Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Oct 5, 2023


--------------Chapter 17--------------------

***Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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***This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

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------------From Chapter 16---------------

"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah" he screamed. "Her name is Sarah."

"Get him out" Austin ordered me. I quickly moved to release the clamps holding the lid on. Inside the coffin, Kris was curled up in as much of a fetal position as he could do inside the tight fitting box. I flicked the spiders from his body and quickly lifted him out of the coffin.

"Put him on the bed" Jorge said.

I carefully carried Kris to the bed and laid him down on the black leather sheets. He was shaking uncontrollably. As I carried him, he kept saying "what have I done? What have I done?"

Kris' story will continue but as a spinoff from this series. I received mixed feedback on the last chapter which was expected. There was enough interest in seeing where Kris goes to warrant another series but also enough interest in continuing to focus on Josh to separate. Look for a new series `Exposing Kris' to be submitted to Nifty soon.

------------Chapter 17---------------"Dude, awesome game" Kyle said giving me a high five as we entered the motel room.

"Thanks man, you too" I said as I dropped my bag and checked out the room. "Not fancy but nice that we're in a different motel than the rest of the team. Glad it was sold out so we're all on our own here."

"Yeah, we're going to have a fucking blast and the desk clerk said this end of the motel doesn't have anyone else in it tonight so we don't need to worry about bothering anyone" Kyle said. "Of course, you realize, my five hits to your four today means I won the last week of our bet so you do what I say, right?"

"Yeah, I know. And I also know that I lost more weeks than you so you also get me for a weekend" I said.

"Well, I've got a proposition for you" Kyle said. "Starting now, you follow my orders until we get home and I'll call the whole thing even. By the way, I also promised to make sure we have a kickass time on this trip so I think you'll be happy with how things go."

I looked at Kyle. He had a grin on his face that was a mixture of, let's party and you're my bitch. I was pretty sure I was in deep shit but also felt like I might end up enjoying it.

"Yes SIR" I said and assumed my sub position in the room while still wearing my dirty baseball uniform. Feet shoulder width apart, hands behind my back and eyes facing downward to the floor.

"That's right, I'm your SIR for the night bitch" Kyle said as he came over to me and pushed on my shoulders until I dropped to my knees. "Get my shoes and pants off" he said.

I quickly bent down and untied his sneakers, pulled them off, undid his baseball pants and pulled them off and he was standing their in his jersey, jock and socks.

"Worship my sweaty feet" Kyle ordered.

I dropped to the floor and began licking and worshipping his socked feet, licking and inhaling his sweaty scent.

After I had spent what he thought was an adequate time at his feet, Kyle ordered me "take my socks off".

I took off his socks.

"Make sure my feet and toes are clean you little bitch" Kyle said.

I got to work licking his feet. He raised each foot up and put it against my face so I could lick the bottom and suck on each toe.

"Now, lick your way up to my jock and show me how much you want my huge cock" Kyle said.

I worked my way up, being sure to cover both of his hairy legs with my tongue. Once I got to his sweaty jock, I buried my face in it and inhaled. His scent was amazing. A mixture of musk and rancid sweat. I could have spent the rest of my life there but knew I had some work to do. I proceeded to lick and suck on his package through the jock material. His huge cock was already starting to harden.

"Enough. Get up here, take off my jersey and start cleaning out my pits" Kyle ordered.

I didn't hesitate and began unbuttoning his jersey. As I unbuttoned from the bottom, I licked his abs, pecs and nipples until I could slip the jersey off his shoulders. He raised up his right arm and I dove into his hairy pit and licked and inhaled his musk. Eventually, he grabbed my hair and shoved my face into his left pit.

After I had thoroughly cleaned out his pits, he stepped away from me and stripped off his jock, standing there naked.

"Clothes off" he ordered. I immediately stripped off my baseball uniform and jock.

"Put this on" Kyle said and handed me a blindfold. I put it on.

"Stay there" Kyle ordered. I assumed my sub position again.

I could hear Kyle moving around the room. I heard the sound of a zipper that I assumed was his duffel bag. I then heard the shower running in the bathroom and, after a bit, heard it turn off. I never left my position.

After a few minutes, I felt a hand grab my balls and caged cock and pull me. I walked to follow the pull and felt the carpet of the room change to a cold, hard, surface that I assumed was the bathroom.

"Step into the tub" Kyle said and guided my legs to step over the edge of the tub. "Bend forward and put your hands on the wall" Kyle said. I did as instructed.

