Finding Myself at the Five Points News

By Andy Avery

Published on Nov 26, 2020


I've been wanting to write this story for years. Decades, even. This is a true story of an experience I had when I was 19, back in 1989. I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida, land of rednecks and bubbas, and not the most gay-friendly places for a young gay man to come to terms with his sexuality. Back then there was no internet, no apps, no streaming video. I had discovered a dumpy old newsstand, Five Points News, in an older part of Jacksonville, and it quickly became my go-to source for gay erotica, which, at the time meant magazines such as Blueboy, Mandate, Honcho and Inches, packed with grainy full-color photos of beefy, hung studs posing naked, along with erotic stories of first-time encounters, hot three ways and other titillating topics.

The Five Points Newsstand was little more than a lean-to, built up against the wall of the corner diner. There were magazine and newspaper racks on the sidewalk out front, and inside the narrow, dimly-lit store were long aisles of magazines on every subject. The back wall was reserved for the adult publications, 90% of which were for straight guys. The meager selection of gay magazines was relegated to the farthest, darkest corner at the back of the store

By this time, I'd had a few experiences with other guys, and had even gotten fucked twice. Once with my best friend from high school and once with Rob, a guy my same age that I knew from the local gay bar. Even though those two early experiences were quick, clumsy and alcohol-fueled (as 19 year olds' sexual escapades often are) both were incredibly exciting as I discovered the profound pleasure I could receive from taking another man's cock in my ass. In both of those previous encounters, though, I was very aware that my "top" was only interested in getting off as quickly as possible, with little regard for my satisfaction or comfort. Any enjoyment I derived from taking their cocks was incidental. Their main focus was draining their balls into me, but I enjoyed the feeling of being fucked so much, in fact, that it had left me a little conflicted and self-conscious. Even amongst the gay community there's discrimination and stereotyping, and I had learned that bottoms were often looked down on as weak, feminine, slutty, or all three. I didn't consider myself any of those things, but I couldn't stop thinking about the intense feelings I got when being fucked. I knew I wanted to get fucked again (and again and again, most likely) but I was worried about being stereotyped as a bottom, even as the realization was dawning on me that that's what I probably was.

The challenge for me, then, was to find someone to fuck me, but also keep it private and discreet. This ruled out picking up guys at the bar, since I had established a decent-sized circle of friends there - mainly dancing and drinking buddies, but a few I'd even get together with for beach trips or movie nights. I was concerned that if my buddies found out I liked to get fucked, they'd treat me like a second-class member of the group. Mainly I just kept my bottom cravings to myself and tried to keep my horniness under control by jerking off as often as possible. Once or twice a month I'd make the drive down to Five Points and furtively enter the dumpy little newsstand in search of something new to beat my meat to.

I greeted the clerk, Ray, as a I walked into the dark, narrow store and made my way to the far back corner. Bald and stocky, and in his early 40's, Ray worked the day shift at the newsstand and we had become casually friendly with each other once he recognized me as a regular customer. At first glance Ray was a typical Northeast Florida redneck, but he never treated his gay customers any differently than anybody else who shopped there.

This particular day, there were a couple of businessmen probably on their lunch breaks, leafing through sports magazines, never looking up as I strode past them to get to the good stuff in the back corner. I grabbed the latest issues of Inches and Honcho, my two favorite gay magazines, but I saw that both of the two other guys in the store were making their way to the front to check out so I decided to linger in the back until they were gone. Once it was just me and Ray, I approached the checkout stand and placed my purchases on the counter. Ray looked up from the newspaper he was reading, glanced at my copies of Inches and Honcho and greeted me cheerfully. "Howdy, young man! How are you today?"

"Doing all right, could be better," I replied with a low, slightly lusty chuckle as he picked up my magazines to ring them up. "I hear ya. Got some pressure building up, eh?" As he said this, Ray reached down and gave his crotch a hearty squeeze while looking straight into my eyes. I was a bit surprised, as Ray and I had never really talked about anything remotely sexual, instead preferring to limit our small talk to the weather, traffic, sports and current events. "Yeah," I said with a sigh, "these days if the wind blows too hard I get boned up!"

