Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Sep 19, 2023


--------------Chapter 13--------------------

Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

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From Chapter 12

After I had satisfactorily cleaned the refrigerator floor, Jorge had me get dressed again and we walked out to the parking lot. My head was spinning. Jorge seemed so cruel to me tonight. What was going on.

Standing between our trucks, Jorge pulled me to him and hugged me and gave me a passionate kiss. "You were forgetting your place by asking for release. Release is my discretion not yours. Hopefully, tonight cleared that up. I know I sound like a parent but I did this for your own good. This is part of you being a sub."

"Thank you SIR" I said, thankful for the explanation. "It won't happen again SIR".

"Now get home and get to bed before Eric or your mom start wondering where you are" he said giving me a slap on the ass and getting into his truck.

Chapter 13"He'll see you now" the attractive young secretary outside Malcolm's office told me as she hung up the phone.

I stepped into Malcolm's office. It was everything you'd expect for an owner of a successful bank. Lots of wood, plush carpet, huge desk, bookshelves filled with leather bound books, floor to ceiling windows looking out over the hills north of town.

"Josh, great to see you. Come on in. Do you want anything to drink, water, soda?" Malcolm said as he shook my hand.

"No, I'm good, she already offered me something" I said as I stepped into his office.

Malcolm leaned out the door and said "We'll be working on Josh's finances for the rest of the day. Why don't you take off a little early and enjoy the beautiful day. Just lock the door to the suite behind you please."

"Thank you sir" I heard the secretary say.

Malcolm stepped back in the office and closed the door to his waiting area. It wasn't lost on me that he locked the door.

"Strip" Malcolm said without any pretense.

Without thinking, I tossed my backpack on the couch and removed my clothing and assumed my sub position, feet shoulder width apart, hands behind back and eyes to the floor.

"Nice boy" Malcolm said as he walked over to me and began caressing my pecs, abs and ass. "Now, where's the cash?"

"In my backpack SIR" I said.

"Ok, did you count it?" Malcolm asked.

"Yes SIR, eleven thousand two hundred fifty" I said.

"Ok, so I've been thinking about what to do with your money. Like I said to you, we can, at minimum, put it in an account in the bank. That'll be a lot safer than in your room at home. Paper money is an easy target for thieves and burns up in a fire pretty fast." Malcolm said.

"Yes SIR" I said.

"But, we can do better than a plain savings account" Malcolm continued while rubbing and kneading all over my body. "With the right investment strategy, you can build your money up quite a bit. Now, there's always risk with these types of investments but the rewards are much larger when they go well. And I don't pick losers. So which would you like Josh, a nice safe savings account that'll make you a few percent in interest or an aggressive investment strategy that will net you some real money?"

I didn't have to think about it. "An aggressive strategy SIR".

"Good. Now, second question. You made this income totally off the books and tax free. We want to work to keep it as tax free as possible but you can't just suddenly have thousands of dollars to invest without some way to explain how you got it. What you have now likely wouldn't trigger any sort of audit but, if we grow it the way I plan to, it'll get big enough to notice pretty quickly. We have some choices here as well. One, we can document the money, declare and pay taxes on it and be all above board. You'll give up about a third of it immediately to the various tax men." Malcolm said, beginning to get a bit more rough in his handling of my body as he grabbed both nipples and pulled and twisted them making me gasp. "Tax men piss me off."

"Another option we have is to get the money off-shore. That makes it more complicated and a bit edgy legally but not an uncommon thing that I do for clients. When you want the money, getting it back on-shore takes a little wrangling but it's all doable." Malcolm continued as he leaned in and began licking my left nipple. I moaned in pleasure.

"There's another option but you'd need to trust me. I can take the money and work with some associates" Malcolm said making air quotes when he said associates. "These associates specialize in taking cash of mysterious origins and giving it an origin but one that's not taxable. They charge a fee but it will be less than the taxes and this is, without a doubt, illegal." Malcolm moved over and began licking my right nipple. I could feel my cock pushing against the cage.

