Finding Love Where You Least Expect It

By Peyton Jones

Published on Oct 10, 2020


Finding Love Where You Least Expect It

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Chapter Six

By Chrissy and Peyton

After going out to celebrate Carly establishing her new company and officially getting her first contract with the Sheriff's office, they all returned to the station. A deputy had brought in a young girl on a charge of shoplifting and also because she refused to cooperate by not giving her name or age. It didn't' help she had fought with the deputy when he tried to put her in the back of his car. He had her handcuffed with one hand to the bench she was sitting on while he was getting the paperwork ready to book her. Carly and the group walked past and Carly immediately picked up on something she sensed from the girl.

She continued walking past her but she made sure she didn't lose eye contact with her. Once they got to Tina's and Ron's desk area, Carly watched the girl out of the corner of her eye. When the deputy turned his back to her, she as best as she could with her one hand attached to the arm of the bench signed, "go fuck yourself" to the deputy.

Neither Tina nor Ron noticed but Carly did. She smiled and half laughed signing back discretely, "Be careful I saw that."

The girl instantly seeing Carly sign back to her got a shocked look on her face. Carly not wanting to frighten the girl quickly signed, "It's okay, are you alright? I don't think anyone else noticed or can sign."

The girl nodded her head at Carly then she signed, "You're not one of them? I can't trust them. They'll send me back and I'll disappear."

Carly didn't know what to make of what the girl was saying but at that time Tina noticed Carly doing something with her hands and fingers.

"Do you have a twitch or something wrong with your fingers there Carly?" Tina asked.

Carly turned so the girl couldn't see her face in case she could read lips too and replied to Tina, "Don't turn around but that girl over there. When we came in, I saw her sign "go fuck yourself" to the deputy," Carly said. "Now she says she is afraid of being sent back and if she is, she'll disappear like the others did."

Ron burst out laughing, "Carly we get people using their hands to gesture the one finger salute all the time and will swear anything to get out of trouble," Ron chuckled.

"Do they sign it like this?" and Carly signed the actual words to both Ron and Tina so that the girl couldn't see her.

"You know how to sign?" Tina softly said.

"Yeah, Jackie was voiceless and that was how we communicated," Carly said.

"Who's Jackie?" Ron asked.

"She was my girlfriend years ago. She died of cancer when we were fifteen," Carly said. This was the first time Ron had heard of Jackie and the first time Carly had told Tina about Jackie about being mute and unable to hear.

"You've never told me she couldn't talk," Tina said.

"We never treated each other like she was not able to speak or hear, so I guess it was like we were talking. It was like it was second nature when we were together to sign," Carly said and a tear came to her eye that Tina noticed.

"Now I know why you were so emotional with Loretta at graduation. I thought you were missing Jackie but I didn't realize the bond that you two had with each other," Tina said.

"Now you know. I learned sign when I was six so she and I could talk. She would spend hours each day teaching me so we could communicate. It was her patience in teaching me that enabled us to fall in love," Carly explained.

The deputy pulled the girl up and brought her over to a desk then sat her down and cuffed her to the chair. "You're not going to try and run away again are you, or do I need to have someone stand next to you while I ask you some more questions and do this paperwork?" the deputy asked the girl.

The girl pulled her hand up as far as it would go being cuffed to the chair to indicate she couldn't run off anywhere like this.

"Are you ready to tell me your name and age?" he then asked.

The girl sat there in silence but she had a terrified look on her face. Carly seeing this worried about her. "She's young, maybe thirteen or fourteen. She's scared and I'm not sure she can answer the deputy. That may be why she is so afraid because she is physically unable to answer," Carly said still standing there by Tina and Ron.

"The deputy will handle it," Tina said. "If she is that young and tells him her age he'll transfer her over to juvenile and they will take care of her.

"No, I mean she might not be able to answer him because she can't talk and with her hands handcuffed to the seat. She can't use her hands to sign," Carly said.

Tina looked over at the girl and saw the fear in her face. If in fact she was unable to sign, of course she was going to be frightened. She took Carly over to where the girl was sitting and explained their observation with the deputy. He told Carly to try and sign with her and see if she was right.

Carly looked at the girl and getting right in front of her so she was looking directly into her face signed, "My name is Carly. Do you understand me?"

The girl hesitated and looked around because now several people were staring at her. Tina noticed this and asked the deputy if he would take her in the interrogation room. Once inside Carly, Tina and the deputy stood in front of the girl so they were between her and the door. Tina asked the deputy to take the cuffs off of her. Once they were off she asked Carly to talk to her and put her at ease.

"No one can see but us. Is this better?" Carly signed.

The girl looked at the male deputy then over to Tina before looking back at Carly. She nodded her head slightly.

"Do you have voice?" Carly continued.

The girl shook her head no.

"Do either of you sign?" Carly asked the deputy and Tina. They each nodded their heads and answered no.

Carly turned back to the girl and signed, "They won't know what you tell me if I don't translate for you. What you say to me only you and I will know," Carly explained to the girl.

"I'm afraid," the girl signed to Carly.

"Afraid of what? You are in the custody of the police because you shoplifted. They won't hurt you?"

"Because someone in here will tell the people that are holding me and once they do they'll kill me."

"No one's going to kill you for shoplifting. You may get punished by detention or losing privileges but no one will kill you," Carly continued to sign with the girl.

Carly then motioned for the girl to sit at the table and she sat across from her. "Let's start with your name. What is your name?"

"Julie Anderson" the girl said after hesitating a bit.

"How old are you Julie?"

"Fifteen if I counted right," she replied.

