Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Apr 17, 2014


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the fifth installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of reading other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 4 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET


Faa'lex's monitor beeped to indicate an incoming message. It was from one of the Martian outposts on the moon of Ganymede. Apparently it was the oldest of the colonial settlements that Mars had established shortly before the Great Cataclysm. The moon was composed of silica rock and water ice with a small ocean of liquid water. They built specialized bunkers into the land masses with access points to the water. Its main spaceport had been severely damaged by a meteor almost a century and a half before but they were able to maintain communication with the home world. Faa'lex opened the viewer and found himself face-to-face with his former paa'treen, Gee'trax.


They had been a couple until the Council decreed he lead the colonial outpost. Faa'lex had prior commitments and the bond was dissolved to facilitate the separation. While Gee'trax had no residual emotions left, Faa'lex still felt hurt and saddened by the split. One of the tenets of Martian life was the bai'men, or an ability to suppress chaotic emotions. Some individuals seemed better equipped to complete this ritual than others. It was not a rigid requirement for proper Martian behavior but was expected of those involved in exploration and observation. The premise for the practice was to prevent abnormal fixations on their assigned subjects as that was a common occurrence prior to the bai`men.

Faa'lex had been through the bai'men three times prior to being assigned to monitor me. He experienced an abnormal mourning period and was in isolation for an extended period of recovery until the Council deemed him ready to return to active duty. My family was the first assignment since it close to home and involved a group rather than one person. Bee'nix and the other leaders had not taken into account love at first sight. Given the young age of my siblings and I, they were not immediately aware of exactly with which person Faa'lex might become infatuated.

Gee'trax inquired about the possibility of a transport or supply ship being dispatched to Ganymede. When Faa'lex explained that the home planet no longer had the ability to conduct space travel due to technological stagnation following the Great Cataclysm, he also indicated that they were in negotiations with the citizens of Earth to assist in restoring their interplanetary transport system. Gee'trax was shocked to discover that we had finally reached and begun settling Mars. The last time he had encountered any humans was long before we had the ability to fly, let alone go from planet to planet. They talked for a few more moments before the change in orbits made communication falter.


I woke in the morning and prepared for my breakfast with my father. My computer was in my bag so I headed out to hail a cab for the brief ride to the commissary. During the short trip, I started looking over some new designs during the for the next colony location. Seeing a few areas for improvement, I made some alterations to the food producing zones and the large recreational dome. Most of these changes were more cosmetic than structural and would enhance the overall function of the new facilities. What I tentatively called "Luminary Valley" was the central, recreational area which included two smaller lakes with a river connecting them to provide circulation. It would be just as spacious as Equinox Greenhouse , including the repetition of the different cycles of day and night.

Arriving at the mess hall, I entered to find my father sitting in a corner table. He smiled as I approached and pushed a small button on his laptop, which opened a portal allowing Faa'lex to join us. I was shocked and unaware that the military panel had already been preparing the settlement for the existence of the Martians. This was the first opportunity for the general population to actually meet one in the flesh. I was concerned for my paa'treen's safety in our society.

He seemed at ease and sat with us while my father and I ate our meal. When I inquired as to his appetite, Faa'lex replied that he had dined prior to arriving. We chatted throughout the meal and noticed how few people appeared disturbed by his presence. It was odd that more individuals were not uncomfortable with Faa'lex in the room. I asked if he had a theory about this seeming acceptance. He stated that Martians had learned centuries ago to emit a pheromone that created a soothing effect on humans as part of their years of exploration and observation. The aroma allowed the unseen agents to easily maintain surveillance on specific people without arousing any fear or concern.

We chatted over our meal as a couple of curious diners came up to introduce themselves to Faa'lex. They were polite and friendly as they inquired about some of the more mundane aspects of Martian life. I smiled to myself, hoping that this might bode well for the eventual revelation of my personal relationship with the handsome emissary. As he was interacting with a couple of the other customers, my wrist pager signaled me to let me know that the governing panel was ready for our meeting. Faa'lex was apparently aware of this event and that was part of the reason he had appeared today.

Making our apologies to the gathered crowd, Faa'lex promised to hold a public question-and-answer session in the near future. Once outside the hall, the three of us walked the short distance to the conference room to provide a small tour of the dome for our guest. Even in the middle of the main crossroads between the various areas, most people did not seem to be upset or frightened by the tall Martian's presence. Faa'lex smiled and waved to the crowds as we made our way across the square. Pointing out the various zones as we walked, I was tempted to take his hand but he sent me a mental message that we should wait. That exchange puzzled me and I intended to ask him about how that occurred. Reaching the outer doors to the panel's interview room, we were met by General Osteen and his executive assistant, Matthew Limoges.


So, this was the Martian everyone was looking forward to seeing. He didn't seem all that special to me, except that Louis appeared far too attached to him somehow. That boy is so adorable and naïve about the way I feel for him but I will maintain my detached demeanor until I can get a chance to talk with him alone. He and I grew up on the moon and even attended the same classes for a time until his genius took him away. Wallace came into his life just when I hoped we might reconnect but I took care of that problem. The investigators believed it was a freak accident but I knew better. In the battle for love, everything is fair to achieve your goal. For the moment, I will remain aloof and hide my true feelings.


