Finding Myself at the Five Points News

By Andy Avery

Published on Dec 22, 2020


It had been a week since I'd driven out to Ray's house to get fucked. All week long I had a smile on my face thinking about my experience with the older, hairy guy with the wonderfully thick, curvy cock, and as I recalled the feeling of having him slide inside me I couldn't help but get hard. The upward curve on Ray's cock (like a banana, really) made it feel like it was custom made for me. As the ensuing week wore on, I knew I would need a repeat with Ray, and soon.

Finally on Friday, around noon, I stopped by the newsstand to say hi and see if Ray was ready to fuck again. As I walked into the dark, narrow shop, I stopped in my tracks, surprised to find that Ray wasn't at his usual post at the front counter. Instead, a man I'd never seen before was working. He was standing up at the counter, ringing up a couple of customers, so I could see right away he was very tall, probably 6'4" or better - noticeably taller than my 6' height. He was a dark-skinned black guy, probably late 40's or early 50's, with a close-cropped haircut, mustache and neatly-trimmed goatee. We briefly made eye contact as I walked past the cash register and headed to the back of the store, where they kept the gay erotica. I grabbed the latest issue of Honcho and walked back to the front once the other customers had cleared out. I plopped the magazine down on the counter in front of the new guy.

"Just this today?" he asked.

"Yep, that oughta do it."

As the new guy rang up my purchase, I casually asked where the "usual guy" was. The clerk looked up. "Usual guy? You must mean Ray."

"Yeah, that's his name, Ray."

"He has the day off. I just started a few days ago. "

Back home I tossed aside my copy of Honcho in favor of calling Ray to see if he wanted to get together to fuck. I dialed his number, hand trembling at the anticipation of what I now knew (from our first hookup) would be an intensely pleasurable experience. Unlike the first time I called Ray, I wasn't the least bit nervous or apprehensive about telling him what I needed. "Hey man it's Andy. I stopped by the newsstand today but the new guy said your were off. You've been on my mind all day."

"Is that so? You've been on my mind, too. I was hoping you'd call me for another round."

"That's exactly what I had in mind. How about tonight?"

There was a long pause. "I really want to. I haven't even had a chance to jerk off since you were over last week, so I've got some serious pressure in my balls. The thing is, I have a houseguest staying with me for a few days and I'm not sure how he might react to you coming over to get fucked"

"No problem, how about you drive over here, then?"

"Aww I wish I could. My car is dead.That's why I didn't make it in to work today. I should have it running tomorrow or the next day, though. How about we plan to hook up then?"

I thought about it, and while waiting another day sounded reasonable, I really needed to get laid that night. "Hmm... sounds good, but honestly man I'm so horny today I may just go out to the bar tonight, pick up some strange."

Ray chuckled a little, "I understand that. Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. I'd hate to miss another chance to fuck that sweet ass of yours, though. Listen, my houseguest usually crashes early, by around 10 at the latest. How about if you come over after 11 tonight? As long as we don't make too much noise, it should be okay."

"Okay, if you're sure it'll work out. I don't want to make things difficult for you."

"Nah, it'll be fine.Just get that butt over here so I can fuck you some more!"

I got to Ray's a little after 11 p.m., and, as he instructed me to do, I turned off my car's headlights as I pulled into the short gravel driveway in front of his house. As I walked up the sidewalk, the front door swung open and Ray stepped out on the front porch, clad only in his boxers. As I walked up the steps to the door he whispered to me, "Come on in, but remember, be real quiet. I don't want to wake my guest up."

With that, he turned and walked inside, heading down the hall to the back bedroom, with me following along like an eager puppy. I noticed the door to the second bedroom was closed. I pulled Ray's bedroom door closed behind me.

This time we wasted no time on small talk or even much foreplay. Both of us were fully boned and as soon as I got my jeans off, I straddled Ray and eased myself down onto his thick, curved cock. I was much more relaxed this time, knowing how good that curve would feel snugly planted up inside me. I sighed with relief as I sank down onto the shaft, all the way to the base in one smooth motion. Beneath me Ray was grinning from ear-to-ear. "Wow your ass just swallowed me right up. You must really need it, huh?"

Rather than answer, I just started sliding up and down on his cock while running my hands through the thick brown fur covering his chest and belly. I sighed happily as Ray's cock head bumped past my prostate. "GOD I love your dick!" I moaned, but as soon as I did, Ray clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Easy, son. Remember we don't want to wake up the fella sleeping in the next room." I nodded and continued to slide up and down my fuck buddy's banana-shaped schlong.

