Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Aug 26, 2018


--------------Chapter 10--------------------

Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

HELP DEVELOP THE STORY - Give me feedback and suggestions at

From Chapter 9

"We have two choices and, since this is your first time, I'm going to let you choose. I can remove the clamps and the parachute, untie you and take you upstairs to my bedroom and ravage your mouth and ass with my cock. Or, I can leave you tied up, maybe remove the clamps or the parachute and we can explore some corporal. I'll still fuck you after the corporal but it'll be hardcore, `I want to hurt you' fucking. If we go upstairs, it will be more passionate, still hard mind you but I'll kiss you while I rape your ass."

Jorge paused for a moment, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Well, what is your decision boy?"

"Permission to speak freely SIR?" I yelled.

"Normally the answer would be no and I'd add some weight to those balls and nipples as punishment for not answering my question but I'm feeling generous tonight. Speak freely boy" Jorge said with an amused grin.

"SIR, I would love both but..."

Chapter 10I didn't know how to say what I was feeling. I wanted to make Jorge happy, I wanted him to be pleased with me. I wanted him to dominate and hurt me. I wanted him to kiss me, use his cock in my mouth and ass, whatever it took to make him happy.

"You're struggling with what you want versus what you're ready to say you want aren't you Josh?" Jorge said, suddenly very gently.

"Yes SIR" I said.

"I get it, you've had one hell of a night and I'm very impressed. Most guys would be in the corner sucking their thumb after taking in all you have taken in tonight but, here you are, still serving and still taking it."

Jorge was pleased with me. I felt my cock get harder, if that was possible. Jorge leaned in and kissed me hard and deep. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into his mouth hard. I thought my cock was going to explode like an overinflated balloon.

When he finally broke the kiss off, without thinking, I said "I want to please you SIR".

Jorge stepped back from me and stood there for a moment and just looked me up and down. Then he grabbed his phone and tapped the screen and put it up to his ear.

"Willy, hey, it's Jorge man. I'm sorry to bother you so late but is there any way you could cover me at the diner tomorrow? I'll give you double-time for calling so late. I've had something come up that I need to attend to and I won't be able to make it in."

Jorge paused, listening to Willy on the phone, and then grinned.

"Yes, you guessed it. He's standing here right now in front of me with his arms and legs tied up and stretched out and weights on his nipples and balls and I think he's got a lot more in him."


Laughing, Jorge said "Nah, man, tonight, he's mine for tonight but maybe I can make some arrangements for you to connect with him soon. I think you'd enjoy him."Pause.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it and look for that extra pay in your check." Jorge said as he hung up the phone.

"So, you heard that, I'm no longer worried about getting to bed so I can work tomorrow." Jorge glanced at his phone. "It's just past midnight and you're all mine until at least 9am tomorrow. I think we're going to be able to take this up several notches."

He stepped in front of me and grabbed my jaw and held it firmly.

"Since you want to please me, that tells me that you have advanced to understanding your place. Fortunately or unfortunately for you, pleasing me is not easy and you'll need to work for it. Are you ready to do that work boy?"

"SIR, yes SIR" I yelled.

Jorge walked behind me and out of my sight. A few minutes later, I sensed him behind me. Then I felt something hard and slippery feeling pressing against my asshole. The pressure increased and my hole stretched as whatever was back there pressed into me. It wasn't fast but it was persistent. I moaned in a mix of pleasure and pain as the object continued to spread my hole on it's way in.

Suddenly, just when I was about to scream out in pain, the stretching stopped and I felt the most amazing feeling of fullness. The butt plug Jorge had inserted helped to complete me in my role as his plaything.

"That will keep that hole busy" Jorge said as he walked around in front of me. "Now, let's see what we can do about this one."

Jorge walked over and I began to hear the clink of the winch again. At first, I paniced, thinking he was going to pull my arms higher and farther apart, I was afraid my shoulders would come out of their socket, but then I realized the tension on my arms was easing and I was able to come back down on my feet flat and, eventually, my arms were low enough that my shoulders stopped aching.