"Because it's illegal, there would be no paper trail. You'd turn the money over to me in cash and I'd start the process and, in a couple weeks, you'll have clean money we can invest however we want." Malcolm said. "It's up to you Josh."

"What would you recommend SIR?" I said.

"Frankly, I'd launder the money, make it legitimate and then be free with it but I'll deny ever saying that or that any of this ever happened if the shit hits the fan" Malcolm explains as he grabbed my encaged cock and balls and began to squeeze. I moaned. "So I guess it comes down to how much you trust me Josh?"

"I trust you SIR. Both Jorge and Eric speak highly of you and they have never steered me wrong." I said with Malcolm literally holding me by the balls.

"That's very flattering, Josh. You won't regret it." Malcolm said, letting go of my balls. "Well, we got that out of the way fast. Get the money and we can put it in my safe here" Malcolm said, opening a cabinet and punching in a code to open the safe door.

I picked up my backpack and walked over to the safe. Malcolm helped me load it inside and shut the door and pressed the lock button. "Safe as a bug in a rug." he said. "Now, my secretary is gone, we're alone in my office, the walls are soundproof and I've got some time if you're interested in playing for a while."

"Yes SIR" I said with excitement. Malcolm was one of my favorite clients and was very creative.

"Ok then, step up on to that coffee table and assume your position boy." Malcolm ordered loudly.

I quickly jumped up and assumed my well practiced sub position on the glass coffee table in the middle of the room. I could hear Malcolm open and close a door and some other rustling. After a few minutes, I saw him step in my field of vision on the carpet in front of me. His feet and lower legs were bare and I assumed he had stripped naked.

"Put your arms straight out from your sides, hands open and facing up" he ordered. "Grab this" as I felt something metallic in the palm of my right hand. I closed my fingers around it.

"That's a 15 pound kettlebell. Light weight for a gym rat like you but I've found it can start to become quite heavy if you have to hold it like this for a while. Now, don't let go or you'll break my very expensive glass coffee table and probably hurt yourself in the process on all the broken glass" he said as I felt the weight of the kettle ball when he let go of it.

"Now the other hand" he said and repeated putting the handle in my hand.

He was right, the weight was pretty light and I didn't have to strain to hold them up but I imagined that, depending on how long this went on, it would begin to get unpleasant.

"I've got a few emails to work on. You stay there." Malcolm said and I heard him sit in his desk chair and the sounds of mouse clicks and keyboard typing.

Fuck, who knew how long I'd have to stand there holding these.

After a while, I heard Malcolm say "10 minutes in, not bad, keep your form up, don't sag."

I pushed myself to make sure my arms were straight out. My shoulders and triceps were starting to complain a bit about the work I was putting them through.

"20 minutes. Watch that form. I'd hate to have to paddle you for not keeping good form" Malcolm said from the comfort of his desk chair.

I was starting to breath a little harder and could feel sweat beginning to form on my forehead.

"By the way, Jorge gave me a copy of the key to your cage and permission to unlock you if I felt you deserved it. I think 30 minutes will earn me removing the cage and edging you. 45 minutes will earn me removing the cage and you getting to cum while I fuck you. So, your choices, we can end this now, you can suck me of and call it a day. You can try to go for 30 minutes, get the cage off and get some nice edging or you can commit to the 45 minutes and get off while I fuck you." Malcolm said. "It's an all or nothing deal. If you pick 45 and only make it 35, you don't get the 30 minute reward or anything. I might decide to paddle you some."

I saw the key on a chain tossed on the floor in front of me.

My cock was beginning to hurt from the pressure on the cage. Jorge's treatment in the refrigerator at the diner had left me with a severe case of blue balls.

