Finding Oneself

By Damon Ellison Ellison

Published on Oct 16, 2014



That first night with Philip was magical—I couldn't have asked for a better first time, with a more amazing guy. After we showered and got back into bed, we fooled around again for awhile, lazily, teasing each other until I finally couldn't take it any more and threw aside the covers. He looked at me, a little surprised, and I kissed him.

"Enough playing around," I growled in his ear, "I want your cock in my mouth again."

A tremor went through his body, and for the first time I felt that delicious sensation of power you sometimes have when someone else's pleasure is in your hands—or, as it was going to be in a moment, in my mouth.

"Suck me," he whispered.

I resisted the urge to dive back down on his cock and instead kissed him again. I ran my fingertip up the shaft of his cock, making him shudder again. Once again, he was leaking, and I swirled my finger in his precum and brought it up to his lips. He sucked the tip of my finger hungrily, his smoldering eyes locked on my. I traveled leisurely down his neck with my lips and tongue, tasting him all over again, pausing at his nipples and taking my time there, nipping at them, getting them hard, while I traced patterns with my fingertips up and down his cock and him moaned. I grasped his hard shaft for a moment with my hand, squeezing gently, marveling at how good he felt, how hot and hard. I could feel his pulse throbbing through his cock, and thrilled as he tensed it and released, making it swell and press against my hand.

I kissed and licked and sucked my way over his taut belly, pausing finally with my mouth over top of his cock. I stared at it again, seeing it anew, breathing in his earthy fragrance. As he had done to me, I fluttered the tip of my tongue against his glans, delighted to feel him shudder again and moan.

"You have such a beautiful cock," I murmured up at him.

"Suck it."

"What's that?"

"Suck me!" he repeated, a little desperately.

Oh, I wanted to. So much. I wanted to engulf that beautiful thing in my mouth, and again feel it twitch and pulse as I squirmed my tongue against it. I was impatient to feel him cum again.

Patience, I chided myself, and ran the tip of my tongue down the underside of the shaft. I cupped his balls in my hand and tasted his sack, eliciting another moan. His balls were medium sized (I didn't know that then), and not too hairy. I experimentally took one of them in my mouth, and then the other. I lifted up his sack and licked the underside. Another moan, more urgent. Interesting. I grasped his cock with my free hand and gave it a few slow strokes while I continued to tongue the soft skin beneath his balls, and was rewarded by hearing Philip moan and gasp, and squirm.

Finally I came up for air. Nuzzling up against his throbbing cock like a cat, I murmured, "What was it you wanted me to do again?"

"Suck me," he begged.

I slid him slowly into my mouth, trying to remember how he had sucked me. I twisted my head as I came up, keeping my tongue firmly pressed against the underside of the shaft.

"Fuck. Fuck yes," he whimpered.

I slipped my mouth off with an audible pop. "You like that?"

"So fucking much. Do you?"

"Yes," I replied. "I love the feel of your cock in my mouth."

"How does it feel?"

"So big. So fucking hard. I want you to cum in my mouth again."

"I want to cum in your mouth again too."

I sucked him back into my mouth and started working him in earnest, using my hand to stroke his shaft in time to my bobbing up and down. I was still inexperienced, going just on sheer desire, deliriously drunk with my first real taste of cock. I gagged a few times when I tried to go too deep, making a mental note that I needed to train myself to deepthroat.

But not now. Now I was too frantic to make him cum, too caught up in slurping down that cock to practice opening my throat. That would come later. For now I just sucked with abandon, gratified by his moans and exhortations, his unintelligible words of lust. I kept my grip on his cock tight, twisted my head back and forth as I went up and down, and squirmed my tongue against his shaft. Finally, my reward: I felt his legs tense up (holy shit, have I mentioned how muscular his legs were? When they went rigid like that, it was so fucking hot), felt his whole body pause as if on the brink as he whimpered "ohfuckohfuckohfuck" and then his cock swelled in my mouth and twitched, and I felt his cum hit the back of my throat. I pulled up so just the head was in my mouth and I drank him down hungrily.

His tensed body slowly eased as he lay panting, his hands caressing my hair. I lay with my cheek on the inside of his thigh, contentedly nuzzling and lapping at his softening cock. After a moment he let out a sigh that turned into a throaty laugh.