At this point Carly was confused and getting a little agitated. She turned to Tina and the Deputy saying, "Getting straight answers from her is like trying to do a crossword puzzle."

Carly turned back to the girl, "What do you mean if you counted right? You don't know how old you are?"

"Not really. I'm not allowed to watch television or read the internet."

"What parent doesn't let their kids watch television or use the internet? What about school? What grade are you in?"

"I don't go to school. I'm not allowed to."

Carly really not understanding any of this and wanting to talk with Tina and the deputy so she asked the girl if she could talk with them. The girl looked at all of them and responded she didn't trust the deputy because he was a man but if Carly said she could trust Tina then she would talk with both Tina and Carly.

Carly explained to Tina and the deputy what the girl had said so far and both Tina and the Deputy were having uneasy feelings about this but the deputy agreed and left the room. Now Carly, Tina and Julie were left alone in the room.

"You can trust her, I trust her with my life so you can too," Carly signed the girl.

Tina had asked Carly to translate everything Carly was saying to the girl and everything Julie was saying back to Carly so the questioning was slow going. Hearing what Carly had said about trusting her was nice to hear but now wasn't the time to discuss it.

Carly waited for the girl to sign but she still was hesitating. Carly got up and went to the girl crouching down next to her and signed, "It's okay, tell us what's going on," then placed her hand on her the girl's hands.

Tears came to Julie's eyes as she got the strength to sign. "When I was eleven I was given, sold or taken from my parents by these men who took me. I was placed with other girls around my age or older and we had to give ourselves to other men who would pay for us. Then one by one the older girls would disappear and be replaced by younger ones but there was always five or six of us. Now I am the oldest and they just brought in a younger girl so I know I am the next one to disappear."

Carly had to stop Julie because she was so upset hearing this but also she needed to tell Tina and not leave anything out. So she had Julie stop so she could tell Tina. Tina gasped as she recognized they had probably come across a sex trafficking ring. Tina had Carly ask the girl if she were hungry or thirsty as she knew they might have her in here for a while then Tina told Carly she had to go talk to the Sheriff.

Carly didn't mention the Sheriff to Julie as she knew that might traumatize her more but she did ask her if she was hungry or thirsty to distract her. Julie said she was both hungry and thirsty as it had been two days since she had eaten or drank anything which is why she was shoplifting.

Tina once outside the room grabbed the deputy and Ron and took them into the Sheriff's office. She told them what she knew so far. The Sheriff asked Tina to continue with just her and Carly for the time being but at some point the others would need to be involved. He asked the deputy to run out to the store a block away and get the girl a sandwich, chips and a soft drink.

Tina went back to the interrogation room while Ron started running her name through the computers to see if there was any mention of a Julie Anderson, a missing girl.

Tina asked Carly to continue while they waited on the food. Carly asked the girl where she was from and she said Texas. She had no idea where she was now only she lived in a basement of sorts with the other girls and only came out when she was to be with the men who were brought to her, or they took her to the store.

Carly asked how that worked.

Julie told them because she was voiceless she was the least risk for saying something to others. They trusted her because they were right next to her and told her if she did anything they would kill all the other girls and her. She would be placed in a van and blindfolded until they were at the store. She went with them because the men needed her to get the feminine hygiene products for all the girls and to buy makeup because she knew the colors that would look good on all of the girls. That is how she got away. When they were in the store, a lady came up to the guy and started talking how nice it was for him to bring his daughter to the store to buy such items of a personal nature. Julie had moved to the end of the aisle when the guy's attention was diverted with the lady, Julie took off and through the back storage area where she hid until it got dark then she snuck out and ran as far as she could until she could go no farther. She stayed out of sight for two days but then she got too hungry and she went into a convenient store and that's when she got caught.

Carly was in tears hearing this girl's story and Tina was visibly upset too. About this time Ron knocked and came in with some papers. Apparently he had found a missing persons report on a Julia Anderson age eleven reported four years ago out of Houston, Texas. The deputy returned with the food insisting on giving it to Julie himself. He smiled at her and pulled out pictures of his own daughter's one seventeen and one twelve to let Julie know he was on her side and since he would never let anything happen to his daughters, he would also protect her as if she was his own.

This seemed to help Julie as she let the tears roll down her face and hugged the deputy. Julie was okay with him and Ron staying in the room after that. That seemed to break the mistrust Julie was feeling for the deputy and Ron and Tina. They assured Julie that no one at the Sheriff's office worked with this group of men and they would do everything they could to find the other girls before any harm came to them.

Tina, Carly, Ron and the Deputy spent the rest of the afternoon with Julie asking her everything and every detail she could remember until they could see she was exhausted and couldn't take any more. They didn't want to put her in a group home or worse jail but they had to find her a place to stay that the fewer knew about her the better. They didn't want it known they had her in case there was a leak or in case these men had a connection within the legal system and could get to Julie.

Carly mentioned her house but her grandmother said she was not feeling well so that was out of the question. She then thought of Jackie's parents because they would be next door and they knew sign so they would be able to communicate. The Sheriff didn't like the idea as it was not secure and they would be imposing on strangers to care for a runaway, but after Carly contacted Loretta and explained the predicament they were in, Loretta was more than glad to help, so the Sheriff relented.

Tina and Carly discussed the arrangement with Julie telling her they were putting her on her honor to stay there and not run away. Julie was more than happy to promise not to run away having a place to go to that was like a real home and one where they could sign so she was able to communicate. The fact that it was next to Carly was the selling point.

