Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Mar 23, 2014


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the second installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of reading other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 1 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET

"Are you sure that this is even possible?" I managed to stammer out.

Faa'lex didn't reply but returned to his previous tactics as I felt him remove the sheer brief he was wearing. His member was fiery hot as it came in contact with my bare thigh. Based on the sensations I was perceiving, it must have been close to nine inches long and three inches thick. Part of me was fearful of how actual physical intimacy might feel yet I was intrigued at the possibility. When Faa'lex brought his lips to mine, I returned his kiss with equal passion and vigor. By this time, our bodies were in complete contact and each movement increased my anxiety. Sensing my anticipation, he began slowly working his way towards my stomach creating tingling spasms all along the way.


My own 8 inches were trembling as Faa'lex's hot breath got closer and closer. Unsure of what to expect, I found myself tensing slightly as his tongue began to caress and moisten my member. He was using his warms hands to massage my balls and tweak my nipples as he started to engulf me inch-by-inch. The texture of his tongue resembled that of a cat with a slightly rough yet stimulating effect that brought me close to explosion. Moans of ecstasy were escaping my throat as he slowly moved up and down, easily taking every last inch with no difficulty. My hands were caressing his hair, which was softer than angora yarn and his skin felt like watered silk fabric.

Just when I thought that I might lose my load, Faa'lex moved down to gently suck my balls before pushing my legs up to expose my perineum and quivering hole. Suddenly, I felt a warm moist invader probing my nether regions making me groan even louder. Reaching for a small table next to the bed, Faa'lex pulled out a small cylinder filled with a clear liquid. Using his long, slender fingers, he used this as lubrication to open up by ass, which had been unbreached since Wallace's death. I had been far too depressed and engrossed in my work to even think about any sort of sexual release. Three fingers were soon spreading me open for an attack of warm breath from my bed companion.

Raising his head, Faa'lex placed my ankles on his shoulders and used his hand to lube his cock. I could see it clearly now and it was thick and had a slight ridge along each side. Placing the tip at the entrance, he smiled before applying gentle pressure. I struggled to relax as the head slowly entered followed by what seemed like a never-ending column of flesh. As he filled me up, I growled and moaned with pleasure, gripping his shoulders and staring into his eyes. Faa'lex never once broke that connection between us until he had completely entered me. Giving me adequate time to adjust to his girth, I soon pushed back to indicate that I was ready for him to move. Leaning down to give me a deep kiss, I felt him withdraw and reenter as he began the act of fucking me. Those little ridges on the side of his penis were actually small bumps which were reaching spots within me that I didn't know existed. Each thrust was slow and deliberate as he attempted to provide as much pleasure as he could. I had never experienced anal sex that was this stimulating or gentle in my life, even Wallace had a tendency to get slightly rough and cause some minor discomfort. None of that was happening as Faa'lex was taking me to heights of passion I had only dreamed of at night.

Leaning down, our lips and tongues fought as the speed and intensity began to increase. I was so very close but was afraid if I touched myself that I would explode automatically. Faa'lex gently wrapped his hand around my shaft and matched the rhythm of his thrusts. It made me even more alive and filled with a strong electrical surge from the additional contact. For what seemed like an eternity, the level of pleasure seemed to rise higher and higher. Just when I thought that I would pass out from the level of ecstasy, Faa'lex buried himself completely inside me and I could feel his warm fluid filling me up. Knowing that he had reached his climax drove me over the edge and I covered my chest and neck with warm strings of semen. We stayed in that position until our breathing slowed to a normal state before Faa'lex picked me up without removing his organ from my behind.

Walking across the room, we entered a smaller enclosure that was apparently a bathroom, complete with a shower stall. With the push of a small button on the wall, warm water began flowing and creating a light steam in the air. When he was certain it was at the proper temperature, we stepped inside and he finally removed himself, allowing me to expel the remnants of our tryst. Using a thick, sweetly scented gel, Faa'lex washed my entire body before doing his own. Moving under the falling water, we rinsed ourselves and kissed a little more before turning off the water. Instead of using towels, he hit another button and warm air gently filled the stall, drying our bodies more thoroughly and quickly than I had ever experienced. Exiting the shower, Faa'lex reached into a small closet and handed me a pair of underwear and a light blue tunic as he dressed in a mint green outfit matching mine.

