Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Sep 28, 2023


--------------Chapter 16--------------------

***Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

***Nifty Archive provides a great service and deserves to get your support. Donate...I did!

***This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

***HELP DEVELOP THE STORY - Give me feedback and suggestions at

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***Special note on this chapter. The new character, Kris, is based on a real person who reached out to me in response to the story. Much of what I will describe here about him is true but some of it is not. He is exploring virtual subbing and writing this story and including some details about him that may "out" him is part of his subordination. This is done with his permission, in fact, he prompted it.

------------From Chapter 15---------------

"Sounds like fun man. Your dad is awesome, wish mine was" I said and must have had a pretty pitiful look on my face.

"Dude, that's seriously fucked up. What can I do to help?" Kyle asked.

"Make sure we have a kickass time in St. Louis. Maybe I'll have you send him a pic of me sucking your cock as my way of coming out to him" I said. "That'd kill him."

"Dude, I specialize in having kickass times. Leave it all to me." Kyle said.

---------------Chapter 16---------------------

"Come over tomorrow night. I have a friend coming in from the UK that I want you to meet" Jorge said. I was getting dressed after a flogging session in Jorge's playroom. Jorge had been exceptionally rough this time and my back was on fire. But for the butt plug, I would be leaking Jorge's three loads of cum out of my ass. I was on my fifth week since I had been permitted to cum myself.

"Who is the friend SIR?" I asked.

"His name is Kris. I met him online and he has been serving me as a sub virtually for several months" Jorge said.

"How does someone serve you virtually SIR" I asked.

"He is seeking an alpha to control him and, since he's married to a woman and has two kids, he can't do it in the real world, yet" Jorge explained. "We communicate online and I provide him with direction. He is finally coming to the states for a conference in Chicago and he is coming down to serve me in person for an overnight. He's looking for an exceptionally sadistic session and I thought it would be educational for you to see sadism at a higher level. You can also help me work on him."

"Wow, sounds interesting but what role would I have? I serve you SIR" I said.

"Yes you do and tomorrow night, your service will involve helping me work over Kris" Jorge said. "Will be a good chance for you to work on dom skills."

"Wow, thank you SIR. I would be honored" I said.

"Good, be here by 7pm. Plan to spend the night" Jorge said.

"Yes SIR" I said.

At 6:45pm the next night, I pulled up to Jorge's condo. I had learned that being late was a serious offense to Jorge and being a few minutes early was worth avoiding the punishment he would give me for being late.

Jorge had texted me and told me to let myself in through the garage and wait in the living room. In the living room, I found a box with a note on top. "Put on what's in here and wait for me to come get you" the note said.

Inside the box, I found leather pants, a leather vest and a leather hood. The hood had holes for my eyes, mouth and nose. The pants had a cod piece in the front that was removable.

I stripped down and put on the outfit. Looking in the mirror inside the front hall closet, I saw a picture of hot leather man. Someone I'd want to serve.

"Ahhhhhhh" I heard a scream from the direction of Jorge's playroom. It was the sound of pure pain.

Shortly after the scream, Jorge stepped into the living room. He was fully decked out in leather pants, jacket and a leather captain hat. He was holding a bullwhip.

"Good, you're here. I'm ready to take a bit of a break but we won't be giving Kris a break. He wanted and is going to get non stop torture. Come with me" Jorge said.

I followed Jorge into his playroom. Several things were different in the room. Some new pieces of furniture had been added including what looked like a coffin on sawhorses.

A man was in the sling in the corner. His arms and legs were restrained in the sling. He was naked except for a blindfold, nipple clamps and two small c-clamps squeezing his balls. The man was older, perhaps in his late forties. He was in decent shape, not muscular, not fat but there were definitely some soft spots on his body.

"He's already been through about two hours of warm up. Now that you're here, we'll step it up a notch and, when Austin arrives, you and I can catch a break while Austin takes over" Jorge said.

"For the next phase, we're going to put him through some ongoing pain, pain that doesn't stop for a while" said Jorge. "To start with, let's get him out of the sling and into the chains. Release him and get him over to the platform."

I went over to the sling and disconnected the ankle and wrist restraints. I took the man by the hand and helped him to his feet. His legs seemed a bit unsteady and I could imagine why. The nipple clamps were Jorge's most sinister, particularly strong with metallic teeth. His balls looked to be almost flat from the c-clamps. I was wondering if it was the clamps or something else that had brought on the scream I had heard. I then noticed several deep welts from a whip across the man's back.

I guided him over to the platform area where i had been restrained that first night at Jorge's.

