wait, what?'

I felt his massive hands grab both of my thighs and he began to push what now felt like a baseball bat sized cock into me. While he was not going fast, it was persistent. My hole continued to stretch and protest as it was being opened wider and deeper than ever before. By this point, I had lost the ability to scream and just let my head hang down and silently waited for the torture to end.

By the time I felt his pubic hairs rubbing up against my ass cheeks, I could feel his cock inside me at a depth well beyond anything I could have imagined. I was sure if I didn't have a blindfold on, I would be able to see the shape of his cock poking out amongst my abs.

"Get your head up here" Master Orson barked.

I raised my head and gratefully took the offered poppers. Knowing what was likely coming, I focused on relaxing as much as I possibly could. This man was going to fuck me and me being tensed up would only make it worse.

Slowly I felt the cock beginning to pull back out of me. With what could have been no more than half out, it made a rapid return, balls deep.

"MMMMPPHHHHHH" I yelled around the gag.

Master Orson repeated the half out, slam back in routine several times and, I was finally starting to relax and enjoy this man using me. With the size of this cock, he was applying constant pressure to my prostate which was stimulating my cock in its confinement.

The speed of his thrusts increased. He reached under my ass and lifted me up slightly, taking some of the pressure off my ankles and wrists in the restraints.

By now, I was into it and was moaning in obvious pleasure as he tore my ass apart. Master Orson reached up and pulled off the blindfold and pulled the gag out of my mouth.

Some part of me realized my ass may be irreparably harmed but I wanted it desperately, if for no other reason than to please this huge man.

I looked up into his eyes and saw raw passion and lust.

"Fuck me SIR" I yelled.

With that encouragement, Master Orson further increased the strength and pace of his thrusts into me.

All I could do was mumble. "Ahh ahh ahh, yessss ssssirrr, ffffuuucckkk meeeeeeeeee" over and over again.

Suddenly, I felt it. The stimulation from his abuse of my ass and prostate was having the desired effect. "Ohhhh mmmmyyy gggooooddddd, I'm cccccuuuummminnggggg" I managed to yell out before my orgasm shot through my body and cum spurt out of my caged cock.

Apparently the stimulation of my ass contracting from my orgasm was enough for Master Orson as well. With several unbelievably hard thrusts, he roared "FUCKING TAKE MY CUM" and began to grunt as he breed my ass. I swear I could feel the shots of his cum inside of me they were so big and powerful.

We both stared into each others eyes for a few moments as we caught our breaths. In a move that surprised me, Master Orson leaned forward and gave me a deep and hard kiss. I happily returned the kiss, reveling in the power of this man.

After a long, satisfying kiss, Master Orson stepped back and his cock popped out of my hole, leaving me feeling empty and used. He used his fingers to probe my hole and scooped out some of his cum. When he brought the fingers to my mouth, I greedily opened up and sucked them clean.

With no further words or even looking at me, Master Orson threw Jorge's handcuffs on my stomach, walked to his truck, pulled on the rope enough to take the tension off the hook on the front of his truck. In a true testament to his power, he unhooked the rope from his truck and walked over to a nearby tree and tied the rope off without me lowering in the slightest. With that done, he got in his truck, started it and drove off. I was left hanging from a tree in the middle of the woods still trying to come down from this intense experience.

I hoped Jorge and Kyle would be back soon. I also hoped they could find me.

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Next: Chapter 21

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