Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Jun 6, 2018


--------------Chapter 2--------------------

Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

This second chapter will be some more setup and context. This isn't just a sex story, I enjoy the stories with more content and background - hang in there, it'll get your dick hard soon! Give me feedback and suggestions at

I sent this to Nifty for reposting to fix a character name issue with Jorge/Javier. The character was originally Javier in the first couple chapters but I started referring to him as Jorge in later chapters. Changing it here to Jorge for continuity sake. New writer here and still learning to keep track of character names. Apologies for any confusion.

..."I left my wallet here when I left for work this morning and was coming to get it so I could go get some lunch." Eric was spending most nights at our house and had a key which explained how he got in. The steady hum of air conditioning on this hot day also helped me not hear him come in. "We need to talk. Go get yourself cleaned up, put on a shirt and shoes, do whatever you need to do with your dick and meet me in my truck outside in five minutes." This wasn't a request or a suggestion, it was an order and he no longer sounded like a brother or an uncle. I was pretty sure I saw him adjust his package in his khaki shorts as he turned to leave the room.

"Yes sir" I said for some reason. Once again, what the fuck?

I quickly put things back where I thought I remembered them being, looked around to make sure nothing else was disturbed and ran to my room. My cock had not gone down one bit. Quickly I stripped, pulled on some compression boxers, tucked my still hard cock down my left leg and pulled a fresh pair of basketball shorts (the ones I had been wearing had a large precum stain on the front) and a t-shirt on and slipped into a pair of flip-flops.

I almost fell down the stairs running to get in Eric's truck. When I finally got there, I climbed in the passenger side of his four wheel drive pickup truck and buckled my belt. Eric didn't say a word or even look at me, just put the truck in gear and started driving.

Eric pointed the truck down the main highway in town and kept driving until we were on the outskirts of town. He pulled up to a generic looking roadside diner I had never been to, turned the truck off and got out. Before he closed the driver's door, he looked at me, still sitting with my seat belt on, and said "Do you want to get your ass in gear and get some lunch or sit out here and see how long it takes you to pass out from the heat in the truck?" and closed the door. I quickly unbuckled, opened the door, jumped down to the ground and closed it behind me. Eric was already at the door of the diner and looked at me impatiently. I practically sprinted to the door just as he moved from holding the door open to walking in in front of me. A clear sign of who was in charge.

Inside, the diner wasn't fancy but seemed clean. There were a few customers scattered around in the booths and at the counter. Eric sat down in a booth in a far corner with nobody near us and I sat down across from him in the booth. A waiter came up to the table. His name tag said Jorge and I found myself noticing how his white t-shirt showed off a nice build with nipples standing out on his well developed pecs and the sleeves barely contained his upper arm muscles with some tattoos peeking out below the sleeves. His white diner pants were nice and tight and you could tell he had a nice package and well muscled legs.

"Hey Eric, good to see you" said Jorge. "Having the usual?".

"Yes, and the boy will have a water and a burger protein style" said Eric. "No fries or anything".

"You got it man, burger hold the bun for him, usual for you" Jorge said and turned to leave and I found myself staring at his amazing ass as he walked away.

After a few seconds, Eric said "Hey, want to pay attention to the guy who brought you here and is buying you lunch?"

I snapped my head back to look at Eric and said "Sorry sir" There it was again, "sir". My relationship with Eric was never one where I called him sir or anything. He was always just Eric. I also remembered that he had called me "boy" to Jorge. That was also different. Again, what the fuck?

"So let's get a few things out of the way" Eric began. "I'm not mad at you and I'm not going to tell your mom what happened but I need you to promise me you won't be sneaking around our room anymore". Interesting how it was now "our" room instead of just Mom's. "I'll stay out of your room, unless you give me a reason to. You respect our privacy and we respect yours. Got it Boy"?

"Yes sir". Fuck, why did I keep saying that.

"Now, clearly, you're discovering some things about yourself. I'll admit, I got caught playing with my cock a couple times when I was a teenager" he said and started to grin "but, I never had any accessories hanging off me like you did. Now, don't get embarrassed" as I felt my face get hot and started to squirm in the booth. "It's done now and I know so we can get past being awkward about it. There's no undo button. Can you handle that boy?"

"Y Y Y Yes sir" I stammered.