"Arms and ankles, the usual way" Jorge said. "Keep an eye on him as you're doing it to make sure he doesn't lose his balance."

I connected the bands on Kris' wrists to the chains overhead and his ankles to the chains on the floor.

"Now, get the gas mask" Jorge ordered.

I went over to the shelves and found the gas-mask.

"Take the blindfold off and get the mask on" Jorge ordered.

I did as instructed. I caught a look in Kris' eyes as I took of the blindfold and then got the gas mask on. His eyes looked like a mixture of exhaustion, fear but there was a determination to move forward in his look as well.

"Now, let's start getting him setup for the next phase" Jorge said. "Grab the ball parachute and that bucket of weights."

When I returned with the parachute and bucket, Jorge had removed the clamps from Kris' balls and was holding his hand over the air hose in the gas mask. Kris was struggling, trying to break away from his grip and get a breath. Jorge released him as I approached.

"So, our goal for the session is to get some information out of Kris. His worst fear is being exposed for the faggot slave he is. The more information we can torture out of him, the more I have to control him with" Jorge explained. "The question I'm looking to get answered right now is the name of his wife."

Kris shook his head in the gas mask as if to say "no, I won't tell."

"He'll tell, his wife's name and more before the night is over" Jorge said. "Get the parachute on his balls and let's start with 5 pounds on the balls and the tits.

I attached the parachute to Kris' balls and put the weight on.

"No, you know how I do it" Jorge said.

"Sorry man" I muttered and picked up the weight and dropped it.

"Ahhhhh" I heard Kris scream from inside the mask.

"Never apologize to your sub" Jorge admonished me. "He came here of his own free will for this. I have it all documented in Kik chats and emails. He knew what this would be like. Hell, after I proposed what I'd do, he's the one that asked for more. Now, the nipples."

I added the weight to the chain between the nipple clamps and dropped them similar to the weight on the ball parachute. Another moan came from within the mask.

"So, Kris, you gonna tell us her name?" Jorge said.

Kris shook his head no.

"Five more pounds on each, drop them" Jorge said.

I added the weights, getting more screams and moans.

"Now?" Jorge asked.

The head shook no again but I noticed it wasn't as vehement as before.

"It's only a matter of time" Jorge said. "Give him another five pounds on each and then we'll adjust from there."

I added the weights, again, dropping them, the screams and moans were followed by a couple sobs.

"You know how to end this, Kris. Just need her name" Jorge said.

Kris shook his head no again, again, not as energetic but definitely no.

"Pull him up. Get his feet off the ground" Jorge said.

I looked at Jorge as if to say "really, are you sure?"

"Move it Josh or you can take his place" Jorge barked.

I walked over to the wall where the other end of the chains holding Kris' arms were hooked and began to pull on them. Kris' arms raised higher until he was having to raise himself up on his toes. I looked at Jorge and he motioned to keep going. I pulled again on the chains and Kris' feet left the floor, leaving him dangling. I knew from experience that his arms and shoulders would begin to complain about the strain they were being put to.

"Here, put a glove on" Jorge told me and handed me a rubber glove.

I put the glove on and Jorge handed me a jar of Icy-Hot.

"Pull his foreskin back and rub this under it and then clip it closed with this clamp" Jorge said, holding what looked like a large clothespin.

I took a dob of the Icy-Hot with my gloved hand and pulled back Kris' lengthy foreskin. I rubbed the Icy-Hot on his cock head which was starting to harden. Once I had it covered, I pulled the foreskin back down and took the clothespin from Jose and closed off the end of the foreskin, effectively trapping Kris' cock head inside his foreskin with the Icy-Hot on it. I had used Icy-Hot when I'd been hit by pitches. It was great if you had a bruise to treat but I'd imagine it wasn't going to be pleasant on the head of Kris' cock.

"Now his asshole" Jorge said and handed me a small butt plug. "Smear the Icy-Hot on it and shove it in his hole."

I did as directed. Kris whimpered as I put the butt plug in his ass.

"His hole's never been taken so you're essentially popping his cherry" Jorge said.

"Still nothing?" Jorge said, grabbing the nose of the gas mask and looking in to Kris' eyes.

Kris managed a feeble shake of the head no.

"Ok, that Icy-Hot will do it's work over the next 20 to 30 minutes. Meanwhile, let's add another two pounds to the nipples and another five pounds to the balls."

I added the weights as instructed, being sure to drop them as Jorge liked. By this time, Kris was beginning to shake.

"Dude, just give it up" I whispered to him.

Kris shook his head again.

"He's stubborn" Jorge said. "We'll break him, we always do."

