Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Mar 31, 2014


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the third installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of readers other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 2 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET

Stunned, I sat forward and asked, "Is this a live chat?"

A smiling Faa'lex nodded and explained that the drive had created a subsonic link between his location and mine. It was untraceable by human technology and would allow us to maintain an open line of communication until we could be together again. I was thrilled and began relaying the events that I had been forced to undergo. Briefly, I told him how the panel had reacted to the video introduction. We talked for a few more minutes when he told me that he missed me and couldn't wait to be with me again soon. I blushed and replied that I felt the same way about him and would count the days.


We continued to talk as the view panned wider revealing Faa'lex on his bed in nothing but his delicate briefs. It was obvious that he was aroused and I could almost feel the heat from his body against mine. Undressing down to my own underwear, I lay back on my bed never once breaking eye contact with the handsome Martian on my screen. My heart started racing as he moved his hand seductively down his rippled torso while speaking with a voice like velvet. I wondered how we could still understand each other when I touched my ear and realized that his transmitting device was still there and had gone undetected during my examination. My body tingled as he spoke of our lovemaking session in great detail. In response to his words, I removed my briefs and allowed my naked body to be visible to him completely.

The next thing to happen almost gave me a heart attack. As soon as I was fully naked, Faa'lex was standing in my quarters looking down at me with love and lust in his eyes. I started to ask how when he said it was all part of the special link in the drive he had given me. Human technology would never be able to discover he was here and, if anyone came too close to finding us together, there was a sensor that would break the link instantly. Reaching up, I took his hand and pulled him on top of me and felt that warmth I missed so much. Faa'lex kissed me passionately telling me that he hoped I would become his paa'treen, or partner. It had been so long since anyone had asked me that question yet I said yes without the slightest hesitation. I needed this man to have and love in a way that Wallace never completely fulfilled. Don't get me wrong, I did love him but I always felt there was just something missing in our relationship.

Faa'lex removed his covering and we were once again two naked bodies with nothing separating us. Thinking I would repay the kindness, I tenderly worked my mouth down his chest and stomach while slowly stroking his massive tool. His flesh was hot and silky smooth as my tongue caressed each muscle along the way. Reaching his groin, I nuzzled his balls and then moved up his member inch-by-inch. This time, he was emitting the moans of delight as I provided the best possible sensations that I could. Reaching the top, I opened my mouth and took him inside working back and forth to possess as much of him as I could Due to his large size, there was little hope of completely swallowing him on the first try but I planned to have many more opportunities. I worked up my speed as Faa'lex squirmed underneath me. Just when I thought he was close to climax, he pulled me off and flipped me on my back.

Pulling out a little tube of lube from a table by my bed, he proceeded to grease my pole and his own ass before getting up on his knees over my waist. Using one hand to steady my cock, he gently lowered himself onto me and the heat of his insides was almost molten. Those same little ridges that were on his cock seemed to be everywhere as my dick moved deeper and deeper into him. My head flew back and forth as the waves of pleasure became greater with each second. Faa'lex reached my hips and waited for a few seconds before starting to buck up and down at his own pace. I looked up as this gorgeous individual pleasured himself with my cock and felt so much love I thought my heart would burst. He increased his pace and soon grabbed his own member to start matching the rhythm he had established. I could feel my climax surging within me as his warm fluid struck my chest. It was surprisingly a similar consistency as my own although much thicker and whiter. As he came, his ass tightened causing me to empty myself deep in his fiery bowels.

Knowing I could not lift him after we finished, he reached for a cloth and cleaned us both before putting his covering back on. Leaning down for one last passionate kiss and embrace, he stood and was soon back in my computer screen. I got up and we spoke for only a couple of seconds more before the bell to my room rang indicating a visitor. Whispering a last goodbye, the connection was broken as I quickly threw on a lounging tunic and stored the drive in my locking storage trunk. Checking my look in my mirror, I went to the door and was shocked to see my father standing there in the hall.

"May I come in son?" he asked as I stared at him for several moments.

I moved aside and made room for us at the small table near the computer desk. He wore a look of great concern on his face as I offered him a drink, which he refused. Since my mouth had gone dry, I quickly grabbed something and sat down to join him. We had not really been face to face since Wallace's funeral because I buried myself in my work so this was an awkward visit. He started by explaining that he had come to select the next location for a settlement when he had been informed of my little adventure. Shocked and hurt that I had not contacted him personally, I reminded him that I had been either in the hands of the doctors or the debriefing panel since I returned to base.

He inquired about the Martian Faa'lex and how they others seemed to be. I said it was their home and they had concerns but were willing to work with us in a peaceful plan for sharing Mars. Describing some of what had occurred while I was there, he listened intently and asked an occasional question to clarify one point or another. When I expressed doubt over my ability to act as a negotiator between our races, he took my hand and assured me I was more than capable of rising to their expectations. Dad felt that, if the Martian Council trusted me, there had to have been a perfectly good reason for them to do so. The longer we talked, the more relaxed I became while still trying to hide the secret of my encounter with Faa'lex. My father is far from stupid and could tell I was leaving some little piece out of the tale.

"You love him, don't you?" he said, with a smile on his face.

I stammered, "What? We only talked and exchanged histories, Dad."

He shook his head, chuckled, and said that I hadn't acted like this since I met Wallace and that meant I was in love. All I could say in reply was to lower my head and blush. Not knowing how to explain, he told me he had seen the video and understood what might have attracted me to Faa'lex. Asking if he seemed to care in return, I muttered that I thought so because he went out of his way to protect me from harm while I was with them. Dad gave me a knowing smile and asked if anything had occurred that I might not have told the panel members. Breaking down in tears, I confessed that Faa'lex and I had been physically intimate and even developed something of a love connection.