"No problem," I grunted.

As I continued to ride Ray's cock, he kept one hand on my cock while stroking my chest and occasionally pinching my nipples with his other hand. Each time he tweaked my nipples, my anus clenched reflexively on his hard cock. "I guess you like it when I pinch those nips, eh, son?" he whispered.

Son! I loved it when he called me that. "Yeah daddy keep it up.I can't hold off much longer."

"Shhhh... Just take a few deep breaths, stay calm and let's enjoy ourselves for awhile."

In spite of Ray's urging me to stay calm, I rode his thick, curved cock like my life depended on it, bouncing up and down, squirming and whimpering. After 30 minutes or so, Ray grabbed my hips and forced me to hold still. "Let's get you on your back. Between your moaning and the bed springs squeaking we're gonna wake up my roomie.

I reluctantly raised up off Ray's cock and flopped onto my back next to him. We paused for a minute, mostly because I needed to catch my breath after the vigorous ride on Ray's schlong. As I lay there, legs splayed, casually stroking Ray's slick boner, he raised up and leaned over so he could gain access to my ass, sliding first one, then two and finally three fingers in and out of my now very well-lubed, wide-open hole which elicited some deep low moans from me. I couldn't wait to get Ray back inside me. "You wanna fuck me some more, daddy?" I asked.

Ray smiled as he mounted me. "Just remember we gotta try and keep quiet in here, okay?"

I bit my lip to stifle a moan as I felt Ray's big, curved dick enter me again. "Uh-huh....ooohhh...okay..I'll try...ahh."

With that Ray began to make micro-thrusts, keeping his cock fully planted in me, barely moving in and out, probably thinking if he took it slow and easy I wouldn't get so loud. That was not the case, as this new position, with him on top of me meant Ray's curved dick was now nestled snugly in the contour of my guts, with his fat mushroom head raking over my prostate on every stroke. Above me Ray never broke eye contact as he continued to slowly massage my innards with his dick. I tried to control my volume but somehow the need to stay quiet actually made it feel more intense, more exciting. Suddenly my orgasm was upon me and before I could catch myself, I let out a long, load groan, "Arrrrrggghhhhh....aaahhhhhh...mmmm...." as my seed spurted all over my chest and belly.

As wave after wave of pleasure washed over me, my guts contracted, gripping tightly onto my fuck buddy's meat. This sent Ray over the top and he gritted his teeth as his face grew red and he emptied his balls into me. I grabbed his hips and pulled him closer, trying to get his load as deep in me as possible.

As we both came down from our mutual climax, we became aware of a soft tapping sound coming from the bedroom door. "Hey man, you all right in there? I heard some noises."

We both froze, Ray balls deep in my butt. "Uh, yeah I'm okay. Sorry for the noise. It's cool."

We lay there motionless, joined together, completely silent, listening for a response. I could feel Ray's heartbeat through his cock, still planted in my guts. "Okay, then. Good night," came the reply from the door.

We stayed stuck together like that, both afraid to move or speak, for what seemed like 20 minutes but was really probably only a minute or two. We finally disengaged when Ray rolled off me. I lowered my legs and breathed a sigh of deep satisfaction. "That was too close for comfort, huh?"

Ray seemed a bit rattled that our fucking had attracted the attention of his temporary roomie. "I should've known he'd hear us!"

"So what if he did? What's the worst that could happen?"

Ray didn't say much else about it, and I suspect his real worry was someone finding out he liked to fuck guys. We dozed off for a bit, drifting in the warm afterglow of sex.

My post-fuck bliss was interrupted by the realization that I had to pee. I had also begun to feel Ray's load seeping out of my freshly-fucked hole. I knew from our first coupling that my fuck buddy's balls could produce a substantial load. I turned to Ray who was half-dozing and told him I was going to make a run for the bathroom. "Mmm-hmm, just be quiet, please," he said, without even opening his eyes.

Out in the hall I crept bare-ass naked down the dark hall. I didn't realize until I reached the bathroom that the door was closed and I noticed the light on under the door. The houseguest was in there! I turned to retreat back to Ray's room but the bathroom door sprang open and I found myself face to face with Ray's houseguest. I cupped my hand over my half-hard cock as the realization hit me that this was the black guy I'd seen at the newsstand when I was in there looking for Ray. "Uh, hi!" I said, a little too cheerfully.