I felt Jorge doing something with the bands on my wrists and suddenly, both arms were pulled behind my back and I heard the click of what sounded like a lock. My arms were now behind me like a criminal being arrested and getting handcuffs put on them. My legs remained spread below me.

Jorge stepped in front of me and just stood there. I took in the beauty that was his body. The product of plenty of gym time and latin good looks, Jorge had dark skin with just a hint of black fur on his chest and in a pleasure trail down to his package. His cock, which was semi-hard, was cut and I could see the glimmer of pre-cum on the head. His balls were shaved clean, nice sized and hung low.

Jorge stepped forward, grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me forward and down so that I bent at the waist. I could feel the nipple clamps digging in as I bent forward and the weight on the chain between them swung free.

"Get down there and suck that cock bitch" Jorge growled. "Do a good job or I use this."

I look up and see Jorge holding the paddle from earlier.

"Did I say look up?" Jorge barked as he used the paddle to whack my ass, hard.

I yelped in surprise and pain but quickly got focused on Jorge's cock which was now pretty much at full mast and looked to be about 8.5 inches and thicker than any cock I'd seen. I started off licking the head, tasting the sweet salty mixture of his pre-cum. As I was doing this, I could smell his musk, that mixture of sweat and male testosterone. I continued licking his cock, working up one side and down the other.

Suddenly, I felt a crack on my ass from the paddle again and I yelled out.

"I said suck it, not lick it like some lollipop" Jorge said demandingly.

I opened my mouth and began to take Jorge's cock in. In the time since Thomas showed me the showers in the locker room, I'd been sucking cocks and getting sucked off and on with various guys but none of the guys I'd sucked were hung like Jorge and I was worried I wouldn't be able to perform. The thought of not pleasing Jorge spurred me on and I began to work up and down on Jorge's cock, going ever deeper each stroke, until I felt the head pressing on my throat. I was far from perfecting my deep throat skills and usually could only take a guy a bit into my throat before I was gagging.

"Here, take a couple hits of these, they'll help you relax" Jorge said as he stepped back so his cock left my hungry mouth. He placed a small brown bottle under my right nostril and pressed the left one closed with his finger.

"Deep breath" he said.

I took a deep breath and caught the metallic smell of what I found out later was poppers.

"Hold it in a few seconds" Jorge said. I held my breath in as instructed.

"Ok, let it out"

I exhaled and Jorge repeated the routine with my left nostril.

As I exhaled the second hit, I began to notice my head feeling light and I felt more relaxed, despite standing there in Jorge's play room with my hands cuffed behind me, my legs cuffed and spread, weighted clamps pulling on my nipple and a weighted parachute tugging on my balls. And, if possible, I felt more horny.

"Now, back on there and let's see how deep you can take it" Jorge said, stepping forward again.

I opened my mouth and Jorge continued to move forward, his cock entering my mouth, pushing over my tongue and reaching the opening of my throat.

"Relax" Jorge said. "Deep breath through your nose. Remember to breath through your nose."

I took a deep breath through my nose and had no more finished taking it in and Jorge pushed forward and his large cock head entered my throat.

"Relax" Jorge said as I started to gag and panic. "You won't suffocate. God that throat feels good massaging my cock as you gag on it"

Upon realizing that Jorge was pleased, I wanted to make him even happer. I focused my mind on relaxing my throat and mouth. Jorge pulled out enough that I could exhale the first breath and take another through my nose. He pushed back in, still not quite all the way but farther than before. I felt the gag coming on again and focused on willing my throat to relax. Out again, exhale, inhale, in again, a little farther. Repeat, repeat. Within a few repeats, I felt the curly hairs of Jorge's crotch on my nose and his balls swing against my chin as his whole cock made its way down my gullet. Jorge held there for a moment, grinding into me, then pulled back to let me get a breath and returned his cock to its rightful place, all the way down my throat.