We headed back into the main room where Faa'lex produced a meal that resembled a skirt steak complete with what appeared to be a baked potato and a green vegetable. When I asked if it was safe for me to eat, he informed me that their scientists had studied mankind for centuries and developed potential food sources should we try to make contact with the Martians. Everything was created to include the necessary vitamins and minerals required by our species. I asked Faa'lex why they would spend so much time and effort for a possibility that may never have happened. We chatted over the recent history of his people and he explained how they had been able to thrive living below the surface. Just as we finished our meal, a small red light accompanied by a ringing bell broke the silence.

Faa'lex lifted his right wrist and spoke a few words that must have been his native language. Ending the call, he informed me that the Council of Ancients was ready to meet with me. Suddenly my stomach began perform feats of gymnastics that made me wonder if my meal would come out of my mouth. I had no idea exactly what I was going to be asked or say but I needed to be as honest as possible. Faa'lex hugged me tightly and gave me a gentle, loving kiss before escorting me to the chamber where the Council would be waiting. We came to an impressive silver airlock that silently opened to reveal and ornately decorated room with a small dais at one end with five seated figures. Theses individuals were dressed in brightly colored robes that resembled exquisite cut gems of every shade. Across from the stage was a small table with two chairs and a pitcher of water with glasses. I walked up and sat down next to Faa'lex, who waited patiently until the center figure began speaking.

"My name is Bee'nix and I am the Chief Elder of the Council." he began. "We brought you here to question you about the intentions of your race with our planet."

Looking at Faa'lex, I stood and addressed Bee'nix. "I do apologize for our abrupt appearance here. My species was unaware of your existence here. We have spent the last century trying to improve ourselves and expand out into the solar system."

I politely informed the Council of the changes we had made on our moon and how that was part of the plan for Mars. With technology providing faster and better methods of travel, communication, and expansion, the ultimate goal was to terra-form the surface allowing us the ability to move outside of pressurized modules. We were trying to thicken the atmosphere and raise the ambient temperature to an Earth-like level. Judging by the non-verbal signals I was detecting from the Council, they seemed to comprehend what I was saying. I explained that we had done no extreme-depth construction on the lunar surface and saw no reason to do any on Mars.

Sitting down, Faa'lex asked if the members had any specific concerns that they wanted me to address. They posed some questions that were far too complicated or extensive for my level of knowledge. I explained that some of that information was not available to me but I would make every attempt to provide the answers. It was important to me to prevent any possible negative interaction between our two species. Also, diplomacy was not among my set of skills so I didn't know how to begin pursuing a peaceful resolution to our differences. We were then told to return to the holding area while the Council debated my answers plus whatever information they had acquired via their spy cameras.

Returning to our previous quarters, I broke down in tears and Faa'lex encircled me in his arms. He didn't say anything to me and allowed me a chance to just sob. As my body shuddered, I felt so safe and loved for the first time since Wallace's death. It didn't make any sense because we knew very little about each other and yet it felt right somehow. We sat down on a small sofa and he pushed yet another button that brought up a wide video screen. Divided into six separate images, they apparently could monitor the entire planet surface with minimal effort. As we watched, Faa'lex pointed out the search teams near the cave where I had been working. After my capture, the entrance had been disguised to prevent others from stumbling into it. I gathered my finding it visible was a major breach of security for the Martians. Asking to see a full-screen image with sound, I heard the team describe finding my rover and tools left beside the terra-forming machine. There was concern that I had fallen in a nearby canyon that had not been given even a basic survey.

Listening to the conversation, I determined that it was only 36 hours after the time I was due to report back to Galileo Base. Somehow, with all that had happened to me, the length of time I was missing never entered my brain. Part of me didn't care but I knew that, most likely, I would be sent back as an envoy from the Martian leaders to negotiate a treaty. Returning to the multi-screen view, I saw my team working with the chickens, which were thriving better than I ever hoper they would. The fish farms and the greenhouses were being tended and seemed to gave become a tourist attraction. People were interested in discovering where the food they were eating was being grown. It also served to encourage younger settlers to move towards the scientific pursuits.

