Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Jun 15, 2014


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the eighth installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of reading other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 8 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET


We sat of the couch enjoying a sweet beverage while cuddling and listening to some soft music. As I became tired, we rinsed our cups and headed to our room in preparation for the next morning. Performing a routine night cleaning, we stripped to our underwear and crawled into a soft, scented bed. Curling next to one another, the day's fatigue helped us fall asleep quickly. I dreamed a fast forward glimpse of my future life with Faa'ex and our offspring. We ended up having another boy named Ron'dee and a girl named Thee'faa. As the terra-forming of Mars progressed, the Martians provided samples of native plants to speed the process along. We even helped my team to begin the task of establishing mining and settlement colonies on some of the larger asteroids. The moons of the gas giants were the next target until I had a foreshadowing of some technical disaster that would slow our outward movement. These images could either be a definite timeline or a potential one. I had little time to consider that idea when my computer pinged, which indicated an urgent incoming message.



The next morning, I awoke wrapped in my paa'treen's loving arms in his luxurious underground quarters. Careful not to awaken him, I snuck off to the bathroom to relieve myself and rinse my mouth. Returning to the bed, I slowly slid under the light sheet and cuddled next to Faa'lex. Thinking I hadn't disturbed him, I smiled and settled down to sleep for a few more precious moments. Just as I started to drift into dreamland, I heard a slight chuckle from my bedmate. He then raised himself onto his elbow and smiled before kissing me. Telling me that we needed to get up a little early, we headed to take a quick shower before leaving for a breakfast conference with Bee'nix and the rest of the Council of Ancients. They wished to express their gratitude for everything my father and I have been working to accomplish on their behalf.

We had dressed in more formal attire and arrived via a three-wheeled, unmanned vehicle that Faa'lex directed by voice command. At what seemed as fast as a bullet train, we sped through dimly lit corridors of closed doors, past open business stalls, and various airlocks leading to other sections of the compound. Soon the car stopped outside a large steel door and we were greeted by a security guard who scanned us for contraband. Once cleared, the door opened and Bee'nix escorted us in to a large conference room that had windows which overlooked the Martian conservatory. They provided wonderful vistas of the trees and animals that filled the large repository of native flora and fauna.

The other Council members were waiting in a semi-circle as we were ushered in and properly introduced to each one personally. I found it difficult to keep track of the various names since there were a total of nine members, including Bee'nix. Faa'lex helped by prompting me with a mental note whenever I forgot one. Later at my quarters, he and I put these names in a computer file for easier reference. This is the complete roster.


Bee'nix Supreme Chairman and Chief Administrator

Qua'lox Vice-Chairwoman and Head of the Science Academy

Dae'nae Chief Ambassador and Protocol Director

Stu'tix Director of Planetary Conservation and Environment

Rae'vot Director of Martian Bai'men and Religious Training

Hee'poi Director of Manufacturing, Trade and Agriculture

Lau'mae Director of Education

Tai'mai Director of Defense and Colonial Expansion

Vee'din Chief Historian and Archivist

Each of the members had a paa'treen who stood alongside them as we conversed. They each had a number of questions which began to overwhelm me. I felt Faa'ex giving me a reassuring mental hug as my heart started to race from panic. Some were curious about the upcoming joining between the two of us while other had concerns about the reaction of my fellow colonists. After several minutes of polite chatting, Bee'nix called us to our tables for the meal. They served a traditional Martian breakfast which I was uncertain of whether I would be able to stomach. It consisted of an juice from the Gua'tee fruit, scrambled Yao'twai eggs, diced Kwee'tie root, a porridge of Hoo'maa grain, and rolls made of Veo'noi flour. There was also a warm cocoa like beverage made from the Zai'bei nut. All of these plants were native to Mars and had been preserved from prior to the Great Cataclysm. The meal was surprisingly tasteful and filling.

