Finding Love Where You Least Expect It

By Peyton Jones

Published on Sep 19, 2020


Finding Love Where You Least Expect It

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Chapter Three

By Chrissy and Peyton

The next day Tina got up early. She tried calling Carly on her cell phone but she realized that wasn't going to work after she found it in pieces on the floor. So the first thing she did was dress and drove to get another cell phone. After getting her phone she had no new messages so she tried to first call Carly. After two rings it went to voice mail. She tried calling again later with the same results. She also called Jo to ask her what the fuck she was thinking leaving a message like she had left on her phone.

"Hey babe," Jo answered seeing it was Tina calling her.

"Don't you fucking hey babe me!" Tina yelled angrily into her cell phone. "Just what the fuck were you thinking leaving a message like that? I could just fucking strangle you right now Jo."

"Whoa, Whoa, calm down there, Tina! What are you talking about?" Jo replied not remembering her phone call from the previous night because she was too drunk.

"This one you fucking bitch!" then Tina played her voice mail back from her cell phone so Jo could hear.

After it played and before Jo could respond, Tina laid into her again, "Carly was over here last night at the time and she heard every word you said. She thinks we are fucking young girls and comparing notes. She was so mad she stormed out of here and refuses to talk to me!" As Tina finished what she was saying she wasn't as much yelling as she was crying into the phone.

Jo could tell Tina was very upset but she was just as upset but she didn't remember leaving the message. "Tina, I'm sorry. I was drunk. I don't even remember calling you last night and leaving that message. Give me Carly's number and I'll call her and explain to her."

Tina cried into the phone telling Jo how she ruined her relationship with Carly and she could never forgive her. She told Jo that Ron was right about her not wanting to be happy and she only wanted to keep her to herself. She went further and told Jo she didn't want to see her anymore and then hung up the phone.

Jo was shocked at Tina's reaction but then she thought about it and it became apparent. Tina was falling in love with Carly and even though Tina denied it and tried to convince her otherwise she was absolutely falling in love. Jo knew she had to make this right between Carly and Tina because she too loved Tina and wanted her to be happy even if she wasn't able to commit to her.

Tina tried calling Carly later that day but all she got was her voice mail. In fact she got the same results each time she called that day and each day of the following week until her phone number appeared up as blocked. Carly wasn't going to answer her phone so Tina knew in order to talk to her she would have to go over to her grandparents house and plead with her as Carly was scheduled to leave for college the following weekend.

On Wednesday Tina drove over to the Bivens to attempt to apologize to Carly for what happened. She walked up to the door not seeing Carly's car in the driveway. After she knocked she began to shake afraid that Carly would refuse to talk to her.

"Well hello Tina," Ruth Bivens said opening the door.

"Hi Mrs. Bivens, is Carly around that I might talk to her?"

"No, I'm afraid she has gone. She left about two hours ago to go up early to college. She said something about wanting to get her bearings of the campus and where all the stores and things were located around the city," Ruth explained.

It was then that Ruth could see the sorrow in Tina's eyes. "Mrs. Bivens, could I come in and talk with you and Mr. Bivens? I need help and I don't know where to turn except to you two."

"Yes of course Tina, come on in. Why don't we leave Frank out of this for now. You look and sound as if this is woman's talk and I don't believe Frank will be much help."

"Thank you, Mrs. Bivens. You know how to read me already."

After Ruth brought Tina inside they sat in the living room to talk.

"Mrs. Bivens, I don't ....

"Call me Ruth dear, I feel by now we should be on first name basis. I also have a feeling if this conversation goes the way I think it is going, we should be on first name basis," Ruth said.

"Ruth, I don't know how much Carly told you about us and this past weekend but I feel I owe you and explanation from my side and hope you can help me with a way to resolve this."

"We did know Carly came home very upset but she wouldn't talk about it. I think that is the real reason she left early to go to school. She wanted to get away from here and have a new environment to be around," Ruth told Tina.

"Well I'm the reason she was upset and I've tried to talk to her this week but she refuses my calls. So that is why I came over here hoping to talk to her. I don't mean to pry but how much do you know about her and Jackie's relationship?" Tina inquired.

"They were very close and her passing was very hard on Carly," Ruth stated.

"I believe Carly and I were becoming that close," Tina said hoping the Bivens would get the meaning. "At least I thought and hoped we were. Anyway, we were over at my house after having a very nice time Saturday night when a person, who I thought was a close friend, decided to go out and get drunk. She called and left a message on my voice mail at the wrong time and Carly overheard it. It was totally inappropriate and not true in the least but Carly didn't know it and she got very upset. I tried to talk to her but she was so upset she refused to listen and left. Now every time I call her to explain and to apologize, she forwards my call to voice mail and I'm sure she is just deleting them and not listening to them at all. Today I find my number has been blocked."

"I see and what is it you would like for us to do? Carly is our granddaughter and we should respect her wishes." Ruth explained.

"I wouldn't expect you to do any less. In fact, I am surprised you are even taking the time to listen to me," Tina stated.

"Tina, Carly thought very highly of you on both a professional and personal level. If you two are having issues getting along, while we won't take sides, we will listen to both of you and if we see an opportunity that the two of you are missing to remedy this, we will let one or both of you know where it might help," Ruth told Tina.

"Thank you, I appreciate that. If you and Mr. Bivens would tell Carly how much I am sorry for my friend's actions and that what she said was in no way true or happening. I have severed all ties with this so-called friend for her saying that and I deeply apologize to Carly for her having heard it. I beg her for her forgiveness and hope someday she will be able find a way to talk to me again," Tina asked of Ruth as she began to lightly sob.

