Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Sep 20, 2023


--------------Chapter 14-------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

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I quickly redressed and, as I was closing the door behind me, I heard Malcolm say "extraordinary Jorge, just extraordinary."

I beamed with the pride of pleasing my daddy.

I also heard Jorge reply "yes, he has real potential."

Potential for what?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 14-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kyle had a huge grin on his face as he slid into the booth across from me. I knew why. He'd had an awesome week. We only had two official games. We won both games which was great, but, I had 5 hits and Kyle had managed 7. By the terms of our bet, I was now obligated to do something he told me to do. I was alternatively dreading and excited about the prospect.

After Willy took our orders (Jorge was not working tonight), I looked at Kyle and said "ok, I know the score, what is it you want?"

Kyle continued to grin. "Now if I told you right out, that would ruin the fun of making you sweat a little. Let's just shoot the shit for a while, eat our food and I'll give you your order at the end of the meal."

What a fucker. Ok, if he wanted to play that game, fine. I'd be sure to not look concerned or worried.

"Cool " I said, as nonchalantly as I could. "So how are you finding our little boring town?"

"Actually, I'm enjoying it a lot. I thought I'd be miserable and miss the beach and mountains and stuff from California but I'm finding quite a few pleasant distractions here." Kyle said with a mischievous grin. "The girls at school have been more than welcoming."

I had heard some talk that the girls were talking about Kyle's rather impressive 10 inches of cock and many girls were anxious to ride it.

"Good for you. Just be careful, this is a pretty conservative town and you don't want to go getting one of them pregnant or anything" I said.

"Yeah, I know to make sure there's a sheath on the beast before I play. My dad has made it clear in no uncertain terms that a pregnant girl will mean I go to work, all the toys like my car and shit are cutoff and college will only happen if I figure out how to pay for it." Kyle said. "I like living the life my parents have made me accustomed to. Playing safe is a small price to pay and, besides, girls don't get pregnant sucking me off so there's always that way to play bare."

"Your dad is cool with you having sex?" I said, surprised.

"Dad's a realist. Let's just say I inherited a certain long trait from him so he is aware of the interest it can generate and he knows that telling me to not do it is not going to work. He'd rather make sure I'm safe about it. He supplies me with special condoms he orders for larger men. Now my mom, that's another story, she wants to believe her little boy is as pure as a newborn baby." Kyle said. "Dad and I keep it between us men."

"Wow, cool, good for your dad. My real dad tried to convince me that I should stay a virgin until I got married and all that. I'm pretty sure he was just delivering the party line from the pastor and my mom. Eric's a lot more cool about it and has been super helpful about figuring some stuff out about myself." I said before I realized that I might be opening a door that could be hard to close in our conversation.

Thankfully, Willy showed up with our food and we stopped talking for a few minutes while we started eating.

"So, what sort of stuff has Eric helped you figure out?" Kyle asked.

Shit, hoping he'd forget that. I should have jumped in and changed the topic.

"Well, uh, you know, sexual stuff." I said trying to be nonchalant.

"What's there to figure out? Get someone who you're attracted to and who is attracted to you or at least someone you can get hard with and go at it." Kyle asked.

"Yeah, you're right. So what girls have you hooked up with?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"A few but I don't fuck and share" Kyle said.

"Ok, I just wanted to maybe help steer you from the crazy ones. You know the ones that think one fuck means you're going to get married and live together forever." I said.

"I'll take my chances. Besides, I like a little crazy in the bedroom" Kyle said. "So, I've not heard about or seen you with any girls. You into anyone in particular or just playing the field?"

"Playing the field for the most part. Haven't had a lot of time to be into anything serious." I said, thankful the conversation seemed to be drifting a different way.

We continued eating and just talking about various things.

As Willy cleared the plates, Kyle looked at me and said "Ok, I think I'm ready to give YOU my order."

My stomach did a flip. I had forgotten the pending obligation he had to cash in. "Sure" I said hoping to look and sound relaxed about it.

"I had something else in mind but changed it based on what we talked about here. Tell me what, specifically, Eric has helped you figure out" Kyle said. "And, if I don't think you're totally truthful with me, I'll catch Eric in the locker room after practice one day and let him know that you and I talked about what he helped you with and that I could use the same help. He'll end up spilling the beans."

Fuuuuuuck. Why couldn't I have kept my big mouth shut.