At around 6'4", Ray's houseguest towered over my 6 foot frame. He was wearing only a pair of worn, threadbare plaid boxer shorts and I noticed his lean, muscular body was completely smooth. He was clearly startled by the presence of a naked stranger in the dark hallway. "Who the fuck are you?" he demanded as he held his ground, standing in the bathroom doorway.

Without even attempting to explain my presence, stark naked, in the hallway, I answered him, "Hi! I'm, uh, Andy. A friend of Ray's."

A knowing, almost sly smile crossed his face as he looked me over, head to toe. "A friend of Ray's huh? Well, friend, what are you doing in the hallway, naked, in the middle of the night?"

"At the moment, I'm just trying to get in this bathroom so I can pee! Do you mind?"

His face broke into a full, lusty grin, "Be my guest!"

He stepped aside, but remained in the doorway so I had no choice but to squeeze past him to get to the toilet. The pressure in my bladder was overriding my embarrassment at being caught freshly fucked and naked by a stranger. I stood at the toilet, held my cock in my left hand and let loose with a quiet sigh of relief. Ray's houseguest and coworker made no move to leave the room and give me privacy. Instead he turned around to face me as I stood in the small bathroom, leering at me as I peed. "I guess that was you I heard earlier making all that noise, huh?"

I felt my face grow hot as I blushed, embarrassed by his question, and unsure how to respond. I decided there was no point in pretending the situation was anything other than it was, and since this guy was asking me questions, he must want to know, so I figured I'd fess up. "Yeah, that was me. Sorry I get kind of loud sometimes when I' know..." I couldn't bring myself to admit to this guy I didn't know that I was just getting fucked in the ass!

I finished peeing and gave my cock a couple of shakes as Ray's houseguest, whose name I still didn't know, stood silently in the bathroom doorway, less than three feet away from me. I could feel him staring at me. "At first I thought somebody was getting killed, then I realized what y'all were doing in there. By the way my name is Fred," he said.

I froze as Fred reached out and placed his left hand firmly on the small of my back, right at the top of my butt cheeks. "I can see what Ray likes about you," he said as he began to lightly run his hand up and down my butt cheeks.

I was through peeing, but remained standing motionless, completely caught off guard and unsure how to respond as this man I really didn't know stood next to me, rubbing my ass. "Uh, thanks," I answered timidly.

Fred kept his hand on my ass, rubbing slowly up and down, and I noticed he was keeping his middle finger in the cleft between my cheeks. I gasped when he suddenly pressed deeper into my ass crack, finding my slick, slack hole with his middle finger. He was moving the tip of his finger gently across my hole, nudging ever so slightly into my well-fucked anus. "Damn boy, what's got your pussy so nice and wet?"

I felt like I was being hypnotized, drawn into a new situation I hadn't anticipated or sought. But here we were, and the finger at my hole was starting to feel... exciting. I responded to his question, "That's, uh, from Ray. know...his load."

I stood frozen in place as Fred took a step closer to me, letting his middle finger slide much deeper into my slick opening, squishing around the cum that Ray had pumped into me minutes earlier. I gasped involuntarily as I felt his long finger sinking deeper into my opening but I made no move to stop him, and in fact I had instinctively started to push back against his finger.

Fred began to swirl that middle finger in a circular motion, working it all around inside me."You like that don't you, boy?"

I bit my lip to stifle a whimper of pleasure and excitement. "Mmm-hmm... oohh!" I sighed.

"You oughta let a real man breed you - really give you what you need."

Hearing him say these words brought instant clarity to this surreal situation and I knew right then we were going to fuck. I contracted my ass muscles to give his finger a little squeeze. "Yeah I'd like that."

Fred stepped closer to me. Keeping his left hand firmly planted on my ass cheeks (and his middle finger embedded in my cum-slick hole) he placed his right hand on my left hip and pulled me close. I felt like I had no will of my own, it had been subdued by the intense feelings Fred was stirring in me. We stood facing each other, close enough that our bare chests and bellies were pressed together. I placed my hands around Fred's waist and rested my head lightly against his chest as he continued to play with my hole. My cock, now rock hard, was poking straight up against my belly as I leaned into the sexy stranger that was getting me so turned on. Finally he spoke, "How about we go in the other room?"

I figured we'd go into Fred's bedroom but instead he led me into the living room and sat down on the couch, legs spread wide in front of him.