Ruth gave Tina a hug when was leaving and added, "Tina, give Carly time. She still wears her feelings on her sleeves and because of all that has happened to her she is leery of getting close to someone. If the feelings were real between you, time will heal and eventually you will be able to talk it out and be friends again."

Later that evening Carly called her grandparents to let them know she got to the college with no problem. Her roommate was there too and she thought the two of them would get along great together. Then Carly's grandma brought up Tina.

"We had a visitor not long after you left sweetie," Ruth said.

"Who?"Carly asked.

"Tina," Ruth told her.

"What did she want?" Carly asked and Ruth could tell Carly wasn't happy Tina had come by.

"To talk to you but since you had already left, she talked to me."

"She has no business talking to you," Carly spat out but before she could say anything else her grandmother took over.

"Hush, watch your tone with me. Take a deep breath Carly and let me explain. She wanted to tell you how sorry she was for the actions of her friend and what her friend insinuated was not true. Her friend was drunk and she spoke out of turn. Tina feels bad and felt she owed us an apology as well as to you. She hopes in time you will forgive her and you two can be friends again. Carly, honey, she didn't say it in so many words but I can see you two are finding each other like you and Jackie did and she is hurting over this," Ruth explained to Carly.

"Are you taking her side?"

"No, we would never do that to you. We may not agree with your position but you are our granddaughter and we will always support you and be there for you. If you make a mess of things you have to clean it up but we will be there to support you," Ruth said to Carly letting her know where she stood on this issue.

Carly laughed a little bit as she got what her grandmother was saying with telling her she should accept the apology and move on. "Grandma, I love you. I don't know how I feel but yes, until this happened Tina and I were having feelings for each other, so I think that is why this hurts so much. I appreciate yours and Grandpas love and support."

In the office later that day Ron noticed Tina was very distraught as she had been all week but now her eyes were red like she had been crying.

"Come with me?" he told Tina and grabbed her by the arm to escort her out of the building.

"Why? What are you doing? Where are you taking me?" Tina protested but didn't resist.

Once they were in his car Ron didn't start it but sat there, "You want to tell me what happened?"

"What?" Tina said.

"Look we can sit out here and play this game all afternoon or you can tell me what happened?

It was then Tina broke and told Ron about what happened leaving out that she and Carly were in bed when it happened. She then told him she had gone to see Carly but she had left early to go away to college without letting her explain.

Ron didn't bring up his earlier comments about Jo as he figured Tina was in too much pain already. But then Tina did say that Jo was really sorry and she didn't remember saying what she did because she was so drunk. Ron told Tina he was there if she needed him and just wanted to talk. He cared about her and in time she would either find someone else or Carly would forgive her. Tina hugged Ron and thanked him for his support. She for the first time asked Ron for his advice.

"What do you think I should do?"Tina asked,

"I'm not in your position to say not being romantically involved in a lesbian relationship but common sense tells me if you love her then you have two options," Ron began to explain.

"And what would those be?" Tina asked.

"One, you can get your butt up there and beg for forgiveness and hope she accepts you back, or you can accept that it is over and would have never worked anyway. You can live out your life with Jo and her playing with your feelings." Ron told Tina.

"It sounds as if you have already made up your mind about me and Jo."

"It is no secret, I don't trust Jo and don't believe she is any good for you but as an occasional fuck," Ron said laying it on the line.

"There is a third option but it is a gamble on your part," Ron continued.

"And what is that?" Tina asked.

"Give her time to get over this and wait until she comes home for Thanksgiving. Surprise her with flowers, apologies and beg her for forgiveness after she has had time to think and get over what happened," Ron told her.

Two months later Carly was having a heart to heart talk with her counselor and the dean over the criminology department about her career path. It seems they noticed something in Carly that they believed would require her to change her major. While Carly academically was excelling in her classes, the dean thought she would have a difficult if not impossible time finding a position in law enforcement when she graduated. Her physical stature would play a great role in this as her height and weight were well below minimums of all the law enforcement agencies the dean was aware of. While they couldn't refuse to let her major in law enforcement, the dean hated to see her waste her time and money when she would not be able to land a job in her chosen field. Even the military had weight and height requirements and she was below those too.

They spent hours over three days going through her background and trying to find a curriculum that would allow her a criminology focus. Because of her situation with her mom and with Jackie they talked to her about counseling victims and working with law enforcement in profiling which would keep her closely involved yet not have to meet the physical requirements of law enforcement. While not completely happy Carly had come to the same realization herself she would not make the cut because of her size. She wanted to stay in a major related to law enforcement and thus this would allow her to work directly with or for law enforcement. She had kept her promise to both Jackie and her mom having already attempted to find her mother's killer so working in a field directly related with law enforcement could still be accomplished thus satisfying the other part of her promise.

The next day she had just gotten back to her dorm room to study when there was a knock on her door. One of the RA's on duty downstairs had come up to let her know she had a visitor downstairs in the lobby waiting see her. Since visitors weren't allowed up on the floors unless signed in and escorted by the resident she would have to go down to the lobby.

Carly was told the person, was waiting for her in the lounge across from the registration desk. Upon walking in Carly thought she recognized the woman and once she turned around to face Carly, she did. Carly was about to turn back around and leave when the lady spoke.

"Carly wait. Please hear me out before you leave?" Jo asked.

"How did you find me? Did you ask my grandparents tell you which dorm I was in because they are the only ones who know?" Carly asked showing her displeasure with Jo coming to where she lived on campus.

"No, I took the liberty of using this at the campus police department," Jo said and held up her badge and identification. "I wanted to talk to you and I knew you would refuse over the phone so I drove up here to talk in person telling them it was official business. Please sit and let's talk," Jo asked and held out her hand to indicate for Carly to sit in one of the chairs that faced each other.

