Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Oct 8, 2023


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the thirteenth installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of reading other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 12 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET


Excluding the unfortunate bombing attack, our time in Paris was wonderful. We finished our public activities by the second day and had the remainder of the week to explore the city freely. Notre Dame and Montmartre were both gorgeous sites and the various smaller museums kept us awed with the beauty of art. Versailles impressed us with its sheer size and grandeur as we were given another private guided tour and luncheon there. There were even a couple of days where we got to behave like typical tourists and not do anything other than window shop and stroll the beautiful avenues. I found some lovely things to decorate our new quarters and arranged for those items to be shipped to Isabelle. It included a painting of the Eiffel Tower and the park that we found in a small art gallery I know Louis really wanted. Before we knew it, our week was over and we were boarding a bullet train to London for our third week of vacation. Let's hope that there will be no disaster caused by the OEA once we get there.



I was thrilled to learn that the trip was going relatively smoothly. The events in Paris were disturbing and everyone in both governments were quick to denounce the group as murderers. If they anticipated gaining any support from the public, the deaths of all those innocent civilians backfired to the worst degree. We were prepping for the opening of the new settlement when I received a call from the Lampreys. Apparently, they ran into Louis in Chicago and he invited them to attend since were dedicating it to their son Wallace. We chatted for several minutes and I promised to forward their invitations by special courier. Looking back on my electronic notepad, I realized that he had told me about them but I had been preoccupied with the reports from Paris. My wife was finally going to join us here once the new colony opened as I also requested a new residence there. She made arrangements to sublet our lodgings on the moon and was busy packing and shipping the necessary items. It would be nice to have her with us again since her current position was being shifted here.


Well, our operatives blew it again by not making the bomb small enough to only kill them. It didn't help that they were totally wrong about where the couple was even staying in Paris. If this keeps up, our group is never going to get any more support from the public. This era of cooperation and understanding between our species must be stopped at any cost. We cannot allow this to continue if we intend to make our organization the only one in power. London was going to be more difficult in light of some recent activity by a separatist group from Wales that had bombed a house near Parliament. Our only real hope for another potential chance was in Honolulu. It was the only place where the itinerary had been released prior to the disaster in Paris. Whether it would remain the same had not been learned so we had agents striving to find out that answer. It would be our last opportunity at all because, once he returned to Mars, the security would be so extremely tight and practically impenetrable.


We boarded a bullet train from Paris through the Chunnel to London rather than fly. Our security team had made every effort to create the illusion of us getting on a plane. It seemed to work as there were several last minute one-way tickets purchased but none for the train. The current Queen of England , Diana, was offering the use of one of her heavily guarded castles while we visited London. In addition to our own security personnel, a special cadre from the British secret service would be trailing along as backup. The train traveled through some gorgeous country before entering the passageway for the Chunnel. It was light and sunny in France when we started but as we emerged in Great Britain the weather became grey and cloudy. For most of the trip, there was a light rain combined with fog until we pulled into the main station in London. From there, our security teams used several decoy vehicles to ensure that we arrived at Hampton Court. This was the building where we would be staying as it was continuously guarded by both British and our personal bodyguards. We were greeted by the Crown Princess Catherine and her fiancé Lord Andrew Buckingham, who were to be our hosts for the duration of our stay. It was a great honor to be allowed to stay with members of the Royal Family. In fact, our first major event was a luncheon at Buckingham Palace the next day so we had a small, intimate meal with our hosts. Our conversation was pleasant, entertaining and somewhat somber when the Paris bombing came up. After a brief, after dinner recital by a string quartet, Faa'lex and I retreated to our room for the evening.

The night was quiet as we cleaned up and crawled into bed. Both of us were too wiped out to even consider sex so we just kissed and snuggled together until we slept. In the morning, our hosts met us briefly before rushing off to any early morning appearance at a local charity event. We enjoyed a private breakfast in a large solarium filled with ferns and palms. It was terribly romantic until our publicity agent entered with our schedule for the day. Following our meeting with the Queen and her husband, we were to address Parliament and offer a technology exchange package for them. Those were really the only public obligations we had in London so the remainder of our visit would be personal time. After our meal, we changed into our formal uniforms and were escorted on a brief tour of downtown London before being chauffeured to the palace. At the entrance to the building, we were greeted by the Prime Minister and his wife before walking to the grand salon for a pre-luncheon meeting. As we waited and chatted with the other guests, a footman announced the arrival of the Queen.