"By the way, my original order was going to be for you to show me what's going on in that electrical room at the gym I keep seeing you go in and out of with men. Actually, I suspect the two might be related" he said.

Fuuuuuuuuuuck. I was cornered. I quickly tried to find a way out, some way to make him think I was telling him the truth so he wouldn't go to Eric. If I went to Eric and told him about what happened, he'd tell me to man up and fulfill the bet I made honestly. The fact that Kyle tied together the electrical room and what I had talked to Eric about made it hard to lie.

"Come on, tell me. The truth is what it is. Don't try to make up things" Kyle said with a devious grin.

Thankfully, just at that moment, a couple sat down in a booth next to us. Maybe I could buy some time.

"Ok but I don't want to talk about it here. It's personal and a little embarrassing and I don't want someone to overhear" I said, nodding my head at the couple.

"Nice stall tactic dude but, ok. Where do you want to go?" Kyle asked.

Where could we go that's far enough away to give me some more time and private enough to make it a real option?

"Hey, I know, we can head back to my house and either hang in my room or the media room or something" Kyle said.

Fuck, couldn't deny that would be private. He had me.

"Ok. I'll follow you there" I said.

"Cool, settle up the bill while I hit the head" Kyle said as he got up and headed to the restroom.

Now why did he assume I'd pay the bill? But I did.

Kyle's house was in the same neighborhood as Malcolm. Apparently the CEO of a hospital did pretty well for himself. I followed Kyle up the driveway and parked in the driveway behind where he pulled into the garage. He lead me into the house through the door to the garage and into a very nice, open, family area with a well equipped kitchen that opened to a huge family room with a large screen TV on the wall over a massive fireplace. An MLB game was on the TV.

A well groomed man sat on a leather couch watching the game and flipping through his tablet computer.

"Dad, this is Josh, Josh, this is my dad" Kyle said. "Josh is on the baseball team with me."

Kyle's dad stood up and I saw that he was very tall. Probably at least 6'5". I must have looked a little off guard because Kyle said "Yeah, Dad was a basketball player in college. Had an offer to go pro but busted his knee."

"It's nice to meet you Josh. I'm Richard" Kyle's dad said, shaking my hand with a solid grip. He was wearing a tank top and what looked like swim trunks. His well built body filled the tank top very nicely and his arms were nicely muscled. His legs were also very well defined. Clearly, although he wasn't playing pro sports, he still took care of himself.

"Josh is the one who works at the gym I've been going to" Kyle said.

"Oh yeah. I've been meaning to get over there. My setup here at the house is ok but I think I want to get a trainer to push me a little harder." Richard said.

"Josh is a trainer in training" Kyle said.

"Well you definitely look like you know your way around a gym" Richard said, looking me up and down. "You taking on clients?"

"Actually, I'm not allowed to take on training clients one on one yet but I can connect you with my boss, Austin" I said. "He's the best and specializes in pushing clients to the next level. I'll warn you though, he's really tough and can offend some people."

"Shit, I deal with doctors and nurses all day. It'd be hard for Austin to offend me. They specialize in offending people" Richard said with a smile. "Let me give you my secretary's name and number and my cell number. Call her tomorrow and figure out where we can get the training setup for 3 times per week on my calendar at a time that works for Austin, you and me."

I typed the information Richard gave me into my cell phone and sent a text to Austin to let him know we had a new client. He replied back with "Ok but he better be worth my time." I showed the text to Richard and Kyle.

"Well, you said he could offend people" Richard said laughing. "Not to worry, I think you won't find me to be a wimp. I take my body seriously and ain't afraid to work hard for it."

"Josh and I were going to hang out for a while since we have a school holiday tomorrow" Kyle said.

"Sounds good. Kyle's mom is visiting family back in California for the weekend so it's just us men here" Richard said. "I was going to go jump in the pool if you guys want to join" as he pulled off his shirt.

I was immediately reminded of the spikes on my cock cage as my cock reacted to Richard's very well toned upper body and large nipples. He clearly spent time in the sun and had a perfect tan. His chest was hairless and there was a nice trail of hair leading down to his trunks.

"I wanted to show Josh the new Xbox game I got but we'll be out in a bit" Kyle said, ruining my hope that I wouldn't have to fulfill the bet right away.

Kyle walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and emerged with two bottles of the local micro brewery IPA beer.