"Dear god, Henry," he said. "It's rare that I get my fantasies fulfilled. Even rarer when they turn out to be even better than I could have ever imagined."

He struggled to sit up and grasped me by the shoulders, urging me up. I crawled up over him and lay on top of him, our sweaty skin slippery between us. He kissed me deeply and chuckled as I ground my cock, once again rock hard, against him.

"Want me to take care of that?" he asked throatily.

"If you want."

"Oh, I do want." He reached down between us and took hold of me, encircling my cock with his strong hand. "Do you want to fuck me again?" he whispered as he gave me a gentle squeeze.

The very thought nearly made me cum in his hand. As much as I loved fucking him—and as much as the thought of doing it again turned me on—I knew I wouldn't last more than two or three strokes once inside him, and I was reluctant to waste a good fuck on a hair trigger.

"Maybe ... tomorrow?" I suggested, hoping against hope that there would be a tomorrow, that this wasn't just a one-night stand for him.

He chuckled again. "When do you head home, did you say?"

"In a week."

"Well ... then I'd say we have a good week of fucking ahead of us."

My cock twitched in his hand, and he must have guessed how close I was. "Sit up," he whispered. "Straddle me."

I obliged, and when I was straddling his hips, my cock sticking out in front of me like a leaky exclamation point, he grasped it and slowly started stroking me. He picked up his own cock, which was half-hard, and rubbed it against mine. It was slick still from my mouth and its precum and slid back and forth against my shaft as if lubed. Feeling his cock against mine was sublime: the sensation of his soft skin, the leaking head kissing mine. As he rubbed us together he started again to get hard again, and the feel of his cock growing, swelling against mine was too much.

"I'm cumming," I gasped.

He crooned. "Ooooh, yes baby. Give me your cum."

I spurted out over his belly and chest. My last dribble slicked his hand and I felt our cocks go sticky with me seed as he continued to stroke us.

"Mmmm," he said lazily, running his fingertips in circles through the globs on his chest. I collapsed forward on him, panting, rubbing my torso over his so I could feel my cum smear between us. He chuckled.

"This seems like a two-shower night," he murmured, kissing me tenderly. "That's awesome. I love that you like it messy."

I woke up the next morning before dawn, lying on my side with Philip pressed up against me, his mouth breathing gently into the back of my neck, his arm draped over me. It took me a moment to wake up and process what had happened. Finally, after so long, I'd found someone—and someone so gorgeous and sexy. He'd said something the night before about filling up the week before I went home with sex ... I decided not to hold him to that if, by the light of day, he regretted that promise. No, it was enough to have lost my virginity to him. Of course, if he WANTED to spend the week fucking, I wasn't about to complain.

I reached down between my legs and squeezed my cock pleasurably. Never before had my morning wood been so satisfying, especially as I slowly realized that the pleasant sensation in the cleft of my ass was Philip's morning wood. Tentatively, I pressed back against him, feeling his hard cock slide against me. His slow breathing caught for a second, murmuring something in his sleep, and he unconsciously pressed against me before settling back into deep slumber.

I pressed back again, a little more insistently, grinding my ass against his cock. He whimpered softly, still asleep. I considered for a moment easing myself down so I could suck him while he slept and let him wake up to his cock in my mouth, but I was enjoying these sensations too much. I arched my back a little, bringing my ass a little higher on his cock so I could press it further into my cleft. For a brief moment I went too high and felt him press against my hole. I gasped and slid down again, then slowly worked his cockhead again against my hole.

Meanwhile, Philip had been sighing in his sleep, and then moaning, and finally I felt his lips and tongue at the nape of my neck as his hand slid down between my legs.

"Good morning," he murmured, his voice thick with sleep, as his hand encircled my cock. He slipped his cockhead away from my hole, but pressed more firmly into my cleft and started sliding his hard shaft back and forth. "You've given me a waking up present," he said, starting to stroke me.

We moved against each other like that for a while, him getting harder against my ass, me bucking against him, pressing back against his cock while I fucked his hand. "Mmmm, I love this cock," he whispered. "You're so fucking hard. You going to cum for me baby?"

