Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Oct 23, 2023


--------------Chapter 18--------------------

***Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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***This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

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------------From Chapter 17---------------

"So you know boy, Jorge and those other guys aren't due back for about another hour. I'm going to leave the door unlatched and slightly open when I leave. Who knows who might wander in" Daddy said, then he gave me a kiss, twisted one of my nipples and he was gone. I heard the telltale sound of the door to the room slamming on and bounding off the security bar lock.

Here I was, alone in a motel, restrained and blindfolded in a sling and the door was open. The motel rooms opened right onto a parking lot so there was very little keeping anyone from discovering the open door.

My gut felt full from all the cum and Daddy's piss. I lay back in the sling and mentally replayed the events of the night so far. Kyle was amazing. This had been a totally kick ass time.

"Wow, look at this" I heard a strange male voice say.

------------Chapter 18---------------

My stomach clenched. I was helpless in this sling and who knows who just walked in.

"Yeah, someone's in a pickle" I heard another voice say. Shit, there's two of them!

"Someone left a note here that his ass is full of piss. Good to know before we removed that plug" the first voice said.

"I'll get the trashcan from the bathroom" the second voice said.

I felt someone caressing my chest and abs. They lingered on my nipples and twisted and squeezed them.

"Here you go" the second voice said.

One of them grabbed my legs and pulled me down further in the sling so my ass was hanging out over the bottom of the sling. I then felt the butt plug in my ass be rapidly pulled out.

"Ahhhhh" I moaned.

"Let it go boy" the first voice said.

I relaxed my ass and pushed a little. I felt the liquid making its exit and heard it hitting the plastic trash can.

"Nice and clean. Someone prepared this ass for a lot of play tonight. We wouldn't want to let them down would we?" the second voice said.

The first voice responded. "No, we will definitely give it some use."

I felt fingers at my hole, probing inside me. I moaned as the fingers pressed in and I could feel them stimulating my prostate.

"Clearly he likes this" the first voice said as I felt my cock being stroked. It was already hard again and I was sure it must be leaking precum.

The fingers in my ass continued to explore my insides, continuing to go deeper. After a little more of this, the fingers were removed and I felt them replaced by a cock. The owner of the cock wasted no time in bottoming out in me. The cock was a nice length, not the longest I'd taken tonight but it definitely was thick. My hole was letting me know it hadn't been stretched this far in a while and, unlike a butt plug where it get stretched for a second or two and then goes back, this cock was thick from top to bottom.

As the cock in my ass found a rhythm and began fucking me, I felt a hand on my cock stroking it. The stimulation of the cock in my ass, the blindfold, bondage, sling and anonymous motel room meant I was already very aroused. The hand brought me to near orgasm very quickly.

"Tell me when you're ready to cum" the second voice said.

It didn't take more than a couple more minutes before I was panting "I'm going to cum, oh yes, yes, yes, "

The hand stopped stroking my cock just as I felt myself nearing the top of my orgasm. Fuck!

"We're going to play a game with you for a while. If you cum without telling us in advance, you'll seriously regret it" I heard a voice close to my head say.

The hand started stroking my cock again and I, again, quickly was nearing the top of the orgasm hill and gave my verbal warning and, just before I made it to the top, it stopped.

After the third or fourth time of this, I heard and felt the guy fucking me blow his load up inside of me.

`Good, I thought to myself, now we'll finish and I can cum too'

My thought was cut off by another cock entering my ass. `Who was this? I hadn't heard anyone else come in.'

"In case you're wondering, we've got a line of guys to fuck you while I edge you. You don't get to cum until they all do and I do" the voice of the guy attending to my cock said.

This continued for several rounds. I lost count of how many guys entered my hole but could definitely feel cum leaking out of me. My body felt like a live wire, quivering and sensitive to every touch. Somebody casually rubbed my chest and I moaned loudly when they got to my nipples.

Finally, the voice said to me "ok, that's the last one, now I fuck you and, after I cum, maybe you get to cum."

