Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Sep 17, 2023


--------------Chapter 12--------------------

Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

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From Chapter 11

After Eric left the office, I was sitting alone. I opened the envelope and found three one-hundred dollar bills. There was also a note with a phone number and the words "see you Wednesday". I quickly programmed the number into my phone and marked it "Daddy K" with a smile. I sent a quick text saying "This is Josh". A reply almost immediately came back saying "Good boy. See you Wednesday."

How many other clients' were there?' I wondered to myself as I pocketed the $300.

Chapter 12"So what are you doing with all the extra cash your training is bringing in?" Malcolm asked as he untied me from the massage table that I was bent over. He had just finished fucking my ass and I could feel cum dribbling down my leg.

Malcolm had become one of my regular customers for the after training sessions in the massage room at the gym. Some tipped better than others but I never felt slighted by what I got from any of them. I couldn't think of a better way to make some cash than servicing these hot alpha males. They were all training clients of Austin's so they were all in shape and had a lot of energy. Almost all of them always wanted to be the dom or top but I'd had a couple who were disappointed at the cage on my cock because they wanted to suck it or get fucked. I found out that there were quite a few accessories for play in the baskets in the cabinet and most of them had been used on my in some form by now.

"I've just been stashing most of it at home. My checks from here auto-deposit into my bank account so I use some of this cash for pocket money but most of it's in my room at home." I said as I stood up and rubbed my ass where Malcolm had given me a thorough paddling before fucking me.

"If you don't mind my asking, how much are you talking about?" Malcolm said.

"Well, I've been doing this pretty much every week for the last few months. I usually see 3 or 4 men each week and most of them are good tippers like you" I said with a wink. Malcolm was very generous but also got his money's worth as my ass would attest.

"So, in round numbers, you're probably making about one thousand a week and you said you've been doing this about three months so you've probably got about twelve thousand sitting at home right now, right?"

"Probably, I said. I don't use much pocket money so that would be close" I said as I wiped down the table and put away the rope and paddle.

"You need to put that money to work for you. Tell you what, what's the next afternoon you have some free time?" Malcolm asked as he picked up his smart phone.

"Actually, tomorrow" I said. "Austin is heading out of town with Cameron for the weekend and they're leaving tomorrow afternoon so we don't have any training clients."

Malcolm looked at his phone and said "Perfect, I have an opening at 4pm" he said typing into his phone. "Stop by my office at the bank downtown and bring your cash. At minimum, we're going to get it deposited in an account where it will be safer but I think I have some ideas for how we can have that money make more money for you."

"Wow, thanks, Malcolm" I said as I put my clothes back on. "You really don't have to do that."

"Hey, I never had any kids. It'll be fun playing dad and helping a young man learn the ropes of the financial world."

"Ok, I'll see you at 4 tomorrow Malcolm, or should I call you daddy?" I said mischievously.

"Ohh, I like daddy boy. Seems appropriate since I'm probably old enough to be your grandfather." Malcolm said as he pulled me into a hug and kissed me.

"Gramps never did that or anything else we did here, well except paddling, but that was because I broke grandma's favorite vase playing ball in the house" I said.

"And I'll bet you didn't enjoy that paddling as much as you did this one" Malcolm said grabbing my crotch and fondling my caged cock and balls. "How long has Jorge had you locked up by the way?"

"Other than when I'm serving him, non-stop for about three months." I said.

"How's that going?" Malcolm asked.

"If you're asking about being locked up, not bad. I have to be discreet in the locker room here and at school for baseball. I'm constantly horny and can't do anything about it but it's awesome because I am constantly reminded who I'm in service to and, when he does remove it and I am permitted to cum, the orgasm is mind blowing" I said. "If you're asking about Jorge and me, well, we still don't quite know what to call our relationship. We're not boyfriends, we don't always play as dom and sub and we're definitely more than fuck buddies, so maybe friends with very nice benefits."

"I was asking about both. Thanks for sharing" Malcolm said as we walked out of the massage room, through the electrical room and into the locker room. "See you tomorrow at 4" and went off towards the shower. I took a moment to admire his broad back and still firm ass. I wasn't sure how old he was but he definitely didn't look like any grandpa.

"Hey Josh" I heard someone calling my name. I turned to see Kyle, a new kid who had just moved to town from California a month ago and was on the baseball team with me. His dad was in charge of one of the hospitals in town.

"Kyle, how's it going man?" I asked.