I must have looked really concerned or confused. Jorge walked over to Kris and held his hand over the air hose on the gas mask again. Once Kris had started to struggle, he held it for about 30 seconds more and then released it. Jorge gestured with his head towards the door to the room.

I followed Jorge into the hallway outside the playroom.

"You look confused" Jorge said.

"I understand the dom sub thing but this seems like true torture" I said.

"This is what Kris wanted. Every time I suggested this be a more tame session, he asked for more. It was his idea that we figure out how to torture the information out of him" Jorge said.

"Why would someone WANT that" I said.

"Unclear, but my theory is that there is something in his life that isn't being fulfilled and this is his way of filling that hole" Jorge said. "There's no such thing as a `normal' sadist or masochist. Whatever does it for you, does it for you"

"Ok, who am I to question someone's kinks" I said.

"Exactly. Let's figure out how to fulfill whatever he needs" Jorge said.

"With sadistic pleasure" I said with a smile.

Jorge smiled back. "Remember we don't want to kill him or anything." He lead me back into the room. Kris was squirming and moaning in his restraints. Clearly the Icy-Hot was either very icy or very hot.

"Let's take it up another notch" Jorge said. "Kris, you're going to spill her name or pass out from the pain."

Suddenly, Kris was nodding.

"Oh, I think we're ready to talk" Jorge said. "Take off the mask and see what he has to say."

I removed the gas mask from Kris.

"So?" Jorge said.

"Please" Kris pleaded, panting. "I can't tell you that. She'd leave me and ruin me in the community."

"Only if I am forced to share it" Jorge said. "Continue to do as you're told and nothing gets revealed. Come on, you don't want to continue the torture."

"I just can't" Kris said. I thought he was going to cry.

"Put the mask back on" Jorge told me.

"Jorge, come on, he can't take more" I said, suddenly worried about Kris continuing.

"Is that right, Kris? Do you want to end it?" Jorge said. "You know that means I throw you out and our dom sub relationship ends. It's your call."

"Jorge, I don't know what I'd do if you cut me off" Kris pleaded. I definitely saw tears in his eyes.

"So either tell me or get ready to go up yet another level."

Kris paused for a moment. "Jorge, please, SIR."

"Look, I'm not a heartless monster" Jorge said. "Let's move on to some of the other questions on the list and see if maybe you want to answer those."

Kris' eyes got big.

"How about what you do for a living?" Jorge said. "Are you willing to give that up for some relief?"

"Noo" Kris said.

"Gas mask back on him" Jorge ordered. "Now!"

I did as he ordered and put the gas mask back on Kris. His eyes were nothing but total fear.

"Here" Jorge said handing me a chain on a pulley in front of Kris. "Take the weights off the parachute and attach the parachute to this chain. We'll see how he does when we begin to suspend him by his balls."

I removed the weights from the parachute and connected the chain as ordered.

"Ok, start to raise him up. Do it gently, don't jerk the chain. We want him to go home to wifey with his balls still attached" Jorge said.

I began to gently and smoothly pull the other end of the chain. Kris balls pulled away from his body until they looked like they were going to rip off. Then his lower body began to raise up.

"Ok, that's enough for a while" Jorge said.

I could hear Kris moaning through the mask. Suddenly, he began yelling and shaking his head. Jorge removed the gas Mask. "Something to say Kris?"

"Fine, I'm the CEO of an aid organization" Kris said in a voice so desperate.

"There, see, that's something" Jorge said with an evil grin. "You've earned some relief until Austin gets here. He'll get her name out of you. Josh, get him down and take the weights, clamps and parachutes off of him."

I went about lowering Kris' balls and removing the weights and other accessories from Kris' body. I also removed the clamp from his foreskin and pulled the plug from his ass. I knew the Icy-Hot would linger but figured I could give him a fighting chance.

Jorge walked up to Kris and began to pinch and rub his nipples after I removed the clamps. Kris began to scream in pain.

"I just can't help myself" Jorge said. "I love to hear a sub scream from the pain of post clamps."

By this time, Kris was hanging limp from the restraints and shaking.

"Let him down and restrain him to the bondage table" Jorge ordered.

I lowered Kris and released him from the restraints, being careful to keep hold on him. As I suspected, he was having a hard time keeping upright on his own. I lead him over to the bondage table and helped him up and lay down.

"Restrain him again" Jorge said. "We have a lot more information to get out of him."

I restrained Kris' wrists and ankles to the corners of the table and Jorge operated the winch to stretch him out until Kris began to groan.