I felt one more cock enter my gaping and sloppy hole. This one went deep in me, hitting some spots that only Richard had hit. I moaned in pleasure.

He didn't stroke me while he fucked. And he fucked me seriously, rattling the stand the sling was on.

Eventually, he made the telltale noises of someone about to cum and I felt yet another load be deposited in me.

Once he caught his breath and pulled out of me, I felt the butt plug be reinserted. Then, something was slipped over my cock shaft. It felt like a sleeve that wrapped tightly around the shaft. Suddenly it began to vibrate. If I hadn't had the blindfold on, I'm sure they would have seen my eyes roll back in my head.

"Have fun" I heard my tormenter say as he patted my chest. I heard the door open and close. I didn't notice if it sounded like it was left propped open or not because, right about then, the vibration brought me to the most intense orgasm I think I'd ever experienced. I yelled like an animal and literally raised my entire body up off the sling with my arms and legs in their restraints.

As I came down from the orgasm high, I realized the vibrating hadn't stopped and, depending on how long I was left like this, I could be in for a hell of a ride. My post-orgasm cock sensitivity had me jerking and yelling. Once the sensitivity went down, it wasn't long before I was hard again and blew another load. This cycle repeated twice more before I heard Jorge's voice.

"Wow, someone had a good time."

The vibration stopped, the sleeve was removed from my cock, the restraints were removed from my ankles and wrists and I was helped into an unsteady standing position.

When the blindfold was removed, I couldn't see anything for a moment as my eyes adjusted to the brightness. Daylight was starting to creep through the windows. I'd been going all night!

Jorge and Kyle were standing there in the room grinning.

"How you feeling?" Jorge asked.

"Not sure" I said. "Amazing I guess. What a night! Kyle, man, thank you!"

Kyle smiled "I said, I know how to arrange a kick ass time."

"Go get a shower and get dressed" Jorge said. "Eric said I can take you guys back with me instead of you riding the bus. We'll grab some food along the way and you can crash for a while on the drive home."

I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess, I had cum all over my chest, I could feel the butt plug in my ass and knew it was holding in countless loads of cum. And my cock was still hard as a rock!

While I extracted the butt plug, let my ass drain until it stopped leaking cum, showered and got dressed, Kyle and Jorge disassembled the sling and straightened up the room. Jorge left a $100 bill on the pillow to tip the housekeepers. The three of us got into Jorge's BMW and headed out of the parking lot. We stopped at a fast-food joint and, at Jorge's urging, I indulged in a sausage breakfast burrito that would have sent Eric to the moon if he saw me eating it. "You burned plenty of calories last night to earn it" Jorge said with a smile.

As we drove and ate, Kyle and Jorge filled me in on the night.

Once my group of guys from home left and the three motorcycle guys had finished with me, the rest of the guys that came in were truly strangers that Kyle and Jorge had found online but, in order to get the room number, they had to provide their identification, several pictures and a picture of a recent negative STD test. Kyle and Jorge were actually in a room next door and could hear most of the action. They had agreed to only intervene if it sounded like things had gone too far.

My heart leapt at their caring and effort to make sure I had a great time while also helping to keep me safe.

My cock jumped at the realization that I had truly been as vulnerable to these men as I feared I was. If one of them had wanted to seriously hurt me, they could have. Somehow, that edge of danger was a huge turn on!

"Any idea how many guys?" I asked.

"Counting us, twenty three" Kyle said with a grin. "You slut!"

By now, I had finished my burrito. I had a full stomach, a full ass (Jorge had insisted on re-inserting the butt plug so I `didn't leak all over his seats') and had just had the most amazing night ever. It wasn't long before I was sound asleep in the back seat of Jorge's BMW as we sped up the interstate to home.

With baseball season wrapping up, I was back to spending more time at the gym, working out and working. I had been promoted to a full trainer and had a growing list of clients, all male, who were interested in my style of training. My style wasn't as harsh as Austin's but I still pushed my clients and they got results. My after-training massage sessions continued to earn me nice extra tips. I continued giving my money to Malcolm and he continued to invest it in aggressive ways. We had agreed to keep the money above board going forward after the laundering of the initial amount. I dutifully paid my taxes on all of the money I earned but Malcolm was helping me find deductions so that he assured me I would get a lot of the money back at the end of the year.