Queen Diana entered escorted by her husband, Prince Stephen, looking as regal as one would expect. We were lined up along the north wall and each of us had only a couple of minutes in which to make our greeting. As they Royal Couple approached our position, we made our required bows and extended our hands as we spoke our carefully prepared statements. They both smiled and indicated that we would be joining them at their personal table. Smiling, we said "Thank You" and the couple continued down the reception line. There were a few minutes before the luncheon so the guests mingled and chatted. We began talking with a local musical celebrity when a footman arrived to usher us over to the Queen. Both she and her husband were extremely interested in our relationship and how our honeymoon was progressing. Talking candidly and honestly, we conversed about the events we attended, even the bombing in Paris. Before we could continue, the meal was announced and the guests followed the Royal Couple into the formal dining room. Being shown to the Queen's table we waited until she was seated before we took our chairs. The luncheon was presented by a quietly efficient staff who managed to be almost invisible. Conversation was polite and respectful through every course until we reached dessert. A large cake was brought in which celebrated our relationship. We blew out the candles and then it was sliced and served with ice cream. After the meal, there was a small gathering for selected guests in a private drawing room where we had a longer talk with Diana and Stephen. About one hour later, the Royals left in the same stately fashion and we returned to our residence in time to greet Princess Catherine and Lord Andrew as they returned home.


The construction on Lamprey Station was nearing completion as was Louis and Faa'lex's personal quarters. My father even stopped by to check on the new residence for he and my mother. Our family had obtained three separate quarters all in proximity to one another so we could keep in closer contact. A large shipping crate arrived from Earth with a variety of home decorations and wrapped gifts from Louis. An enclosed letter requested incorporating the knick knacks into the quarters and storing the gifts until they returned. I fell in love with the oil painting of the Eiffel Tower that we hung in a prominent location in the main living room. Several packages were labeled for various friends and relatives so we placed those in a locked storage bin for later. With nothing further to do here, I headed over to the unit I would be sharing with Diana. She was there arranging some of the furniture and décor we had acquired when I entered. The official opening of the new colony was in 3 months as safety tests and last minute adjustments would need to be completed. We also finished the plans for our upcoming wedding and our dinner to surprise our families with the news. Both groups would be attending the dedication and we felt it was the perfect opportunity to make the announcement. With our work done, we returned to the small apartment we shared at Galileo Base to enjoy a quiet evening at home alone,


Our hosts met us as we both returned to Hampton Court. Their day had been just as stressful due to recent rumors of Lord Andrew's supposed homosexuality. Neither of us believed it but it really wasn't our business. The meeting with Parliament had been delayed due to another bomb threat by the Welsh separatist group. We ended up spending a quiet evening enjoying a relaxing meal and conversation before retiring early. Once in our room, Louis started a warm bath in the large spa tub in our private bathroom. I watched from the doorway as he undressed without realizing I was observing him. He lowered the lighting before I sensed him turning to beckon me. Carefully, I scrambled into the other room and quickly shed m uniform as he came into the room. He tiptoed up to my back and tenderly slipped his arms around my waist. I smiled as I asked what he had in mind, knowing the answer already. Louis giggled and took my hand to lead me into the bathroom. By now, a faint haze of steam floated in the air as we neared the tub. He turned and threw his arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. I could feel his organ growing against my leg the longer we made out. Breaking the embrace, we slowly entered the steaming tub and Louis cuddled between my legs, leaning against my chest. A softly tuned radio was playing as he moved my hands over his body. Moaning as I encircled his throbbing cock, he turned and we kissed again until I felt the need to be filled.