Carly and Tina slipped Julie out of the Sheriff's office and into Tina's car and took her to Carly's and of course Loretta.

The first thing Loretta did when they drove up, was come over and sign to Julie who she was and how happy she was to have her come to stay. Before she took her over to her house, Loretta was already telling her about her Jackie and of course Carly since they had grown up together. Julie seemed to be excited to be in a home and free from her confines and having to service other men. Julie did tell them she was worried about the girls she had left behind.

That night Tina stayed at Carly's in case there was any problems that arose with Julie. Loretta and Julie got along fabulously with Julie being able to communicate and Loretta having a young girl to care for and utilize her ability to sign.

The next morning the Sheriff not wanting to risk having Julie brought in asked Carly and Loretta if it would be too much trouble to continue to interview her there. Carly initially saw no problem until Carly saw a potential with Julie being interrogated at both the house she was developing a family relationship with and a place she might look to with contempt being interrogated at, so they moved the interrogating over to Carly's grandparents bringing Julie in the backdoor so no neighbors would know.

"Did you sleep alright Julie?" Carly signed after they had Julie over to her grandparents and situated.

"Better than I have in a very long time. I slept great in the room I was in and I really like Ms. Lauren and Mr. John. I want to stay there more if I can," Julie signed. While Carly handled the interrogation Loretta was able to translate for Tina and Ron since she was able to sign having have Jackie for all those years.

"Today I want to ask you some things that might be painful to answer but know that we all are on your side. We don't feel any of this was your fault and anything you did to survive we understand. We don't feel less of you for any of it. In fact, you are the bravest girl we know for enduring the situation," Carly began and Julie nodded.

"I want you to think back to as far as you can remember to being home in Texas and tell us what happened with your parents," Carly continued.

"I remember being with my parents and not getting along with them. They were always arguing and they made me do things. When I didn't do as they asked, they would get mad at me," Julie signed.

"Did they yell at you?" Carly asked.

Julie didn't answer but nodded.

"Did they hit you?"

Again Julie didn't answer but just nodded.

"Did they do anything else to you?"

"Not at first but later my dad did," Julie signed but Carly could tell Julie didn't like answering that question.

"Julie, I know this is painful but I have to ask this to establish what you have been through. Can you describe what your dad did to you?"

"He made me have sex with him while my mom watched," she signed and she began to cry.

Loretta gasped as she was not used to hearing such things and both Tina and Ron looked down as they, having heard things such as this previously, it was still hard to hear. Loretta reached for Julie hugging her and Carly moved back to let her, knowing she and Julie both needed this time. Both Loretta and Julie cried into each other for a moment before Carly insisted that they keep going.

Carly turned to Tina, "Do you need anymore about her parents or can I get to when she left them?"

"No, if we need more we can come back. Let's move on to when she left her parents because some or all of that is here and time is of the essence if we are going to find the other girls," Tina said and Ron agreed.

After Loretta apologized to Carly, she allowed Julie to continue but she stayed by her side with her hand on her to let Julie know she was there and to comfort her.

"Is it alright if we continue, Julie? We will move at a pace that is comfortable for you," Carly signed.

"I'm fine. I just want Miss Loretta and you here all the time,"

"No problem. We will be here and I'm sure Ms. Tina and Mr. Ron won't leave you either," Carly said and looked over at Tina and Ron for conformation which both gave.

"Okay what can you remember about when you left your parents?"

"I remember being woke up in the middle of the night and my dad arguing with another man about money and then he said "okay she wasn't worth it anyway." He then said "but you owe me another one for a year. " Then this guy took me out to a van and put a sheet or something over my head and told me to lie down and go to sleep. The next thing I knew was being taken out of the van into a building with like a big garage. There were several vans there and we were divided up among them. There must have been some twenty girls there. We were divided into groups. Some as large as five of us and some only one girl."

"And how long ago was that?" Carly signed.

"I don't know? I wasn't allowed to see a clock, a calendar, television, or listen to a radio," Julie signed.

"How old were you when you last were with your parents?

"Eleven," she signed.

"You said when we first caught you that you were fifteen. How do you know that?" Carly signed.

"I don't. I'm guessing. But from the way I've grown and from the way they treat the others I must be," Julie signed.

"How is that?"

"In my group there were always five of us. The youngest was eleven. The oldest was fifteen because the men like girls in those different age ranges. Once the girls reach fifteen they disappear and don't come back. We stayed at different places but there was a long time between them.

After hearing that Loretta broke down and they had to stop to allow her to compose herself. Once she did they continued.

"Julie, How do you know you were fifteen?"

"Because all the others were younger than me. They brought in a new girl who was only eleven so I knew I would be next to disappear as soon as they trained the new girl. Once you turn fifteen you disappear. That is why I had to get away but they had told us they had a person who worked for the police. If we went there they would know and they would either get us back or they would kill the other girls."

"Okay I have one more question for you then we can take a break," Carly said. How many men did you see and what did they do to you?"

"We saw two or three a day, but only on weekends. We were required to have sex with them."

Carly then allowed Julie and Loretta to have a break while she, Tina, and Ron went over the information they had and what else they needed. There was so much missing but some of it could be obtained later as the priority was to find the other girls alive if in fact they were still alive.

They went back in the room deciding to ask about where Julie had been held and her time spent there since she escaped as that might lead them back to where they kept the girls.

"Alright Julie, you're doing good so far. Let's go to the time when you got away. You say you were in a grocery store at the end of an aisle and a lady began talking to the man who was holding you."