I felt something pressing against my asshole. Something narrow pushed forward into me. After it was embedded in me, I heard the sound of a faucet turning and started to feel liquid filling my ass.

"Hold it in until I tell you to release" Kyle ordered.

The fluid continued to fill me until my stomach began to ache from the pressure. I felt the flow stop and the object removed from my ass. I clenched as hard as I could to hold it in.

"Release" Kyle ordered. I relaxed my ass and felt the fluid flow out and down my legs.

"Pretty dirty, we're going to need to do several more to get you ready" Kyle said.

Ready, ready for what? I wondered.

Kyle repeated the process on me five more times. Once he was satisfied that I was clean inside, he set to cleaning me outside. I felt not only a cloth and soap but also a razor. It felt like he shaved all of my hair except on my head.

Once he was done cleaning me, Kyle turned the water off and I felt him towel me off. It felt incredibly intimate having him wash and dry me like this.

Again, I felt my balls and caged cock being gripped and pulled and I walked to follow until I felt something rubbery against my knees and lower leg.

"Crawl up on the bed and get on your back" Kyle said. I then understood what I was feeling on my legs and crawled up on the bed and got on my back. The surface below me felt like a rubber sheet of some sort.

My arms were pulled up and I felt wrist straps being attached and then heard the click of the straps being connected to something. When my arms were let go, I couldn't move my arms so I assumed they were tethered to the head of the bed somehow.

Some sort of restraints were put on my ankles and I felt my feet being lifted up, spread apart and connected to the head of the bed as well so that I was in sort of a sling type position.

"So, you're now blindfolded, tied to the bed with your legs in the air and your ass exposed" Kyle said. "You said you wanted me to make sure we had a kickass time and I told you I would. I hope you enjoy the rest of the night. I know I will."

I felt something wet and hard at my asshole. Pressure was applied and I felt my hole expanding steadily as whatever it was entered me. Just as I began to moan from the pressure and a little pain, the object slipped into me and I realized it was a large butt plug.

"That'll help get you ready for what's coming" Kyle said. "For now, let's get that throat stretched out." I felt movement on the bed, felt Kyle grab the back of my neck and pull my head up and then sensed something at my lips. I automatically opened my mouth and felt what I assumed to be Kyle's cock begin entering my mouth. It didn't slow down and slid straight into my throat. Without delay, the cock began a steady rhythm of fucking my mouth and throat. Not too hard or fast but steady. I could hear Kyle moaning as he used me.

After a while of Kyle using me, I felt some new motion on the bed behind me. I wasn't sure what was going on. I felt the plug in my ass get pushed into me harder and I moaned around Kyle's cock. Suddenly, the plug was ripped from my ass and I yelled out. Kyle slapped my face and said "shut up faggot."

With a little more movement, I felt something pressing at my asshole and realized a cock was entering me. Who was this? The cock in my ass pressed forward until I felt the roughness of pubes as it bottomed out in me. I felt hands grab my legs and the cock began hammering in and out of my ass.

After a few minutes of the cock fucking my ass, I heard Kyle begin to breath harder and then tasted his cum on my tongue as he grunted through his orgasm in my mouth. The guy who was fucking my ass also began grunting and I assumed he came as well.

I could feel Kyle and the guy behind me moving off the bed but also, almost immediately, felt more movement and, soon, another cock was at my mouth and another cock was entering my ass.

I heard Kyle's voice whispering in my ear. "There's one more guy after these two for this segment of the evening."

`This segment' I thought?

The two cocks in me both began an insistent pace in and out of me. The cock in my mouth was very large and the one in my ass felt like it rivaled the plug.

Suddenly, my left nipple made itself known to my brain as someone must have connected a clamp to it. The right nipple followed up with its announcement shortly after. I moaned around the cock in my throat.

With all the stimulation of not being able to see what was going on while unknown guys used me, I was sure the spikes in my cock cage were going to tear my hardening cock to shreds.

The cock in my ass picked up its pace and I felt the telltale feeling of another load of cum being left in me. Shortly after, the cock in my mouth made a deposit as well. Interestingly, I never heard a sound from any of the guys when they came.

Kyle had said there was one more guy for this segment of the evening whatever that meant. It wasn't long before I felt movement at my head and my neck was grabbed again and positioned so my mouth and throat were aligned for a straight shot. I knew this move and automatically opened my mouth. The cock that entered my mouth was thick and it continued its journey down my throat. This guy was hung, well hung. The cock in my mouth and throat stalled out when it was fully down my throat and the hand on the back of my neck kept me from moving off. Suddenly, while I was beginning to contemplate how much longer I could go without breathing, I felt something pushing in my ass, stretching it until I felt my asshole grab around it. I assumed it was the butt plug again. Now I was truly airtight on both ends.