"Carly, I made a very bad mistake a few months ago and I am living to regret ever going out that night," Jo began.

"Did Tina send you up here?" Carly said still with some anger in her voice.

"No, she has no idea I'm here. In fact, I haven't talked with her since the day following that unfortunate message when she chewed my ass out and hung up on me. Carly, I was wrong and way out of line for what I said on the phone that night. While it's not an excuse for what I did, I was very drunk and until Tina played that message back so I could hear it, I don't remember even calling her and saying that. I take full responsibility for my actions. Even I was appalled by what I said. That night I lost a good friend but more importantly I ruined something between two people before it ever got off the ground. Like I said Tina refuses to talk to me and has since the next day after that message. None of what I said on that message was true and I truly regret that I said it. I also regret what it caused between you and Tina. I love her to death and her happiness is very important to me. While we have been out together many times it was an arrangement that we had to fill the void we had in our lives."

Jo paused as she wanted to make sure she said the right thing the right way and also to get her composure because she was having a difficult time saying this and not coming apart. Carly on the other hand was sitting there listening but not showing any signs of forgiveness or emotion except traces of anger.

"I told Tina not long after you two met and before that phone message if she found someone who she could love and devote her life to and they to her, then to go for it. I wanted her to be happy and if that meant giving up the noncommittal relationship we had, I was happy for her. True love seldom comes and it would be a waste not to want it. So please don't hold any of this against Tina. While she has not come out and said it, I know she thinks the world of you and I guarantee you she is suffering right now thinking she has lost you. I would also like my friend and her new girlfriend back if they would have me," Jo said and smiled at that last statement.

Carly didn't say anything to Jo but kept looking at her.

"For Tina, I ask you to please forgive her," Jo added.

The last little bit was enough for Carly to see how much this had affected all of them. She smiled at Jo and got up holding her arms out to Jo who gladly took Carly in hers. "I am sorry for all of this," Jo said into Carly's ear as they hugged.

"I know. So am I," Carly said back to Jo. They hugged, Carly squeezed Jo and she could tell Jo was feeling emotional because her body was quivering so she knew everything Jo had said had come from the heart. "Would you like to go someplace for dinner before you go back assuming you are going back tonight?" Carly asked.

"Yes, I'm going back tonight. I have shift tomorrow but I would love to have dinner with you before I go," Jo replied feeling very relieved that she came and was able to talk with Carly. She hoped Carly would forgive Tina like she seemed to forgive her, but she wouldn't know unless one of them told her and she didn't know if she would hear from Tina.

Another month and a half went by and Tina all but gave up hope she would hear from Carly again. She thought of the advice that Ron had given her but she had let so much time go by she knew going to see Carly was out of the picture now. She knew she blew it and their relationship never really had a chance with Jo in the picture. She concentrated on work and tried to put both Jo and Carly out of her mind. She had known Jo for so long and missed her friendship. While the sex they shared was nice, actually at times it was damn fantastic, it was the friendship she missed the most. She just wasn't sure she could forgive Jo for doing what she had done. How could she be friends with her when it was her who had ruined her relationship with Carly.

With Carly it had been different. Carly was special from the day she saw her in class that first morning. The beautiful small figure, the gorgeous eyes and those legs sticking out and swaying as they peeked out from her dress all nothing compared to her soft voice and beautiful smile. They only kissed a few times and were making love for the first time but Tina knew Carly was the one for her and she was miserable knowing Carly now hated her. She had even gone over to her grandparents to visit with them to find out how Carly was doing since she refused to talk to her.

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving Tina was just finishing up some paperwork before going home to spend Thanksgiving Day alone. She had thought of volunteering for duty but she just wanted to be alone to give herself time to be alone and feel sorry for herself in the misery she had caused. Her cell phone went off indicating a text, "You didn't hear this from me. Carly is home and will be until Sunday," was the message and it was sent by Ruth Bivens.

Tina smiled as her and Ruth had become friends, Ruth allowing her to come over to visit, check up on Carly and Tina telling her about her life. She didn't expect Ruth to take sides in this and Ruth had told her if she had to it would be with Carly because she was her granddaughter. But the old woman had a way of not taking sides and yet subtly doing so and she had found a way of giving them the opportunity to patch up what was wrong.

Having that information at her disposal, the decision was whether to go over now and risk a scene that would ruin their Thanksgiving or wait until afterwards and not have time to talk to Carly or risk Carly going back early and her not seeing her at all. It really wasn't a decision as much as it was fear that Carly was still upset with her and would refuse to talk. This is where her life experiences, her military training and her law enforcement training all were called upon as she got up the courage to face her consequences for what happened at the end of the summer. Ruth had given her the opportunity and it was up to her to take advantage of it as she saw fit. She finished up her paperwork slipping out before she could find something else to keep her there and avoid what she both dreaded and hoped for in seeing Carly.

The drive over there seemed to take forever but that was because Tina kept pulling over deciding what she was going to say and second guessing her going over there in the first place. She finally pulled up after circling the block a few times, getting out and walking up to the door.

Carly was inside talking with her grandmother about college and changing her major because of what her dean and counselor had advised her. They were in the kitchen doing some prep work for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. This was the year it would be at their place and not next door at Loretta and John Steele's, Jackie's parents, who even though Jackie had passed, continued the tradition of holidays together.

"Carly, there is someone here to see you," Frank said as he entered the kitchen.

"Who is it grandpa..... " Carly stated as she turned around to see Tina standing at the entrance of the kitchen. "Tina, what the fu." Carly began to say then realized where she was.

"Young lady, we don't talk like that in this house. Use your manners," her grandma scolded her.