"Yes, normally they take me to pick out the makeup and hygiene products like deodorant, tampons or pads. I was looking at the pads when this lady came up and made some comments about how nice the man was for understanding and not being embarrassed to bring me. He turned his attention to her and moving to the end of the aisle I could see the stock room door less than ten feet away so I made it to the door out of his sight and found a spot to hide before I could make it out of the back of the store. Then I ran and tried to stay off the roads and parking lots until it got dark then I would move through the bushes and behind businesses until I got hungry and got caught."

"How long was it until you got caught?" Carly signed.

"Two days. I spent two nights hiding and sleeping outside until someone caught me shoplifting and called you."

"Wait you said you were buying feminine hygiene products?" Carly stopped to ask Julie.

"Yes boxes of them and makeup too," Julie signed.

Carly stopped what she saying to Julie and turned to Tina. "Sound familiar?"

Tina shook her head not seeing where Carly was going with this. Then Carly told her "Two years ago with a lady who was a cashier at the store with my mom. She mentioned a man and a young girl buying more feminine hygiene products than one person could use. He recognized my mom at the community college. Do you think the two are coincidental or there is something to this?"

"You don't forget anything do you Carly? I vaguely remember the conversation but I do remember the issue of feminine hygiene products coming up. And it involved a man with a young girl who acted strange.

"Yes and then a few days later my mom was dead."

"But that was fifteen years ago. Certainly this operation couldn't have operated that long and right under our noses," Tina said.

"It could have if they left for awhile and came back. They change location every so many years to avoid detection or become familiar," Carly said.

"Julie, how many places have you stayed in since you left Texas?" Carly asked.

"Three," she signed.

"They move to another location every year or so and come back to the same place every so many years," Tina said seeing their trend to stay undetected.

"Okay, back to where I was. We know where you were caught shoplifting but there are at least five full size grocery stores in a three or four mile radius plus another ten mom and pop stores in that area. Any suggestions on how to narrow it down without taking her to each of them?" Carly asked Ron and Tina. "Do you remember the name or can you describe the store?" Carly then asked Julie.

Julie then signed to Carly, "They took us to a different store each time so we wouldn't be recognized as frequent shoppers and so we wouldn't know where they were keeping us. If it was close they would drive around so we wouldn't know how far we had been driven. They kept us in the back blindfolded until we were there and then dropped us off at the front up close and told us to keep our heads down until we were inside."

Both Tina and Ron sighed as that was one way they thought they could find the hideout but now that was gone. Julie was too scared at the time to give them much in the way of location to where she originally fled. Even if she did it would be difficult to locate the hideout.

"Okay let's think this through. We know where she was picked up. And from her memory we can guess where she fled. Even if we determine where she fled from what will that get us that would lead us to where they are holding the others? Tina questioned to the others.

"Okay Julie, while we think about how we can figure out where they were holding you, let's talk about your time here. And by the way, you were correct. You are fifteen. We have your birth record and the record from when you went missing in Texas," Carly signed.

"Julie, while you were here how many men were you required to see?" Carly asked.

"At first it was three or four a week. But as I got older it was just one or two. Lately it was just one and he was really nice. He liked me and sometimes we would just sit and talk. Other times I only had to play with him or do oral with him." Again, after hearing, Loretta wept silently.

"Describe the place where you were held," Carly asked.

"It was a building almost like that where businesses would be. It didn't have windows except up on the top and it had a garage in the middle that could hold several cars or trucks. They would open the big doors when we drove in. Once inside they would take us down these stairs to where we lived," Julie signed.

"Did you have beds or were you kept in an area where all of you were together," Carly inquired.

"We each had our own bed but it was in a room with all of us in it. The only time we had privacy was when we were with the men. Then we were taken out to another area and put in bedrooms where they came in. When they were done they left and then we were taken back to our rooms."

"Okay Julie, I think we have enough for now. You were very helpful and you are a very brave girl. You and Ms. Loretta can go back next door and if we have any more questions for you or if you think of anything just tell Ms. Loretta.

Tina, Ron and Carly went over their notes from the interrogation and were really at a loss. They felt confident they could from Julie's arrest determine a general area the grocery store where she escaped from. But from there, they were less assured if they could determine where Julie had been housed and to think it had been fifteen years and they hadn't got wind of this ring or of the place they used to house the girls. Maybe there was a mole in the Sheriff's office after all and they were unaware of it. Maybe that mole was able to keep this quiet all these years. It was all the more reasons to keep this under wraps for now until they knew more.

Even though finding the girls were a high priority, they decided to stop for the night and start in the morning with clear minds. Tina and Carly went back to her place trusting Julie not to run away.

"Would you mind if we just hold each other tonight? My mind is too active and the thought of making love with what is going on doesn't feel right," Carly asked Tina when they got there.

"No not at all. I was thinking the same thing. We can just cuddle tonight," Tina responded.

They lay there holding each other with Tina wrapping herself around Carly where Carly always felt safe and warm. Tina was rubbing her back and had her hand running through Carly's hair while Carly had her hand on Tina's cheek gently running her fingers across Tina's face. No words were being exchanged with Carly staring at Tina's face and jaw that she was caressing. "I love you Tina and you are no longer on probation. I completely trust you with my life." Carly said to Tina.

"I love you too Carly. What brought the probation thing up?" Tina asked.

"It just occurred to me after all this time I never completely forgave you for that Jo thing and I wanted you to know that not only do I trust you but I love you with all my heart."