Kyle was standing by a locker with a towel around his waist. He still had water drops on him so I surmised he had just come from the showers. Kyle was the typical picture of a California stud. Longish blond hair that always looked messy yet sexy. Blue eyes. Great tan and lean swimmers build but nice muscular bulk in his chest, back and arms. That bulk was part of the reason he was such a strong hitter on our team. Since I was careful to not be naked around other guys in the locker room at school to not expose my cock cage, I was never around to see Kyle undressed and see what he was packing in his jock. This might be that chance.

"Just finished an awesome workout and was going to go grab a burger. What about you?" Kyle said as he dropped his towel.

I almost dropped to my knees when I saw his cock. Hanging down at least 7 inches soft, nice and thick and the most delicious looking balls.

"Uh, uh, I was just going to go finish some paperwork and head home." I said, trying not to be so obvious.

Kyle noticed my distraction and where I was looking. He looked at me with an interested look and reached down and adjusted his balls and subtly gave his cock a pull. I felt my cock straining against the metal of my cage.

"Well, if you're not going to be too long, you wanna go grab a burger with me?" he asked, continuing to play with his cock and balls blatantly. His cock was starting to firm up.

"Yeah, sounds good man. I'll stop by Eric's office and let him know I won't be home for dinner. Come find me in the trainer's room when you're done." I said, looking for an exit. Eric turned a blind eye to a lot of things but me dropping down and swallowing Kyle's cock in the middle of a busy locker room wouldn't go over well.

"Cool man" Kyle said.

Eric wasn't in his office so I sent him a text. "Going to grab a burger after work with Kyle from the team. Won't be too late. And yes, I know, no bun and no fries."

Eric texted back a thumbs up and "LOL".

I was just shutting down my computer when Kyle poked his head in the doorway to the trainers room. "Come on man, that workout has me starving"

"Ok, but I need to change out of my uniform real quick. Eric doesn't like us wearing the uniform if we're goin someplace like a restaurant. He wants everyone to think we only eat kale and protein bars." I said.

"Ok but hurry man" Kyle said.

"Tell you what, go on ahead. Not sure if you've been to that diner out on Northside Road but it's got the best burgers in town. I know the owner, Jorge and he's working tonight. But don't tell anyone he's the owner, he wants everyone to think he's just a working stiff waiter. I'll grab a quick shower" I said thinking about Malcolm's cum drying around my ass "and catch up to you in about 20 minutes. Jorge will hook you up and tell him you're with me and he'll know what I order."

"Alright man. But don't take too long. I want to get the inside scoop on this town and you're going to spill details" he said with a devious grin.

"Don't expect much" I said. "This ain't California"

"Yeah, well I'm here for the rest of the school year at least so gotta figure out how to make the most of it" he said as reached down and adjusted his package through his cargo shorts and then turned and headed for the door.

What the fuck, was this guy baiting me? Was he gay or bi or is he trying to get me to make a move so he can use it against me? Kyle was my only really serious competition on the team for hits this season, is he looking to knock me off my game or something? He seems nice enough but I decided I needed to move carefully.

After a quick shower and getting dressed, I headed to Jorge's diner. Kyle's black Camaro, still sporting the California plates, was parked right next to the beat up truck Jorge drove to not let on that he was the owner. Not many people knew he had a sweet beemer in his garage as well. There were only a couple other cars in the parking lot and at least one of them belonged to Jorge's cook so I wasn't surprised when I walked in the diner and found only Kyle, Jorge and two other couples in booths.

Kyle was sitting in the same booth Eric and I sat in when I started my journey into my new life. Kyle was drinking a soda. There was an ice water and coffee on the table for me. Jorge was behind the counter and I went over to him and said hi. "Nice lookin friend you got there" he said quietly with a sly look.

"Just friends, for now" I said with a grin.

"You guys food'll be out in a few minutes" Jorge called as I walked over and slid into the booth across from Kyle.

"Water and coffee? Now I know how you get that awesome build, you don't enjoy eating and drinking like the rest of the human race" Kyle said with a grin.

"Eric's had me on a strict diet for a while now and it definitely pays off. I sneak in some junk food now and then but Jorge and Eric are buddies so I don't cheat here" I said as I drank some coffee.

"Well, I told your buddy to bring me the greasiest, messiest burger he could make and a huge plate of fries. Hope I won't be tempting you." Kyle said. "My mom says I've got the metabolism of a hummingbird."

"Lucky you but, nah, I'm good. I've gotten used to watching people eat food like that around me. And, you won't be sorry, Jorge's burgers are the best in town according to everyone who's ever had one."

"Cool. So you've already clued me in on the best burger joint in town. What else is there to know?"

