Finding Love Series

By Chris P

Published on Jun 26, 2005


This is a work of complete fiction any similarities between the characters and real people is purely accident. If it is illegal for you to read this or you are under the age of 18 please do not read this story.

This story is not one that will get you off quickly. It's a coming of sexuality story and one of love. Therefore I'm not exactly sure if there will be sex scene's or not but who knows.

This is also my first attempt at writing so please forgive any grammatical errors or anything of that nature.

All comments can be emailed to

Finding Love Part 1

Mrs. Pacheco my wonderful Spanish 1 teacher stood at the front of the class rambling about some sort of present progressive verb in Spanish class. Of course my mind was else where, namely the baseball field. We had a game in exactly 2 hours I had been waiting for this game all day we were playing our rivals and we intended to win. Finally the bell rang signaling we could finally leave. To see me leave that classroom you would have thought it was on fire. I proceeded to the back parking lot where I had parked that mourning and waited for my best friend Chase to arrive. Me and Chase had been inseparable since our parents let us play together for the first time at age 3. The friendship had grown and stayed strong even now as we were juniors in high school we had spent so much time together that people thought we were brothers. Finally he arrived and we hopped in the car both pumped for that nights game.

"Dude what took so long? Given head in the bathroom again?" I said teasing Chase. He had come out to me 2 years ago.

"Nah dude that's your job I'm classier than that" he responded while laughing. Which ended the sex conversation.

Chase had never admitted to liking me basically because he knew I was straight. I looked over at Chase and was amazed how much we really looked alike. It shocked me but at the same time I was glad, basically because there was a straight me and a gay me how perfect.

I dropped Chase at his house and told Him I'd meet him at the field later. He yelled that it was a plan and I headed home. Chase's family had moved about a block away when we were 10 so I made it to my house in about 3 minutes where I found both my parents usual. So I went grabbed my baseball uniform and went to take a quick shower. I climbed in the shower and begin to shampoo my hair when my cock began to awaken. Happy to oblige I reached down and began to stoke my hardened rod while images of local chicks popped into my head. Halfway through my session I began to see images of Chase in his baseball uniform and several stages of being nude. I immediately stopped washed off and got out of the shower. Once I was dressed in my uniform I sat in my room and tried to figure out what happened and why I suddenly was imagining Chase during my fantasies. I I knew I was straight but if that was true then why Had I pictured Chase naked. Just thinking about the images gave me an instant boner and I knew I had to figure something out. I couldn't tell Chase about this and I didn't know of anyone else to talk to about it.

I was taken out of my thought process by my cell ringing when I picked it up I hear Chase's voice yelling "Dude we're going to be late come get me please." I looked at the clock and suddenly realized we had 20 minutes to get to the field. So I Hung up the phone grabbed my keys and ran out the door and jumped in the car. I threw it into drive and speed towards Chase's house. I arrived just as he was running out of the house.

"Dude what took so long? Coach is going to be furious."

"I was trying to figure something out" was all I responded as We pulled into the parking lot of the ball field which ended our conversation thankfully.

We played hard and won our game by one run I felt so empowered I had totally forgot about my shower scene earlier. That is until Chase's asked if it was cool for him to stay with me that night. We both knew it was so we headed to my house and suddenly my breath got shallow and it was all I could do to keep myself from just sitting and staring at him.

I didn't know what to do. I never thought I was gay and maybe I'm not but something about Chase just won't stop nagging me.

Even before I knew it we had pulled into my drive way as I put the car into park I barely heard Chase ask "dude what's up?"

"Nothing just got a lot to think about" was all I could I was vague but it was all I could say. The night went without falter but by the time we headed to bed I was driving myself crazy. Chase had a way of getting to me I couldn't explain it but he just did. I had to do something or I was going to go crazy. Me and Chase hadn't shared a bed since we were kids but tonight I was going to break that.

Before I realized that I was asking it the question had already slipped out" Chase will you sleep in my room with me tonight?"

"Sure man." He gave me a funny look but grabbed him stuff and headed to my room. Where instinctively he plopped down on my king sized bed.

So after all the formalities and everything we were ready to settle in for the night. He jumped under the covers as I turned the lights off. I laid down for a few minutes before I heard Chase's voice.

"So what's up? First of all you almost make us late for the game and then you ask me to sleep in here with you. Something we haven't done since we hit puberty." Slowly he leaned up on one elbow and looked at me expecting an answer.

I was quiet for a few minutes not trusting to my voice or my thoughts for that matter. When I Finally did speak it was quiet and barely audible. "I dunno just here lately your all I think about. I've been trying to figure out why and the only thing I come up with is I think I have feelings for you."

"Oh, dude that is something to think about. I dunno what to say. You're my best friend and all....I'm not looking for a play toy Eric I want something serious and I really do like you a little bit but I'm not going to be some guys experiment."

"Chase I don't want you to be my "experiment" I just want to know what's going on with me first the shower scene and then today on out way home you were all I could look at and think about. I don't know what's wrong with me." I signed and turned over on my side facing away from Chase and finished by saying "Now please let me get some sleep Mr. I must know everything."

Chase sat for a moment the stated with a depressed sigh "Fine"

I awake sometime in the middle of the night and noticed that something was different I tried to move but something was holding me in place. It took me a few minutes to wake up and realized that during the night somehow Chase had ended up pulling me into him and that currently I was in his arms holding his hands perfectly content. A few days ago waking up like this would have disgusted me but now I felt like I belong like this is where I was suppose to be. Not wanting to disturb Chase I laid my head back down scooted into him a little and feel asleep with a grin plastered across my face.

Next: Chapter 2: Finding Love 2

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