Tina leaned over and with a tear or two escaping her eyes, she kissed Carly with more passion than she had in some time. This led to more kissing and hugging and soon the two completely forgot about not wanting to make love. Carly rolled over so she was mostly on top of Tina kissing her face and neck. Tina was holding Carly and kissing her in return. She spread her legs allowing Carly to lie between hers and soon their hips began to move up and down causing the friction they needed but didn't realize they wanted.

Tina pulled Carly's nightshirt up and off of her leaving her in her panties. She then lifted her own off to leaving her without a nightshirt also. Carly immediately cupped Tina's breast and moved her head down until she was at the point, she could suck Tina's nipple into her mouth. Tina moaned as she loved when Carly sucked on her nipples. Carly moved her hand so it was between Tina's legs and began to rub Tina over her panties until she could feel Tina getting wet then she asked Tina to take them off. She moved to allow Tina to take her panties off then her fingers found their way back between Tina's legs and she moved them up and down between Tina's pussy lips. "Oh," Tina moaned and moved her hips trying to match Carly's motion. "Oh, oh, oh," Tina continued to moan as she moved her hips faster.

"Oh god, Carly," Tina moaned this time it being where Tina needed it as she came. Carly moved down to lick the juices that came from Tina then moved up on her stomach laying her head on Tina's chest. Tina lay there catching her breath from her orgasm then she pulled Carly up to kiss her. "Nobody makes me feel as good as you, Carly," Tina gently said to Carly.

They kissed their tongues dancing in each other's mouths. Tina's hand made its way to Carly's breast and once it brushed across Carly's nipple she moaned. "I just love your nipples. They turn me on looking at them and then when I touch them I can't get enough of them. And most of all doing this," Tina said and took Carly's nipple into her mouth where she sucked it in then let it go with a pop causing Carly to shutter and moan. Carly was straddling Tina's leg and kept rubbing it down across Tina's thigh. Her breathing was increasing as she moved her hips faster as she stared into Tina's eyes. Tina hugged her tighter using her leg to apply pressure to Carly's pussy while she pushed down on Carly's butt cheeks creating more friction between the two. After two years of making love to her, Tina knew Carly enough to know when she was close to coming. She kept her pace with her leg and hand letting Carly's motion determine the pace as her orgasm continued to rise. Carly moaned and gasped then her eyes got a gleam but she wasn't looking at Tina's eyes, but through them, as her orgasm overtook her and she pushed hard on Tina's leg gripping her shoulders as she came.

The two lay there for a while enjoying the aftermath of their orgasms when Carly moved up and kissed Tina on the lips. "I can never get enough of you," Carly whispered to Tina.

Tina was holding Carly and running her hands over her and touched Carly's necklace. "In all these years I don't think I have ever seen you wearing another necklace," she commented.

"And I doubt you will. This necklace represents the two most precious people in my life who are only here in spirit. They live through this necklace and I wear it as a reminder of them and the promise I made to them," Carly said.

"Your mother would be one of them and if I had to guess Jackie is the other," Tina guessed.

"You would be right. This is the necklace my mom got for me for my birthday the day before she died. I've replaced the chain many times but not the necklace. She got a matching necklace that she was wearing when she died. I wear it to tell her I love her and miss her and that I won't give up looking for the person who took her away from me. The ring on it is from Jackie. We had matching rings and I promised her, not only would I find the person who took my mom, but I would love again and not mourn her. You gave me that love and made my life worth living again." Carly looked up at Tina and kissed her.

Then out of the clear, Carly jumped up. Wearing only a pair of light blue bikini panties she walked out of the bedroom and came back with several sheets of paper containing the inventory list. Had Carly kept the list of the things from the apartment when her mother died. She looked over the sheets and mumbled, "She was wearing this necklace, she was wearing this necklace. It's not on here. Her necklace is not on here."

"Maybe it was lost or left off. There are so many explanations at this point," Tina said still lying in bed.

"No, No, she grabbed a hold of it as she looked at me from the floor and kissed it before she made me turn around. I remember because it was covered in blood!" Carly exclaimed.

Tina began to laugh causing Carly to look at Tina with a frown on her face.

"I'm sorry Carly. If you could only see what I'm looking at you would laugh too."

"What are you looking at?" Carly questioned.

"You're standing there in your panties your puffy nipples standing out with obvious marks from me sucking on them and your light blue panties have an obvious wet spot from you cumming in them."

Carly looked down and she could see her puffy nipples and marks from where Tina had bit them sucking them into her mouth and a big wet spot on her panties. She stood there for a second before she burst out in laughter. She looked back at Tina and ran for the bed jumping in it and on top of Tina.

They giggled and rolled on the bed together before Carly kissed Tina telling her that is why she loved her. They settled down and soon after cuddled up and fell asleep.

The next day they were back at it trying to figure out the next step to looking for the other girls. Ron, Tina and Carly from the arresting officer's report drove around and took pictures of the outsides of the grocery stores in the general area of the ones where they suspected Julie had escaped. They included pictures of the stock room and the outside back area because that would be where Julie fled to after she escaped. They took them back and showed them to Julie and she was able to identify the particular store she was in.

This was their first solid lead but without more they would still be no closer to the location where they kept the girls. Then on a fluke Loretta had an idea that even Carly had overlooked. When Jackie was alive over time her other senses had strengthened to make up for her lack of talking and hearing. They thought maybe Julie's had too. With the permission of the Sheriff they rented a panel van one like the one they guessed the girls were transported in. They took Julie to the grocery store and asked her if she would be willing to conduct an experiment with them but only if she was comfortable doing so to which she agreed. It seems she wanted to catch these guys and save her friends as much as Tina, Ron and Carly.