As I began to see stars, the cock in my throat backed off a little and I was able to grab a quick breath before it returned to its rightful place filling my throat. It, again, stayed there right up to the edge of consciousness for me and then gave me a quick breath. This routine continued for what felt like a long time. I was getting progressively lightheaded from the repeated oxygen deprivation.

I could hear other noises in the room around the bed. What sounded like zippers of bags being opened or closed, metallic clanking, whispered conversations and laughter. I wasn't able to pay too much attention as I was focused on staying conscious.

After a little while more of my breath control by cock, I realized I was losing the battle with staying conscious. I was losing awareness of what was around me, only able to focus on my breathing (or lack of) and the cock impaled inside my mouth.

"I think he's just about there" I heard a voice say. It was a familiar voice but, in my foggy state, I couldn't quite place it.

The lightheadedness was getting worse. The cock in my throat eased off and I tried to get a big breath but was cut off quickly as the cock returned. Was this how I was going to die? With a cock in my mouth? Why would Kyle do this to me...why...would...he...

I came to and immediately noticed I was still on my back but it now felt like I really was laying in a sling. My arms and legs wouldn't move very much so were clearly restrained The blindfold was still on. My ass felt full like the plug was still there. My nipples weren't in pain anymore so the clamps must have been removed.

"I think someone is finally awake again" I heard a voice say. Wait, I knew the voice! "Jorge?" I yelled.

The blindfold was removed and, once I adjusted my eyes to the new sensation of light, I could see Jorge standing between my legs, smiling. He was wearing a leather harness, jacket and armbands on each bicep.

I then became aware that there were others there. I looked to the left and saw Kyle and his dad. On the right was Malcolm and Austin. They were all decked out in some degree of leather and all of them, even Austin, were grinning at me.

"What's going on?" I said, looking at Kyle.

"I told you, I specialize in kickass times. After we talked, I went to the diner and talked to Jorge about your dick of a dad. He and I put our heads together and, well, here we are" Kyle said, still grinning.

"So it was you guys I was sucking and getting fucked by?" I said.

"Yeap" Kyle's dad, Richard, said. "I was the last one that put your lights out. I started my career in healthcare as a respiratory therapist and learned from a kinky doctor how to gauge when breath control is far enough to induce passing out but not too far to kill someone."

I felt my cock growing thinking of this alpha man controlling me like that.

Wait, my cock was growing! It didn't hurt! It was plumping up!

I looked down and saw that my cock cage had been removed and my cock was steadily getting harder.

"Yeap, you're free" Jorge said grabbing my cock and stroking it, causing my eyes to roll back in my head. "I may decide to lock you up again later but, for tonight, your cock is free to get hard and you can cum.

"Thank you SIR" I said enthusiastically. "Thank you!"

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. Jorge went to answer it and a big burly daddy type stepped in wearing what looked like a motorcycle jacket and tight blue jeans that looked to be holding a very large package.

As the door started to close, it was pushed open again and two more guys came in. These guys were younger but dressed similar to the first guy, in motorcycle type gear. One of these guys was carrying a large, black, leather duffel bag.

Our little motel room was getting crowded with so many studs. I was getting dizzy and wasn't sure if it was the after-effects of the breath control or the intoxication of the alpha smells I was experiencing.

My cock was drooling pre-cum. I didn't yet know what was going to happen next but I hoped I was going to be at the center of it.

"Josh, these guys are some friends of mine from here in St. Louis" Jorge said. "They were more than ready to come by when I told them I had a jock stud bitch they could play with for a while so I am going to give you to them for the next several hours. I trust them so you are in good hands. Are you ok with that?"

"Yes SIR" I said enthusiastically as I watched the three men begin to remove their jackets, revealing tight t-shirts with various motorcycle type graphics that accented their muscular definition. These were men that not only knew their way around the gym but also had the hard, real muscle of men who work with their hands. The sleeves of their t-shirts all strained to contain their massive biceps.

For ease of telling the rest of this story, I'll refer to the older guy as Daddy and the other two guys as One and Two or `the Guys' if I'm referring to them both. I never heard their names this evening. While Daddy was different than the boys in that he was older, looking to be maybe in his late forties or early fifties, sporting some gray hair and a sexy salt and pepper beard and mustache, his build was very similar in height, weight and musculature to the boys. The boys both looked to be in their late twenties and were clean-cut looking with no facial hair.