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry," Carly replied,

"Why don't you two go onto the porch and talk. I'm sure you have a lot to discuss and would like some privacy," her grandma continued.

'Yes ma'am," Carly said and took Tina out to the porch sitting on the chairs they had out there.

"You have some nerve showing up here after I told you I never wanted to see you again," Carly tersely said to Tina once they were outside.

"I know and if you really want me to leave, I will. But I hope if I mean as much to you as you do to me, you will take the time to listen to me before I go," Tina pleaded.

Carly didn't know if Tina was aware of her conversation with Jo but she was holding it back to see if their stories coincided before she said anything. Depending on how closely they aligned she would know if they were in this together. She decided to at least hear Tina out.

"What else is there to say?" Carly asked.

"First what Jo said is not what happened. We never kept a list or compared who we were with. I have no idea who if anyone she has been with and I can tell you, other than her, you have been the only person I have been with in the last three years. I can't tell you how sorry I am for her calling you and leaving that message. I don't have any idea why she would have done that. I told her off the next day and I haven't seen or talked to her since," Tina pleaded.

"I thought she was your friend?" Carly asked showing signs of sympathy.

"I thought so too but after doing what she did, I don't need friends like that. What I want is you, Carly. These past months I have missed you so much. If I could go back to that day and start over, I would. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I hope you will and we could be friends again. If you don't care about me I understand, but I miss being friends with you. I've come to realize over these past months how much I care about you and not having your forgiveness is eating me from the inside."

Carly remained silent not wanting to reveal to Tina how she really felt but she couldn't let her suffer any more knowing she was sorry and felt bad over it.

Tina got up and turned to Carly, "Thank you for listening to me. I'll go now. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Tell your grandparents goodbye for me." She turned to walk off the porch when Carly stopped her.

"Tina, would you like to stay for dinner tonight?"

Tina turned to Carly seeing her holding out her arms with a smile on her face and she broke down and ran to Carly wrapping her arms around her. 'Oh Carly, I am so sorry," she sobbed.

"I know. It wasn't your fault. I forgive you." Carly said holding onto Tina tight as it felt good to be in her arms again.

In the house, though muffled, Ruth could hear Carly and Tina make-up. She could also see them hug. "Looks like we will be having another setting for dinner," she smiled as she said to Frank and walked back into the kitchen.

"Now I said I forgive you. That doesn't mean I trust you or will forget it. Forgiveness comes from the heart. Trust comes from the mind and until I can trust you again I'll be keeping an eye on you," Carly said to Tina in a manner that told her she meant it and told her she had a ways to go to build that trust back up.

"That's fair. I realize I have a ways to go to earn your trust again but I will do my best to never give you another reason to not trust me," Tina replied.

"Another thing. I gave you my forgiveness and you need to give yours to Jo. She is miserable you won't talk to her," Carly added.

"How do you know about Jo? When did you talk to her?" Tina asked now worried that Jo had interfered again.

"A couple of months ago she came up to school to apologize and begged me to give you another chance," Carly told Tina and smiled.

"Wait, you already talked to her and knew everything and yet you made me grovel and beg to you?"

"Yep, I waited to see how long you were going to wait to talk to me and to see if your stories coincided. Remember I said you would have to earn trust? That was part of it. Who was more important and whether or not your stories were too alike," Carly said to Tina. "You waited a very long time before you came so I guess I didn't mean as much as you said you did."

"No Carly that wasn't the reason I didn't come sooner. I promise it wasn't." Tina said and sounding frantic that Carly was going to tell her to leave because she waited too long to come over.

"Then tell me why it took so long?" Carly asked.

"All my life I have felt I didn't deserve someone like you. So when you said you didn't want to see me again I figured it was over. I didn't feel worthy to fight for you nor did I know how to fight for you. I just fell into a depression and accepted my fate. Even with Jo not talking to me I felt like it was over."

"You don't give yourself enough credit. There was a reason I waited and there is a reason I will continue to wait. "

"I know, you no longer trust me and I get that," Tina said.

"Do you? Look what I have to lose. Would you trust either you or Jo if you were me? What is going to happen when I go back to college over the next two and a half years if I can't trust you when I'm here? I'm young and vulnerable possibly easily swayed or coerced and you have to admit sexy with a body that begs for you to fuck her." With that Carly went to open the door to let Grandma know they were having company for dinner.

Tina on the other hand was thinking so seriously and was worried the next thing Carly would say to her was goodbye she almost let the remark go unnoticed.

"You little squirt! Someone's already become a detective laying a trap the way you did," Tina laughed and picked Carly up swinging her around.

Carly laughed and wrapped herself around Tina as she was swung her around. "Seriously, Jo misses your friendship and she does want you happy even if you're with someone other than her, she fully supports it. You need to call her and make-up, for me."

Tina wrapped her arms around Carly looking her in the eyes. "For you I would beg and apologize to the Pope." They smiled then kissed a very passionate kiss not knowing Frank could see them and was standing inside smiling.

They went inside to tell both Grandma and Grandpa there was going to be another for dinner but Carly could see another place setting already at the table so she just smiled and hugged her grandma. Tina asked what she could do to help and the three of them worked together to prepare for dinner. Over dinner they talked and listened to Carly talk about college life at the university.

As the night wore on Tina told Carly she needed to leave. She knew just like Carly, she needed to go over and apologize to Jo.

Ruth then surprised them by asking, "Aren't you spending the night so you'll be here tomorrow for Thanksgiving?"

Carly and Tina looked at each other." Of course she is, but she has more pressing business to get to tonight," Carly surprised Tina by saying. At first Tina didn't understand but Carly mentioned the name Jo to her so she understood. Then she added, "we have unfinished or rather interrupted business together that can wait until tomorrow night to get to. She and Carly kissed and hugged at the door saying they would see each other tomorrow. Carly watched Tina drive off blowing her a kiss as she did.