Ray let out a belly laugh at my candor as he continued to absentmindedly squeeze his crotch. Without realizing it I let my eyes fall to where his hand rested and for just a moment our conversation came to a halt as the realization dawned on me that Ray was perhaps trying to be a little flirty with me. To my knowledge this man was 100% straight, but here he was groping himself while I talked about how horny I was! Beneath his hand I could make out an ample mound in his jeans and suddenly I was thinking about what it would feel like if Ray fucked me. It seemed so preposterous and I hadn't been intending to hook up with anybody, much less the clerk at the dirty book store, but here I was, and here he was, and now my wheels were turning as I plotted my next move.

We were still the only two people in the newsstand so I decided it would be a good opportunity to shake my butt at Ray, to see if he was truly interested in fooling around. "Hey I think I'm going to grab one more magazine, be right back," I said as I walked back into the aisle. "Sure buddy, take your time."

This time I didn't walk all the way back to the gay section, instead staying at the rack closest to the cash register. I was wearing a white tank top, faded, tight cutoff jeans, and flip-flops. As I stood browsing, I could feel Ray's eyes on me from the front of the store. I pretended to be interested in a magazine on the bottom shelf of the rack, turning away from Ray as I bent down to reach for it. I was bent way over but kept my ass held high and pointed directly at the front of the store, to give Ray a clear view. Suddenly I heard him speak from directly behind me. "Can I help you with anything?"

I gave a little start as I hadn't even realized Ray had come up behind me, but I didn't raise up and did not stop pointing my ass directly towards him. In that instant I chose to be bold. I looked over my shoulder to the man standing right behind me, almost up against me, really. "You probably could help me, Ray, but I don't think I'll find what I need in a magazine."

I felt Ray's hand rest lightly on my upturned ass and give it a few light pats. "I bet I could give you what you need, Andy." I pushed my butt back towards him but the excitement of our flirtation was overtaken by the overt risk of this happening in broad daylight, in a wide-open store in which anybody who walked in would immediately see what we were doing.

Ray must've shared my sudden apprehension because he stepped back as I stood up and we both made our way back to the cash register. I hadn't selected another magazine. "Well, I guess just these two for me today, Ray."

He rang up my purchases and slid them both into a brown paper bag. "Here you go, Andy. I hope you enjoy them." I felt a little panicked as I realized our encounter was coming to an end but my horniness was clouding my judgement so I blurted out, "Thanks, I'm sure I will. Hey would you ever wanna get together some time?"

Ray didn't immediately reply. Instead he dropped his hand back to his ample bulge and gave it another slow, deliberate squeeze. Then he reached for a pen and wrote something on the brown paper bag with my magazines in it. "Here's my number. Why don't you give me a call next time you need to relieve some tension."

Bingo. I had done it. I had successfully made contact with a guy that seemed to want to have sex with me and even though it was in a public place - the neighborhood newsstand - it had all taken place privately, with nobody else around as we flirted. I kept my eyes locked on Ray's crotch as I took the paper bag from him. "Sure, I'd like that. Thanks, Ray!"

"You bet, buddy. Take care."

Outside the store I hopped in my car and headed home, while my mind raced about the encounter I'd just had. Back in my apartment, I tossed the paper bag containing my magazines on the table and plopped down on the couch and pulled out my cock. I was so horned up thinking about my encounter with Ray in the book store I never even opened either magazine. Instead as I stroked my rock hard 6" uncut cock, I thought about what it would be like to get fucked by Ray. He was nearly 20 years older than me, fairly plain looking, around 5'10", bald except for a fringe of hair across the back of his head, and he had tufts of brown chest hair poking through the collar of his shirt. He had a typical, early-middle-aged "dad bod," but was generally in decent shape. I wondered what his dick was like, and what it would feel like to get fucked by him. That was all it took and in under 2 minutes I was shooting cum all over my chest and belly as I got swept away in the fantasy of a tawdry, horny hookup with Ray.