"Suit yourselves. Kyle is allowed to drink beer here in the house but only if he stays here. Friends are welcome to join in but your parents have to be ok with it and you have to stay the night so nobody drives after drinking. If you think your dad would be ok, I can call him real quick and confirm, that is if you want to join" Richard said with a questioning look.

"Sure, Eric, my soon to be step-dad has the same sort of rules at our house" I said. I gave Richard Eric's cell number and Richard dialed it from his smart phone.

"Eric owns the gym" Kyle said as his dad put the phone to his ear.

Richard nodded and spoke into the phone "Hello, is this Eric? Eric, this is Richard Bryant, I'm the father of Kyle, one of Josh's teammates. They're over here at our house hanging out and I wanted to make sure you were ok with me letting Josh drink some beer. I only allow it if he stays the night and he's certainly welcome."

Richard listened for a moment and said "great, we're happy to have him" Richard said and listened some more.

"Yeah, this is my cell number so feel free to call or text anytime. Also, I understand you own the gym. I just gave Josh my info to get some training setup with Austin" pause "Yeah, Josh told me about Austin's personality, doesn't scare me. I'd prefer a trainer that pushes me hard" pause "great, look forward to meeting you in person soon."

As he hung up the phone and tossed it on the kitchen counter, Richard said "We're all set. Grab me one too Kyle. Eric said you are free to drink what you want for tonight but mentioned that he wanted a report of how many you drank because you'd have additional workout time to burn the extra calories. Sounds like he's got you on a strict routine. I can see it's paid off though."

"Yeah" I said as I opened my beer and took a drink. "Eric has really put a lot of effort into helping me get healthy and develop my body."

"Maybe I need to put him in charge of Kyle here too" Richard said.

"Dad, I'm good" Kyle protested. "I don't need someone making me eat bunless hamburgers and drinking nothing but coffee and water like this guy does."

"That metabolism won't stay on overdrive forever. I'll think about it and maybe get some pointers from Eric when I meet him" Richard said as he walked toward the french doors in the back of the family room. A pool and hot tub were visible through the glass. "Well, I'm going to hit the pool. Come on out after a while, don't spend all your time on the Xbox."

I followed Kyle down a hallway into his bedroom. It was amazing. Everything was black, gray or white. A huge king size bed was on one wall. A desk and bookshelves were on another wall filled with a couple computer screens and pretty much every gadget you could think of including drones and remote control cars. On the third wall, across from the bed, was a massive flat panel TV. The fourth wall was all glass, looking out on the side yard of the house.

"Nice man!" I said.

"Like I said, I like the life my parents have given me. I ain't gonna screw it up by getting some girl knocked up" Kyle said as he opened a sliding panel in the glass wall. I could feel the evening warmth and humidity coming through the opening. Kyle took his shirt off. "Hey, lose the shirt man. I hate the air conditioning and would rather just enjoy the warmth".

When in Rome I thought as I pulled off my shirt as well.

Kyle grabbed a remote and the TV on the wall came to life and the Xbox logo appeared.

"Don't think you're getting out of telling me" Kyle said. "But we can also play the game so my dad won't wonder what's up. The noise will also cover up anything we say. Come on, kick your shoes off and crash on the bed here" as he kicked his sneakers off and jumped on one side of the bed.

I kicked off my sneakers and got on the other side of the bed. The bed was so big, there was easily 3 or 4 feet between us.

We quickly got into the game. It was clear Kyle spent more time playing than I did as he handily kicked my ass several times. Eventually, he started giving me pointers to improve my game and I began to hold my own. We were having a lot of fun, enjoying the beers and bantering about the gameplay. After about a half hour, Kyle went to the kitchen and grabbed fresh beers.

When he came back, got back on the bed and handed me my beer, he said. "OK, time to spill man." He grabbed the game player and clicked around on the screen until the game was in demo mode. The sounds of the game played over the speaker system built in the room.

I don't know whether it was the beer or just the comfort I felt with Kyle and being here in his room but I decided, what the fuck, go for it. Go big or go home as Eric liked to say.

"Well, first, I'd like to ask you to keep what I'm going to say between just the two of us man. It's personal and even though I'm not ashamed of it, I'm not ready for a lot of people to know yet." I said.

"Totally man, hey, you're the closest thing I have to a best friend here. I don't take a lot of things seriously but my friends are very serious to me" Kyle said. "Now spill, what is it, you gay or something?"

I paused and just looked at him.

"Fuck, I knew it. Man, it's totally cool. I had a lot of buddies back in Cali that were either bi or gay." Kyle said with a smile.