On the next outward journey of his cock in my throat, Jorge put the bottle of poppers under each nostril again and let me get a good hit and then began picking up the pace and was soon fully skull fucking me without abandon with his cock, holding my head firmly in place with both hands, I was struggling to keep my feet under me. I still gagged every once in a while and his cock was covered in my throat slime and it dripped down my chin but I was in cock pig heaven, letting this latin stud ravage my mouth with his alpha man cock.

Jorge kept up the assault on my mouth and throat for a while. I could feel sweat building up on me from the strain of my bent over position and also could feel sweat dripping off of Jorge. My nipples almost seemed to scream in pain inside my head as the weight between them was swinging and jostling all over the place, almost continually yanking on my nipples.

Suddenly, he pulled his cock from my mouth, released my head and began to stroke his cock right in front of me.

"Fuck boy, you have an amazing throat for my cock" Jorge growled. He continued to stroke himself and then, suddenly, he grunted and I saw and felt his cum begin to cover my face. I kept my mouth open and stuck my tongue out. On seeing this, Jorge growled, "dirty whore" and put his cock in my mouth again and I greedily licked and sucked on his cock, enjoying the taste of his alpha male cum.

Once Jorge was spent, I had thoroughly cleaned his cock and he had wiped all of his cum off my face and shoved it in my mouth, he grabbed my hair and pulled me upright again.

"You are one hot piece of boy to play with Josh. I could be convinced to sell the diner, take you captive and escape to a deserted island where I could keep you tied up, tortured and use you non-stop." he said still breathing hard from his activity.

Nothing about what Jorge was describing sounded bad to me.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

Jorge grinned. "Not quite yet boy. Now, I think it's time for you to get a break from these" as he reached out and abruptly removed the clamps from my nipple.

I screamed out as the blood rushed back into my nipple and pain set in. I'd experienced post-clamp pain before but had never left the clamps on as long as Jorge had left these on me and had certainly never had weights added like he did to me.

"Aww, did that hurt baby" Jorge said in what was obviously a sarcastically sympathetic tone. He grinned and reached for both my nipples and began to rub them aggressively.

I screamed out again and again.

Next, I felt Jorge removing the parachute from my balls. Again, as the blood flow became normal again, the pain in my balls moved from a dull ache to the same sharp pain I felt that time a girl in my sixth grade class kneed me in the nuts after school for making fun of her backpack.

I doubled over and moaned in pain.

Jorge, again with obviously sarcastic sympathy in his voice said, "those hurt too huh?" and grabbed my nut sack and began to slightly squeeze and pull on it.

I saw stars again and thought I was going to throw up but I concentrated on my breathing and the pain passed.

Jorge grabbed me by the hair again and pulled me over to what I realized was a cot in the corner of the room. The bed was covered in what looked like a black leather sheet and nothing else. Jorge bent down and released the bar between my ankles and then released my arms from behind my back and swung me around and almost threw me onto the bed on my back.

He moved quickly and reconnected the bands on my wrists and ankles to the four corners of the bed and tightened each connection so that I was firmly connected. He then pulled what looked to be a belt from below the bed and laid it over my stomach, just below my navel and looped it through a buckle on the other side of the bed and tightened it so that my midsection was firmly held down on the bed.

"I'm going to get some rest but I didn't want you to be lonely" Jorge said.

He walked out of my field of vision and I heard what sounded like a cart rolling over. When he came back into my field of vision, I saw a machine that had lots of hoses and a couple tanks.

Jorge squeezed something on his hand and grabbed my still hard as a rock cock and began to stroke it up and down. I shivered with the pleasure of it and moaned loudly.

"Feels good huh? Well this machine here will make you feel really good, until it doesn't feel good of course."

I must have looked confused so Jorge explained.

"This is a milking machine. It's the same one used to milk cows on a farm but this here attachment" he said showing me a plastic tube with rubber silicon at the end that looked like a fleshlight I used to whack off at home and a tube running out of the other end to the machine "is made to milk cocks of little sluts like you."

"Now, the machine is programmed to suck and milk until it detects liquid. Once the liquid is detected, it will keep sucking and milking for five minutes after." Jorge said as he slid the tube over my cock and tightened the end around the base of my cock so that it sayed in place.