I couldn't speak, just whimpered in reply. Something about him jacking me off from behind while his cock thrust against me was unbelievably erotic—somehow decadent.

Before I even knew I was saying it, I gasped, "Fuck me."

He paused in his movements. "Are you sure?"

In answer I pressed back against his cock and ground my ass into it. Wordlessly, he rolled me onto my belly and kissed his way down my spine. When he reached my ass, he spread my cheeks with his hands and suddenly I felt his tongue slide down my cleft and flicker, featherlike, around my tight pucker.

"Holshitholyshit" I cried, my words muffled by the pillow.

He chuckled. "You like that?"

"Holy fuck yes. Don't stop."

He went back to tonguing me, soft and teasingly at first, but growing more insistent. He growled hungrily as he lapped at my hole and I gasped and moaned, delirious with pleasure. His finger, slick with spit, pressed against my sphincter and then slid slowly inside.

"Oh. Fuck. Yes. Yessss. Holyshit, yes."

He teased me with his finger, slowly fucking me with it, then introducing a second as he stretched my hole.

"You like that?" he asked me again.

"So. Fucking. Much. I can't wait to feel your cock in me!"

"Neither can I."

"No, I mean I can't wait! Fuck me!"

"It will hurt a little," he warned.

"Fuck me!"

He chuckled again and retrieved the lube from the nightstand. I heard him slicking up his cock, and gasped when I felt him smear the cool gel around my hole. Then I felt his swollen cockhead press against me.

"You ready for my cock, baby?"

"Ohhhh yessss. Fuck me!"

I gritted my teeth as his cock stretched my hole and he slowly, slowly pushed inside me. He paused after the head popped in, letting me get used to it, and then again slowly started to slide himself in.

It was pain, searing pain, but beneath the initial hurt I could sense the pleasure. I hissed as his hard, slick cock invaded me, gripping the sheets in my fists. It was almost too much, and I cursed myself for never having used a dildo on myself in preparation for losing my cherry ...

Then he was in me to his hilt and again he paused, one hand caressing my back as he crooned softly, "Oh, yesss baby. Oh my god you are so tight. Holy fuck you feel good." He slowly started to withdraw, and in that moment the pain ebbed and the pleasure came flooding in.

"Fuck. Yes."

"How does that feel, baby?"

"Holy fuck. Yes. Fuck me."

He thrust into me slowly again, on hand on my shoulder pulling me down on his cock. The pain was still there, but it had receded under the sublime sensations I was experiencing as Philip fucked me slowly, grinding his hips into my ass, murmuring with quickened breath.

"Fuck yes. Christ, you feel so good."

"Fuck me, baby. Ohhh, yessss ... oh god, I love your cock."

"You've got me so fucking hard."

"I can feel how hard you are. Fuck me with that hard cock."

He slowly increased his tempo, fucking me faster as I moaned and whimpered. I could feel him getting close—his breath turned to pants, his moans took on a new urgency.

Suddenly he pulled out and rolled me onto my back.

"I want to see your eyes when I cum," he gasped.

I pulled him down and kissed him hard as I felt his cock probing my hole again. We held that kiss, our tongues sliding around each other, as he slowly slid himself into me again.

My own cock was so hard it was aching. Philip raised my legs and started fucking me in earnest, his face twisted with pleasure and desire. I grabbed my hard shaft and started stroking. "Tell me when you're close," I murmured, and he growled in reply.

"Oh. Fuck. You are so fucking beautiful," he moaned.

"Fuck me, baby. Cum in me."

"Oh, fuck. Yess. Yessss. Holy fuck, I'm close."

"Fuck me, baby! I want to feel you cum!"

"Oh fuck, I'm close. Yessss. Fuck. Oh fuck, yes! I'm cumming, baby!"

His eyes closed, he thrust deeply inside me, his mouth an O of ecstasy. I felt his cock swell and twitch, and I gasped, saying, "Fuck! Yes! I'm cumming!"

As his body went rigid and he came deep inside me, my own cock exploded, spurting one, two, three jets onto my chest. He collapsed on top of me and we kissed passionately, hungrily. Finally he gasped and lay his head on my shoulder, his softening cock still inside me.

"A week, you said?"

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