I took a deep breath and relaxed. For the first time, I had someone my age who knew about me being gay and it wasn't a problem. "Thanks for that Kyle. Nobody knows except Eric, Jorge and a few others. Eric, well let's just say he caught me jerking off a while back, and he and I got to talking and he helped me come to terms with who I am and what sort of things turned me on sexually and, since I shared that, I also should share that Eric helped me figure out that I'm into BDSM type play." I said, looking at Kyle for his reaction. "Do you know what that is?"

"Dude, I'm far from being a prude. I have the Internet!" Kyle said. "So are you dom or sub?"

Surprised at the direct question, I answered before thinking "Right now, I'm exploring sub. Jorge is my master and is teaching me about the lifestyle."

Well, I'd just put it all out there.

"Man, thanks for sharing that with me. I know I kind of forced it with the bet but you still could have tried to lie to me but I'm pretty sure that's not something you make up. Don't worry, it stays between you and me, unless..." Kyle said trailing off.

"Dude, you can't tell anyone, especially at school. This town will shut me out if the word gets out." I pleaded, suddenly panicking that I'd made a huge mistake and that Kyle was going to out me to everyone. "I'll do whatever you ask."

"No, no, I'm not suggesting I'm going to tell random people but, and this is a coincidence you only would find in a bad porno movie or story, my dad and I are both bi" Kyle said. "In California, he had a guy who worked for him that was gay and really got off on being used by men. Dad and I both played with him. Sometimes apart, sometimes together. Mom doesn't know. Dad saw the gay porn in the house Internet logs and came and talked to me. Sounds like a similar conversation to what you and Eric had."

I wasn't able to form words I was so surprised. My face must have had the most shocked look on it.

Kyle smiled and said "I'm only saying we maybe let my dad in on the story. Trust me, he's totally cool and you can trust him."

"Are you sure man? I don't know." I said.

"Trust me, he's cool and he can be another older guy you can talk to. Come on, let's go out to the pool."

"I don't have a suit" I said, hoping to avoid having to strip and have Kyle see my cage.

"Now that I know you're gay, it doesn't matter. Dad and I skinny dip all the time when mom's not here. He only kept his suit on now because you were here" Kyle said as he stood up and shucked off his shorts and socks and stood there with his magnificent cock hanging between his legs.

Wow, tonight was going to be a full reveal. "Ok but I should tell you, remember I said Jorge was my master and was teaching me about the lifestyle? Well, as part of that, he has locked a cock cage on me to keep me from getting hard and cumming." I said as I stood up and dropped my shorts, revealing my caged cock.

"Fucking cool man" Kyle said as he walked around the bed to where I was standing. "I've heard about this but never seen someone close up. Damn, I don't know if I could make it through the day without pumping out a few loads. How long you been like this?"

"Tomorrow will be a week in this cage. I was in a different cage without the spikes for about three months. He only removes it when I'm with him and, even then, I don't always get to cum." I said.

"Can I touch it?" Kyle asked.

"I don't think I have any secrets left with you, sure" I said, sort of surprised at the turn of events.

Kyle reached down and began fondling the cage around my cock and reaching in and pressing my cock down so he could see the spikes around the edge. "Damn, that must hurt" he said.

"Yeah, it's supposed to teach me self-control" I said. "Unfortunately, I'm a teenage guy and I get hard from a warm breeze so I spend most of my day in some level of pain. But it's not all bad. The pain is sort of a turn on to me and knowing that Jorge owns me and is controlling me like this actually makes me feel very safe. Sounds weird I know."

"Man, I grew up in California. Weird was everywhere. Hell, if you didn't have some sort of odd kink, you were the wierd one. Dude, be who you gotta be, don't let nobody tell you otherwise, especially the uptight fucks in this town." Kyle said.

"Thanks man, that means a fucking lot, really it does" I said.

"No worries, like I said, I take my friends seriously and I now consider you my best friend if that doesn't sound to mushy. Come on, let's go drop your bomb on dad!"

Kyle headed back out his bedroom door and down the hall. I followed along behind. He stopped in the kitchen and grabbed three more beers. We walked out to the patio. Richard was lounging on a chair next to the pool, water dripping off of him as if he had just got out of the pool. His wet trunks clearly outlined an impressive tube running down his leg.

"Kyle, you know I said no skinny dipping with guests" Richard yelled. I was behind Kyle so Richard hadn't seen me or my cock accessory.