Wait a minute, I thought to myself, my cock is super sensitive after I cum. Five minutes?

"After the five minutes, the machine will give you a ten minute break and then it starts over again" Jorge said. "It's all fun and games until the third or fourth time you cum, well you're young, maybe the fifth or sixth. Then you're barely producing any liquid and, while it's still an orgasm, you're going to wish it would stop. Oh, one other thing, that buttplug in your ass is a vibrator also" as he reached down between my legs and pressed on the base of the plug.

I yelled out in surprise as the plug began to vibrate. I could feel the vibrations up and down my body. Jorge watched me closely as he used his fingers to push the plug and move it around. Suddenly, the plug hit my prostate and I yelled and pulled against my restraints from the pleasure of it.

"There we go" Jorge said as he pressed a button on the machine.

The machine's pump whirred to life and I felt the tube begin to suck and massage my cock. It felt great, like a super powerful blow job.

"Here, you're going to need this" Jorge said as he brought a ball gag over and put it in my mouth and strapped it around my head. "You'll appreciate the ball to bite down on later".

"I'm going to go grab a nap. It's 1:30am right now. I'll leave you there for an hour and come check on you. This button will call me if you need something" he said as he placed a small remote, similar to a car alarm button on a chain near my right hand where I could reach it with some effort.

By now, the feeling of an orgasm was building up in my body. The tube continued it's persistent sucking on my cock. The plug vibrated against my prostate causing non-stop body quaking pleasure. Suddenly, I went over the top and felt my balls contract and rode the wonderfully pleasant feeling of an orgasm as I blew my load into the tube. I moaned and groaned around the ball gag in pleasure.

"Hmm, good start" Jorge said with a smile as he stepped away. I'll leave you and the milker to get more acquainted. Suddenly some deep bass techno music began playing and the lights went out. I was in total darkness with the thumping of the techno base in my ears. The milker continued it's relentless sucking on my cock as the post-cum sensitivity set in. I began to yell out around my gag into the darkness as the techno thump and the milker continued. I jerked and pulled against my restraints to no avail, desperate to make the sucking on my sensitive cock stop.

After what had to be the longest five minutes in the world, the milker just stopped. I stopped yelling and just panted, closed my eyes and tried to relax as the thump thump continued around me while the plug continued it's non-stop stimulation of my prostate, not letting my cock soften in the slightest.

Suddenly, after what had to be the SHORTEST ten minutes in the world, the milker came to life again. I'd cum multiple times in a day before but never 10 minutes later. And I'd already blown three loads at the party tonight. But, as Jorge said, I was young and my cock responded and the milker began to build up the next orgasm. Again, I rode the pleasure as I shot load number two into the tube. The milker commenced it's post-orgasm torture sucking again and I, again, screamed out around the gag and thrashed around on the bed.

This routine continued. I lay there in darkness, music beating around me, bound to the cot, drooling around the ball gag in my mouth, prostate under constant stimulation. The machine would whir to life, begin the sucking and bring me to orgasm, five minutes of torture, ten minutes to barely catch my breath.

By what must have been the fourth or fifth session, I began to understand the dry orgasm Jorge mentioned. I still got to ride the high of the feeling but little cum shot from my cock. Fortunately, the machine was sensitive enough to detect it and reset the cycle to give me the precious 10 minutes between.

Every cycle felt like a workout. I was having a hard time catching my breath and I could feel sweat pooling on the leather sheet under me. I could smell myself, I smelled of sweat and cum - the smell of sex. I had lost count of how many cycles I'd ridden through.

Suddenly, the music faded away and the lights gently came up do a dim level.

Jorge stepped into my field of vision and turned off the milking machine.

"I have to admit, I didn't get any sleep, I watched you on video the whole time. You're amazing Josh. A total stud who can take use and abuse like this. I was waiting for you to look like it was too much on the video or press the button but you didn't. You handled it for 75 minutes - I wanted to see if you could make it past the hour and you did. By the machines count, you came 12 times. Amazing, just amazing."