"Not much, pretty boring, more so since the factories closed and so many people moved away or are out of work. Not a lot of people have money to spend on fun things so the theatre closed last year, the arcades are out of business and the mall is a ghost town." I said. "Other than the sports for school, there's not a lot of recreational activities."

"So sounds like we need to make our own fun then" Kyle said. "What do you do when you're not at school, playing baseball or working at your dad's gym?"

"Well, first off, Eric is not my dad. My folks got divorced a while ago and Eric is engaged to my mom so I guess he'll become my step-dad when they get married." I said.

"Sorry man, didn't mean to assume..." Kyle started to say.

"No, no" I stopped him "I didn't tell you that except to let you know. Actually, Eric has probably been more of a dad to me than my actual dad is anymore. He moved to St. Louis and I don't see him much. As far as what I do, some guys from the team and I go camping some, there's always someone with an older brother to score some beers or something and, other than that, we just hang out although I've not been doing much of that with school, baseball and work. My schedule is usually pretty full."

"Camping huh, sounds interesting. I did a lot of camping on the beach in California. Bunch of us would go down on Friday night, take our boards and sleeping bags, score some pot and booze and spend the weekend on the beach."

"Sounds awesome" I said. "Although, I've never surfed."

"You'd love it and you'd be good at it. With your strength, you'd really be able to get some moves off." Kyle said.

We stopped talking for a few minutes as Jorge delivered the food and we got started eating.

"Fuck, this is an awesome burger man. Thanks for introducing me to the place." Kyle said through a mouthful of food.

"Breakfast is awesome here too" I said. Bring your folks one morning, they'll love it!

"I will, thanks" he said. "So, changing topics, I couldn't help but notice your name at the top of the most hits list so far this season. Did you happen to notice who's catching up to you fast?"

"I noticed you were second but I don't know that I'd say you were catching up" I said with a laugh. "You've got some work to do to catch me."

"I like a challenge" Kyle said. "And I am closing the gap. We were 15 hits apart a couple weeks ago, now we're 11."

I really hadn't noticed he was catching up that fast. Damn, better kick it up some more.

"Maybe we both could use something to motivate us some more" Kyle said. "Like a bet."

Eric always told me, `a real man doesn't ever back down from a challenge, take the challenge and do your best. If you don't win, you can hold your head up for trying. If you don't try, you always lose'

"Sure, what did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Let's see, how about most hits each week starting now? At the end of the each week, the loser is obligated to do something the winner wants him to do" Kyle said. "Then, at the end of the season, the one who lost the most weeks will be the winner's slave for a weekend."

This was starting to sound kinky. My cock pressed against the metal and I wondered if I could get Jorge to release me if I sucked him off after the diner closed tonight. But I had to be careful. This could be a setup. But I also was confident in my ability to best him.

"Deal" I said and put my hand out and we shook on it. "We'll meet here each Thursday evening for burgers and to tally up the score."

"Awesome" Kyle said with a grin. "I'm so going to make you my bitch."

Little did he know how much I'd like that, or did he?

We spent the rest of the meal comparing notes on the other players on the teams, teachers and other kids in school. Interestingly, the conversation never turned to talking about girls other than in a friendly way. You'd expect two teenage jocks to be talking tits and ass or something.

Around 8:45, Kyle looked at his watch and said "damn, I gotta get home. Mrs. Watkins wants that essay by tomorrow and I've still got a few pages to write."

"You don't want to piss of Watkins, she'll tear you a new one right in front of the class and make you feel about 2 inches tall."

"Now that would look weird, a 2 inch tall guy with a 10 inch penis" Kyle said grabbing his junk through his shorts. "Yeah, I saw you looking at it in the locker room. No worries, it gets lots of looks, the curse of being hung like a horse I guess."

"Some curse" I said jokingly. "Go on ahead, my essay is done and I wanna check in with Jorge before I head home."

"Yeah, I guess there are worse problems. Well, see you tomorrow man." Kyle said as he dropped some money on the table, waved to Jorge and said `thanks for the awesome burger man' and went out to his car.

By now, there were no other customers in the diner. Jorge closed at 8 and had hung around until Kyle and I were done.

"Nice guy" Jorge said to me as I took our plates up to the counter.

"Yeah but interesting" I said. "First off, he's hung, I mean hung. He said it was 10 inches and I don't think that's exaggerating. I only saw it soft in the locker room. Second, he made several sort of sexual comments this evening. Third, he bet me on number of hits each of us get each week and the loser would do something the winner tells them to. Last, no discussion of girls other than in a friendly, non-sexual way."