Without being told to, I sank to the floor in front of Fred, between his legs, and reached out to squeeze the prominent bulge in his boxers. Through the thin fabric I could feel the warmth of Fred's cock as it grew and began to harden. Unable to resist any longer, I slipped my hand into his shorts and pulled out his cock. And what a cock it was! Easily twice as thick as my own, and still expanding under my touch, Fred's cock was at least eight inches long, maybe nine - a smooth, beautiful tower of chocolate brown flesh topped by a bulbous pink head the size of a plum. I leaned down and swallowed his cock head and about half of his shaft, which continued to expand and harden. Beneath Fred's beautiful cock rested two massive balls, each one bigger than both of mine put together. I gave his balls a gentle squeeze, lifting them in my hand slightly, marveling at the heft, the weight of them. Fred let out a long, low moan as I played with his big, heavy balls. "Boy I haven't gotten off in over two weeks and my damn balls are so full they're aching. Why don't you lay over the arm of the couch so I can get my dick up your ass?"

Although I was still pretty slick from taking Ray's load earlier, I worried that Fred's cock, being significantly longer and thicker, was going to present a real challenge for me. "I'm gonna need some lube to take this big thing. Wait one second, okay?"

I darted down the hall and back into Ray's room. He was still dozing, but stirred as I approached the nightstand. "Hey Ray. Turns out your houseguest wasn't bothered at all by hearing us fucking. In fact he's getting ready to take a turn. I need the lube."

Ray bolted up in the bed. "What? No fucking way! Fred ain't into guys."

I chuckled and looked down at my own fully erect cock bobbing in front of me. "Well he's about to be into this one," I said as I grabbed the bottle of lube. "You don't mind, do ya?"

"Nah, of course not. If you guys want to have some fun, go right ahead. I'm just gonna snooze for a few more minutes..."

Back in the living room, Fred was still sitting on the couch and his cock, now fully engorged, throbbed in front of him. I couldn't stop staring at it as I knelt down and slathered it in lube. "Okay, let's fuck!"

I leaned over the arm of the couch, presenting my ass to my new fuck buddy as he mounted me from behind. Fred held me firmly by the hips as he bumped his fat cock head against my anus. "You ready for this dick?" he asked.

Without a word I pushed myself back against his cock, causing the head to pop inside me. The abrupt entry caused me to give out a yelp of surprise. "Ooh!" I cried, my voice going a little higher than usual.

I thought taking Fred's big dick might be painful, but the load Ray had left in me was making everything nice and slick, and he was able to sink over halfway in without causing me any pain at all. My ass felt full, stuffed more than it had ever been. I pushed back a little harder, trying to get more dick to go in.

As Fred continued to press forward, his cock hit a barrier inside me, and this time it was a bit painful. I hunched my back up to try and pull away from the invader. "Why are you running from the dick, boy? Just open up and let me in."

I was verging on panic, thinking that maybe Fred's big, fat cock wasn't going to fit so well in my relatively inexperienced ass. He was already in me as deep as Ray had been, and he still had a couple more inches of cock to insert! His cock head was now bumping against my tender insides, causing me to grunt with discomfort on each stroke. I gripped the arm of the couch like a life preserver and tried to convince Fred to ease up, "Ah! Unh! It's hitting something in there. Oh! Wait! Ahh! I don't think it's gonna....ooh!...go in any more."

Fred still gripped both my hips, but rather than pulling out, he simply bent his knees slightly to shift the angle of entry, and thrust forward. With the more upward angle, Fred's big cock pushed right past the inner barrier and slid all the way inside me, right to the base. The sensation of being filled so deeply, so completely, was almost overwhelming. Waves of the most intense pleasure I'd ever experienced rolled over me as Fred held his cock firmly in my guts and kept his hands locked on my hips. "Ooohhhh!" I moaned.

I could no longer speak or even think clearly as my entire focus was on the big slab of a cock that was now impaling me. I grunted and gasped and tried not to cry out. Fred's cock had grown so fat it felt like it might be stuck in there. I could feel it throb in time with his heartbeat as he began to rock back and forth a little. I tried to squeeze Fred's shaft with my ass muscles but my poor hole had completely surrendered to the sheer girth of the invader, and I wasn't able to give him much of a squeeze at all. I wondered if my hole would ever be the same after Fred was done with me. Not that I cared, right at that moment.

Having rearranged my insides to accommodate his fearsome cock, Fred began to long stroke me with abandon, sliding balls deep on every in-stroke, and yanking his whole cock out of me on every out-stroke. Beneath him, I had become a grunting, babbling idiot as Fred railed me mercilessly.