The time had come to pay the mob boss for the laundering. I showed up at Jorge's house at 4pm on a Saturday afternoon. Jorge went about preparing me for the session with the mob boss which included removal of all body hair below the neck and a full body rubdown with a lotion that made my body shimmer and accented all the muscle and definition I had built. I made a note to get some of this lotion for myself.

Of course a full internal cleansing was done as well. Jorge had advised me to keep my diet bland and to avoid hard to digest things like nuts for the week prior to this. I still did eight enemas before Jorge was satisfied.

Jorge then dressed me. First he equipped my cock and balls with a three piece set of metal rings. One went around the base of my cock and balls, another went around the ball sack, weighing my nuts down and the third went on my cock, just below the head, again, pulling my cock downward. ( if you're interested). Leather armbands on both of my biceps, leather straps with multiple hooks on both wrists, skimpy leather shorts that left nothing to the imagination, black socks and knee high lace up leather boots. Last, a black leather collar was put around my neck. The collar had spikes and several hooks on the outside. When I caught a look at myself in the mirror, I was impressed and very turned on.

Jorge got a text and looked at his phone. "Time to go" he said. "The car is downstairs."

We went downstairs and out through Jorge's garage. A black SUV was waiting there with the engine running. The back door was open. Jorge let me enter first and he followed. The first row of back seats in the SUV had been removed so the only seats to sit on were what would have been the third row in the back. There was a black box sitting on the seat.

"Take your shorts off" Jorge ordered. I did as instructed.

Jorge grabbed my right arm and connected the wrist band to a hook on the right side of the SUV near the ceiling. He repeated this with my left arm. I was kneeling in the middle of the back of the SUV, facing forward, with my arms connected to the sides of the cabin.

Jorge went behind me and sat on the seat. I could hear the black box being opened. A hood was then put on me. The hood covered everything except my mouth and chin. A ball gag was then put on me.

Once everything was in place, I could feel the SUV begin to move. We drove for about 20 minutes before finally stopping. I could feel myself being disconnected from the sides of the SUV and my hands were quickly attached to each side of my hood. I was guided out of the SUV and into somewhere. I was stopped and could hear doors close and then felt what must have been an elevator rising.

When the elevator stopped and I heard the doors open, I was guided out of the elevator and several steps forward before I was turned and guided backwards until I could feel something pressing against my upper legs.

"Get up on the table and lay down" Jorge's voice said.

I did as instructed with Jorge's guidance. The table felt like it was covered with some sort of leather. Jorge unhooked my wrists from the hood and put my arms at my side.

"This will be the last you hear from me until your job is over" Jorge said quietly near my head. "I'll be around to make sure you're safe but expect it to get pretty extreme."

My stomach did somersaults at that description. I was excited and scared at the same time.

I then felt the leather covering on the table being wrapped around me. I could hear the sound of ropes being tightened and could feel pressure as the leather was wrapped around my body from the neck down and cinched tight. I could feel my cock and balls being pulled out of the leather and it felt like there were openings over my nipples as I could feel the cool room air on them. I then felt straps being put over me at my ankles, waist and neck. These straps were tightened so that I was immobilized on the table and could not move.

"I think you will find the next couple hours very interesting" I heard a new voice say. "I'm having a cocktail reception and you will be the centerpiece of the room. There will be various clamps and other torture devices on the table around you for our guests to use on your exposed parts. I'm going to put a wooden box over your head so you won't be recognized by anyone. All of these people are locals so there's a good chance some people you know may be here."

I felt something being put over my head and I could feel the curve of the opening in the box fitting over my neck. All sounds of the room were muffled out.

I then heard noise in the hood. It must be fitted with head phones of some sort. It sounded like the sound was the sound in the room. I would be able to hear the sounds of the cocktail party and what people were saying as they stood around me.