"Your gaydar pinging on him?" Jorge said. "My gaydar doesn't work that well."

"Maybe" I said. "We'll see where things go. Now, what would a boy have to do to maybe get a certain master to unlock his cock and let him cum? It's been two weeks since the last time you had that monster machine suck me dry."

"Are we complaining boy?" Jorge said with a more firm voice.

"No SIR" I said quickly.

"Good, because I wouldn't want to think you don't appreciate the attention and effort I give you." Jorge said, in an even louder voice.

Fuck, I'll never get this cage off if I piss him off.

"I'm sorry SIR, no, I appreciate everything you do for me SIR."

"Good. Now get over there and lock the door and pull all the blinds down."

I hustled to do as I was instructed. When I turned back to the counter, Jorge was walking into the back of the restaurant and reached over and shut off most of the lights, leaving just one light on over the counter. "Come on boy. These dishes aren't going to wash themselves and the cook has already gone home."

"Yes SIR" I said and quickly followed him to the kitchen dishwashing area.

"Strip" Jorge ordered.

I got out of my clothes as fast as I could and assumed my sub position. Feet shoulder width apart, hands behind my back and eyes down to the floor.

"Now, get these dishes washed while I check to make sure the cook didn't leave anything." Jorge said.

While I washed the dishes Kyle and I had used, Jorge quickly went through all the cabinets and refrigerators in the kitchen area.

"Goddamnit" he said. "A whole bag of chicken left in this refrigerator. He knows we shut these kitchen refrigerators down at night and this shit needs to go in the walk-in. Get your ass over here boy and get this chicken into the walk-in."

I put the last dish in on the draining rack and hustled over to where Jorge was. In the small refrigerator next to the grill was, indeed, a bag of what looked like chicken breasts. I grabbed the bag and turned to go to the walkin.

"Uh uh" Jorge said. He took the bag of chicken from me. "Get down on all fours".

"Yes SIR" I said as I followed instructions. I felt Jorge put the cold bag of chicken breasts on my bare back.

"Follow me boy" Jorge said as he started towards the large built-in refrigeration room. At the door, he pulled the handle and opened it, holding it open as he waved me inside. The floor of the room was metal and very cold on my hands and knees. Jorge followed me in and let the door close behind him. He took the bag of chicken off my back and put it on a shelf. I knew better than to get up until he told me to.

"While you're down there, polish my boots boy" Jorge ordered.

I quickly got down and began licking his black work boots. The boots were crusty and covered with who knew what from his work waiting tables. I made it my mission to polish them clean.

After I had put enough work into his boots to satisfy him, Jorge ordered me to stand. I jumped to my feet and re-assumed my sub position. I was beginning to shiver from being inside the refrigerated room, naked. Jorge didn't look too cold standing there in his boots, tight jeans and button up white shirt.

"Getting a little cold boy?" Jorge asked sarcastically as he reached out and began to play with my nipples, rubbing, twisting, pinching and pulling on them. Because of the cold, they were already rock hard and standing out, an easy target for him. "Do you want to get out of here so you can warm up boy?" Jorge asked.

"Only if that's what you want SIR" I said.

"Damn straight" Jorge said continuing to work my nipples. I could feel my cock trying to burst out of the metal cage it was in.

Jorge noticed also and reached down and grabbed my cock and balls and began to squeeze and pull. I struggled to suppress a moan of mixed pleasure and pain.

"Someone looks frustrated boy. So you said you wanted to get this off and get some release?" Jorge said using his hand to lift my head up and look him in the eye.

"Yes SIR I did say that but I forgot my place SIR. I only get released when it pleases you SIR."

"Good boy. Mistakes happen and never let it be said that I'm not an understanding master" Jorge said. He reached into his pocket and took out a key ring. Using a key on the ring, he released the cage encasing my cock. My cock jumped up to full erection almost immediately and slapped against my lower stomach. "Someone's horny boy".

"Around you, always SIR" I said, hoping to flatter him.

"Don't kiss up to me boy. It's pitiful" Jorge said and reached down and grabbed my cock and pulled it all the way down so the head was pointing at the floor and then released it. My legs quivered from the stimulation of my sensitive head hitting my stomach. He repeated this several times. By the time he stopped, my knees felt like they were going to give out.

Jorge used his finger to wipe up the precum that was on the head of my dick and brought it up to my mouth and I eagerly licked his finger clean.

He then unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his cock out. "Suck it boy, get it wet and hard."

I dropped to my knees and swallowed his cock whole, working to give him the best blowjob I could.