"Let's give him something to keep him occupied" Jorge said. "Bring over the electro box."

I retrieved the electro torture box from the shelves. When I had returned, Jorge had put a ball gag on Kris.

"Put the ring on his cock and the small plug in his ass. We'll use the short random pattern. It should be enough to keep him hard and right on the edge but it each set usually doesn't last long enough to let them cum" Jorge said.

I installed the ring on Kris' cock, pulling back his foreskin to expose his head, positioning the ring just below the head. I then took the small metal butt plug and went to get some lube.

"No lube" Jorge said. "He should still have some icy-hot up there. That'll be enough."

Once I had inserted the plug in Kris' hole, Jorge handed me the electro box. Quietly he said to me, so that Kris couldn't hear "Electro is tricky, you have to gauge the sub's response to different levels before you set the level for the program. Set the program to steady and use the power dial to slowly increase the power. When you think you're at his max, let me know."

I set the program to steady and began to increase the power dial. At about 3, Kris began to squirm on the table and moan. I continued increasing the power. At 6 he began to yell. I looked at Jorge and said "I think that's it."

"Nope, he's got more in him. He's not screaming yet" Jorge said quietly.

I continued increasing the power. At 9 out of a max of 12, Kris began to scream like the scream I had heard from the living room. I looked at Jorge. He nodded and reached over and turned it down to 8 and set the program to random short.

"We can leave him for a while. Who knows, he might cum a couple times. I ordered him not to cum for the last two weeks before he got here so, if he followed orders, he should be pretty ready to pop" Jorge said. "Let's go get a couple beers. I think we've earned it."

I looked back at Kris on the bondage table and saw him writhing as much as his restraints would permit. The look on his face was a mixture of pleasure and pain. His cock was hard and standing straight up.

"So, what are your thoughts?" Jorge asked me as he gave me a bottle of a very nice local IPA.

"I can't figure out why he put himself in this position. Essentially asking you to torture him for information that he's afraid to give up" I said.

"Yeah, Kris is an interesting one. I wasn't sure when I first came across him and starting virtually domming him. My belief is that he's caught between two worlds. One world, where he's a husband, father and, as we now know, a CEO and another world where he has a serious masochist or sub need" Jorge said.

"So which one is he really? Which one does he need to be?" I asked.

"Not sure, maybe he needs to be both" Jorge said. "Maybe the fear of being exposed is part of what feeds his masochist needs. He's an enigma."

"I had no idea how complicated this could be" I said.

"Yeah, you got lucky. You found Eric, me and others and began to come to terms with who you really are while you were still young so your choices going forward can include these needs" Jorge said. "Not everyone gets that chance. Also remember, there's no such thing as a normal kink. Kinks are different and unique to each person."

At this point, we both turned to the sound of the door from the garage closing. Austin was standing there in a pair of leather shorts, a leather harness and leather armbands on each arm, highlighting his huge biceps. He was holding a shoebox sized metal cage with something inside that I couldn't make out.

"He's in the playroom. By now he should have either cum multiple times or be dangling on the edge" Jorge said. "We got his position but still can't get the wife's name."

Austin turned without saying a word and headed toward the playroom.

"Come on" Jorge said. "This will be something you may not get a lot of chances to witness. Austin is going to destroy Kris totally."

As we entered the playroom, Austin was standing at the head of the bondage table slapping Kris' face. "Are you going to give up her name or do we take this up another notch?"

Kris was still writhing on the table as the electro went through it's routine. I noticed several shots of cum on his stomach and, just as we watched, he moaned loudly and began to ejaculate again. Unfortunately for Kris, the current cycle apparently wasn't done and he clearly was experiencing stimulation of his very sensitive cock as he began to jerk and scream on the table.

Once Kris calmed down, Austin ordered "Josh, get over here and get him disconnected and remove the restraints."

I went over and turned off the electro box, removed the ring on Kris' cock, pulled the plug out of his ass and removed the ball gag. Kris was breathing heavily and his body was covered in sweat. I noticed the head of his cock was bright red and looked swollen.

"Is he ok?" I asked Austin and Jorge, pointing to his cock head.

"Hmm, looks like an allergic reaction to the icy hot" Austin said. "Kris, you wanna stop so you can get some attention to that? Remember the terms, you stop, it all ends."

"No, please, I can't live without Master Jorge" Kris yelled.

"Ok then. Josh, get him loose and put him in the coffin" Austin said.

I looked over and the lid of the coffin had been removed. As I released Kris' restraints, he began to breathe a little easier.

"Can you walk man?" I asked him quietly.

"I don't know" he whispered in a shaky voice.