After I came, I dozed off for about 20 minutes, then decided to head out and go do laundry. By the time I got back home a few hours later, I was feeling horny again, and my mind drifted back to Ray. Around 9 p.m. I picked up the phone and dialed his number. He answered on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Hi, it's Andy."

There was a brief pause as Ray undoubtedly had to think for a second or two to figure out who was calling him. "Oh hey Andy. What's up?"

"Well, you said to give you a call some time, so that's what I'm doing."

Another brief pause. "I see," Ray said, "I didn't expect to hear from you so soon, though. Didn't those magazines get the job done?"

I chuckled a little bit, "Naw, not really. I couldn't stop thinking about what you said, about making me feel better."

"Well, I meant what I said. What do you want to do?"

My heart was pounding and my dick was rock hard as I attempted to form an appropriate response to Ray's question. Still self conscious about wanting to get fucked, I wasn't sure if I should be really explicit in conveying my desire to Ray, or if I should just be vague and non-committal. "Well I'd like really like to get together with you, that is, if you're available."

Ray wasn't going to let me get away with vagueness. "Okay, sure, but get together to do what? Tell me what you want, Andy."

My heart felt like it would leap out of my throat as I struggled to get the words out that would expose me to Ray as a hungry little bottom slut. I took a deep breath and responded, "Well, the truth is, Ray, I really need to get fucked."

There. It was all out in the open. I held my breath as I waited for Ray's reply.

"Good answer. I like that you admit you need to get fucked. So you're a bottom, then?"

I felt my face grow flushed with embarrassment as I started babbling nervously into the phone, "I think so. That is, I have only done it a couple of times but it felt really good and I can't stop thinking about it and today you seemed like you were really interested but I didn't know you were into guys or what we would do, and I was afraid to call but then I..."

Ray cut me off with a hearty belly laugh. "Relax, young man! There's nothing wrong with needing to get fucked. How soon can you get over here?"

There. It was all out in the open now. I had called another man and asked him to fuck me in the ass. Something only a slutty, weak, feminine bottom would do. Thankfully, Ray had responded in the best way possible, putting me at ease and assuring me he was more than willing to help me out. I took down the directions to his place and 20 minutes later I was pulling into his driveway.

Ray lived in an area called Marietta, out on the west side of Jacksonville, and known to be one of the more redneck parts of town. His house was little more than a cottage, or a guest house, I suppose, sitting out behind a larger house on a large, heavily treed lot set back from the road at least a hundred feet. There was also a single wide mobile home and a smaller camper trailer out behind the main house, both with lights on inside. I pulled up in front of Ray's cottage and got out and approached the front door. Before I could knock, the door popped open and there stood Ray, dressed in the same clothes he'd had on earlier at the newsstand and beaming his usual, avuncular grin. "There you are! I was afraid you wouldn't be able to find me. Get in here, boy!"

I stepped into the brightly lit living room of the small house. It was clean, tidy and modestly furnished with a worn-looking sofa, a recliner, and a small TV on a wheeled cart in the corner. Ray continued through the living room right into the back bedroom. I followed behind, heart pounding, knees shaking as the full reality of what I had done, and what we were getting ready to do, settled on me. My mind was racing as Ray stood at the side of the bed and began unbuttoning his shirt. "Might as well go ahead and get those clothes off. I'm guessing you want to get right to it, huh?"

I laughed nervously as I answered, "Uh-huh, yeah, definitely," and pulled my tank top over my head. Ray smiled appreciatively as my smooth pale chest was exposed. "Look how smooth you are, boy! How old are you, by the way, Andy?"

"I'm 19, almost 20," I answered as I unsnapped my cutoffs.

"Well I sure hope you like old hairy guys because I'm kind of an ape," Ray said as he pulled his shirt off. He was indeed covered in a medium thick coat of soft brown hair, and as he turned to put his shirt on the chair in the corner, I saw that his back was furry, too. It was quite a contrast to my lean, hairless white skin and strawberry blond hair. He turned back around and stared into my eyes as he unsnapped his 501s. Rather than answer him about liking hairy guys, I simply stepped closer and ran my hand over his manly, hairy chest. "I sure like THIS hairy guy!" I said with a chuckle.

