Finding Out

By Chip Cooper

Published on Sep 29, 2001


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Chapter 10

At the sight of Randy I became enraged.

"What gives you the right to come back here and torment me like this you homophobic fuck!" I was screaming through tears. Geoff was physically restraining me. That might have been the only thing that kept me from taking a swing a Randy right there.

"Mike, I want to try to appease things in some way." Randy said quietly. I had no capability for reason at that point.

"Bullshit, what do you really want out of this? Me to suck you off? I mean, now you know so why wouldn't you. Hell, let's tell everyone on the floor, Mike likes cock. We could make posters to advertise it." I was still screaming at full power. Geoff tried to interject,

"You're doing a pretty good job of advertising it yourself right now." As soon as he said that, I realized what I'd been doing. Suddenly anger gave way to intense fear as I wondered who was home and had heard. It wouldn't matter, if one person heard, everyone would know. It was the way things worked in a dorm. Randy again spoke quietly.

"Can I please come in so we can discuss this quietly or would you rather we take it in the lounge?" I was still too stunned at what I said to even answer. Geoff nodded to Randy. He stepped inside and closed the door. "Mike," he said snapping his fingers in front of my face. I shook out of my trance and just fell into Geoff's arms. I had just signed my own death warrant for any type of normal life for at least the rest of college. I would be known as Mike, the gay kid.

Randy just sat there and watched Geoff console me. Geoff held me, kissed me on top of the head and just acted as anyone could hope a significant other of any sex would act under the circumstances that just took place. Geoff kissed me on the cheek and nuzzled away some tears. He then said softly,

"Are you ready to listen to Randy now?" I quietly nodded. Geoff released his grip and allowed me to turn to face him.

"Mike, I never wanted to hurt you. I know this sounds corny, but it's true.

I just had a gut reaction. I'd never seen two guys kiss before. I just freaked. Let me back in, please." I just had one question.

"What did you tell your parents? I mean they had to have seen you stuff and had questions." Randy laughed.

"Mike, you know I live 7 hours away. I drove about 2 1/2 hours thinking the whole time and then turned back here. Then I thought some more and turned back home. Then back here. Do you know how much money I spent in turnpike tolls?" I had to laugh.

"Fine, I owe you."

"Mike, if I didn't think our friendship was worth 18 bucks, I wouldn't have come back and just mailed you a bill. It's going to be different, probably a lot different after what you just said, but . . . I have to be here. Come on, can you help me move back in?"

"Aren't you afraid people might talk and whisper about you if you keep on rooming with me?"

"No, 'cause I know they will. Let them." With that, I agreed to help him in with his stuff and the three of us went downstairs to Randy's car. I was glad he was back. I knew that I would need his friendship and support now that I had just blown my cover.

Like it? Send all emails to Please note the change, sent the first story in from my friend's account while I was setting mine up.

Next: Chapter 11

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