Jorge gently removed the tube from my cock, released the belt across my midsection and removed the bands from my wrists and ankles. He helped me unsteadily get to my feet and reached around and pressed the button to stop the plug from vibrating. He then pulled me into a big hug and then kissed me with raw passion and lust. Somehow, the energy of his kiss and touch had my cock hard, still.

"Let's get you cleaned up and rehydrated" Jorge said. "I've still got a few hours with you but we'll shower, eat and let you process what's happened. After that, I think I want to pound that pussy hole of yours for a while."

I must have looked excited at that idea because Jorge just laughed and said, "oh to be young and full of cum again. Down boy, you stink, I stink and we both need some hydration and maybe a little nourishment. Shower, I'll wash your cock, you wash mine."

We headed upstairs and I followed Jorge's beautiful ass to the bathroom off his bedroom. We both got into the walk-in shower and turned on all the multiple shower heads. Pretty soon, the bathroom was full of steam and we were alternatively soaping each other up and making out. At one point, Jorge pulled out the plug in my ass, rinsed it off in the shower, used the shower shot hose to clean out my ass again and returned the plug. Somehow I just felt whole and right with it in there.

After drying each other off and some more kissing, we went to the kitchen where Jorge and I pulled together an early morning meal of egg white omelettes with spinach and sports drinks to rehydrate.

"I meant what I said" Jorge said as we devoured the food. "You are extraordinary, Josh. You're a BDSM wet dream. Gorgeous, built, nice cock and balls and an amazing tolerance for use and abuse. I predict you'll end up finding a way to fold all of this into your future somehow, beyond just playing with other guys. Do you think you're just a sub or are you interested in being dom as well?"

"I really hadn't thought about it" I said between bites. "What I went through last night was over the top amazing and I still can't quite get my head around that this wasn't all a dream. If I figured nothing else out, I'm not closing the door on trying anything so I suspect I'll try playing from the top sometime."

"Good" Jorge said. "Plenty of guys would be interested in serving you. Just do me a favor, don't be a dom the first time on your own. Let me or Eric know and we'll arrange someone there to coach you. The dom takes a lot of responsibility in these sessions. They, essentially, hold the sub's safety in their hands. Make sure you get someone to help you learn the ropes; pun intended"

We finished eating and took the plates to the kitchen. By now it was 4:30 in the morning.

"So, you gonna fuck me or what?" I said to Jorge as I walked up to him and kissed him and pinched his nipples.

"You little slut. Just can't get enough can you?" Jorge said.

Suddenly, he bent down and threw me over his shoulder and carried me into his bedroom and threw me on the bed. Without a moment's hesitation, he grabbed some bungee cords and quickly had my arms tied to their respective ankles so that I was on my back, legs in the air, in a sling tie, my hole ready for Jorge.

Jorge pulled the plug out of my ass and brought it up to my face. "Clean it off with your tongue boy" he said.

I eagerly licked at the plug, for the first time, tasting what my ass taste like. Thanks to the shower and clean out, it was pretty clean but I could detect a unique taste I'd never experienced before.

After I'd licked it properly, Jorge tossed it on the bed and reached into the drawer of his bedside table and pulled out a tube of lube and a bottle of poppers. He put the poppers in my right hand and said, "With some work, I think you can arrange to give yourself some hits."

I strained my arms and lifted my head up into a crunch position. Thanks to Austin for all those torturous crunch sessions in the gym. I took two good hits of poppers. Jorge took them from me and gave himself a couple hits before returning them to my hand.

"I've been wanting this ass since that day in the diner restroom boy. I'm going to fuck you long and hard. You will walk funny when I'm done but you'll love it"

I looked up into his eyes and said "fuck me HARD SIR!"

Sorry it's been so long for this chapter. As you can see, lots of detail and action in this one. Sort of a prize for those who read through the earlier chapters with more action. Always appreciate feedback to

Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

Next: Chapter 11

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