At first, the only sounds I heard were the sounds of the workers setting up for the party. Talk of furniture arrangements, bar supplies and the like. It turned into an almost hypnotic sound and I must have dozed off.

Ahhhh, my right nipple got my brain's attention and woke me up. Someone had clearly attached a clamp of some sort to it. The left one quickly sounded its report as well.

"Nice specimen Franco" I heard a male voice say.

"Yes, I was able to barter for some of his time with some services I rendered" the voice from earlier said. "He's reported to be quite the sub and I'm looking forward to my time with him after the party."

I felt my cock being played with and stroked. It quickly went to full erection.

"Very nice" I heard a female voice say. Fuck, women were here also!

The ring around my balls was pulled down towards my feet, stretching my balls. I felt something attached around my balls above the ring and the tension on my balls remained. It must have been connected somehow to a rope or something on the table.

As the party progressed, I never lacked for attention. The clamps on my nipples were removed, new ones added, removed and added several times. I began to recognize the difference between the straight clothespins and the clamps with metal teeth. My balls remained stretched. My cock was frequently stroked and several times, clamps were attached to the underside, sides and top of my cock including a clamp put on the cockhead that caused me to yell out in pain.

There were also lulls in playing with me and I could hear people just standing around me talking as if it was any other cocktail party.

"What kind of party is this Eric" I heard my mother's voice say. FUCK!

"I know, I know" I heard Eric's voice. "But Franco is interested in investing in my gym and helping me open new locations. Let's enjoy it and be good guests."

"I have to say, the guy on the table is kind of hot and kinky" I heard my mother say quietly. "Maybe I'll see how he responds to one of those metal clamps laying there."

`Shit fuck shit fuck shit fuck' was all I could think.

"I see that Franco is free, let's go say hello" Eric said, his voice fading away. He clearly was steering my mother away from the table and me.

Did Eric know this was me? He'd seen me naked enough to possibly recognize my cock and balls. Had Jorge told him?

The rest of the night passed with various guests continuing to play with me. I never heard my mother's or Eric's voices near me again.

As the noise began to wind down, I was played with less and less. Suddenly, there was a voice in my headphones. "It will take about a half hour for us to clear out the party, guests and staff. When done, someone will be in for you. You'll be catheterized to drain your bladder and you will be given fluid to hydrate you. After that, you will be positioned for me to use you for the rest of the evening. You performed very well during the party, including when your mother showed up. We'll see how you perform one on one."

At that, silence, not even the sounds of the room.

After a while, I felt the box being removed from over my head. The ball gag was removed from my mouth and what felt like a straw was placed at my lips. With all the sweating I was doing inside the leather sack, I was more than ready for something to drink. I began to suck. The liquid was rank tasting and, after a few drinks, I realized it was urine.

"Yes, that's my urine" I heard the voice I assumed was Franco's in the headphones. "The only liquids you will be getting tonight are my urine and semen."

I hesitated a moment and then figured that 1) I needed fluids and 2) this was part of my obligation to my master for the night, to drink and savor his urine. I continued sucking on the straw.

As I continued to drink, I felt the metal rings on my cock and ballsack removed. The ring at the base of my cock and balls remained. I then felt some sort of liquid rubbed on my cock head and then felt something being inserted into my piss slit. I had never experienced a catheter but assumed that was what this was. The tube inserted into my cockhead continued it's journey inside me until I suddenly felt the urge to urinate and no way to stop it.

The catheter remained until I no longer had fluid. It was carefully removed and I felt the head of my cock being wiped down again.

I then felt the straps that held me to the table being removed. Then the bottom of the sleep sack was opened and it felt like my ankles had been bound together. I then felt my ankles being lifted. Clearly they had been connected to some sort of hoist. The lifting continued until just my neck and head remained on the table. The table was then moved backward so that I ended up hanging vertically by my ankles. The sleep sack was then removed from me. The cool air of the room felt wonderful on my sweat soaked torso and legs.

I heard footsteps moving away from me and a door close. I hung, naked and upside down, contemplating what might be next.