"Oh, one little wrinkle, just because Jorge and I like to make it interesting. I have a new cage I will put on you when we're done. This cage will have some rather uncomfortable spikes on the inside that will make any attempt at an erection very painful. You don't have to take the spiked one, just call it now at 20 minutes, suck me off and we're all good. Is the reward worth the pain boy?" Malcolm said.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"By the way, we won't start the remainder of the time until you make your decision. Clock is holding at 20 right now. Take as long as you like to decide." Malcolm said as I heard keys clicking again.

I was starting to really feel my muscles from the work I was giving them. I was having to focus on breathing to maintain form and not drop the kettle balls into the coffee table. But I wanted to cum so fucking bad.

"45 minutes SIR" I said as loud as I could between deep breaths to contain the pain.

"Nice, I'll text Jorge and let him know you decided to go for it. Clock is starting up. You're not even half done yet so I suggest you dig down deep for that energy boy." Malcolm said. "I won't be giving you any more time updates until you either give up, drop them or the clock hits 44."

Damn, now I wouldn't even know how I was progressing. I tried to concentrate on counting seconds in my head to track the time passing but couldn't keep focused on it through the ever increasing pain in my shoulders, back and arms. Sweat was now rolling off my head and down over my pecs and abs. I could see drops of sweat on the glass table I was standing on.

Several times I saw Malcolm's feet and legs as he walked around me. I heard the sound of a camera click from a smartphone. "Jorge is interested in seeing how you're doing."

Several times, my tricep and shoulder muscles cramped up. I had to really breath and strain to maintain my position through the extreme pain of a muscle cramp. I could feel myself slipping into a different world, mentally. The room didn't seem to be around me any more and I became less aware of my screaming muscles. I started to feel dizzy and shook my head a couple times to try to snap out of it. It worked a little but I could feel it starting up again when I noticed Malcolm's feet and legs.

"Look up boy" Malcolm said.

I looked up and saw him holding a stopwatch in front of me. The readout on the watch said 44:10. I had less one minute to go. Malcolm was stroking his large cock while watching me.

"Come on boy, you can do it. Show daddy what you're capable of." Malcolm urged me on. His urging helped. I wanted to please him. I dug down deep and, despite tremendous pain in my muscles, managed to raise both bells a few inches.

I watched the seconds tick by 20, 30, 40 50, 00. I had done it.

Malcolm quickly took the kettle balls from me and I strained to bring my arms down. The muscles had cramped so much that it was painful to move at all. Malcolm helped me step down from the coffee table. He picked up the key from the floor and unlocked and removed the cage from my cock. Despite my total fatigue, my cock quickly popped up against my stomach. Some things are more important than being tired.

"Mmm, I've never seen it out of its cage except in the videos from the party at my house" Malcolm said as he began massaging my cock. I almost collapsed from the intense pleasure he was giving me.

"No cumming until I say so boy" Malcolm reminded me that I owed him a ride on my ass. "Get down there and make sure I'm properly hard and wet."

I dropped to my knees and quickly licked and sucked on Malcolm's cock until it was fully hard and I could taste his precum on my tongue. Malcolm let me continue for a while including grabbing my head for some serious skull fucking and then pulled out. "Back on the coffee table on all fours boy" he barked.

I quickly moved to comply. In short order, I felt Malcolm's familiar cock at my hole. He shoved it all the way in me in one thrust. I moaned in pleasure.

Malcolm began an energetic fucking of my ass using a lot of all the way out and all the way in slam fucking. I could feel my cock bouncing under me and looked down and saw drops of precum coming off my cock as he assailed my hole.

Malcolm pulled out of me and ordered me on my back, still on the coffee table. He lifted both my legs up to his shoulders and resumed his fucking mission.

I knew better than to touch my cock without his direction but I was getting desperate.

"Please SIR, please" I pleaded. I must have looked pitiful because Malcolm relented.

"Ok boy, grab your cock. I want to feel your ass clench as you cum. You've got exactly 45 seconds to cum" Malcolm grunted between thrusts. I looked up and saw him start the countdown timer on the watch.

