Finding Out

By Chip Cooper

Published on Jul 1, 2001


Finding Out by: M. Pellegrino

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Chapter 5

'This was ridiculous,' I thought to myself as I walked from the showers in Geoff's dorm to the gym, 'this guy does things to me emotionally and now physically that I've never experienced to this level before, and I'm still not satisfied. What the hell is wrong with me?'

I got to the gym at 6:45. I flashed my ID card and went in. I had a locker there so I already had workout clothes. As I walked into the locker room, I saw my roommate Randy coming out, looking like he had not started his workout yet. I was in a daze. I didn't even realize he said hi to me until he grabbed my arm just before the door closed between us.

"Hey, you all right?" he asked.

"I'm fine, I think." I replied shakily. I couldn't fake it, Randy and I had roomed for 2 1/2 years now, he was the first person I met in college and knew me better than anyone there. He and I had done everything together, even have our own private straight orgy in our room. That was the night I really started to figure things out. There was just one thing he didn't know.

"Bullshit." He said. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." I said, trying to put up a good front. He still could see through it. His tone changed from one of concern to one of almost parental seriousness.

"Mike, what the fuck is up?" Damn, now I was in a bind. Randy cursed, but never used the "f-word" unless he was dead serious about something. He was going to get to the bottom of this if it meant us missing all our classes the rest of the week.

"I can't tell you here. Meet me back at the dorm at 4."

"Damn, this is big." He said surprised. "Ok, 4, I'll be there . . . wait Professor Jackson never lets us out early, can I meet you at 4:30 or it is cut-worthy?" Oh, it was cut-worthy alright, but I couldn't let on since I didn't know exactly what I was going to tell him. Play it safe,

"4:30's fine."

"Cool," he said, "want me to wait and we'll workout together?"

"Nah." I couldn't handle the tension anymore, I needed an emotional break, "actually, I think I'm gonna eat first then workout this afternoon."

"Suit yourself, just make sure you do. You look like you're carrying a little extra in the middle."

"Fuck you." I said to him. That sent us both off laughing. I then looked down and saw he had a little bulge in his mesh shorts, "Looks like you're carrying a little extra right below the middle." I joked.

"Yeah, trust you to notice." With that, we chuckled again and went our separate ways, him to the treadmill, me to the dining hall. Now, if I could just figure out what I was going to tell him. ---------------------

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Next: Chapter 6

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