They took her to the grocery store and placed her in the back of the van much like these guys would have had her. Then they drove out of the parking lot and turned to go like Julie directed them using Julie's recollection and extra sensory to guide them.

If they took a wrong direction, they would start all over until they felt they had an idea of the area that Julie had been held. They then took Julie back to Loretta's as to not put her in any danger. Ron and Tina took their own cars and after surveying the area did a pattern search. They came up with two or three buildings that could be used by the gang and they sat on them staking them out.

A day later they got a possibility as one of the buildings a van entered via a garage. They followed it to another home. They watched both for the better part of the day timing the coming and going of the occupants.

They watched as a car came and stayed for a while before leaving. As it left they followed it and once it was clear of the area they pulled it over using a marked car. The driver had let his license expire and that was the break they needed as they arrested him for the expired license. They took him to the Sheriff's Office to interrogate him and questioned him about the business he was coming from when he was stopped. He got scared because he knew what he had been there for. Ron being an excellent interrogator told the guy if he would just tell them what he was doing there they would drop the charges for driving with an expired license.

They knew that wouldn't be enough to convince the guy since this involved sex with underage girls so they tricked him into thinking no county charges would be brought for his cooperation. They didn't bother to tell him the charges would be brought under state and federal laws so the guy admitted that is why he was there. They had their break they needed and they booked the guy in jail now attempting to get a search warrant.

The search warrant covered both the house and the business locations and they would be served at the same time. Ron would go to the building with SWAT and conduct that search and Tina would go with Carly to the home as the occupant was expected to be at the business thus the residence would be left vacant.

Carly and Tina left with the search warrant to the home finding no one there as suspected. They entered anyway armed with the warrant and announced they were with the Sheriff's Office and had a search warrant. At the same time Ron and the SWAT team entered the business and found the van and another car. They made their way downstairs where they discovered the other five girls along with two guys. They took the guys into custody and had an ambulance waiting for the girls plus five detectives there to escort each of the girls to the hospital.

Tina and Carly were looking through the house when they heard the news over the radio the girls had been found and were safe. Tina and Carly high-fived then continued with the search of the house looking for evidence they might need. They were in the back bedroom when Tina came across a necklace she recognized as like Carly's mom leading her to believe these guys maybe responsible for her death. She slipped it in an evidence bag not telling Carly. She continued to look through the dresser and asked Carly to get more evidence bags from the car.

Carly left the bedroom to walk out to the car when she thought she heard a noise coming from the kitchen. She hesitated before she left to listen again. She knew something wasn't right and she started to walk back when she heard Tina call out, "Carly!"

She ran to the back bedroom to find Tina trying to stand up with a guy over her with a baseball bat knocking her down and pulling Tina's service revolver from her. Tina was loopey from being hit with the bat so was unable to defend herself. At the time he was pulling Tina's the gun out Carly leaped at him yelling, "No, not her too!"

The guy only had time to turn as Carly was on him in an instant and attacking him like a badger. He did have time to fire one shot which Carly yelled out when the bullet tore through her leg. She fell on him on the bed and they rolled until they fell off the bed onto the floor. Because of Carly's size he easily was able to get on top of her and in her condition placed his hands around her neck and began to choke her.

Tina by this time was able to get enough sense about her as she could and see this guy choking Carly. She picked up her gun which Carly had knocked out of his hands when she had leaped on him and fired one shot through his torso. He slumped forward and fell on Carly who was struggling for air being shot and choked. Tina called out immediately on her radio," ten-thirty-three, ten-thirty-three; shots fired, officer down; ten-fifty-two at this location; oh god no Carly, Carly!"

Ron hearing this over his radio ran from his location and raced to where Carly and Tina were at only two blocks away. He arrived only four or five minutes later finding Tina holding Carly's head in her arms as she cried, "Don't leave me. Don't leave me Carly, I love you."

He saw the amount of blood around them and he knew it wasn't good. With Tina holding Carly who seemed lifeless he was worried and feared the worst. Ron, being a large man, picked the guy up and threw him aside like he weighed only twenty pounds. Once he did he couldn't tell where Carly had been shot as there was too much blood around and beneath her. All he knew he could tell Tina was hurt too from the look in her eyes but she was also hysterical over Carly and wouldn't let her go.

It was only ten more minutes at most with sirens blaring from all direction before the paramedics arrived. It took Ron some convincing for him to get Tina to let go of Carly, but he did so she could be treated by the paramedics. It seemed the shot went through her leg was minor and that she had passed out from the guy choking her and the shock of being shot. All the blood or most of it was from the guy that Tina shot having gone through an artery when it struck him.

The Sheriff arrived along with numerous deputies. As they wheeled Carly out to the ambulance Tina was at her side. She was not as hysterical as before but still was not concerned for herself but for Carly. Tina held Carly's hand as they put her in the ambulance crying the whole time. Finally Ron was able to pull Tina away from Carly as she was in need of medical attention herself. The paramedics were inside the ambulance taking care of Carly when she asked for Tina.

Tina broke away from the paramedics who were attending to her and ran to Carly. "Oh god, I thought I had lost you. Don't you ever scare me like that again," she told Carly as they prepared her for the trip to the hospital.

"You know I love you too much to leave you," Carly told her back. "Would you call my Grandma for me? Once she hears this on the news she is going to be worried."

"Of course baby," Tina told her.

"I'll go over myself and get her and your grandfather. You go with Carly," Ron told Tina.

They then loaded both Carly and Tina into an ambulance as Tina needed to have her head evaluated since she took a pretty big hit to it. Back at the station they were all high fiving as this was a major bust of a nationwide sex trafficking ring they took down all because of Carly being there and seeing the girl sign. They were already making plans for when she got out of the hospital.

