Finding Myself Within Eric

By Shadow

Published on Jan 18, 2010


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between teen males. If the reading this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains all copyright, and rights to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit permission from me and me only! This story is completely fictional in every way and places and characters mentioned, DO NOT exist in real life.

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Thanks For Reading!

Finding Myself Withing Eric, Chapter 2

I eventually cried myself to sleep curled up in a tight ball in my bed. I woke to my cell phone ringing and was wondering how I even got a blanket on me. My phone had stopped ringing, which was good because I really didn't feel like talking to anyone. I set up in bed and put my head in my hands. I felt the dried tear stains, and the puffiness in my eyes. My phone begun to ring again. Without looking at who was called I answered it. Thinking it could have been some kind of emergency.

"Hello."I said kinda groggy, before clearing my throat.

"Hey Jack? This is Eric, from English class."

I felt my heart stop. He even had an amazing voice on the phone. It was mellow and not like his over hyper voice in class. I suddenly remember our English assignment and wondered how I was even was going to get threw it.

"Hello Jack? Are you there, did I catch you at a bad time?"

"No, I'm here sorry, h-h how are you?"

"I'm good. Are you sure you okay? Sound like you just woke up or something?"

"Yeah, I kinda just did. Long day yea know."

I smiled to myself, loving to hear the concern in his voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well I just wanted to call you since you didn't call me. It was getting late and I didn't want to wait to long in case you forgot. I was wondering when you wanted to get together and work on our paper. I'm free all weekend. I'm new around here as you know so I was hoping you wouldn't mind coming over to my place? We will have he house to our self Saturday afternoon if you can make it?"

I was beside myself. A whole afternoon with Eric. Not to mention alone.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me. I can borrow my moms car and maybe meet you there at noon."

It sounded like he breath a sigh of relief.


He proceed to give me his address and I told him I will look up the directions later tonight. We said our goodbyes and I was on cloud nine.

I was surprised that I didn't have trouble sleeping. I set my alarm at 8am so that I would have plenty of time to get ready and most of all calm myself down. It was like I was on some kind of unknown energy high. I rolled out of bed the minute the alarm went off and went in the bathroom to take a leak and brush my teeth. I was starting to feel the effects of not eating dinner from last night so I headed down stairs to the kitchen to fix myself a little breakfast. I poured myself a glass of orange juice, grabbed a bowl of cereal and set down at the kitchen island.

"Your up awful early dear." my mom said as she entered the kitchen. "Did you manage to get enough sleep? I can upstairs to check on you, and put some cover on you."

Being in a much better mood I smiled at her.

"Yes mom I did and thanks."

She was making herself a cup of coffee when she said "That still doesn't explain what was wrong with you last night, but I won't press it right now. Just know I'm here okay."

This is the most she has ever reached out to me in a really long time. I got up and gave her a quick hug before cleaning up my bowl and cup.

"Oh mom by the way, I have this big English project due next Friday. Its a partner project and I'm suppose to meet my partner at their house this afternoon. Do you mind if I have the car?"

I paid special attention not to say where the partner was a girl or boy and I think she took the hint and didn't ask any further questions.

"Sure just have it back by 6. I have this dinner party to go tonight. And I will talk to your father about getting your own car if you want, your a great driver. Better then me."

She laughed and bit and that made me laugh.

"That's okay mom, I don't really need one, save the money. And thanks for the car, I'll make sure to have it back to you and gassed up."

With that I headed back upstairs. I looked at the clock and it was only 10. I sat at my desk, turned on my laptop, and typed in the band She Wants Revenge. I thought I should at least listen to some of their music before I go so I don't look like a complete idiot. I selected a user play list from Itunes and hit play. I thought he had a pretty unique voice, and the music wasn't half bad. Definitely something I would listen to on a regular bases.

I got up and left the music playing, and started to figure out what to wear. I made sure to look at the title of the song every time it changed. I decided to be simply and just picked out a black button up shirt with a dragon design on the left shoulder and another pair of dark was blue jeans. Looking at the clock again it was 15 minutes till 11. I hooked up my printed so that I could print the directions to his house. He lived about 25 minutes from me, but certainly not far. I paused the music and shut down my laptop and threw it in my backpack. Just in case he didn't have a computer and we needed one.

I was surprised by how calm I was. I decide to take a quick shower before leaving so I grabbed my towel and headed to the bathroom. The warm water from the shower helped me relax even more. I was beginning to think what was I worried about. He just another guy just like the rest of us. Nothing special. After washing and running from strawberry scented shampoo through my hair I got out the shower. I ran some more gel through it and spiked it up and went in the room to get dressed. I checked the clock again and it was 11:20. That would give me plenty of time to get there around noon in case I get lost of something else happens like that. I grabbed my backpack and my moms keys off the kitchen counter and I was off.

My mom car was a Chrysler 300c. Dark blue with the really nice rims on it. Not really my style but it was less fancier the my dads corvette or Sebring convertible. About 10 minutes into my trip I started getting knots in my stomach. What if I made a compete goof of myself? What if he thought I was showing off driving this type of car? The further along I got the more nervous I got. I had to open up the windows in order to keep from sweating through my shirt. The directions were pretty simple and I arrived a few minutes before noon.