As the motorcycle guys were taking off their jackets, I noticed Kyle, his dad, Austin, Malcolm and Jorge all beginning to put their clothes on.

"We're heading out for dinner" Kyle explained. "Sorry, probably should have figured out how to get you something to eat."

"Don't worry" Daddy said grabbing his crotch. "We'll make sure he gets has plenty of our protein to eat so he won't starve."

My cock must have released a good quarter cup of pre-cum at that statement.

Once he was dressed, Jorge walked over to the sling I was hanging in and leaned down, giving me a deep kiss. I eagerly returned the kiss and enjoyed the feeling of energy I could feel between the two of us. "I know you'll make me proud and you'll enjoy these guys, Josh. They're sadistic but very skilled" Jorge whispered before kissing me again and then joining the others as they left the room.

Guy Two walked over to the motel room door after it closed and locked the deadbolt and the security lock. Nobody was coming back to the room to rescue me unless they broke down the door. I felt a little bit of fear but remembered that Jorge knew and trusted these men. I trusted Jorge with my life and, if he felt I should serve these men, I would do all I could to make him proud.

Guy One opened the duffel bag they had brought with them and pulled out something that seemed long, about the size of maybe a night stick, but it was curved in various places. I couldn't see what it was exactly.

Daddy walked over to the sling and stood between my legs and began to grope my body, squeezing my balls, rubbing my ass cheeks and crack, rubbing my abs and pecs with some light nipple tweaking. I made sure to maintain my look directly into his eyes, looking for some indication of how things were going to go. What I saw in his eyes both stimulated me and frightened me.

"We're going to have some fun with you boy. Jorge may wish he hadn't trusted us quite so much when we're done" Daddy said menacingly.

`Oh fuck' I thought to myself but my cock never softened in the slightest. If I was going to be damaged or killed, I guess my cock would still enjoy it.

Guy One appeared next to Daddy and I could see that he had a humbler. I had never had one used on me but knew what they were for. Daddy grabbed my balls, pulled them down and One put the humbler on them so that my balls were now held, stretched with the humbler holding them behind my legs.

"Let's see what kind of pain tolerance you have" Daddy said, grabbing my stretched out balls and beginning to squeeze them.

I maintained my look in his eyes as he did this, despite a desire to cry out in pain. He continued to apply more pressure until I was convinced my balls would pop. Tears started to form in my eyes but I never lost contact with his eyes and never made a sound.

Suddenly Daddy let go of my balls and began to smack them lightly. I maintained my look in his eyes. He increased the intensity of the smacks until a loud smack was heard in the room each time he struck. It was taking everything I had to keep my eyes locked on his and not to scream out.

Guy Two appeared next to Daddy and handed him a stick with a rubber ball about the size of a raquetball on the end. Oh fuck, a bonger.

"Let's see how he does with some bonger treatment" Guy Two said with an evil grin.

"Be my guest" Daddy said and stepped to the side. Two stepped up between my legs and locked his eyes on me. He began using the bonger to pound my balls. While not as hard as Daddy's hand, the bonger had the effect of being more targeted so Two was focusing on one ball and then the other.

After a few minutes of this, I lost my control and screamed out "ahhhhhhh". The bonging continued for a few more shots and then stopped.

"Ok" Daddy said, next to me, rubbing my abs and pecs. "Looks like we've got a little pain slut here. Most guys break before the bonger gets started."

"Yeah, too bad for him we're just getting warmed up" Guy One said from the other side of me.

I suddenly felt very vulnerable. Restrained in a sling, naked, a humbler on my balls in a locked motel room with nobody in shouting range with three strangers. Brutish looking strangers at that.

"Get him out of the sling" Daddy ordered.

One and Two released my restraints and pulled me to my feet. I assumed my sub stance immediately.

"Take the sling out and let's get him ready for what's next" Daddy said.

I could hear the noises of the sling being removed from the frame. One grabbed me and moved me into the middle of the space between the sling frame, positioning me diagonally so that I faced the front left post of the four post frame.. My arms were each lifted and restrained to a wrist cuff chained to upper corners of the frame to my right and left. My legs were then restrained to the post behind me. My legs were pulled back slightly so I had to use my arms and shoulders to maintain my balance. This also had the effect of pulling harder on the humbler and, consequently, my balls.