We were enjoying wonderful conversation with the Council members and their paa'treens when the alarm sounded. Bee'nix opened a large view screen that displayed a young cadet who explained that human and Martian sensors indicated a large solar flare was imminent. We were instructed to move to the lower level safety shelter until the danger passed. I sent my father a quick message and he explained Galileo Base was taking the necessary precautions and not to worry. As we were escorted to the bunkers, Faa'lex held my hand and wrapped an arm around my waist the entire time. Once behind the specialized doors, my mind came up with tons of questions. What about the greenhouses? Will the colonists be safe? Would I see my family again?

Faa'lex and I found a small settee in a far corner to sit during the emergency. I was shaking with fear and concern so his strong arms around me along with his soothing thoughts helped calm me. We were able to monitor the situation via a closed-circuit screen that accessed a satellite in orbit. This one had been shielded from solar radiation so it worked during even the worst flares. It helped show the scientists how severe the flare was and what areas would be most affected. Luckily due to the current position of Mars, both colonies were just out of range for maximum damage. Even with that happy coincidence, the people still needed to take necessary precautions. We would be on lockdown for at least 6 hours before it was safe to emerge from the bunker.

This safe area had recreational facilities available to keep the citizens from becoming restless during lock isolation periods. Faa'lex tried to teach me a traditional Martian game called cee'hain. It resembled Chess but was far more complicated with about twice as many pieces and squares. I never understood the Earth game so I was totally lost with this one. Soon we managed to find a special curtain to isolate our little corner from the rest of the room. Crawling on the small sofa, we made out and mentally talked about our wishes for the future. As we sat there cuddling, I received an image of my sister's transport just managing to land at the Galileo spaceport in time to take shelter from the flare. It showed my father greeting her ship and ushering the passengers to the nearest shelter. Faa'lex saw the same vision and assured me that I was becoming more tuned in to my loved ones, which was critical for our future partnership. Knowing that my family here was safe helped me to relax and shortly after that dream we drifted off to sleep until the crisis was over.


We got the solar flare alert just as we began landing procedures at Galileo Base. Our pilot managed to complete the maneuver with ample time to unload the cargo and the passengers to reach a secure bunker. My father met me and rushed everyone to the nearest safe location. Once there, I asked where Louis was and discovered he had been conducting diplomatic negotiations with the Martian leaders at the time. Suddenly, I saw an image of my brother and Faa'lex sitting on a small settee holding and kissing each other lovingly. Knowing he was safe and not alone gave a feeling of calm. As I was talking with my father, Natalia walked over with Diana right beside the tall woman. We smiled at each other but made no move to acknowledge our relationship until we had met my brother and his partner. Due to her sensitive port, it felt safer to wait until we had family support before coming out publicly as a couple.

During the 6 hours we were sequestered underground Diana managed to find some free time to be with me, Apparently Natalia had determined that we were secretly a couple and decided to allow it until we felt comfortable enough to come out. A letter she sent to both of us revealed that she knew about Faa'lex and Louis but was keeping it hidden until they announced their pairing. She even told us where to find a hidden little alcove to have some privacy. Looking around, we snuck our way to the location, where we took an hour or two to make out before my personal communication buzzed. It was my father telling asking me to join him for dinner. I sent my reply before Diana and I went back to the main area. She went back to Natalia and I met my father in the dining room. We had a nice talk while we ate our meal and then watched some videos together. Finally, the all clear signal sounded and we returned to my father's quarters. I was staying there until my personal cabin was prepared.


This solar flare alert could not have come at a more inappropriate time. Louis was on a diplomatic mission to the Martian council and was now here now. I had no idea whether he was safe or in danger. There was no time to tag him with one of my secret listening and tracking devices before he left. If I had then at least I could keep an eye on him. The Martians better have their own safe bunkers or there will be trouble. Faa'lex will be the first to pay if any harm comes to my wonderful Louis.