I wasn't sure how long it was but I heard a door open and what sounded like a single set of footsteps coming toward me.

Hands began to roam all over my body, touching almost everywhere, kneading, rubbing, twisting. "Very nice" I heard the voice I knew as Franco say.

"Thank you SIR" I said dutifully.

Franco put his thumb and middle finger around my ball sack and began to steadily pull so that my balls were pulling my body forward. I suppressed the urge to yell out. Just as I was about to lose the battle to stay silent, he let go.

"Very nice" Franco said. "A good tolerance for pain. We'll test that tonight."

This didn't sound good for me.

I felt something being connected to each of my wrist straps. Then, my wrists started to be pulled backward. At the same time, my ankles were being lowered until I hung, horizontal, by my ankles and arms.

Without warning, I heard a sharp crack and immediately my ass let me know that it was getting whipped. I yelled out from the surprise more than the pain. Another crack and more pain. This time I managed to keep my silence.

After 15 shots, I felt hands rubbing my ass. "Impressive" Franco said.

"Thank you SIR" I said dutifully.

I felt the ring at the base of my cock and balls removed. I then felt my cock and balls being passed through something round. I then felt my cock only pushed through another hole. A ball crusher was being put on me. The ball crusher was positioned and tightened. Not so much it was unbearable but my balls were definitely getting some pressure.

Next, something was pressing at my ass. It felt like a lubed, small butt plug.

Something was placed on my cock, just under the head, and tightened.

My head was lifted up by the hood and the well known feel of a cockhead at my lips. I opened my mouth and the cock began entering my mouth. It continued so that it was down my throat. I was guessing this was at least eight inches and nice thickness.

As the cock began fucking my throat, I noticed a light tingling in my balls. It was an electro ball crusher! I knew what was coming next as I felt the plug in my ass and the loop on my cock begin to tingle. The cock in my mouth continued its in and out motion. The tingling increased. The plug in my ass seemed to be right on my prostate and the electricity it was exchanging with my cockhead had my cock rock hard and I was sure I was drooling pre-cum. The electricity on my balls continued to increase and was becoming painful. I moaned around the cock in my mouth.

As I moaned, the cock was removed from my mouth. I felt activity around my balls and the pressure from the crusher increased.

"Each noise you make is more turns on the crusher" Franco said, presenting his cock to my mouth again.

The cycle continued. Franco would increase the electricity stimulating my cock, ass and balls while he fucked my mouth and throat. Eventually, the electricity would be too much and I'd moan or cry out and he'd increase the pressure on the crusher.

Finally, the stimulation of my cock and prostate was more than my cock could handle. I pulled my mouth off the cock it was servicing and said "SIR, I'm going to cum SIR".

Franco grabbed my head and shoved his cock back in my mouth.

"Cum if you want to. I get off on torturing a guy post-cum and milking multiple loads. This will be the first of several you experience tonight. In fact, here, I'll help."

I felt the electricity passing between my cock and ass increase a lot and that was all it took. I jerked in my suspension as I shot rope after rope of cum.

The stimulation did not taper off or stop. My over sensitive cock head was causing me to jerk in my bondage. A couple times I cried out and, true to his word, Franco tightened the ball crusher. The ache deep in my stomach from the crushing of my balls was intense. The electrical stimulation of them was adding to the pain.

By the time Franco tired of this play, I had shot two more loads and my whole body was shaking from the stimulation. I was sure my balls were flattened to pancake thickness.

The electricity tapered off and the equipment was removed from my body. My balls hurt like I'd never experienced before. My cock and ass were still twitching as if the electricity was still passing through them.

"Here, I've got to piss" Franco said and I felt his cock and my lips.

I opened my mouth and Franco inserted his cock head and began pissing. I worked to drink as fast as I could, knowing that my job was not to lose a drop. When the stream stopped, I carefully cleaned his head and piss slit with my tongue before he removed it.