The ambulance had been at the hospital only five minutes and Tina was causing a scene. She didn't want to be separated from Carly but since Carly needed surgery they had to separate them. When Ron brought in Ruth and Frank, since Carly was in surgery and would be in there for a while they went to see Tina. Tina assured them other than having headaches and bruises she was all right. She would have to follow the concussion protocol for awhile taking such a swing to the head. She saved the worse by seeing the swing of the bat coming and between ducking and putting her arm up most of the blow was averted. She still was going to take it easy and Ruth and Frank were all over her to stay at their house since Carly would have to be there too.

Another two hours had passed Carly was out of surgery. In time she would make a complete recovery but it would be a long time. Tina, Ruth and Frank were there waiting on Carly to come out of the anesthesia sitting by her side. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry. I should have never taken you and put you in that situation."

"Stop," Carly said groggily. "Did we get them?"

"Yes we got them and the girls are safe and are being checked out as we speak," Tina told Carly.

"Then it was all worth it," Carly said and laid her head back into the pillow and looked up. "Mom, Jackie, did you hear that? We got the bastards."

The investigation showed that the ring had been operating for years out of Texas and had untold girls pass through it. Those that got too old and would be converted to prostitution or they disappeared. The ringleader was in fact the person who killed Candy Bivens because she had identified him at the grocery store and college. When he hit on her she rejected him. Since she was able to identify him, he felt since she wouldn't accept his advances, he needed to kill her. After that incidence they had left town for thirteen years and had recently come back. They had recovered the necklace that belonged to Candy Bivens that made the connection between the group and that murder.

A few months later Tina was back on limited duty and was with Jo at her new business. "You know I didn't anticipate it being so busy around here. As fast as it is growing I may have to hire another person just to keep up and when Carly is able to come back it is going to be hectic to say the least," Jo said to Tina.

"That's a good thing isn't it?" Tina told her.

"It would be but I've got four more counties wanting me to do their training too and all want more classes like self defense and profiling. I can't possibly get to them all. I already have a six month wait list and Carly told me her list is longer. She has contracts with several where she gets involved in their investigations and she has to stop with classes while she is working with the detectives."

"You know since Carly got hurt, I've been thinking about her worrying about me. Maybe I could come work for you and retire from the department," Tina said more out of thinking out loud than really inquiring about a job.

"Tina, the day I hire you to be my employee...well let's just say it ain't going to happen," Jo said and laughed.

"What am I too good to be your employee?" Tina asked.

"No you're not too good to be my employee. You are my equal and I could never see us in an employer/employee relationship. If anything we should be partners," Jo responded. "Think of it, you me and Carly forming a partnership where each one has their own area of expertise. Talking about Carly, how is she doing?"

"She's getting better every day. It still hurts to put a lot of weight on her leg but she is one strong girl and determined too. She is doing her exercises every day. God I hate it for her with the scaring she'll have for her life. She has such beautiful legs and to have them marked up with the scaring it just hurts me," Tina winced as she told Jo.

"So what do you think?" Jo asked.

"Think about what?" Tina looked at Jo like she was clueless.

"About us becoming partners, what did you think I was talking about? With more counties coming in we could expand it and make a good living off of it. We wouldn't be millionaires by any standards but we could make a decent living doing what we like and staying out of harm's way," Jo explained.

"I don't know. I would have to think about it and of course run it by Carly and see what she says but it sounds interesting."

"Well no rush. I can't expand and can only work so much so it'll be there if you decide. In the meantime I'll pay you for any time you help out."

That night Carly and Tina were sitting at the kitchen table. Carly had just got some fresh coffee for them and returning to the table when Tina mentioned her conversation with Jo. Carly got up and sat in Tina's lap.

"What's that for?"

"Because you love me and thinking of Jo made you think of fucking me with her strap-on," Carly whispered into Tina's ear so Ruth wouldn't hear.

"No, yes, no I mean later," Tina stumbled.

Taking Tina by surprise Carly turned her attention back to Tina. "What about Jo?" Carly said out of frustration. Since Ruth was sitting there too, Carly waited until her eyes were on Tina. Then when Tina's attention was towards telling Ruth about Jo's offer Carly mouthed to Tina, "I'm horny and want you to fuck me now," then she smiled at Tina.

After Tina could clear her head she started back up, "She offered me a way to resign and keep working closely related to law enforcement."

"Wait, what, how?"Carly asked now forgetting the fucking she had asked for.

"She has too much to do and not enough time to do it. She wants both of us to go into business with her and run the school. She has more counties wanting her to teach plus she could expand by adding even more counties or go state-wide or multi-state plus she thinks we could open a class for self defense for non-law enforcement too. It would mean you don't have to about worry me going on cases anymore and I would still be closely aligned with law enforcement. We would be equal partners with all having our own area of expertise we are running. It is just something to think about," Tina added.

"What brought this up?" Carly asked.

"We were just talking and she was mentioning how long of a wait she has and it was growing longer all the time but it was also keeping her from expanding. She mentioned the wait for your classes and to be honest I thought how I don't want you to worry every time I go out which I know you will do."

"Aww, you thought of us and me worrying?"Carly sighed.

"Yes I did. And tell me you wouldn't have worried," Tina asked knowing the answer.

"There is only one problem with this idea. Mildred. We had already made plans for when she graduated and I can't abandon her now with only several months to go to graduation. We were going into business together and her area of expertise was different than mine and I'm not sure how to integrate the two since hers is outside of the law enforcement arena."