"Nice boy. That's it, all the way down." Jorge said as he held my head and began throat fucking me.

After a while of this, Jorge pulled out of my mouth and said "stand up and lean against that shelf there" pointing to the shelf where he had put the chicken. It had several other bags and boxes of food on it. I got up and put my hands on the middle shelf and leaned forward, making my hole available to him.

I felt Jorge come up behind me and felt the head of his cock at my asshole. With little warning, he went balls deep in my ass.

"Yes SIR, thank you SIR" I moaned.

Keeping his cock planted in me, he reached around front of me and started working my nipples again. "I've got a surprise for you boy. You will not cum tonight. I'm going to edge you while I fuck you. You tell me when you're getting close to cumming and I will stop. If you cum without permission, you will be beaten with my belt, put back in the cage and you may not get out of it for a long time."

Oh fuck, he'd done this to me one time before in his playroom. After being in the cage for a while, my cock was ready to pop at any moment. I had to focus on not cumming, telling him if I was going to and working to give him a great fuck so he would cum as soon as I could make it happen.

Jorge moved his hand up to my mouth and said "spit on it for lube". I spit into his hand. He reached down and began working my rock hard cock as he started to fuck my ass with his cock. I could feel his cock putting pressure on my prostate and it made me quiver. I was moaning and could feel myself getting close to the point of no return.

"SIR SIR, I'm going to cum sir" I yelled.

Jorge kept working me and yelled "you better not boy, I'll beat your ass black and blue if you do".

Fuck, I knew I was not going to make it. Suddenly, Jorge stopped and pulled abruptly out of my ass. I was having to hold on to the shelf to stay on my feet, shaking from stimulation.

"Turn around" Jorge said. I turned and he pushed me back onto the middle shelf. I could feel the cold bags of food against my back. He quickly lifted both my legs and wedged my toes under the lip of the shelf above me so that I was stuck with my ass available to him.

"Remember, no cumming boy" Jorge said as he rammed his cock into me again and resumed his assault on my ass and started working my cock again.

Again, within a couple minutes, I could feel myself getting close.

"Please SIR, please, you're going to make me cum" I pleaded.

"Your choice boy, cum if you want but you'll leave here with a bruised ass and it will be the last time you cum for a long time." Jorge yelled as he continued to work my cock and batter my ass.

"SIR, I'm sorry but I don't think I can hold out" I yelled.

Again, everything stopped. My cock was twitching from the stimulation and, although we were in the refrigerator, I was sweating as if I'd just completed a five mile run. I was having a hard time catching my breath.

"I might have something to help you" Jorge said as he stepped through the door that went to the freezer section of the walk in refrigerator. He quickly returned with a bag of ice cubes and began to pour the cubes on my chest and especially on my cock and balls.

"Ahhh" I screamed as the ice hit me and I was suddenly cold again and getting colder. I began to shiver.

Jorge stepped back between my legs and went balls deep in my ass again and put the bag of ice, that was still about half full, on my cock and balls. My cock began to quickly soften despite the stimulation of this stud ravaging my ass. I was still shivering and began to really get cold.

The fucking continued for several more minutes before Jorge began to slam me even harder, thankfully the shelf I was wedged into was bolted to the wall, and finally, he slammed all the way into me and began to yell as he dumped his seed in my ass.

Without taking his still hard cock out of me, Jorge removed the bag of ice and, before I knew what happened, he had my cage back on me and locked up tight.

I still layed there on the shelf, some of the melting ice remaining on my torso, shivering from the cold and the unfulfilled stimulation.

"Get your ass up and go get a mop and clean up this floor" Jorge barked at me.

"Yes SIR" I said as I unwedged myself from the shelf and stepped onto the wet metal floor. Slipping and sliding, I made my way to the refrigerator door and went out into the restaurant to get the mop bucket.

After I had satisfactorily cleaned the refrigerator floor, Jorge had me get dressed again and we walked out to the parking lot. My head was spinning. Jorge seemed so cruel to me tonight. What was going on.

Standing between our trucks, Jorge pulled me to him and hugged me and gave me a passionate kiss. "You were forgetting your place by asking for release. Release is my discretion not yours. Hopefully, tonight cleared that up. I know I sound like a parent but I did this for your own good. This is part of you being a sub."

"Thank you SIR" I said, thankful for the explanation. "It won't happen again SIR".

"Now get home and get to bed before Eric or your mom start wondering where you are" he said giving me a slap on the ass and getting into his truck.

Always appreciate feedback to>>>Tweet about Josh and the story at @waboutjosh

Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

Next: Chapter 13

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