"Speak up boy" Eric demanded in a slightly louder voice that I was afraid would carry to the other customers in the diner.

"Yes sir!" I said loud and clear.

My cock had softened during the awkward and quiet truck ride but now I felt it stirring again.

About this time, Jorge arrived with my ice water and Eric's coffee. "Food'll be here in a few" he said before turning away again and catching my eye with his ass.

"So I think you're starting to clear up a question I had" Eric said as he watched me watch Jorge's ass walk away. "I was wondering if this was just a fetish type thing or if you were maybe also interested in something other than playing with females. I know I've seen you checking out me and other guys in the locker rooms. Watching you practically drool over Jorge's ass confirms for me that you either swing from the other side of the plate or you're a switch hitter."

The room started to spin for me. I thought I was going to pass out and was actually hoping I would and then wake up and realize this was a bad dream.

"Boy, pull yourself together. I'm not judging you, I'm not a homophobe or a biphobe. Everyone has their thing. Now, this isn't exactly the town where you can be open and public about it but that doesn't change what turns your crank and gets your cock hard."

"You look like you're going to pass out, before the food gets here, head into the restroom, splash some water on your face and get yourself under control."

I got unsteadily to my feet and walked toward the sign that said "Restroom" on the other side of the diner. Jorge noticed me at the counter and said "I'll hold your food under the heat lamp till you're back." Despite my unsteady state, I couldn't help but notice his deep latin good looks and the sexy dark day or so beard growth on his face.

Once in the restroom, I stepped to one of the two urinals on the wall and pulled my cock out. The smell of cum hit my nose and I realized I was leaking like a broken pipe. I heard the door to the restroom open and someone stepped to the urinal next to me. I did the typical men's room stare straight ahead and tried to will my cock to go down and just start urinating so it wouldn't look weird.

"Nice sized weapon you're packing there" the guy next to me said. I looked over and there was Jorge. The urinals were about a foot apart and there was no divider and he was blatantly staring at my still hard cock. I couldn't help myself, I looked down to see his cock and could see a very nice cock that was starting to chub up as he played with it.

"Eric told me you might need some help in here" Jorge said. "Calm down" he said as I must have looked like Jorge had pulled a gun on me. "I just mean that he wanted someone else to let you know that being interested in playing with other guys is not abnormal and it can be quite fun if you're into it".

At this point, I fell backwards and slumped against the wall of a stall. Jorge reached out and grabbed me by the arm and steadied me. How had I gone so far in such a brief period? An hour ago, for all anyone, including myself, knew, I was a straight jock chasing all the pussy I could get and now Eric and a guy I didn't even know, Jorge, were openly talking to me about liking guys.

"Wh wh why would..."

Jorge saved me from my stammering. "Why would Eric send me in to tell you this? Two reasons, I'm gay, well gay with a side of bi now and then, and I've lived in this town for 5 years so it can be done. Second, I couldn't help but notice you checking me out and said so to Eric and he shared with me that you were in the middle of figuring out who you are and maybe you could use some support."

"But I'm not gay" I said, suddenly feeling defensive and starting to remember what happened to other guys who had been labeled fags in town. I suddenly found my footing, stood up and managed to put my cock away.

"Maybe you are and maybe you aren't. I'm ok either way and I don't plan to tell anyone anything one way or the other" Jorge said. "I'm not going to lie to you. If you were gay or bi and you were a couple years older, I'd definitely be interested. Hell, I'm interested even though you are still underage but that's a conversation for a different time. As it is, you need to know that whatever way you feel, there's nothing wrong with it and there are ways for you to find places and times in this town where you can be who you are with like minded people. Eric is plugged in and can help you as can I. If you check your phone, you'll see a text from me. Eric gave me your number. The text is just saying hi and so you'll have my number if you ever want to talk."

I hadn't even noticed my phone vibrate with all the other information I was trying to process.

"Now, I've got to get to my customers and you need to get back to Eric. Wash up and come on out. Our burgers are the best in town, even if Eric is apparently trying to keep you off carbs, you're in for a treat." Jorge washed his hands and left the restroom.

I've said it several times before...what the fuck?

Quickly, I washed my hands, check in the mirror that my still semi-hard cock was not overly visible and headed back to the table. Eric was just hanging up his mobile phone and Jorge brought my burger shortly after I sat down.