Tina drove off with a smile on her face. She had her Carly back in her life and that is all she wanted. Now all she had to do is make amends with Jo and the world would be back to normal. Taking a chance, she drove straight over to Jo's.

She got out walking to the door. Normally she would just walk in but this was not normally so she knocked first.

When Jo answered the door, she at first stood looking at Tina before acknowledging her. "Come on in," Jo said and stepped aside. "Before you tell me how much I fucked up, I already know and I couldn't feel any worse for it," Jo said,

"You did and you should. What the fuck were you thinking?" Tina said laying into Jo.

"If it's any consolation I ate crow and went to see her at school to apologize. I don't know if it did any good or not but I pleaded with her to take you back telling her it was all my fault."

"And what did she say?" Tina asked knowing part of the answer.

"She agreed it was my fault but she wasn't convinced of your involvement. I felt she suspected you had more than an innocent knowledge of what occurred between you and me."

The two of them stood there neither saying a word for a minute.

"You care for her, don't you?" Jo said breaking the silence.

"More than that," Tina replied and let some tears fall from her face.

Jo moved over to Tina holding her in her arms. "I'm happy for you. At least one of us has found someone they can love."

"It could have been you, "Tina replied.

"No Tina. It never could have been me. You and I have a love most will never have but it won't be anything like what you and Carly have. I could see it in your eyes from the time you met her. There was something there that I could never get from you. To say I'm jealous would be an understatement but to say I'm not happy for you would be too. What we couldn't get to, you have with Carly. Don't throw it away. Love that girl for all she is worth and if you don't I'll kick your ass like no one has ever done before."

That made Tina laugh and after that the tension was gone between them.

"So is everything okay between you two?" Jo asked.

"Yeah, I guess so. I didn't spend much time with her today before she made me come see you and make up to you. She seemed more concerned with us making up than with her and I," Tina said acting confused.

"You act surprised. Carly may have captured your heart but she knows there's more to relationships. I think she is a pretty sharp person for knowing the way to keep your heart is to make sure you and I remain friends," Jo explained to Tina.

"I suppose you are right," Tina replied.

Again there was silence between the two of them.

"Do you know what that little shit did?" Tina then said. "She waited until today to tell me you came to see her at school because she wanted to see if our stories lined up. I've been waiting since late August thinking I had blown it with her and not knowing she had come to you."

"Like I said. She's a pretty smart girl. She wanted to make sure we weren't pulling a fast one on her and at the same time made sure we both suffered months thinking we had ruined what we had. I'd say she was the one who pulled the fast one on us making sure we were okay before she let us know she was okay."

Tina and Jo talked some more mostly about Carly but also about work before they called it a night since Tina needed to get back over to Carly's the next morning.

Thanksgiving was a big day. Not only did Tina get to meet Loretta and John, but Loretta and John got to meet Tina, the one who had stole Carly's heart making their Jackie happy as Carly was living up to what their Jackie had made Carly pledge.

"Tina, this is Loretta and John Steele. They are Jackie's parents," Carly introduced them.

"Nice to meet you Tina," Loretta said. "Ruth has told us so much about you."

"Well if it came from Ruth it is probably true. I can't say as much if it came from Frank or Carly," Tina jokingly replied.

"Better watch that in there," Frank called out making Tina giggle.

Thanksgiving dinner went well. After dinner they sat around talking until the conversation got to Jackie. Tina noticed that Carly got quiet so she asked Carly to go on the porch with her. Once they were out there Tina put her arms around Carly from the back. "Thank you," Carly said.

"How long has it been?" Tina asked holding Carly.

"Not long enough," Carly replied.

"She must have been very special," Tina continued.

"She was. Until I met you, I never thought there would be anyone else," Carly said.

"And then I took that away from you. Carly I'm so sorry."

"No, no," Carly said and turned around in Tina's arms so she was facing her. "You didn't take anything away. You made me see what I had and almost lost. Until you came around I never thought I would love again," Carly said and reaching up to kiss Tina. "Take me to your place and let's finish what we started three months ago."

"Will everyone be okay with it?" Tina asked.

"Yeah, they know we need some time together."

Carly and Tina let everyone know they were leaving and left to go over to Tina's.

Once they were at Tina's it was obvious Tina was hesitant to make the first move so Carly took control. She moved over next to Tina and kissed her with passion. She took Tina by the hand and led her into the bedroom. "I may be petite but I won't break. I want to feel again what it is like to hold you and have you hold me," she said as she moved over next to Tina.

Carly reached up kissing Tina pulling Tina's face down to hers. Tina moaned at Carly's touch. Their tongues moved as if they knew each other's next move and were intent on seeing who could beat the other at this tongue duel. Tina thought she had never felt anything as erotic as Carly kissing her. Carly looking into Tina's face brought her hands to her cheeks and gently caressing them. After she caressed them, Carly lowered her hands to Tina's collarbone then continued until she felt Tina's upper chest. She stopped there for a second then unbuttoned the top buttons of Tina's blouse so her hands could move down and cup Tina's upper chest over her bra.

Tina moaned maneuvering Carly so Tina could lower her onto the bed. Tina raised herself up allowing her to unbutton the rest of the buttons of her blouse. Carly smiled at her reaching around Tina to unfasten Tina's bra, letting it drop in between them. "You're beautiful and they are gorgeous," Carly said looking at Tina's breast and nipples. Carly caressed Tina's nipples with each thumb causing Tina to moan while her nipples instantly got hard from Carly's thumbs caressing them.

