Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on May 29, 2014


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the sixth installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of reading other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 5 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET


With those words being spoken, I could feel my impending climax and said that to Faa'lex. He wrapped a warm hand around my dick and slowly moved it up and down. Several strokes later, I was covering our torsos with my semen, screaming in passion the entire time. I collapsed almost exhausted and then felt Faa'lex erupt inside me. We remained locked together for a few moments until he lifted me up and we headed to my shower. As we let the water cascade over our bodies, I asked about my speaking his language. Once again, it was another step in the complete development of our link. Cleansing each other and the bed sheets, we donned fresh sleeping attire and crawled in bed together.



My dreams were filled with images of Faa'lex and I strolling through the Martian countryside hand-in-hand. The sun was shining and all around us were the signs and sounds of life. We talked without using our voices as the cares of the world seemed to fall by the wayside. Approaching a building that must have been a typical example of pre-disaster Martian architecture, we were greeted by two small children calling us paa'ra'teens, or parents. My mind wondered how that would have been possible but the love and serenity surrounding me at that moment pushed those concerns far away. Just as the four of us reached the front door, my alarm rang and I awoke to find myself wrapped in my paa'treen's arms in my own room.

We got up and dressed, exchanging several passionate kisses once our mouths were clean. Heading out the door, a cab was waiting to take us to a breakfast meeting with the civilian leadership council. My father had arranged this get-together as a way of allowing some of the influential individuals to have an opportunity to meet Faa'lex. It also would help alleviate the potential fears that they may have harbored. The ride was short and I was feeling very nervous before we entered the room. Faa'lex gave me one last mental kiss before plunging into the crowd. My father was there to make the introductions and keep a protective eye on his guest.

The civilian leaders were gathered in a large conference room with viewports into the main greenhouse. A buffet had been set up along one wall and there were tables scattered around the room for small gatherings of people. We entered and were met by the head of the council, Dr. Ulysses Quill, a noted proponent of continued expansion within the solar system. He was the loudest and most forward thinking of the leaders in favor of increased interaction with the Martians. We were directed to the center of the viewports, where introductions were made and Faa'lex made a thank you statement. Dr. Quill then guided us around the room to meet the other council personnel. My paa'treen was charming, intelligent, and forthcoming as we were peppered with various questions about the Martians and their plans for interaction with us.

The evening went smoothly as a whole until one leader, a woman named Natalia Checklina. She was a former executive in the Russian space program and a well-known lesbian activist. Even in this century, homosexuality is considered a crime against nature and man in some societies. Most of the space faring governments provide true equality but there are still plenty of reasons to continue the fight. Quietly as the three of us were gathered around a small table sampling the food, she asked how long Faa'lex and I had been a couple. I feigned shock but he simply said it was a developing relationship that we were trying to keep under wraps until we felt it would be accepted. Natalia promised to say nothing as she understood the varying opinions of the general public. We chatted about the excitement of new love and were invited to visit her personal compound for a introductory dinner with other members of our mutual community. A time and date were agreed upon as we continued our tour around the room. The remainder of the event was pleasant and ended on a positive note.

Faa'lex and I strolled back to my quarters and were greeted by a message from the Martian council. He was summoned back to debrief them on the meetings he had with both governing groups. Kissing me passionately, he told me that he would return as quickly as possible. I wished him well and he beamed out of the room. I called by father and we reviewed the evening's events. Both of us felt that most of the leaders were extremely receptive to working with Faa'lex and the remaining Martians. He asked why I had blushed so deeply when talking with Natalia. I relayed the nature of our discussion and he assured me that she would be discreet and a valuable ally. After a few more moments of polite conversation, I logged off and went to bed.