"That was your mom" Eric said. The look of panic must have returned to my face and he said "No worries, I didn't tell her anything except that I'd swung by the house to pick up my wallet and asked you to tag along to lunch with me. I also told her that we agreed that you needed to get a job this summer and I had an opening for a locker room attendant at the gym and you had agreed to start tomorrow morning." Again, why did I not get a say in any of this? "You'll head back to the gym with me after lunch and we can do the paperwork and get you setup. Your first shift is tomorrow morning at 5am."

"I appreciate it Eric but I really don't need the job. Dad makes sure I've got plenty of pocket money and I was hoping to just enjoy my summer." I said, trying to take some control of the situation back. The idea of getting up that early on a non-school morning didn't really sound good to me either.

"This isn't about money." Eric said. "I'll pay you a fair wage for the work you do but the money will go straight into a savings account for your college or wherever you go after high school. Daddy ain't going to be there forever as your ATM. This is more about you starting to learn the lessons having a job can teach you. How to show up on time, how to follow instructions, how to be respectful to your superiors; that's me by the way, your superior". I wasn't totally sure he was just talking about at work. "Your mom is following my lead on this and is supportive. I think you'll begin to appreciate earning your own money. If you want, we don't have to put it all in savings. You might have some things you want to spend it on."

"In addition to the lessons learned, being in the locker room for eight hours a day will give you plenty of time to contemplate your feeling about men and their bodies. Frankly, if you want to experiment a little, just keep it on the down low. It won't be the first time the sauna and showers in that locker room have seen some action."

I almost choked on my burger.

"Look Josh, man to man, I've known more than a few guys who didn't figure out who they were and what they wanted to be happy until it was too late. Don't be one of those guys. You've got to face the realities of this town while you live here but that doesn't have to be forever and you can still keep your image publically while finding ways to fulfill whatever it is you need. Believe me when I say, you're NOT the only guy in this town, the high school or even on the baseball team whose eyes wander in the locker room."

"Now, finish your burger and let's get to the gym. By the way, get used to the protein, I've also decided you're going to become my personal health project and I'll be managing your diet and workout routine. If you're going to be cruising guys like Jorge, we need to make sure you can close the deal" he said without a hint of humor on his face.

The ride to the gym was as quiet as the ride from home to the diner. My head was spinning with everything that had happened in a short period of time. Was I gay? Was I bi? Why did I like the pain of the clamps? Why was I allowing Eric to be in control of me, saying "sir" all the time and seeming to enjoy it?

When we arrived at the gym, Eric and I got out and I followed him in. I knew the gym, having worked out there quite a bit but, somehow it looked different now. I followed Eric upstairs to his office. Once we were in his office, I noticed how manly it was. Lots of dark wood, big desk, big chair, mini-bar in the corner and some stuffed animal heads on the wall. This office just screamed alpha male.

"Grab a seat while I go get the personnel clerk to get you started." Eric paused on his way out the door and said "As long as you don't say anything to your mom, feel free to grab a shot of something off the bar. Might help to calm you down. You still look like a scared deer in the headlights" Eric said as he left.

I glanced at the minibar, I had snuck a lot of drinks in the last couple years with buddies down by the lake or hanging out at someone's house when the parents weren't home. Never got plastered but, right now, the idea of a shot seemed pretty appealing. I walked over and poured myself a shot of Jack and drank it all in one drink as I've seen men do in movies. burned but I have to admit that a couple minutes later, I started to relax more than I had since Eric found me in Mom's bedroom earlier in the day. I sat in one of the chairs in front of Eric's desk and waited, trying to clear my head some more.

"Josh, this is Thomas, my personnel clerk" Eric said as he came back in. With Eric was what must have been a viking king. A little taller than Eric, blond hair, blue eyes, huge guns and a body that stretched the khaki shorts and polo shirt gym uniform in all the right places. "Thomas will take you to his office to get the paperwork done and then show you what you'll need to know for your job. Come back and see me when you're done and you can ride home with me."

I followed Thomas down the hall, unable to take my eyes off of his ass that looked like two footballs stuffed in his shorts next to each other. When Thomas turned to let me into his office, he couldn't have missed me staring at his ass/crotch area and licking my lips. I'd swear he smiled a little and said "come on in and sit down and let's get this paperwork over with."