"I'm sure he loves me." I said emphatically. "He asked me to be his partner."

My father took me in his arms and rocked me as I cried. Soothingly, he told me that he would say nothing to anyone. Dad calmed me down and we talked about the conversations that Faa'lex had with me. I spilled almost everything except the secret drive and went on to say that I hoped to be with him again soon. Explaining how the Council had great hopes that we would reach an agreement on sharing the planet, Dad felt that it was possible that the panel might be willing to meet with them. He agreed to do everything in his power to help me but needed to know if I could get in touch with Faa'lex somehow. I blushed and replied that I felt I could find a way if there was no attempt to trace his location for his safety. We talked for a few more minutes and then he promised to meet me in the morning.

I set my morning alarm and selected soft music before lowering the lights and crawling in bed. Trying to clear my mind of all the recent stress, I whispered a silently prayer before closing my eyes. Soon I was drifting in a wonderful ball of white light and even felt a strong pair of arms encircle me tightly. Warm breath caressed me neck and a soft voice cooed in my ear that I was loved. Turning my head slightly, I could swear that Faa'lex was now lying right behind me in my room. He kissed my cheek and stroked my chest as he ushered me deeper into slumber. I smiled and allowed my body to give in to the warmth that now surrounded me.

The alarm went off and I woke to find myself alone in my room. Getting up, I took a shower and dressed in a clean uniform. My computer came on and there was an indicator of a message. Clicking the icon, Faa'lex greeted me on the screen with a wide smile. I was surprised to see his face and even more shocked when he inquired about whether I had slept well. Realizing that he had been in the room, I replied that it had been heavenly being in his arms. We chatted for a few moments until I remembered my breakfast meeting with my father. Saying goodbye, his face came through the screen and kissed me before the link was severed.

I gathered my technical belt and left my room to hail a street cab. Arriving at the commissary, my father was waiting outside and hugged me as I approached him. We entered the room and chose our meals before finding a seating area far from other people. Chatting as we ate, he could sense my happiness by the way I was behaving. During one lull in the conversation, he inquires as to how I had slept. I recounted my "dream," which gave me a glorious night without trouble. He smiled and told me he had been contacted by the panel about the Martian proposal. We were due to meet with them as soon as I had finished my supervisory check of Lamprey Plantation. Dad accompanied me to the site to make my inspection that revealed my crew was handling the project perfectly well.

We hailed another cab and drove to the same conference room I had been in the previous day. Knocking on the door, we were ushered in and took our seats at one end of the table. The same members were waiting for us with faces resembling a badly rendered oil painting. Within seconds, the chairman spoke in a tone that seemed far too theatrical for the topic. He explained that conferences had been conducted with Earth-based officials and it was decided to pursue a diplomatic relationship with the Council of Ancients. I was to be the sole liaison with the help of an official in protocol while at Galileo Base. Dad suggested that he act as my assistant since he had experience with treaty negotiations on Earth and the moon. My location would not be tracked out of respect for the privacy of the Martians and I would be given top secret clearance. The chairman then asked if I had any questions or suggestions that might be helpful.

"You might try logging on with the introductory drive." I said.

Explaining that I was told that once a decision had been made, the drive could open a formal communication link with the Council. The executive officer pulled up the video that had been viewed at the first meeting and pressed play. Within a few moments, we were greeted by the picture of the Council chamber with Faa'lex standing in the center of the screen.

"Good morning gentlemen." he began. "You are able to understand us due to an automatic translator built into the connection."

After an introduction of the members of the Council, he requested the names of the base panel. General Osteen proceeded to name the other members on the panel. With that said, Bee'nix and the General began discussing a schedule for the negotiations and some of the issues that might need to be covered. It went smoothly and was less difficult than I expected. I would be allowed to make my way to a location that I would be provided at a later date. The Council then respectfully logged off and the panel dismissed me for the day.

My father and I then grabbed a quick meal before touring the greenhouses and fish farms. He had an appointment to examine a potential site for a second colony and invited me along. Knowing that this location was very close to where I had first met Faa'lex, I agreed and gathered my equipment before driving off in a Martian rover. It was only a short ride to the plain that was under consideration. The base panel wanted an industrial site to help with future development and felt this area was ideal. The landscape was relatively smooth with plenty of room for habitat modules and train depots to be constructed.

As my father and I took several images for later review, the com screen in our rover beeped. We pulled up the external link and were shocked to see Faa'lex was contacting us. Greeting both my father and I, he inquired if we had a few moments to meet with the Council. Looking at my dad, he nodded yes and soon a small entrance appeared on a pillar of rock quite close to the rover. Taking his hand, I led my father carefully into the doorway and turned to see it close behind us. Faa'lex was waiting and extended his hand to formally greet my father. Expressing his respect, he even went so far as to ask permission for me to become his paa'treen, explaining the meaning. My father smiled and indicated that it really was my decision but he would support me if I was truly happy. I was concerned about our absence but Faa'lex assured me a video loop had been created to prevent another search and rescue operation.

With that said, we got into his cart and were soon standing out front of the Council chamber. A formal knock and the doors opened to allow us entry. Once again the desk was there and we took our seats. Faa'lex rose and introduced my father to the Council. They exchanged a few pleasantries before Bee'nix indicated that he had a video proposal prepared for us to give the base panel as a start to negotiations. The Martians were more than willing to share and assist us on this planet as long as we made no attempts to breach their underground bunkers. They were willing to be among us but needed their privacy as much as we did. Bee'nix even proposed some technology trades that might make our lives easier in exchange for help with travel assistance to a couple of their outposts among the various moons in the solar system. They had reached a developmental impasse with their crafts that hindered the ability to maintain regular routes between these settlement.


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Next: Chapter 4

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