It was a nice quite suburban area. His house seem quite a bit smaller then mine, but still impressive to the arrange person. I pulled in the driveway and just sat in the car a second. I noticed that my hands were shaking. What was happening to me? I couldn't just fall apart now. I took a few deep breathes, reached in back and grabbed my backpack and stepped out the car. My legs felt like jello, and my heart was beginning to race. I have no idea how I even made it to the front door and pressed the doorbell. I took another deep breath in hopes it would slow everything down. I started to reach for the doorbell again just before the door opened.

There he was. Beautiful as ever. He was wearing a dark blue button up and a lighter pair of jeans and dark shoes. His eyes was as piercing as ever. I felt like I was going to pass out until I heard his voice.

"Hey, I'm glad you made it okay."


Was all I could manage to say before stepping inside.

"My room is down stairs in the basement, I have everything set up down there." He seemed rather excited cause he was already half way down the stairs when I got to the top of them. I took another deep breath and started to walk down.

His room was actually really cool and huge. It was like the whole basement was converted into a teen hangout space. There was like a little foyer before you actually walked in. The center of the room was a huge red have circle sectional surrounded by a round white coffee table that had sandwiches already set up around it. There were shelves against the wall full of Cd's, books, DVD's, games and systems. A projector screen and two extra game chairs in front. To the left was a whole Z shaped work area. It was all attached to an area of shelves where the printer was and other office supplies. There was a laptop and 3 chairs. Far in the back was his bedroom. It curtain off to give it some privacy, looked like a plush blue queen size bed, surrounded by a cloud of white curtains.

"Cool room isn't it?"

He had the most amazing smile on his face, just seemed like he was in the joy of the moment.

"Yea it really is."

For some reason he made me feel relaxed and the butterflies were not as present in my stomach anymore.

"I'm not sure if you ate or not so I made sandwiches just in case. I just figured we could sit and eat and talk a bit. Listen to some She Wants Revenge for inspiration and then get started."

He gave kinda a shy smile like he was the one that was nervous. This made me smile and I put my backpack on one of the chairs in the desk area and walked over to the couch and sat down.He quickly came over and joined me, picking up the remote and turning on the music.

"Okay, since I didn't know whether you liked ham or turkey, I made both. Both it American cheese."

"Actually I like both so it doesn't make a difference to me."

"Same here" he said picking up a sandwich.

I followed. Taking a bite. It tasted really good too, just the right amount of ham, cheese and mayo.

"You want a soda or something. I have Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Mt. Drew."

"Mt. Dew please."

He smiled and sat his sandwich on the plate and went in the corner of the room where he had a mini frig and pulled out two cans of Dew. The music was playing in the background and everything was so relaxed. I even got up the nerve to ask him-

"So, what was it like back in Arizona." I managed to keep my voice from shaking to bad, and took a sip of soda.

"Well you know hot, hotter then hell." He said laughing, knocking me off my feet again. "Other then that it was pretty cool. Just family got tired of the dust and heat and wanted someplace a little more..."


We both started laughing and from then on the conversation went smoothly. He talked a bit more about Arizona and filled him in a what little I knew about life here. I was still shocked about how comfortable he made me, and how funny he was.

"So enough about me," he said " tell me more about you."

"There is nothing to tell."

"Come on I know you have to have some kind of juice secrets, details about you."

I stared at him a moment. I was debated inside my head weather or not to be honest with him or make up some lie. He seemed to stare right back at me and for a brief moment our eyes locked. I know everyone must say this when they first fall for someone, but I'm going to go ahead and add myself to the clique. The world stops. We got lost within each other and for that moment everything was simply beautiful.


I said breaking the stare, it was funny cause we both seemed to shake our heads to shake out the cob webs.

"My parents are big time lawyers, I tend to stay pretty much to myself, I don't have any friends, and honestly up until I met you could care less about what the world has to offer itself."

At first he just stared at me. I guess trying to figure out whether or not I was being serious. But since I never started laughing or anything to prove otherwise he just smiled and said-

"Well, I hope I can be your first friend then." I smiled back and say my empty sandwich plate on the coffee table. He did the same and got up. We better get started on this project.

For the next several hours we were deep in the project. I admitted him that up until yesterday I have never heard of this band. He just laugh, and I simply enjoyed learning about a band I was growing to be a big fan of, and he simply enjoyed doing a project on a band he loved. I look at my watch.

"Oh, wow its 5 already. I need to get the car back to my mom. She has this dinner party to go to tonight."

"Oh, please don't go." In a way he sounded almost like a plea. I looked at him and smiled.

"I wish I could stay too but I have no other choice."

"Can you come back tomorrow. Same time."

I could see the sorrow in his eyes that I was going. Which made me wonder if he was feeling the same thing I was feeling. I wasn't ready for this night to end either.

"Hey why don't you come over and hang out at my house . My folks will be gone and we can hang out in the game room or the clubhouse."

He seemed to almost jump for joy.

"Great let me call my parents and let them know."

"Alright I will meet you outside."

I walked outside and out to my mom car get in it and turning on the engine. I can't believe I just invited him over to my house. I could even imagine that before I left the house, but he brought something out of me that I never know that I had. It wasn't long before he came running out the house.

"I'll trial you in my car so I can have a way back home."

I nodded as he got his car out of the garage. It was a pretty nice Eclipses. And we were off.

I want to thank everyone for reading and for all the comments I have gotten so far. Please keep them coming, I enjoy reading them very much and I will try my best to reply to everyone, good comment or bad comment.

Also I'm looking for an editor. Been going through and noticed a few wrong day and simply not enough hours in the day to do everything lol. If anyone is interested please email me.

Thanks and Happy Reading!

Next: Chapter 3

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