After making the formal face-to-face introductions, Matthew held the doors opened for us to enter. Something about this man bothered me and had ever since we attended school together on Kennedy Base. He always seemed overly interested in my activities and was the only person who didn't offer sympathy when Wallace passed away. Upon coming into the room, my father made the appropriate introductions to the other members of the panel before we all took our seats. The ensuing discussion was surprisingly pleasant and respectful as the members asked questions and took notes. I was amazed when Faa'lex brought up the possibility of assisting the Martians with renewing travel to Ganymede. He explained that it was one of several of their colonial outposts that were protecting the inner planets from potential dangers. General Osteen agreed to approach the Earth leaders to make the request.

The meeting lasted only a few more minutes with casual conversation and then very friendly farewells. My father a couple of appointments with various civilian leaders so he hugged me and hailed a cab. I decided to give Faa'lex a personal tour of the base. We traveled through the various areas, excluding the manufacturing and military zones. He found the farm pods fascinating in their effectiveness at producing fish, poultry, fruits, and vegetables. Getting slightly hungry, I inquired whether he could eat human food. Assuring me that he could manage salads and fruits, we headed to the commissary to eat a light dinner. My father called me to apologize for not being able to join us.

As we ate, I became aware of my growing psychic connection with Faa'lex. He smiled and explained that, since our physical coupling, our bond, called one-man (one mind), was growing. A connection of this type was meant to provide a stronger link between paa'treens. It was crucial in the procreation of the species as it made conception a more certain occurrence and even provided a level of protection from genetic defects. The link also provided additional security if one partner had to complete a solo assignment He admitted that, since ours was the first interspecies coupling, they had not been sure if the bond would even form. We chatted a little more before heading to the main greenhouse. Walking slowly, we communicated mentally allowing our true feelings to be shared. It was a relaxing stroll through the public square, while sharing our mutual affection.

At the entrance to Equinox Greenhouse, I made him close his eyes as I led him inside. While in his underground bunkers, I had seen no evidence of plants or animals life but then I hadn't been given the chance to tour the entire settlement. Once inside, I positioned us at the central foyer before having him open his eyes. Faa'lex was stunned by the complexity of the plant life and even the birds and insects that fluttered around. We ambled along the main path towards the lake and waterfall. I pointed out some of the various Earth plants and even the small squirrels running among the trees. He was smiling and I could see visions of what Mars looked like prior to the Great Cataclysm.

Mars looked a lot Earth does with huge oceans and great forests. There were snow-covered mountains and rivers flowing through fields of farmland. Strange animals roamed everywhere and the seas teemed with aquatic creatures. I could see tears in Faa'lex's eyes as he remembered everything that was lost in that one cosmic event. Just at that moment, we arrived at Lover's Rest so I ushered us to a bench overlooking the waterfall. Having my wrist unit conduct a search for other people in the area, it came back negative. Knowing we were alone, I took his hand and kissed him on the cheek.

He smiled at me and kissed me passionately on the lips as we watched the lighting begin to display the stars. Sitting there just holding hands was the most romantic moment I had experienced in years. It felt right being here with Faa'lex and I swear my heart could feel Wallace's approval of my new love. After some tender kissing, I guided my paa'treen to my private quarters. As we entered, my terminal pinged and I clicked to find my father on the screen. He smiled when he saw Faa'lex with me and asked how the tour went. The three of us chatted about the meeting, the civilian committee's request for a personal conference, and our plans for the next morning. Dad said good night and ended the call.

Locking my door and selecting some soft music, I washed quickly before returning to the main room. Faa'lex was sitting on my bed and rose to greet me. He wrapped his strong arms around me as he leaned in to kiss me. I melted as he removed my uniform and then his before gently lowering me to my bed. I relished the feel of his warm flesh against my own. His hands stroked every inch of me causing surges of electricity to flow from head to toe. Each time we were together felt more intense and loving than the one before. Lifting my legs up slightly, Faa'lex used the small tube of lubrication on my bedside table to begin opening my love tunnel. His fingers always seemed to be reaching untouched regions of my insides. I moaned and pushed myself harder on the probing digits in anticipation of what was to come.

Having loosened my ass to his satisfaction, he coated his cock and slowly entered me inch by glorious inch. I felt complete again and my mind could sense the psychic link strengthening as he got deeper and deeper into me. Faa'lex reached the bottom and held himself steady before twisting it around to elicit more sounds of passion. Certain that I was prepared, he withdrew slowly, almost pulling out, before plunging back in one swift movement. I roared like a lion as he moved in and out pulling his body closer with each thrust. He leaned down and kissed me, our tongues fighting for superiority. My room became filed with noises from both of us as we continued to express our love.

"Aye ad'hor hym vu'lai (I adore my love)," he whispered I my ear.

"E'dai aye vu'lai ouw'ay,(And I love you)," I responded, in perfect Martin speech.

With those words being spoken, I could feel my impending climax and said that to Faa'lex. He wrapped a warm hand around my dick and slowly moved it up and down. Several strokes later, I was covering our torsos with my semen, screaming in passion the entire time. I collapsed almost exhausted and then felt Faa'lex erupt inside me. We remained locked together for a few moments until he lifted me up and we headed to my shower. As we let the water cascade over our bodies, I asked about my speaking his language. Once again, it was another step in the complete development of our link. Cleansing each other and the bed sheets, we donned fresh sleeping attire and crawled in bed together.


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Next: Chapter 6

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