Carly kissed each nipple lightly biting each one before she sucked them into her mouth. Tina moaned holding Carly's head to her chest, "Oh god Carly."

She brought Carly's head up to hers, kissing her passionately while moaning into her mouth. She moved her hands down and pulled Carly's top off leaving her in her tank top Carly's normal attire. Tina's hands gently moved under the hem of Carly's tank top and she pushed it up exposing Carly's ribs and puffy nipples. Carly smiled at Tina lifting her arms up so Tina could push it the rest of the way over her head leaving Carly without a top. Tina's hand then went to her breasts and she cupped Carly's small breasts. Tina using her thumbs rubbed over Carly's nipples bringing moans to Carly plus causing her to raise her chest to meet Tina's touch.

Tina unfastened Carly's pants and slid her hand inside of them feeling the heat and moisture on Carly's panties. She rubbed her hand down across the outside of Carly's panties causing Carly to moan. Tina continued to push Carly's pants down until she was only wearing her moist panties that were getting wetter with each passing minute.

Looking down on Carly she saw her innocent face smiling up at her. Tina bent down kissing Carly passionately then gave her neck a kiss before moving to her chest and breasts. Tina licked and sucked Carly's puffy small nipples into her mouth savoring each one much to Carly's delight. Her hand moved lower until her palm was pressing on Carly's mound causing Carly to arch her waist up and moaning to Tina.

"Oh Tina, yes take me. I'm yours," Carly moaned as she tried to raise her waist off the bed.

Tina lowered her mouth to kiss Carly over her panties and smell the sweet fragrance of Carly's arousal. She could tell Carly was wet just running her hand over Carly's panties as that left her hand wet. She moved them aside in order to touch Carly which only caused Carly to flinch and moan out, "fuck." Tina learned real fast that this had Carly sensitive in addition to extremely wet as Carly was moaning "oh fuck," and twitched each time Tina touched her.

Tina pulled Carly's panties off then moved her legs apart opening her pussy up for Tina. Her pussy lips were soaked and dripping with fluids as she moaned to Tina. "Please baby, don't make me wait. I so need you to make me cum," Carly cried out.

The combination of Carly's pleas with the looks and smells of her arousal was too much temptation for Tina. She leaned down and with her flat tongue took a lick of Carly from her rosebud to her clit which caused Carly to let out a guttural moan that surprised even her, "Oh gaaaawdd, yes!"

Carly then grabbed Tina's head and forced it between her knees as she lifted her legs up onto Tina's back. Tina continued to lick and suck Carly causing her to thrash back and forth and call out to Tina, "Oh fuck, oh yes oh god yes, yes, yes." Just when Tina thought it couldn't get any better Carly's orgasm rose up and peaked with Carly about squeezing Tina's head off as she came. Carly cried out a warning that that she was cumming but her grip on Tina's head was too much and she let loose with fluids into Tina's face and mouth. Carly then relaxed a little too much for Tina for when she was able to look up Carly was lying limp from passing out only her chest rising and falling from her breathing.

Tina smiled at Carly moving Carly's legs so she could move up next to her. She crawled up next to Carly and held her in her arms while Carly finished the effects from the massive climax she had just experienced. It wasn't long before Carly opened her eyes smiling at Tina, "Wow! How long was I out?" Carly asked when she awakened.

"Maybe twenty or thirty seconds. That was a big one. You even squirted with that one," Tina told Carly as she caressed her cheeks.

"Really, I don't ever squirt. Sorry about that," Carly said embarrassed.

"Don't be. I loved it and I will take that over having to work for a climax any day," Tina told her as she leaned down and kissed Carly on the lips. Carly kissed Tina back wrapping her arms around her shoulders. The kissing started off light but quickly got heated with both competing with each other for who could kiss the most compassionate. Carly had the upper hand here as she had already experienced her orgasm and Tina had yet to experience hers. When Carly squeezed Tina's breast and tweaked her nipple with her thumb and forefinger Tina moaned no longer kissing Carly ending the competition not that it was very competitive.

This allowed Carly to move on top of Tina and take her other breast in her mouth sucking her nipple and taking it between her teeth. Tina arched her back and moaned, "Oh fuck, Carly."

Carly moved her hand between Tina's legs feeling how wet she was. Tina moaned when Carly's fingers found their way up through her slit. Tina moved her legs apart giving Carly more room and easier access to where Tina wanted her to go. Carly kissed Tina's hood enjoying the aroma and taste she was receiving from Tina. She then sucked just enough to let Tina know what was to come, before she licked Tina from the bottom to the top of her opening.

Tina moaned raising her hips up to meet Carly's tongue. Carly seeing what Tina wanted her to do, licked some more and taking her fingers opened Tina's lips so Carly's tongue could easily get inside of Tina. Carly could feel Tina open up and her clit dangled from its hood when Carly spread her vagina lips open. She watched then licked when she saw Tina's juices drip down Tina's perineum and down over her rosebud. Carly licked across Tina's rosebud so she wouldn't miss any of Tina's juices.

"Yes, oh yes, that feels so good," Tina moaned.

Carly used her fingers to rub up and down Tina feeling how wet she was. Carly could feel Tina's heartbeat increase with each lick and suck and she knew Tina wouldn't last much longer. She took two of her fingers and slid them inside of Tina turning her palm up so she could curl her fingers up as she moved them in and out. This motion really got to Tina and she moved her hips back and forth with each movement of Carly. At the same time Carly took her tongue and flipped it back and forth across Tina's clit.