"Dad, no, it's cool. Josh just told me he's gay AND, he's into BDSM. Show him Josh" Kyle said as he stepped aside so Richard had the full view of me wearing nothing by my cock cage.

"Well then, aren't you full of surprises Josh. Looks like you are really INTO it also. You put that on yourself or do you have a key holder?" Richard asked as he stood up and walked towards me.

"Remember the diner we went to for breakfast last weekend?" Kyle said. "The guy who waited on us, Jorge, is Josh's master"

"Kyle" Richard said severely, "let Josh tell his story. It's not your story to tell." Richard turned back to me and said "I hope Kyle has reciprocated information about his kinks."

"Yes SIR, he told me that both of you are bi and that you had a guy in California you both played with together and separately." I said.

"Fuck, Kyle. There you go again, telling someone else's story. Son, I know you get excited and have a hard time containing yourself but that mouth of yours is going to cause you and possibly someone else a lot of grief one day. I would have told Josh myself but, again, it's my story to tell, not yours." Richard said grabbing Kyle by the arm. "Did you also tell him that you get off on being paddled?"

Kyle froze.

"Ahh, so now you see how it works, telling other people's stories" Richard said. "Yes Josh, Kyle here is a bit of a masochist himself. I gave him a paddling one day several years ago for mouthing off to his mother and he shot his wad while I was hitting him. Kyle, go get your paddle."

"But dad..." Kyle started to protest.

One look from his father and Kyle stopped talking and started toward the house with his head hanging down.

"Josh, I'm sorry that Kyle is such a blabbermouth. I grew up learning from my father the value of negative consequences for our actions. I follow the same philosophy with Kyle. You are welcome to stay and watch or step back in the house and close the door." Richard said. "Might as well join the naked party" he said pulling off his swim trunks.

The dumbfounded look returned to my face at the site of Richard's cock. If possible, it looked longer and definitely was thicker than Kyle's. Richard kept his body hair well groomed and his cock along with some extra large balls were extraordinary.

"I, I, I'll stay" I stammered out. "But you don't have to punish him for telling my story. I knew when we came out here that we were going to tell you."

"Yes, but I didn't give him permission to tell my story to you. I don't care that you know and, like I said, would have told you anyway but, damnit, it's my story, not his" Richard said. "Being discrete in life matters and Kyle needs to learn that."

Kyle returned to the patio carrying a wooden paddle. He dutifully handed it to his father. I noticed Kyle's cock was getting hard.

"Wall of house, assume the position" Richard barked at him.

"Yes sir" Kyle said and walked over and put both hands on the wall of the house and spread his legs in classic form for a paddling or a police frisking.

"Josh here told me he didn't want me to punish you for telling his story so know that these will be for my story. Do you understand son?" Richard said as he got in position.

"Yes sir" Kyle said. "But do you have to do it in front of him?"

"I definitely do now that I know you don't want it. Part of the punishment. Man up." Richard barked. "Josh, stand over there on the other side of Kyle from me. With any luck, you might get to see Kyle here pop a load."

"Fuck" I heard Kyle say under his breath.

"What's that boy? Swearing? That will be two more whacks" Richard said. "Brace yourself boy."

Richard took the paddle in his right hand and pulled back and landed a solid whack on Kyle's beautiful ass.

"Ahh, one sir" Kyle said.

"Kyle knows I expect him to count them out" Richard explained as he laid another whack on Kyle's ass.

"Ahh, two sir" Kyle yelled.

The red mark on Kyle's ass didn't expand, his shot was spot on where the previous shot landed. I knew from paddlings from my clients that, when they keep the shots tight like that, it hurts more because the same patch of skin is taking the abuse over and over again. I felt my cock pushing against the spikes in my cage.

"So those two were for shooting your mouth off about my business" Richard said. "These two are for swearing about your punishment."

Richard quickly landed two more solid shots on Kyle's ass. Each time, Kyle yelled out and dutifully counted.

After the last shot, Richard stepped forward and pulled Kyle into a hug. Kyle was breathing heavily but not crying. Richard said to him "Good job son, you took it like a man and I see you did enjoy it as usual."

Looking down at Kyle's cock, it was at full mast in all it's long glory. I was convinced my cock was going to bend the bars in my cage or the spikes were going to pop my dick like a balloon.

"Thank you sir. I'll try to do better." Kyle said to his dad.