Ray smiled and continued unbuttoning his jeans, "Good. I like smooth guys, so we're off to a great start."

With that, Ray hooked his thumbs in the waist of his jeans and in one move slid them all the way down to the floor. He wasn't wearing any underwear and as he stood back up I saw that his cock was fully erect now. It was about 7" long and noticeably thicker than my own. What was most notable though was the curve. Ray's cock had an upward curve, much like a banana. I wondered how that curved rod would feel inside me. "Very nice!" I said as Ray grabbed his own hardon and gave it a squeeze, causing it to darken and swell even more. "Glad you like it. I hope you're gonna like it a whole lot more soon, son."

I was never one to get into "daddy" fantasies, but when Ray called me "son," I just about lost it. I was more turned on than I had ever been in my life, and I was so nervous my teeth were chattering. I pushed my cutoffs down to the floor and stepped out of them, fully naked as I faced my soon-to-be lover. Ray let out an appreciative whistle as he reached out to pull me towards him, placing his hands squarely on my butt cheeks. "Damn boy this is gonna be fun!" he said as he began to knead my butt cheeks.

I allowed myself to be groped as I pressed my pale smooth torso fully against Ray's hairy body. "I never knew you were into guys, Ray. You really surprised me today at the newsstand," I said.

"Well I'm mostly straight, but when I find a guy who likes to get fucked, I'm more than happy to oblige him. Why shouldn't I? It's nobody's business but our own." With that, he leaned in and placed his mouth on top of my mouth, surprising me with a deep, passionate kiss as he guided us both down onto the bed. I was thrilled! This was really going to happen!

We rolled around on the bed for a bit, running our hands over each others' bodies as we kissed. Ray's hands kept finding their way to my butt, kneading my round butt cheeks while I alternated between running my hands over his furry chest and squeezing and stroking his rock hard, curved cock. It felt a good bit thicker than my own 6 incher, but not so thick that I was apprehensive about accommodating him in my ass. I gasped as Ray slipped a finger into my eager hole. "Mmm... that feels so good," I cooed as I squirmed a little from the new sensations Ray was causing.

Ray probed a little deeper in my hole, adding a second finger as I moaned and whimpered like a bitch. He was pressing his two fingers against my prostate now, making me wriggle even more as the desire in me rose higher every passing minute. I was laying on my side now, facing Ray and I hiked one leg up to give him greater access to probe my hole. I continued to stroke his cock and marvel at the hardness of it. The curve had grown a little more pronounced as he reached full hardness, and I couldn't wait to feel it in me. I had my face buried in Ray's hairy chest as he continued to probe my hole with his fingers. I was getting swept away in the excitement of being so close, so intimate, with this hot, hairy stud. I looked up as I heard him mutter something I couldn't quite make out. "What'd you say?" I asked as he continued to work his fingers in and out of me, stretching them apart ever so slightly to get me opened up enough to take his cock.

"I said I wanna fuck this pussy," Ray said.

Considering I was already self-conscious about giving in to my craving to get fucked, I wasn't sure how I felt about him calling my butt a "pussy." I wondered if this was one way Ray could maintain his self-image of "mostly straight" - by referring to my body with feminine terms.

He had started adding lube to his fingers as he worked in and out of me, getting me slick and ready for his thick, curved cock, and I was too far gone, too lust-crazed to do anything except relax and enjoy the sensations Ray's fingers were causing in my ass. I clamped down my hole on Ray's fingers and told him I wanted him to fuck me.

Ray suggested we start off with me straddling him, so I could ease down on his cock at my own pace. "A lot of guys can't take my dick because of the curve, but if you sit on it, it should go in pretty easy," he said as he rolled on his back.