I watched as Louis walked around the leadership meting with that Martian. It was obvious that their relationship was more than a political necessity. Most of the people were totally oblivious to the small non-verbal signals passing between the two as they chatted with various leaders. Only when they chatted with Ms. Checklina did I detect that someone else recognized their true relationship. She was a prominent pro-gay activist as well as a powerful businesswoman. I had been watching Louis from afar since before he met Wallace and even made certain that didn't last. He was meant to be mine and this Faa'lex was yet another interloper. Once Louis finally comes to his senses, our love affair can progress. My biggest problem now is how to remove the Martian without damaging the political climate of inter-species cooperation.

My determination was further driven by the secret cameras I had placed in his quarters. Having to watch these two engage in sexual activity just sickened me because it should have been me with Louis. The Martian may have a good body but nothing can compare to that of my true love. If my plan goes well, he shall soon be sharing his bed with me forever.


After the long, tiresome day's events, I fell asleep almost as soon as I pulled up the blanket. My dream picked up just as Faa'lex and I entered what must have been our home with our children, We had one boy and one girl, named Lou'nix and Ali'nex. They adored both of us and seemed to be quite intelligent. Faa'lex went to the kitchen and prepared our dinner as I played with our offspring. The meal was pleasant and enjoyable with the children cleaning the plates. Dessert even added to the fun and soon we had two sleepy little bundles of joy. Putting them to sleep brought a smile to my face and cause my heart to swell with love. With them in their rooms, Faa'lex and I strolled to our suite and made love before falling soundly into our own dreamland.

My alarm going off along with an alert on my computer roused me from the most peaceful night I had experienced in weeks. Rushing to my monitor, I was shocked to see an incoming message from my youngest sister, Isabelle. She was letting me know that she had obtained an internship to work with me on the colonial expansion and would be arriving in a few days. Of all my sibling, she and I got along the best since she was considered a genius freak as well. Being four years younger than I, Isabelle had followed a very similar path when it came to her education. It would be fun to have her around as we had kept in touch closely throughout the years. She was the only other person who knew about my relationship with Faa'lex since she had a secret girlfriend herself. Their clandestine partnership was going to be revealed once she arrived on Mars.


My brother Louis has always been my confidant, given that we had similar difficulties due to our unusually high IQ's and rapid progression in our educations. I loved my other siblings, but he protected me from the bullies and kept me focused when my confidence waned. When he met Wallace, I was the first of our family and friends to accept them as a couple. It went so far as to my throwing out two former schoolmates when they informed me that my brother and his lover would burn in hell. My support meant everything when Wallace died and helped my family to finally accept him as gay.

We kept in contact throughout the years once he began working on the planetary expansion projects. He was worried about going to Mars and I reminded him that he had don this work before. Louis needed to be pushed in the right direction every so often. Recently, he had been so much happier and upbeat so I pushed. The revelation of his discovery of Martians, especially Faa'lex, made me excited since I knew there was more than just a First Contact event. After weeks of denial, he finally told me that they were to be joined in a traditional Martian ceremony. I was thrilled because he had come so close to suicide when he lost Wallace. He even got me to admit my partnership with a young military cadet named Diana Krause. She was being transferred to Mars, which led to my applying for and receiving the internship to work with Louis. We had agreed to come out publicly once we both reached Galileo Base. I couldn't wait to introduce my love to Louis' partner.


I ate breakfast with my creative team while discussing the layout of the next colonial expansion plan. We headed over to the construction site, where they had established the central dome. This building would serve as the crossroads for the entire settlement and house the centrally-located communication, security, and commercial areas for the entire development. Construction was progressing quite well as the dome had been erected and pressurized. This allowed us to avoid using space suits inside to lay out the floor plans and future passageway locations. My crew was well-trained so this work didn't take as long as expected. We even had time to survey the exterior to lay out the next building, which would include the connecting rail station.