"I know son" Richard said and ruffled Kyle's hair. "Now, let's get in the pool and see if we can work off some of your sexual energy. Josh, I notice you're definitely aroused as well. A little cool water might help reduce the swelling so to speak."

I didn't need to be told twice. I dove into the pool. Richard and Kyle were quickly behind me. We spent the next hour or so racing each other, splashing around and just generally enjoying the cool water of the pool in the warm early spring air.

After a while, Richard got out and looked at his smartphone. "Well, you guys may have the day off tomorrow but I need to be in for a 8am meeting so I'm gonna go shower and get some sleep. Have fun guys. Remember, nobody leaves here and also remember to keep count of your beers Josh.

"Thanks dad" Kyle said.

"Yes SIR" I said. "And thank you SIR."

"Dude you don't need to call him sir, just call him Richard or dad" Kyle said.

"No, son" Richard said looking at me thoughtfully, "I think he does need to don't you Josh?"

"Yes SIR" I said.

Richard turned and went into the house. After a minute, he came out with a bucket filled with ice and some more beers.

"Thank you SIR" I called with a smile.

"Your welcome boy" he said, returning the smile as he walked into the house. Right after he closed the door, the outside lights began to dim leaving just the in pool lights on.

Kyle and I splashed around for a while more and then both crashed on lounge chairs by the pool with the bucket of beers on the ground between us.

"Man, I'm sorry you had to go through getting paddled like that in front me of" I said.

"Nah, no worries. Dad's right, I need to learn some more discipline. I don't want to be one of those rich kids who gets everything and turns into some sort of entitled asshole" Kyle said.

"I don't think there's much chance of that" I said looking up at the stars that we could see without the lights on around the patio.

"Now, that doesn't mean I wouldn't accept a favor if you were up for it." Kyle said.

I looked over at him and he was holding his hard cock straight up. I gave him a look as if to say "really?".

"Come on man. Everybody knows guys give way better head than girls. Show me your skills or are you not that good at it" Kyle said taunting me.

My competitive nature kicked in and I was on top of him instantly. I started off licking his cock and ballsack thoroughly causing him to groan. Once the cock was slicked up, I began taking the large head into my mouth and started working it into my mouth and throat. It was definitely as large or larger than any cock I'd sucked so far but I was determined to give Kyle, my new best friend, a blow job he'd never forget.

I heard the telltale noise of a smartphone camera and looked up at Kyle.

"Just letting my dad know you're very skilled at your craft. He admires good work." Kyle said with a grin. "Now, get back to work boy. That cock ain't gonna cum on its own".

I renewed my work on Kyle's dick. Using every trick I had to make him happy. Before long, I was taking him balls deep and all the way out on every stroke.

Kyle told me to get on my knees on the patio and I did. He stepped in front of me and took my head with both hands and proceeded to give me a rough and fast deep throat fucking. I was struggling with his size and speed but was determined to take whatever he had to give me. Several times, he pulled my head all the way into his pubes and just held me there. A couple times, I thought I was gonna pass out from lack of air but he always released me just as I started to get a little dizzy.

"Fuckin good cock sucker" Kyle said. "Now I have a new idea what I'll ask for when I win the rest of our bets this season."

I managed to pull off his cock long enough to say "Don't assume you're always going to beat me and you don't need to waste a bet for this" giving him a smile, I swallowed his whole cock.

"Oh yeah, I got me a best bud who also gives great head. What more could a guy want from life." Kyle said.

I was inwardly pleased to be able to make Kyle happy.

Kyle's phone binged. He slowed down long enough to grab it from the chair and then resumed his assault on my mouth and throat.

Within a minute, Kyle began to breathe harder and suddenly, he pulled out of my mouth, grabbed his cock and started jacking a large load all over my face and chest. I quickly took the head of his cock back in my mouth so I could get some of his cum. Once Kyle came down from his orgasm, I carefully licked and cleaned his cock from top to bottom.

"Dad says he's always willing to stay up late for good head" Kyle said. "His room is at the end of the hall and the door should be ajar. I'm going to go get a shower and hit the sack. If you're up for it, I'll have more whenever you're ready" as he grabbed his cock and shook it at me.

Kyle was right, this was like some bad porno or one of those stories I read on but who was I to complain? Wonder if I should report how many loads of cum I swallow to Eric as well?

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Tweet about Josh and the story at @waboutjosh / #waboutjosh

Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

twitter: @waboutjosh

Next: Chapter 15

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