"Yes , yes, my love. I'm there. I'm cumming, Yes, oh god,yes! Tina then exploded as her legs went rigid and her hips rose up and she bounced on the bed. At the same time Carly sucked Tina's clit into her mouth twirling her tongue around it as she sucked it in holding it tight against her tongue as she sucked. Carly continued to use her fingers on Tina and suck on her clit until she could take no more and she had to push Carly's head off of her clit and stop Carly's fingers from moving in her.

"No more sweetie. No more. I can't take anymore," Tina softly spoke and placed her own hand on her pussy to keep Carly from touching her.

They lay there several minutes with Tina gently caressing her pussy and Carly watching what Tina was doing. Carly noticed Tina's hand moving more intense through Tina's own lips. This caused Carly to put her own hand on her pussy and begin to rub herself. Soon both of them were rubbing their own pussies looking at each other as they rubbed.

"Oh Carly, I'm going to cum again," Tina moaned.

"I am too," Carly moaned back.

The two of them watched each other as their breathing intensified as they rubbed harder and faster until they felt their orgasms rise and they both exploded almost simultaneously.

As they came down they both looked at each other with Tina saying, "Wow!", and Carly saying, "That's what you do to me without touching me and me just watching you."

They lay there holding each other for some time both knowing if they lay there any longer they would both fall asleep when Tina spoke, "I guess I should get you home before Ruth sends the police looking for you."

"I'm young, but not that young," Carly said and poked at Tina. Just how young do you think I am?"

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant I don't think we told them you would be out all night," Tina said and laughed.

"Don't worry about Grandma. She knows I'm with you unless you are eager to get rid of me?" Carly questioned. "With you she knows I am safe."

"No baby, I don't want you to leave, ever. I just wasn't sure."

"Good answer," Carly said and kissed Tina. "And the right one too."

They hugged and kissed then Carly laid her head on Tina's chest and closed her eyes as they both went to sleep.

The next morning Tina woke up first and looked over at Carly lying there naked on her stomach. Tina thought to herself how lucky she was to have Carly come around and be in her life. She realized she was falling in love with her before she remembered in two days she would be losing her to college again. Still she couldn't imagine her life without her in it.

"Good morning sweetheart," Tina whispered to her as she leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Mmmm, good morning," a groggy Carly said back. "What time is it?"

"Time to get up," Tina said and kissed Carly's naked butt cheeks.

"Mmmm, I'll give you a half hour to stop that," Carly said and lifted her butt up into the air.

"Don't tempt me. I've got duty this morning. So if you want a ride home you need to get that cute butt of yours up so I can take you home," Tina added.

"Why did you do that? I'm only home for two more days. Can't you take off?"Carly asked.

"Well I didn't know someone was still talking to me let alone making love to me or I would have tried to get off. So whose fault is that? Now get up and make coffee and my breakfast while I take a shower," Tina scolded Carly but first she swatted her butt then kissed it.

"And so it begins. You go to work and I become Suzy homemaker fixing your breakfast," Carly chuckled. They both got up and hugged and kissed with Tina going in to take a shower and Carly fixing Tina some breakfast and getting dressed.

"Will you come over after work?" Carly asked as they were headed out the door.

"You know I will and then we have all day Saturday to spend together. How long until your Christmas break and you will be back home?" Tina asked.

"Finals are the second week of December. As soon as I finish my last one I'll be home. Then we have three weeks until I go back."

Tina pulled up to Carly's house and leaned over to give her a kiss. "See you tonight," she told Carly then Carly got out and watched Tina drive away.

Inside Ruth and Frank were in the living room drinking their coffee and reading the paper.

"Everything mended?"Ruth asked Carly when she came in.

"And then some," Carly replied.

"Good, I think highly of Tina," Ruth said not looking up from her paper but smiling behind it.

That night Tina took Carly out to eat to Lorenzo's as Carly really enjoyed going there the first time.

"Good evening Tina, "Lauren said as Tina walked in the door.

"Good evening Lauren," Tina replied.

"Just the two of you?"

"Yes, just the two of us," Tina replied.

Baked ziti for you Tina and if I remember correctly lasagna for you?" Lauren said to Carly.

"Yes please. Very good memory," Carly said to Lauren.

"That's because you are the only one Tina brings in here so you must be the special one and a repeat at that," Lauren said and placed her hand on Carly's shoulder.

After Lauren left, Carly recovered from her embarrassment and said to Tina. "So they keep track of you and who you bring in."

"Like I told you the first time we came in, because they try to comp my meals I don't bring any one else in here so as not to take advantage of their generosity," Tina explained.

"That doesn't explain keeping track of your love life," Carly said and smiled at Tina. Then she added, "I think it's cute and I like being referred as the special one."

"Okay, changing the subject. I believe Mildred is going to major in psychiatry. Maybe you two should get together and trade notes," Tina tried to get the topic off of her as she felt on the spot.

"Maybe I should and maybe she would be a better fit intellectually."

"Hey that was just mean. After dinner I'm taking you straight home and tell your grandparents." Tina said and pretended to be upset.

"Okay you two no fighting in here," Lauren said bringing over the bread and placing it on the table.

"She started it," Tina said.

"No, I didn't she did," laughed back Carly.

"And I'm settling it," Lauren said and sat down next to Carly. 'Now tell me what juicy gossip she said," and laughed.

"We were just talking about your sister majoring in psychiatry. Carly is majoring in psychology," Tina said proudly.

"Really? She's in the back. Let me get her. Mildred, come out her!" Lauren called.

After Mildred walked from behind the kitchen counter Lauren said, "Mildred, Carly here is majoring in psychology."

"Cool, what year are you in?"

"Well actually it is forensic psychology so it is not the full eight to eleven year program as a regular psychologist would be. I would be doing low level work with law enforcement such as jury consultant, profiling, victim advocate. Then if I get a master's then the opportunities really open up for me," Carly explained.