Shortly after swallowing Franco's piss, I felt the restraints again begin to move. This time, my arms went upward while my legs went down. Eventually, I felt the floor under my boots and was able to stand up. The restraints were removed from my ankles and my legs were pushed apart. What I assumed to be a spreader bar was placed between my ankles.

There was a pause for a couple minutes. I then felt a pinch on the skin of my right shoulder near my neck.

"That's one of 500 clamps I have here" Franco said. "I'm going to place them all on your body, then we're going to run a string through them. I'm thinking you're going to scream when they all get ripped off."

Yeap, not good for me. I was beginning to debate if it would have been better to just pay the money laundering fee.

Franco proceeded to place the clamps on my body. As usual, while they hurt a little going on, I knew the real pain was coming when they were ripped off my body all at once. Once all the clamps were in place, he patiently threaded strings through each clamp.

"A masterpiece" Franco said. "In fact, you need to see this before we finish."

The hood was removed and I carefully opened my eyes. I was in a large room with no furniture except for a full-length mirror set in front of me. No other lights were on in the room except a light on a pole shining on me. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had to admit, it was hot as fuck looking at me strung up in my leather gear and black clamps all over my body. Franco had done a masterful job of placing them. They formed perfect symmetrical lines up and down my torso, legs, arms and even my cock had a line of clamps down each side.

Franco stepped in front of me and I was able to take him in for the first time. My breath caught in my throat.

Six foot tall, Franco was the epitome of an Italian stud wet dream. He was wearing leather pants and vest along with a pair of black leather boots. Under his vest, I could see a thick mat of dark hair. The bulge in his leather pants matched my memory of what had been using my mouth and throat a while ago. He had piercing black eyes and a well groomed head of hair. Looking at his face closely, I realized he was probably in his late forties or early fifties but, other than some age lines around his eyes, he didn't show his age much. His body didn't have an ounce of fat and his biceps were the biceps of a man who spent plenty of time lifting weights.

"You like?" Franco asked.

"Yes SIR!" I yelled. Despite the clamps on it, my cock was getting harder.

"Good, once I've removed these clamps from you, I'm going to take you to bed and fuck you for the rest of the night" Franco said. "Jorge, come here."

Jorge stepped out of the darkness. Franco handed Jorge two strings and kept two for himself. A fifth string lay on the floor. I followed it up and realized it was the string for all the clamps on my cock.

"Your choice Josh" Franco said. "One string at a time, two at a time or all at once? We'll leave your cock as a special last one."

Talk about no good options. I needed to get the clamps off somehow and experience had taught that, although the momentary pain of them being ripped off at once is beyond anything I experienced from anything else, having them removed slowly was almost worse because the pain just lasted and lasted.

"All at once SIR!" I yelled out and took a deep breath, waiting for the pain.

"You heard him Jorge" Franco said and, just as I let out my breath, Franco and Jorge both started stepping backwards. Each of them had one string that started at my ankles and another that started on my shoulder.

"Ahhhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, shit" I screamed at my loudest. I jerked around in my bonds and lifted myself off the ground by my arms in response to the overwhelming pain. I struggled to catch my breath for a moment after.

Without warning, Franco stepped forward and grabbed the fifth string and violently pulled on it, ripping all of the clamps on my cock off at once.

"Arrgghhhh, ahh, oh fuck" I screamed.

By now my body was shivering from the pain it had just gone through. Were it not for my arms restrained above me, I probably would have just collapsed on the floor.

Franco and Jorge stepped forward and both of them began rubbing all the places where the clamps had just left my body. This rubbing brought the blood flow back faster and had the effect of adding to the pain.

"Ohh, oh, oh" I moaned.

My breath was starting to come down and I began to regain control of my body.

"Amazing Josh, fucking amazing" Jorge said as he stepped back into the dark.

As usual, my heart leapt at pleasing Jorge.

"Well done Josh. Now we go and fuck" Franco said.

To say I was happy at the idea of getting fucked by this Italian stud would be putting it mildly. It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it!

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***Tweet about Josh and the story at @waboutjosh / #waboutjosh

***Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

Next: Chapter 19

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