On a particularly forceful thrust, Fred froze in place as I yelped at the sensation of his cock plowing even farther up in my guts. This time he didn't pull back out, instead keeping his cock planted to the hilt while I squirmed and moaned. Then I realized why he'd stopped. Ray was standing right beside us! I was so out of it from Fred's fucking that I hadn't noticed him enter the living room, and apparently neither had Fred. Ray was wearing just his boxers, and holding a folded white bath towel. "Guys if you're gonna do that in here at least put a damned towel down."

With that, Ray stepped closer and leaned down to spread the towel out beneath us. As he did this he reached up and gave my rock-hard cock a playful tug. "Can't have you shooting cum all over my couch, now can we?"

I was still overwhelmed by the pleasure that Fred's amazing cock was giving me, but I tried to answer Ray, "I'm...uh..we were...ahhh, fuck! sorry ohh...ahh!"

Ray continued to squeeze my throbbing hardon and gave a soft chuckle as I struggled to speak. "I understand. You saw this tall sexy black guy and just couldn't resist giving him some pussy, huh?"

I gave up trying to talk. Instead I hung my head and nodded, "mmm-hmm..."

Ray stepped back and sat down in the chair across from the couch. "Okay if I watch? This is really hot."

Behind me, Fred flexed his cock, making it jump in my guts, causing another long moan to escape my lips, "aahhhhhhh...oh...oh my god...mmmm"

Ray laughed. "I'll take that as a yes."

Undeterred by Ray's arrival, Fred resumed his vigorous, full-length thrusts into my loose, open hole. As he pulled back on an out-stroke, Ray gave a low, appreciative whistle at his first look at Fred's big, hard cock. "GodDAMN, man! He ain't gonna even feel my dick after you get through with him. That thing is HUGE."

Fred wordlessly continued pounding my hole, picking up the pace as his climax approached. Beneath him I clung helplessly to the arm of the couch as he jackhammered me. The room was filled with the slurping, squishing sounds of our coupling. Fred's hands tightened his grip on my hips and his cock seemed to swell slightly larger. "Gonna shoot... ah it comes..."

With that, Fred drove his engorged cock fully up inside me and held it there as his balls flooded my body with his pent up load. I could feel the warm wetness as he blasted spurts of hot cum into my guts. Without even touching my own cock, I exploded, my insides clenching tightly onto the wide shaft of Fred's dick as he continued to inseminate me. "Ohhh...ahhh...uhh..." I cried out in lustful abandon as I shot my load all over the towel that Ray had placed under us.

As our breathing began to return to normal, I remembered our audience of one and looked over at Ray seated on the chair across from us. He had obviously enjoyed our performance as he was holding his cock in his hand and drops of cum dotted his furry belly. "Damn, fellas! That was one hell of a fuck! Thanks for lettin' me watch!"

I was still completely dazed and disoriented from the intensity of the whole experience, unable to respond to Ray. Behind me, I felt Fred move to dislodge his cock from my clenching insides. I reached back and grabbed his hips and said firmly, "SLOW, please! Don't yank that big thing out too fast - it's really planted in there."

Thankfully, Fred complied with my pleas to not withdraw too quickly, gently easing his big cock out of me as he sank back onto the sofa. As his dick popped free from my chute, I fell forward onto the arm of the sofa, too weak and shaky to try and get up just yet. Behind me, Fred leaned back and closed his eyes, enjoying the release of so much built-up pressure in his balls. Ray stood up and stepped closer to us, inspecting my well-fucked hole still on display as I rested there. I barely reacted as he reached down and slipped two fingers inside my cum-filled hole. "Boy it looks like you got bred by a stallion. I think Fred might've knocked you up!"

Both men laughed at this, bonding over their mutual enjoyment of my well-used ass. I slowly raised up off the arm of the sofa and stood up. Fred was still stretched out on the couch, his half-hard, rubbery cock resting across his hip, drooling out its final drops of cum. My knees felt shaky, and I could feel a steady flow up cum leaking from my ass, making its way down the inside of my leg as I staggered to the bathroom to clean up. I sat on the toilet, amazed at the combined volume of both men's cum as it left my body. My hole was still slack and open, perhaps forever loosened by Fred's thick slab of cock meat, but at that moment I didn't care one bit - I was in a state of fucked-out bliss, and I couldn't wait to come back for another round with either or both of my hot, manly fuck buddies!

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