"That's cool. I'm doing the same thing because I'm too lazy to go to school for eleven years," Mildred explained. "Plus money is an issue," She added.

"I have the same issue. Money is going to hold me back. But I think I can do well enough with just a bachelor's degree and eventually a master's to get by," Carly reasoned.

Mildred and Carly talked all through dinner seeing as their majors were the same and they were going to the same school. After dinner they planned on getting together back at school.

On the way to the car Tina made mention how their dinner went from talking about them to Carly and Mildred taking up the whole time. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take up the meal talking school," Carly said.

"No it is perfectly alright. I hadn't seen you that engrossed in a conversation before. It was nice to see," Tina said.

They got to Tina's house and went inside. "Do you think Ruth thinks bad of me for bringing you here knowing we are going to make love then I take you home?"

"Who said we were going to make love?" Carly asked back.

"Oh well in that case should I take you home now?" Tina asked sounding shocked and disappointed.

Carly went up to Tina pulling her face to her kissing her on the lips. "Not before we make love. There will be times we don't make love but I expect to stay the night here regardless. Grandma knows what is going on and as long as I'm safe and in your arms she is fine with it."

Tina heard what she needed to hear and placed her arms around Carly. She pulled her in tight and kissed her on the lips. Carly responded by cooing into Tina's mouth then shoulder. "I believe it's our bed time," she whispered to Tina.

Carly took Tina's hand and led her to the bedroom where she stopped at the bed turning to Tina and kissed her again on the lips wrapping her arms around her shoulders. Their tongues swirled around each other in a gentle erotic way so as not to overwhelm the other. Carly's hands went to Tina's face where she gently caressed Tina's cheeks. She pulled back and looked into Tina's eyes and with her own eyes showing her all the love she had behind them. Seeing the way Carly was looking at her with love in her eyes, Tina melted and wrapped her arms around Carly's waist and held her tight.

They stood there, not saying a word to each other as their eyes were saying it all. Tina moved Carly over to the bed and gently lay her down on the bed. Carly's arms went to Tina's shoulders more of a brace for being laid down but once she was on the bed her hands went to Tina's breasts and she cupped both of Tina's breasts over her blouse. Tina looked down at Carly and her eyes followed Carly's hands. She watched as Carly unbuttoned her blouse and slid it off of her shoulders. She then leaned down placing a soft gentle kiss on Carly's lips before she watched Carly unfasten her bra and pull it off of her too.

As Carly's hands came up to cup her breast she kissed her lips again and mewed from Carly's softer gentle hands on her breasts. Carly smiled at Tina as her thumbs ran over Tina's nipples making them instantly hard as her thumbs moved very slowly back and forth across them. Tina then felt Carly's hand move lower on her abdomen until she felt it reach her pants. She felt Carly take both hands and undo her pants pulling down on the zipper as she went.

Carly was moving slow and gentle and at times Tina didn't know where Carly's hands were but she knew enough to kiss Carly and look her into her eyes as Carly slowly undressed her. Carly's hand moved ever so slow down Tina's abdomen until she could feel her fingers inside the waistband of her panties slowly making their way down. When Carly's fingers reached Tina's mound she moaned holding onto Carly while trying to watch her eyes as they moved lower on her.

Carly slipped her fingers inside of Tina's panties only to find Tina was completely wet and Carly's fingers had no trouble sliding down Tina's slit and parting her lips enabling Carly's fingers to slide inside of Tina.

"Oh god," Tina moaned as she moved up into Carly's hand. "Oh god, Carly. Yes, yes," she moaned. Tina kissed Carly passionately and with her own hands grabbed Carly's face and brought her to her lips to her lips. She held onto Carly'as she felt Carly's fingers move in and around her very wet sex. She never felt this wet or this turned on before and she knew why. It was Carly, all because of Carly. The emotions behind what Carly was doing to her and what she was feeling were almost too much to bear. Never had anyone made her feel this loved before.

Carly continued to gently run her fingers around and in and out of Tina slowly bringing her closer to an orgasm. Tina moved her hips up and down feeling Carly's fingers easily slide where ever they wanted to until Carly moved them in a circle around Tina's clit. That was all she could handle and Tina's body gave a jerk and it tensed and she exploded in an orgasm that made her lose control and she involuntarily went into contractions her body jerking to and from.

"Oh fuck Carly, oh god yes, yes" Tina said over and over as her orgasm flowed through her body. After she collapsed on top of Carly, she was completely spent. Carly held on to Tina rubbing her back and hair as she knew Tina had experienced a huge orgasm. She was perfectly content to hold her and caress her the rest of the night.

About five minutes later Tina was feeling much better even the spasms had subsided. She lifted herself up and slid her pants and panties off so she was now completely naked. She positioned herself so she was lying to the side of Carly where she kept her hand on Carly's cheek gently rubbing it with her thumb. "I can't begin to tell you what you do to me. It is beyond words how I feel when we are together," she softly said.

"You don't have to say anything. I can tell by your actions how you feel," Carly softly told her back.

"Does that mean I'm off probation and you trust me again?" Tina asked.

"It means you are feeling loved. Love that doesn't come with any strings attached You would go a lot further if you would take my clothes off and hold me in your arms while we go to sleep," Carly said and chuckled.

Tina proceeded to take Carly's clothes off leaving her naked too and wrapping her arms and leg around Carly bringing Carly's face to hers. "Better?" Tina said.

"Much, Grandma would be happy knowing I'm safe and in your arms," Carly said and kissed Tina passionately on the lips.

They lay there holding each other kissing and caressing each other until they fell asleep.

End of Chapter Three

To Be Continued......

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