We waited there, switching between remote camera images until the red light and bell again indicated that the Council was ready to decide my fate. They had said it would not take a great amount of time as they wanted to limit the chaos caused by my disappearance. We walked back to the chamber were they were waiting and took our seats at the same table. Bee'nix stood and explained that they believed I had nothing but good intentions for their planet and that most of the other would be willing to cooperate with them. He asked me to carry a video introduction back to the main base and begin the negotiations. When I tried to explain that I was a scientist not a politician, he merely smiled and informed me that was why they trusted me and it was a non-negotiable point for future discussions to occur. Faa'lex respectfully approached the Council and retrieved the drive before leading me back to our waiting area.

Once in the room, I was presented with my pressure suit, which had been cleaned and repaired to reveal no trace of damage from the stun ray. I dressed in all my original clothing, feeling heartbroken that I might not ever see Faa'lex again. He sensed my anguish and gave a extremely passionate kiss and embrace while slipping a smaller drive in an inside pocket of my suit. That, he said, was a special gift just for me and I should keep it hidden from everyone else. Nodding, he guided me to a small machine that looked similar to a golf cart and drove to a location very near to where I had last been working. Pressing a button on his wrist, a sliver of an entrance opened just out of view of a search group and I was able to crawl to the surface. When I looked back, it was as if nothing had ever moved. I stood slowly and began walking towards the machine I had been sent to check when I was "found" by one of the roaming search teams. Suddenly there were people everywhere and I was being rushed back to Galileo Base for a complete exam.

Once we entered the main module, I was hustled to the medical center. Somehow I managed to keep the two drives from being found until I could figure out whom to approach with that information. The base physician gave me a physical more complete than the one I had received when I left the moon for Mars. I was declared free of foreign organisms and told to report to a debriefing room on the opposite side of the complex. Grabbing a street cab, I arrived in less time than if I had walked and knocked on the closed door. A voice asked me to enter and I was confronted with eight, very serious looking individuals wearing uniforms, from the military to the scientific to the political. We were all provided with color-coded uniforms to designate our skills and position in the colony, just like an old 20th Century TV show called STAR TREK, that I had seen as a child. My parents made sure to provide myself and my other siblings a wide variety of information, that included a retrospective on how space exploration had been perceived throughout human history.

The head pf the panel, General Osteen, began asking questions about what had occurred that caused me to go missing. I explained that I found a crevasse and went to investigate, which caused the entrance to collapse behind me. As the interrogation continued, I recalled being confronted by Faa'lex and the Council of Ancients. They were doubtful that any intelligent life existed on this planet until I produced the introduction disc I had been asked to deliver. It was loaded into a viewer and projected on a large screen. Once it began, the panel suddenly changed their attitude and listened intently. When Bee'nix mentioned that my presence with the negotiation team was a no-negotiable condition, I could feel the ice cold stares from some members of the group. After the video was complete, I was grilled about why I was so critical to the Martians. All I could say was that I felt that since I had answered the Council's questions as honestly as I could, they felt I could be trusted and relied upon to work for the best possible outcome. The meeting went on for several more minutes until they seemed satisfied that I had given all the information that I could provide.

I returned to my quarters, drained from the events of the day. Taking a shower, I felt the stress melt away but was unsure what the panel might decide. Using the intercom, I ordered a meal to be delivered so I could relax alone. It arrived by delivery cart and, after signing for it, I ate my meal while listening to some soft music. Placing my empty dishes in the disposal unit, I contemplated going to sleep when I remembered the special gift from Faa'lex. Digging it out from my hiding place in my suit, I plugged it into my personal computer unit. Within seconds, I was once more looking at the handsome face of I man I suspected I loved. Assuming it was a video message, I sat back slightly when I heard the image ask how the day had been for me.

Stunned, I sat forward and asked, "Is this a live chat?"

A smiling Faa'lex nodded and explained that it had created a subsonic link between his location and mine. It was untraceable by human technology and would allow us to maintain an open line of communication until we could be together again. I was thrilled and began relaying the events that I had been forced to under go. Briefly, I told him how the panel had reacted to the video introduction. We talked for a few more minutes when he told me that he missed me and couldn't wait to be with me again soon. I blushed and replied that I felt the same way about him and would count the days.


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Next: Chapter 3

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