Just as we were heading to the rover to return to the main base, my wrist pager signaled a message from Faa'lex. Using my ambassador status as an excuse, I told the group to go without me and beamed myself to see my paa'treen. He took me in his arms and kissed me once I removed my exo-suit. Telling me he had a surprise, he discussed how his meeting with the Council of Ancients went. They were impressed with the progress he had made and encouraged by the welcoming tone from our leaders. Bee'nix planned a visit soon to iron out the actual treaty with hopes of receiving help to reach Ganymede and reestablish their colonial trade.

Soon we arrived at two very large, silver-colored doors and Faa'lex enters a musical combination into the keypad. Slowly, these portals open to reveal an underground greenhouse of strange plants and animals that were saved from the Great Cataclysm. It was a spectacular sight. The trees were in vibrant shades of orange, yellow, and peach with pale gray bark. Fields of auburn grass contained flowers in every shade of the rainbow. A lake of deep blue water was being visited by strange animals resembling deer and raccoons. Odd multi-winged birds and insects flitted in the sweet-smelling air. We strolled along a path of pale blue paving stones until we came to a small gazebo-style structure. When we entered, I turned slowly to take in the full panorama of beauty. Faa'lex smiled and asked if this location would be acceptable for our joining ceremony. It was absolutely perfect and I told him so. He revealed that the Council wanted our pairing to be held once the treaty was finalized as a symbol of unity between our two species. I was just so happy to be able to publicly interact as a couple that the reason for its timing was irrelevant.

On the floor was a large, fluffy comforter and Faa'lex pulled me down there with him. Kissing me, his large hands began to caress my body and remove my clothing, I melted as his lips touched each naked section as it was exposed. When I was only in my underwear, he slowly stripped his garments before taking off my last items of modesty. He covered every inch of my body with kisses before swallowing my aching hard-on to the base. I stroked his soft hair as my body writhed and spasmed with pleasure. His tongue seemed to go everywhere at once which only heightened the experience.

Once I came very close to losing control when Faa'lex surprised me by producing a small vial of lubricant. Using his fiery hand to coat my rigid member, he also prepared his own backside. Rising up on his knees, he placed the head of my dick near his love entrance. With his eyes closed, he slowly lowered himself onto my erection. Both of us moaned loudly as he reached bottom. Taking a moment to adjust, he settled into a slow and steady rhythm as I caressed his muscular chest. He opened his eyes as he leaned forward to kiss me. The sounds of wildlife and flowing water surrounded us as our love making continued. Eventually, Faa'lex increased his speed and even started to stroke himself slowly. Our breathing became more rapid and I squirmed under the exquisite torture of my love's pleasure. With a loud, sudden scream, he shot his syrup all over our bodies causing me to lose my own load deep inside him.

Lying there in the afterglow, we kissed and caressed each other softly. I finally got the nerve to talk about the dream I had about our children. Detail by detail, I recounted every moment of the vision and asked how it would even be possible. Faa'lex explained that Martians had developed a method of reproduction involving artificial incubators. Same sex couples could have children by inserting a specific enzyme into a mix of both partner's sperm. It would merge the two different DNA strands and provide the required remaining pieces. He asked if I was interested in having offspring. I smiled and let him know that it was my fondest dream. He told me that he would be proud to raise a family with me.

We cleaned up and dressed while trying to avoid starting any more passion. Walking back to the main entrance, Bee'nix met us and asked how the plans for our coupling were progressing. I stated that so far the plans were actually coming together a lot smoother than I had hoped. He also inquired whether we would produce offspring. Faa'lex emphatically said yes and hoped that the Council would approve. Bee'nix assured us that it had already been agreed that it was expected. He let us know that his meeting with the leaders our my colony was scheduled for a week from that day. He would arrive with Faa'lex and one additional escort to provide a recorded transcript of the proceedings. We exchanged a few more polite remarks and then he wished us well. Faa'lex then beamed us back to my quarters and we contacted my father to confirm the meeting. He said it was and asked how our plans were moving and we said well. Saying good night to him, Faa'lex and I crawled into my bed and fell asleep, dreaming of our future together.


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Next: Chapter 8

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