I didn't need to be told twice. I grabbed on my rock hard cock and began my well practiced jacking off routine. Since it had been so long since I had cum, I almost immediately felt the pleasure building, closer, closer.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I yelled as I experienced what felt like an earthquake caliber orgasm. Cum was flying out of my cock, all over my abs and chest, my face, the table.

"Oh yeah boy, that feels awesome" Malcolm said and picked up his fucking pace. Within a few seconds, he was shouting and clearly dropping a lot of his cum in my ass.

"Very nice" I heard what sounded like Jorge's voice. I looked over towards the desk where it came from and saw Malcolm's computer monitor turned around facing us and I could see Jorge on the monitor.

"See boy, do what you're told and you get rewarded. But I'm not sure you're going to think it was worth it. This new cage is known for being pretty painful" Jorge said from the computer. "Get up, make sure you clean off Malcolm's cock properly and then lick up that cum and sweat you got all over his nice table. Malcolm, if you've got some cleaning supplies, Josh will make sure your office has no traces for your cleaning crew to find, won't you Josh?"

"Yes SIR" I said and, as Malcolm extracted himself from me, I leaned forward and quickly engulfed his cock down my throat and gave it a proper cleaning. I then got on all fours on the floor and licked the entire coffee table from end to end to make sure it was clear of cum and sweat.

"Cleaning supplies are in here under the sink" Malcolm said as he emerged from a door that clearly led to his private bathroom wearing a pair of athletic shorts.

I went in and retrieved a cleaning spray bottle and paper towels and dutifully cleaned the coffee table so that it shined.

I returned the cleaning supplies to the bathroom and stepped in front of Malcolm's desk and assumed my sub position facing the desk and Jorge on the screen.

"Very well done boy. I'm quite proud of you" Jorge said from the computer monitor. "When Malcolm was in for breakfast this morning and mentioned you were meeting him, we decided the meeting could be about more than just your finances. On the topic of finances, I hope you're taking Malcolm's advice and understand that, from now on, you will provide him his services at the gym for no charge and he will have the option to meet you at home or elsewhere if he chooses. He just needs to work around your schedule for school and work. He has agreed to take that in lieu of any commission or charges for managing your money. Trust me, he's good and worth it."

"Yes SIR, it would be my pleasure SIR" I said, smiling.

"Now, I can see the boy is still hard. Ahh to be young again" Malcolm said. "Let me see if I can get you ready to be caged again. Lay down on the couch."

I went over to the couch behind the now famous coffee table and laid down. Malcolm came over with a plastic bag filled with ice.

"Jorge told me this worked last night to bring you down so I made sure the mini bar had plenty of ice stocked up" Malcolm said.

"Ahh" I said when the bag of ice was dropped on my cock and balls. As expected, I could feel my cock softening in the coldness of the ice.

Once he felt like it was ready, Malcolm quickly grabbed some cream and rubbed it on my junk and quickly, just as I was starting to get hard again, he pulled by cock and balls through the ring and encased my cock in a new cage. This one was multiple rings rather than one continuous piece of metal like the last one and, just as he'd warned, each ring had several flat but pointed spikes on them, similar to the metal studs on blue jeans. As my cock continued to try to harden, I felt the spikes begin to dig in on my cock.

"Ohhh" I moaned in the pain.

"The spikes work really well to help disincentivize you from getting hard" Jorge said from the computer. "Now, get dressed, double check you've left the room spotless and get going. Malcolm and I have some further discussions to have."

I quickly redressed and, as I was closing the door behind me, I heard Malcolm say "extraordinary Jorge, just extraordinary."

I beamed with the pride of pleasing my daddy.

I also heard Jorge reply "yes, he has real potential."

Potential for what?

Always appreciate feedback to>>>Tweet about Josh and the story at @waboutjosh

Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

Next: Chapter 14

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