Thomas sat me at a table in his much smaller office than Eric's and gave me a pen and a stack of forms to fill out. A couple times I had questions for him and he would always come stand next to me while he answered them and I'd swear he was rubbing his package up against my arm every time he leaned over to point out something on the paper. My cock was in a state of perpetual semi-hardness and I was starting to worry about precum leaking through my shorts again.

Once the paperwork was done, Thomas said that I needed to get fitted for a gym uniform.

"I know my sizes already, I can tell you what I need" I tried to say.

"No" he said, "Eric insists that uniforms fit a certain way on his employees to project the right image for the gym and that means we may need to have you try on the different sizes to see what fits your body right. Let me lock the door to the office so you don't have to worry about anyone walking in, although I don't think anyone would mind the view" he said as he gave me a top to bottom look.

Thomas walked over to a cabinet and took out a few pairs of shorts and a few polo shirts. "Here, I think let's start with a 28 waist shorts and a medium shirt."

I usually wore a couple sizes larger in the waist and a large or extra large shirt but I figured I'd go along. I stripped off my t-shirt and shorts before realizing that, yet again, I was sporting wood. Thankfully the compression boxers helped keep it somewhat discreet but not by much.

"Let's lose the boxers also" Thomas said. "These shorts are made to be tight and you may only be able to wear a jockstrap comfortably but you can try it on freeball for now."

Thinking about everything from my grandmother naked to dead puppies trying to will my cock to go down, I finally removed my boxers. My cock popped right up.

"My my" Thomas said. "Hey Josh, don't worry about it, it's natural at your age. Hell, when I was your age, I was sporting wood pretty much 24x7."

By my estimation, Thomas couldn't have been much older than me. Maybe 19 or 20. I picked up the khaki shorts and began to pull them on. With a good deal of effort, I was able to tuck my cock down the left leg and get them buttoned and zipped. I then put on the shirt and was thankful I'd been working out as the small size left nothing to the imagination. Thomas pointed to a mirror in the corner and I went and looked at myself and had to admit, I looked pretty sexy but I looked at Thomas and said "can I really wear this in the gym and out in public?"

Thomas looked me up and down and said "oh yeah, this is what Eric and his clientele like to see, the product of hard work at the gym. It motivates members to keep coming in and motivates non-members to become members. Eric will be very happy with how this looks. You're a fucking walking advertisement for the gym. Let's take a quick tour so you can see where you'll get the stuff you need to attend to the locker room."

I followed Thomas downstairs, feeling very self-conscious about the uniform, but also noticing some appreciative looks from men and women in the gym. In the locker room that I was already familiar with, Thomas showed me the supply closet where they kept extra towels, soap and other things needed to stock the locker room. He also showed me the laundry room where I would wash and dry the towels and fold them to go back in the supply closet.

"One other duty the locker room attendant has is to make sure members have their needs met here. Eric takes pride in great member service and believes in always giving the members what they want" Thomas said. "Now, it can get awkward in here as guys will be running around naked and the testosterone and hormones are as thick as a fog. One of the forms you signed upstairs was a release acknowledging you would be working in close proximity to other people in various stages of undress and agreeing not to sue the gym or any members for harassment if some unusual encounters happen. Now, that's not meaning you should expect to let someone rape you or assault you, without your consent, but Eric turns a blind eye to a lot of sexual activity here in the locker room in the interest of member satisfaction and giving guys in this town a place to blow off some sexual frustration. He mentioned to me that you were exploring your own sexuality and part of the reason you're doing this job is to start to come to terms with who you are. Just so you know, most of the male employees of the gym are part of the crowd that appreciates this locker room and the part it plays in the underground of this uptight town. That includes me. Let me show you a few not so well known features of this locker room."

Once again, the unsteady feeling rushed over me. Was Eric going to tell every person we encountered what was going on with me?

Thomas lead me to the shower area and began pointing out how to refill the soap and shampoo dispensers. When nobody was around, he motioned for me to step into one of the shower stalls with him and pulled the curtain behind us. Each of the shower stalls was separated by a stainless steel wall, similar to what you might see separating toilet stalls in a restroom. The wall stopped about a foot above the floor and went high enough that nobody could see over them unless they were eight feet tall. One wall of each stall held the soap and shampoo dispensers which were bottles with pumps on top mounted on a shelf so that the pump was just above waist height for most adults. Thomas pointed out a spot on the shelf holding the dispensers and pushed in on a button that wasn't obvious if you didn't know what to look for. He then slid the shelf to the left and you could see through to what was obviously the back of the dispensers in the stall next to you.