His cock throbbed and pressed against his belly as he motioned for me to hop on. I needed no convincing, eagerly climbing atop my new fuck buddy as I slicked up his hardon with lube. Once slick, I eased down a bit so Ray's cock head was pressed against my hole. Beneath me, Ray ran his hands over my pale, smooth chest and stroked my cock a few times as my hole began to open up a bit to take his cock. The head slipped in and I felt a stab of pain at my entrance. Taking Ray's cock was going to be a little more challenging than I anticipated. "Hold still," I gasped as I waited for the pain to subside.

Ray, however, wasn't interested in "holding still." Instead, he bucked his hips up, forcing more of his curved dick into my body. I let out a surprised grunt as the curve caused the head of Ray's cock to bump against my prostate as it snaked its way through my bowels. In a few more minutes I felt his pubes against my skin. He was all the way inside me now. A feeling of warm, deep satisfaction spread all across me as I moaned and grunted at the feeling of fullness Ray's cock was causing inside me. I had no trouble taking his curved dick. In fact it felt like it was custom-made to fit my ass and I would have been content to sit there grunting and squirming for hours but Ray had other ideas. From beneath me, he began to rapidly piston his cock in and out of my hole. His curved shaft meant that the swollen head of his dick was directly rubbing back and forth across my prostate on every stroke. I shuddered as waves of pleasure emanated from our connection point, driving me wild with lust. In that moment I lost all self-consciousness, and gave in to the desire Ray was stoking with his quick, deep thrusts. Deep, satisfied moans escaped my lips as I locked eyes with the sexy man with his cock fully planted inside me.

Each time he bucked up into me, it knocked me forward a little bit and before long I was laying against Ray, with my face buried in his furry chest, grunting lustily with every stroke. Ray seemed pleased that his lovemaking was evoking such an enthusiastic response. "Damn, son, you sure do like getting fucked, don't you?" I was unable to form words, though so I just grunted and tried to use my ass muscles to milk Ray's cock and draw it farther up into me. Ray laughed softly at my enthusiasm, "How long has it been since you had some cock, boy?"

"Too long!" I grunted. I felt loose and open, and in that moment I knew I'd never get tired of the feeling of getting fucked. It was too wonderful! Rather than feeling weak or feminine, I felt very manly, sitting there with Ray's wonderful, thick, curvy cock planted deep within me.

I'd been neglecting my own cock and focused all my attention on the incredible good feelings Ray's cock was giving me. I grabbed my own hard cock, knowing wouldn't be able to withstand more than a few strokes before I was going to lose my load. Ray must've known I was close, too because he picked up the pace and really started to jackhammer me. Our eyes locked as my orgasm overtook me. It felt like my whole body clamped down on Ray's cock as the first spasm of my climax hit. Thick ropes of white cum spurted out of me as my insides grabbed at Ray's cock, triggering his own orgasm.

Ray grabbed my hips and pulled me roughly down onto his shaft as he bucked up into me, now completely in the throes of his orgasm. I felt my ass grow slick and warm with Ray's load as the last few spurts left my own cock. As our passion subsided, I sighed happily at what I had just experienced. Beneath me Ray lay quietly, and I was shocked at the sheer volume of cum I'd sprayed all over his furry chest and belly.

Now sated, I wasn't quite ready to disengage from Ray just yet. I felt like we'd made a real connection and I was already envisioning a repeat performance with this sexy man. I squeezed Ray's softening cock with my ass muscles and sighed with relief and happiness. "That was incredible! I never felt anything like that before, Ray. You really know how to fuck!" Inside I felt warm and squishy with Ray's load spreading out through my guts. I never wanted this feeling to end.

Ray smiled and playfully patted my ass. "Any time you need fucked, you just let me know and I'll take care of you."

When I left Ray's to head home, I felt different. Physically, my asshole felt a little tender, and I realized I could feel the wetness of Ray's load escaping my still-loose hole and seeping into the back of my shorts. Mentally, I felt different, too. Having Ray accept my and my desires so freely helped me lose some of the shame I'd been carrying around about being a bottom. I had no way of knowing it at the time that Ray's willingness to take care of my needs would lead me to even greater heights of pleasure as I continued to explore my sexuality, but that's covered in the next chapter!

Next: Chapter 2

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