Moving Louis into a seated position on the edge of the tub, I kissed my way down to his erection. Using my tongue, I circled his head and moved teasingly down his shaft. Taking one ball in my mouth at a time, I sucked and nibbled on them until I felt him begin to quiver. Sliding back up his erection, I savored the river of sweet precum that flowed like water. Reaching the top, I swallowed him to the base and used my throat muscles to massage each glorious inch. Making sure that I had him well lubricated, I straddled his hips and slowly lowered my ass onto the hard cock I loved. He groaned and panted as I reached bottom, slightly thrusting up with his waist. Kissing him with full tongue, I started to move and he met my actions without even thinking. The more often we made love, the deeper our bond became. Louis was constantly telling me how much he love me and how special our time together is to him. All of these sweet words were done purely through mental telepathy, which was becoming second nature to Louis thanks to our joining ceremony. I responded with similar ideas and statements, urging him to take me fully and show me who I am to him. For almost 30 minutes, our passion increased until I lost control and covered our chests with sweet, warm cum. As my orgasm started, I could feel Louis filling my ass with his own load. It took several minutes for our breathing to return to normal and we finished cleaning up before crawling into bed.

The next morning, we prepped for breakfast and learned that our hosts would be escorting us to speak at Parliament. After our meal, our party entered several heavily guarded and fortified vehicles for the short drive to our last public engagement. Catherine and Andrew led the procession once Queen Diana was seated in her ceremonial throne. We followed the Royal Couple and were seated in specially designated chairs. After brief greetings from the Queen and Prime Minister, we were introduced to the gathered VIP's. Louis opened the speech with a gracious "Thank You" for being invited to address the assembly. This was followed by a pledge to work for greater cooperation between our two species. Turning it over to me, I echoed those sentiments before outlining the technology swap that my leaders had proposed. Providing a large sealed packet to the Prime Minister, I explained the basic premise and how it would benefit both societies. We completed our talk with an invitation to any member who was interested to come to address the Council of Ancients. Saying our "Farewell," we turned the podium back to the Prime Minister. He acknowledged our greetings and thankfulness before allowing the Queen to respond. She was just as eloquent and appreciative of both our offer and our desire for the future. At the end of the meeting, the entire room, rose to allow the Queen to leave before we followed our hosts out to a small reception room with some of the leaders. Our speech was well-received and we got several inquiries on who to contact for travel arrangements and offers to assist in further technological development.

Two hours later, our engagement was complete and we donned our disguises to do some sight seeing in London. We toured the British Museum and marveled at the variety of artifacts that were contained in the respected building. A quick ride of the London Eye and a brief visit to Madame Tussauds before returning to Hampton Court for the evening. The remainder of our stay was purely for relaxation and enjoyment rather than political necessity. A final dinner with the Royal Family capped off our week-long holiday. Luckily, there were no further events like the bombing in Paris and the Welsh separatist group had made no further attempts since the arrests. The following morning, our caravan made its way to Heathrow, where we boarding a private jumbo jet for our last destination, Honolulu. We had no public appearances scheduled there as we had issued a false agenda to throw off potential attacks. Since the flight was so long, we had a private sleeping cabin where we spent most of our time between meals and safety drills. Part of me was sad since this was going to be our last stop on Earth for a potentially long time but I looked forward to building my future with Louis.


Our flight to Honolulu had an uneventful takeoff and we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast of sweet cinnamon rolls, omelets, bacon, and hot tea. We finished and sent off our next set of communiqués to various Martian leaders about our progress. By that point we decided to retire to our private cabin to watch some movies and relax. Within about an hour, we both were very drowsy and decided to sleep. Letting our flight crew know of our intention, they agreed to notify us if we needed to prepare for rough weather. Crawling into our bed, we left our uniforms on and snuggled under a light blanket. We soon drifted off to sleep and had clear skies until we approached Hawaii. Our pilot buzzed us to get ready for landing and soon we found ourselves in a tropical paradise. A quick drive to a private lagoon resort was the last transfer we would make for our final week on Earth. I looked forward to having this alone time to just be a newlywed couple. Part of me was also hoping to find some special locations to celebrate our love. As it was, we both decided to just crawl in bed and sleep until tomorrow. When his arms encircled me, I felt so safe and loved that it did not take long for us to sleep.


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Next: Chapter 15: Delay 2

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