About this time, someone stepped into the shower next to us and pulled the curtain shut. He turned on the water and we heard sounds of him soaping up and rinsing off. Thomas discreetly knocked on the wall. A moment later, the shelf on the other side slid out of the way and a nice sized cock and balls with lots of hair around them appeared. Thomas knelt down and put his mouth at the opening. The cock and balls slipped through and Thomas started stroking the cock and licking the balls. The cock grew quickly to a nice 7 inches with a nice thick head. Thomas paused in his licking and looked at me questioningly, seeming to ask me if I wanted to try. I shook my head emphatically no and started to back up. Thomas gave me a "no problem" look and proceeded to take the cock in his mouth and it quickly disappeared down his throat. I could see his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he clearly was swallowing and massaging the cock lodged in his mouth. After a bit more of this, Thomas started to move up and down on the cock, always coming almost all the way out of his mouth and then diving back in till his nose was buried in the pubes of the guy. Suddenly, the other guys hand came through the opening and grabbed Thomas by the back of the neck and held him down on his cock while he made short in and out thrusts, never more than an inch or so out so his cock had to stay pretty much in Thomas' throat all the time. Initially, Thomas had no issue but after about a minute, he started to struggle and I could see him choking, his face getting red and his eyes watering but he never made a move to try to remove the guy's hand. This continued for a bit longer and suddenly, the guy thrust his cock deep into Thomas' mouth and held it there. I could see his balls pull up and realized he was dumping his load down Thomas' throat. Thomas' face was even more red and his eyes streaming nonstop tears but he still never tried to get loose from the cock lodged in his mouth. After a few more seconds, the guy pulled out and Thomas gasped a big breath but continued to clean the cock off as the guy pulled it back into his shower stall and moved the dispensers back into place.

Thomas stood up, wiped his mouth and face with his hands to try to clean off some of the tears and saliva. He looked at me and smiled but said nothing as he slid our dispensers back into place. Eventually, we heard the water shut off in the stall next door and the curtain open. Watching below our curtain, we saw the guy's feet as he walked back into the locker room. There were no other showers running so Thomas discreetly opened the curtain and looked out. He then opened it wide and stepped out and motioned for me to follow. He grabbed a towel from the shelf outside the showers and more thoroughly wiped his face off.

"You're going to want to wipe that shocked look off of your face" he said looking at me. "I didn't expect that to go that way but, some of the best things that happen in here are spontaneous. Let's get you back to Eric before he gets pissed that you're late. You'll just have to discover some of the other features later."

I followed Thomas out into the locker room. There was only one guy there getting dressed and I recognized his cock and balls. He gave both of us a subtle nod and smile and kept dressing as we left the locker room, heading towards the stairs and Eric's office.

During the ride home in Eric's truck, he asked me "So, did Thomas give you a tour of the locker room?"

"Yes sir" I answered. "He showed me where to find all the supplies, talked to me about member satisfaction and showed me how to refill the dispensers in the shower."

At this, Eric glanced over at me and asked "Did he show you the special feature built into the dispensers?"

"Yes sir" I answered.

"Ok, and..." he said.

"I guess you could say he gave me a demonstration of how to make sure the member in the next shower got what he needed" I said sheepishly but with a grin.

"Thomas is such a cock slut. Surprised he didn't try to get in your pants; he didn't did he?"

"NO" I said loudly.

"Not to worry, but I will tell you, Thomas is one of the more talented cocksuckers in town. You could do worse if you're looking to get off. And if you're into doing that sort of stuff, he'd be a great teacher."

Now, how did Eric know this?

OK, I know, not a lot of jackoff material. I hope I don't lose too many of you to the story...for me, the best stories on nifty are the ones that aren't straight sex and give you some backstory. I also feel like Eric, Jorge and Thomas wouldn't really take sexual advantage of Josh this quick while he's still clearly grappling with his identify. Don't worry, I see some action among them but good things cum to those who wait. Give me your feedback to Help me figure out where this story goes. The canvas has a lot of blank space left.

Next: Chapter 3

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