Once the solar flare had passed, Faa'lex and I beamed to Galileo Base to check on my father and sister. We had no real communication except for an initial message that they were in the bunker. Rushing to my father's quarters, Isabelle answered the bell and threw her arms around me. Both of us started to cry since it had been a long time since we had been together. My paa'treen and Dad smiled as they watched us embrace and struggle to find the words to express our feelings. Composing ourselves, I introduced Faa'lex to Isabelle and he bowed while kissing her hand. The four of us sat in my father's sitting room and talked about what we had been experiencing. Isabelle then discussed her new role as an intern on the new colony site design team. It made me so happy to see how well she and my love seemed to get along. I wanted them to like each other and hoped they would become friends.

As we chatted, Dad received a page calling him to the communication room. He told us to stay as long as we wanted and rushed off to his meeting. With him gone, Isabelle relaxed nervously and asked if we could talk about something important. I nodded and she began to tell me about Diana and how they met. They were both at a three-day, science convention for planetary colonists. During a rest break, she was going to the bathroom when she tripped and was caught by Diana. When their eyes met, both of them felt it was love at first sight. For the remainder of the conference the two were inseparable and vowed to keep in touch. One month later, after many phone and video chats, Isabelle was working on her internship proposal when their was a knock on the door.

"Come in, it's open." Isabelle said. "I'm up to my ears with work."

The door opened and Diana carefully snuck in and placed her hands over my sister's eyes. Isabelle jumped until she realized who it was. With a gleeful squeal, she turned and planted her lips on Diana's. They took a break to grab a meal and talked about their future. During this quiet moment, she also revealed that she had a new job that was going to take her to Mars. My sister was shocked and explained that the internship she applied for was there as well. This meant that both of them would be in the same place for an extended period and could pursue a real relationship. She had such a look of pure happiness as she related the entire story.

As she finished, Isabelle then wanted all the details about how and when I met Faa'lex. Smiling, he filed her in about all the little tings surrounding our meeting and becoming paa'treens. The term of endearment made her smile as he discussed our deepening mental connection as a couple. She giggled as she said that it was the same for she and Diana. They felt they could read each other's thoughts. I added that our partnership had been approved by the Council of Ancients and would be finalized once the treaty had been ratified. Isabelle then asked if our father would approve of her being involved with a woman, specifically Diana Krause. I assured he that if he could accept my impending marriage to Faa'lex then she would not have any trouble at all.

Dad returned late in the evening and, being very tired, Faa'lex and I excused ourselves and returned to my quarters. Once there, I felt his arms come around my waist from behind. Warm breath and light kisses were covering my neck as fingers undid my uniform. Poking my backside, I felt his hard, thick erection letting me know that it wanted to fill me up. Pushing my ass against him, I moaned as I turned to face him. His eyes were full of so much love that my heart melted as his lips met mine. We slowly moved to my bed and laid down never breaking our kiss. Removing my clothing and his own, Faa'lex and I shifted into a 69 position. His cock was fully hard and dripping as I licked up the shaft. I could feel his tongue mimicking my movements until we both reached he tips. Not wanting to wait any longer, I swallowed him to the root and held him in my throat until I almost passed out. He groaned loudly before taking me in his hot mouth. Sweet precum was coating my tongue as I moved up and down, prepping him for what I really wanted. Faa'lex read my mind and began using his long, agile fingers to lube my ass. Soon, he had four opening me wide enough to take him without any difficulty. Moving into position between my thighs, he fed me his dick inch by glorious inch until he bottomed out. Every time we joined this way I felt like a virgin and fell more in love with him. He moved to kiss me as he started his rhythmic motion with his hips. Each thrust seemed to go deeper than the one before and I loved it. Using my legs to pull him closer, he increased his speed and intensity of his kisses. My orgasm was building rapidly ad I could sense his own was s well. Pulling back to see my eyes, we locked on one another as both of reached climax at the same instant. It was the most intense moment we had yet experienced and left us both weak and panting.


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