Next, a hood was put on my head. This hood was leather and had opening for my eyes, nose and mouth. A leather cover for the mouth hold was put in place. There was a smallish butt plug style appendage inside the cover that was forced in my mouth, effectively keeping me from saying anything and forcing me to suck on the appendage non-stop.

Through the limited vision I had through the eye holes in the mask, I could see a shirtless Two coming toward me with a large flogger in his hand. One was right behind him, also with no shirt, carrying a riding crop. Daddy was nowhere I could see.

I jerked as Two began to pepper my ass and back with the riding crop. He was not starting out gentle and my skin was quickly heating up from the impacts. With the gag in my mouth, I couldn't yell out and focused on breathing through the pain and finding my sub space.

Suddenly, Daddy appeared in front of me. He was naked except for a leather harness on his upper body, a jock strap that, to the extent I could see, appeared to be straining to contain a sizable cock and ball package and a pair of black motorcycle boots. As I was looking at Daddy and taking in his alpha sexiness, I noticed him making a fist and pulling back and just had time to flex my abs to absorb the punch he delivered to my stomach. Despite my preparation, I still felt the nauseous feeling that accompanies a solid gut punch.

Daddy proceeded to used me as a punching bag, landing at least ten solid shots on my abs and pecs. I did my best to brace and absorb them but knew I was going to be bruised when this was over.

Once Daddy was ready to take a break, I felt the flogger again begin to strike my back. One appeared to be very skilled with the flogger, landing impacts carefully with good repetition in the same places to maximize pain. The flogging increased to a level that I was jerking in the chains and having to focus on using my arms to steady myself so the humbler would not pull harder on my balls when I jerked.

While I was being flogged, I had the pleasure of watching Two take off his tight blue jeans and revealing his awesome ass and muscular legs. Like Daddy, he was wearing a jock that certainly was struggling to do its job of containing his package.

Daddy returned to my line of site carrying a drawstring bag. He opened the bag and pulled out a handful of clothespins. Inwardly, I groaned, knowing what was coming.

The flogging from One stopped as Two stepped over next to Daddy and took his own handful of clothespins and, while Daddy started on my right shoulder, Two started on my left and they installed a line of clothespins from my shoulder, lined down my torso and finally meeting Daddy's line between my legs. By now, One had joined them and was adding clothespins to my nipples and across my chest. One also added a series of clothespins to the underside of my perpetually hard cock.

The pain of each individual clothespin was not severe but the collective feeling of all of them lined down my front, across my chest and up the underside of my cock had me breathing harder.

Next, Daddy stepped forward and handed One and Two each a string and kept one for himself. `Oh fuck' I thought. This was going up a notch.

Each of the men began to thread their string through their line of clothespins. One grabbed another string for the line of clothespins on my cock.

Daddy carefully took the ends of the four pieces of string and tied them together. Now, all four sets of clothespins were connected together and could be ripped from my body in one stroke. While Jorge had done similar things to me, never had I had so many on so many parts of my body. This was going to hurt like hell when they pulled these off.

One and Two stepped up to either side of me and began playing with the clothespins on my nipples and cock, moving them around and flicking them lightly with their fingers. A couple popped off, to my pain, and they immediately returned them to the same place, causing even more pain.

All through this, I watched Daddy standing there in his jock, holding the end of the four strings.

"Take the gag off of him" Daddy said. "I want to hear him scream."

One reached up and unsnapped the leather mouth cover and extracted the plug from my mouth.

"I'm feeling generous tonight boy. I'll give you a choice. Either I can pull these strings and remove all 100 of these clothespins at once or these guys can knock them off one-by-one with floggers" Daddy said with an evil grin.

`Shit' neither of those choices was a good one. All at once would be extreme pain and likely rip some skin off. The floggers would be less pain for each one but I was sure they'd make it stretch out over a long time. I then remembered, as a sub, it was not my place to decide and I could stop worrying about it.

"It's not my place to decide SIR. Whatever you desire SIR." I said loudly.

"Nice try boy" Daddy said with a laugh. "But I want you to choose. Start flogging his back and let's see if we can't motivate him to choose."

Two picked up the flogger and stepped behind me. Immediately, he began flogging my back mercilessly. By this time I had gone past any level of self-control and I yelled out with each shot.

Finally, I needed the flogging to stop so I yelled out "all at once SIR" as my head sagged in defeat.

"You got it" Daddy said as the flogging stopped and I lifted my head and opened my eyes just in time to see Daddy yank all four strings at once, pulling each of the clothespins off my body.