I reached under his back and knees and picked him up. He wasn't overly heavy and, thanks to Austin's abusive workouts, I was easily able to carry him over and place him in the coffin.

"Now put the lid on and lock it in place" Austin ordered.

I retrieved the lid from where it was leaning against the wall and laid it on top of the coffin Kris was laying in, moving it around until it settled into place. There were four clasps around the outside. I connected all of them so that the lid was secured to the base.

Austin stepped over to the head side of the coffin and opened a small door that was directly above Kris' face. "Last chance, give me her name."

"No, I can't" Kris said in a voice that sounded as pitiful as I'd ever heard a grown man sound.

"Ok, well you remember when you and Jorge were discussing things that scare you the most? Do you remember what you said you were deadly afraid of?" Austin asked Kris through the opening.

There was silence for a moment and I could hear Kris take a sharp breath. "Spiders" he said in a whimper.

"Yeap" Austin said as he reached under the coffin and brought up the cage he had brought with him. He laid the cage on the coffin and, in the brighter light, I could see that there definitely were at least a dozen large, hairy spiders crawling around inside the cage. Austin opened the door on top of the cage and reached in pulling out one of the larger, harrier arachnids. He brought it over to the opening in the coffin and held it over the opening.

"No, no, no, please, for the love of God, no" Kris screamed from inside the wooden box.

"You know how to stop it" Austin said in a fake sympathetic voice. "Just one little name."

"No, no, no, I can't" Kris screamed. I had never heard a grown man sound so afraid.

"Do you want to end it?" Jorge asked, stepping up to the coffin so that Kris could see his face. "You know the terms, Kris. You set them. You either give up the information, pass out, or quit. If you quit, you, yourself, said that I must cut off all contact with you."

"SIR, please SIR, I can't make it without you" Kris yelled.

"So it sounds like give up information or pass out" Jorge said, looking at Austin.

"Yeap" Austin said and dropped the spider through the door into the coffin and closed the door.

The screams that came out of the wooden box were blood curdling. The box began to shake on the sawhorses and both Jorge and Austin used their hands to steady it.

"They're not venomous spiders" Jorge said, looking at me. "But he's got severe arachnophobia. He told us to use whatever we wanted to torture him."

After a couple minutes of screaming and thrashing inside the coffin, Austin opened the door over Kris' head again.

"There's 11 more where that guy came from. Ready to talk yet?" Austin asked.

"Oh fuck, fuck fuck. Why, why why" Kris screamed from inside the box he was trapped in.

"Why, because you asked for it and we like to make sure our subs get what they want, don't we Jorge" Austin said.

"Yeap, no dissatisfied customers here" Jorge said. "Perhaps the little guy in there needs a couple of his friends."

"Nooooooooo please nooooooooo" Kris screamed from within the coffin.

"Got a name or are you going to pass out?" Austin asked him.

"I I I I can't" Kris cried.

"Ok, well let's give our little hairy friend some companions" Austin said, reaching into the cage and pulling out first one then a second spider and dropping them through the door in the coffin lid before closing it.

"He'll be done after this" Austin said confidently. "If not, the entire rest of them go in."

"Easy Austin, we don't want to kill him" Jorge said.

"Mother fucker needs to live up to his part of the deal. I've been looking for someone to torture like this for a while and he pretty much wrote an engraved invitation" Austin said with a snarl.

I was becoming genuinely afraid for Kris. At his age, how much could his heart handle?

After a couple more minutes of thrashing, Austin waved me over to the head of the coffin. He then opened the door, showing Kris' face. The face I saw was the face of pure terror.

"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah" he screamed. "Her name is Sarah."

"Get him out" Austin ordered me. I quickly moved to release the clamps holding the lid on. Inside the coffin, Kris was curled up in as much of a fetal position as he could do inside the tight fitting box. I flicked the spiders from his body and quickly lifted him out of the coffin.

"Put him on the bed" Jorge said.

I carefully carried Kris to the bed and laid him down on the black leather sheets. He was shaking uncontrollably. As I carried him, he kept saying "what have I done? What have I done?"

***Ok, I did this chapter for Kris. I really want to hear your thoughts. Kris could be a spin-off story line.

If you want to contact Kris, let me know by e-mail at and I'll check with him to see if he's up to taking the communication. I committed to not reveal his Kik or e-mail here. He asked me to submit this to Nifty without him having a chance to preview or edit it. I offered him multiple chances and he refused.

***Always appreciate feedback to

***Tweet about Josh and the story at @waboutjosh / #waboutjosh

***Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

Next: Chapter 17

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