"Well this is all talk right now but I might partner with Jo just to give us all peace of mind at night. Besides Ron is looking to retire in less than a year and I would be looking for another partner and frankly there isn't any other I trust as much as I do him," Tina added.

"I didn't know that. That might change things as I trust he has your back when you go out and I don't know if I could trust any of the others," Carly said. "Let's sleep on it and I will have to talk with Mildred because she is too good of a friend to this late in the game walk off and abandon her."

Tina and Carly did sleep on it in their usual position with Tina wrapping her arms around Carly who was curled up in Tina's arms.

"You know I don't think I have ever felt so safe and secure as I do right now. As much as I try, I worry about you every time you go out and if we can make this work I won't have to worry of you being shot. I love you Tina."

"I love you too babe," Tina softly and sweetly whispered back to her.

A couple of weeks later Carly and Tina moved back into her place as Carly had healed enough to be on her own. Carly got around to calling Mildred which she had mixed emotion about doing. While it was good news for Carly, it might not be for Mildred and Carly did not want for Mildred to be upset with her. Carly loved Mildred too much to hurt her.

"Hey sweetie, it's Carly. How are you doing? You and Jay have big plans for Christmas? Anyway give me a call when you get a chance. Love you," Carly said leaving a message on her phone.

No sooner had she hung up than Mildred called her back.

"Carly," she cried into the phone.

"Mildred honey, what is it? Did something happen to your parents or sister?" Carly asked concerned.

"No, nothing happened to them. In fact they are fine and asked how you were doing. They wanted to know if they could bring you over some lasagna?" Mildred sobbed into the phone.

"Then what is it? Tell me so I can help."

"It's Jay. I caught him cheating on me with another girl he apparently has been fucking her for some time now."

"That son of a bitch! I'm so sorry Mildred. Are you done with classes for today?" Carly asked.

"Yes I can't concentrate on classes this afternoon, why?"

"Because I'm coming to see you. I'll be there in a few hours."

"No Carly, it's too far and you aren't in good enough condition to make that trip," Mildred pleaded with Carly.

"I'm coming and that is that. I love you too much not to be there for you."

A few hours later Carly was knocking on Mildred's door.

Mildred seeing Carly hugged her tight. "You didn't have to come all this way. I'm alright. Just a little pissed I didn't see it coming."

Carly asked for help getting in the apartment. "Well now you have me to deal with. Seems the drive up here was a little too much plus the climb up the stairs. My leg is killing me and needs to stretch out some."

"I told you not to come all this way."

"It will be alright. Just some stretching and exercise and I'll be back to normal. Well as normal as it can get besides having a bullet hole through my leg. Other than Jay and you we have something to discuss that is going to take some time," Carly said.

"Here, come in and sit on the couch and stretch your leg out and we can talk," Mildred told her.

"Tell me about Jay. That is most important," Carly told her.

"What can I say? About a week ago I caught him texting someone and he tried to hide it when I came in the room. The fool didn't tell her he was with me and his phone went off while he was in the bathroom and I got some pretty good pictures of her pussy and her finger in it with a caption "wish you were over here and not there. These could be your fingers,"

"You're kidding, right? She sent pictures!"

"Oh yeah, explicit. And I have to admit she was pretty and had a nice pussy and boobs," Mildred threw in there.

"Mildred, I can't believe you said that! You're straight.

"Well with a pussy and boobs like she had, I'm having second thoughts," she said and had Carly wondering. They talked a little more about school and Jay and in time, Mildred seemed to be mostly over it and ready to start afresh, except Carly did not know where as she kept talking as if she were now gay.

"So what is it you have to talk to me about? You said we had something to discuss and made it sound important," Mildred inquired.

"How would you feel doing more like profiling and working in law enforcement than in the private sector? You could still do private sector counseling and advocating but your primary work would be profiling or classroom instruction on profiling?" Carly asked.

"I'm all ears at this point. That agreement we made last year is not set in stone but fluid especially now that Jay is out of the picture. Why, what did you have in mind?"

"You know who Jo is don't you."

"I've heard you mention the name. Isn't she the one who almost caused you and Tina to break up. Sort of a free spirit so to speak. Tina couldn't stay out of her bed."

"That's the one. Only she is a really sweet and pretty girl. I've been tempted many times. Any way she got hurt in an accident months back and was forced to retire from the department. She was forced out for medical reasons. Anyway she now owns a law enforcement training program that trains officers on self defense, firearm training, and as of late profiling and psych training and doing psych evaluations for the various departments. She asked Tina to quit her job and partner with her. She also asked me since I'm doing the profiling class to take that over as a partner as well as the psych evals."

Carly paused to let what she had said to register with Mildred. "Bottom line is they are expanding and there is enough business with the expansion for the four of us and that doesn't even include the private sector which we could do on the side."

"Are you asking me to join with you, Tina and Jo in business? If so the answer is yes. We will have to work out the details of course and I would want to review the facilities but unless there is something you're not telling me, I'm all in."

Mildred and Carly hugged and Carly gave Mildred a popular handshake which made both of them laugh as they attempted it three times before they gave up as they couldn't get it right.

That night Carly called Tina as it was too late for her to drive home but she gave her the news on Mildred joining ranks with them and also filled her in on Mildred and Jay.

Mildred insisted Carly sleep in her bed because of her leg instead of the sofa. "Goodnight partner," Carly said as they lay there.

"Goodnight partner," Mildred said back and leaned over to give Carly a kiss on her cheek.

End of chapter six

To Be Continued.....

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