"Ahhhh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh" I screamed louder than I think I ever had before. My body was literally shaking from the pain. Every place a clothespin had been connected to my body, I felt searing pain. The underside of my still hard cock felt like it might have lost some skin. To compound the problem, I had involuntarily jerked around when they were removed so my balls got a lot of abuse from the humbler.

By now, Daddy and the Guys were standing in front of me and they had all lost their jocks. The only consolation of the pain I was feeling was getting to look at these men stroking their large cocks. Like I said, my cock was still hard.

I hung limp in the restraints. One brought over a chair from the table by the window and stepped up on it and fed his cock into my mouth. Two stepped behind me and I felt his cock at my hole. Before long, these two bikers were ramming their large cocks in and out of me mercilessly. While I still felt the pain of the removed clothespins, I also was basking in the pleasure of being a fuck toy for these studs.

Two began to grunt and fucking me harder. After a few more seconds, he yelled out "take my cum you little whore!" and dumped his load inside me.

One pulled his cock from my mouth and stepped down from the chair. Two took his place and I dutifully cleaned his cock, tasting his cum and the cum the others had left in me.

When Two stepped down from the chair, I saw Daddy laying back on the bed, his legs over the side, his cock standing straight up.

"Get him over here and on my cock" Daddy ordered.

The Guys removed me from the restraints and, finally, removed the humbler. They guided me over to Daddy and I crawled on top of him, facing him and quickly lowered my now very loose ass on his cock and began riding him.

"Nice sloppy hole" Daddy said with a growl. "Get in here with me so we can stretch him some more" he said gesturing at One.

One stepped behind me, between Daddy's legs, pushed me forward so I was laying with my chest on Daddy's hairy man chest. I felt One's cock at my ass entrance and then felt it enter me next to Daddy's cock.

"Ahhhhh" I moaned as this second cock stretched me out more.

Daddy grabbed me by the hair on the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss with him as One began to pick up the pace of fucking, eventually slamming me so hard that I had to grab Daddy's muscular biceps to keep from being launched off the other side of the bed.

One and Daddy both began grunting at about the same time and I soon felt One go balls deep in me and yell out. Shortly after, Daddy yelled out as well saying "take that cum boy, take my man cum up your pussy hole!"

That, weeks of being in my cage and the rubbing of my cock against Daddy's hairy crotch and stomach put me over the edge.

"Oh God, I'm cumming" I yelled out.

One extracted himself from me but Daddy's still hard cock remained in my ass as I lay on top of Daddy, breathing hard and enjoying the after-effects of a powerful orgasm. Suddenly, I felt something warm in my ass. Daddy was giving me his piss on top of his cum.

"Grab that butt plug" Daddy said gesturing to the large plug that had been in me earlier. "He's going to need to get plugged up so he doesn't lose my piss."

Once Daddy was done filling me with his piss, he nodded and Two stepped behind me with the plug and, as Daddy's cock pulled out of me, I clenched down to try to hold everything in and Two quickly shoved the large plug in me.

Knowing my place, I crawled down Daddy's torso and cleaned up all of my cum out of his hairy stomach and crotch. I then moved to cleaning his cock.

By this time, the Guys had collected all of the things they had brought in the bag, put the sling back on the stand and were dressed.

While Daddy got dressed, the Guys returned me to the place in the sling where I had been when they arrived. They restrained me and put the blindfold on me. Both of them gave me deep kisses before they left.

I next heard Daddy next to me. "Very impressive boy. I'm going to talk to Jorge about maybe renting you for a long weekend at my cabin out at the lake."

`Renting me'? Since when did Jorge rent me out?

"So you know boy, Jorge and those other guys aren't due back for about another hour. I'm going to leave the door unlatched and slightly open when I leave. Who knows who might wander in" Daddy said, then he gave me a kiss, twisted one of my nipples and he was gone. I heard the telltale sound of the door to the room slamming on and bounding off the security bar lock.

Here I was, alone in a motel, restrained and blindfolded in a sling and the door was open. The motel rooms opened right onto a parking lot so there was very little keeping anyone from discovering the open door.

My gut felt full from all the cum and Daddy's piss. I lay back in the sling and mentally replayed the events of the night so far. Kyle was amazing. This had been a totally kick ass time.

"Wow, look at this" I heard a strange male voice say.

Always appreciate feedback to writingaboutjosh@yahoo.comTweet about Josh and the story at @waboutjosh / #waboutjosh***Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

Next: Chapter 18

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