Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Aug 14, 2023


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the eleventh installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of reading other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 10 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET


The man went on to inform me that there had been an accident outside Aldrin City dome. Wallace was repairing some electrical connections to the train depot when his lifeline became tangled under the wheels of his transport. He attempted to signal for assistance while struggling to free the cable. His pages were not received and he suffered a loss of consciousness. A second crew working on the rail shields found him 30 minutes later and rushed him to medical but he did not survive. I found my head spinning as I screamed and cried. People attempted to console me and I flailed my arms wildly. Managing to rise, I fled the room running through dimly lit corridors desperate to reach our quarters. It was just a bad joke that Wallace was playing. He couldn't be gone because he was everything in my life. How would I survive without his love and support?

The next thing I remember was the soothing sound of Faa'lex as his arms held me tightly to him. He kept assuring me that it was only a sad memory brought on by seeing my former in-laws again. Feeling his concern and love, I relaxed and melted into his embrace before drifting off to slumber for a little while longer.



I hated to see my paa'treen suffer even in his dreams but something about being near Wallace's parents must have brought this memory forward. Every image he saw, I saw and every emotion he felt, I felt. The terror of hearing about his lover's death made me frightened and want to flee but I was more of an observer so I could bring him out of it. Using my thoughts to send him love and compassion, I felt him relax in my arms. The worst part of this nightmare was that I had witnessed the actual death plus his reaction through our observation cameras. It felt awful watching him go through it then and even more difficult now. Louis loved me, I was sure of that, but no one ever completely forgets their first true love. As Martians, we undergo a long, painful process to severe links that don't end because of death. In some instances, even individuals left behind by loss of life have to be cleansed, through a process called grev'shee, before they can move forward in life. I had begun to teach him about some of the ways we can clear our minds in order to avoid panic and chaos but they require a great deal of concentration and practice. As soon as Louis relaxed and fell back to sleep, I used those same techniques to calm myself before drifting off beside him.

The next day we were scheduled to move to his paternal grandparents' mansion in the suburb of Glencoe. I looked forward to seeing it since these sorts of communities did not exist the last time I was here. This would give us more privacy as well as a chance to explore some of the so-called tourist destinations of the region. We only had one more public address on our calendar so it gave us time to strengthen our bond. Wallace's parents had requested a dinner engagement so we arranged it for the following evening to allow us a full day of solitude. Admittedly, it is kind of difficult to be alone when there are armed guards just out of sight. The security detail was necessary since there had been threats from an organization called the One Earth Alliance. This group resented our mutual defense agreements, wanted to rescind the treaty and return to an isolationist position. I don't see how that would work since there were now humans on the moon and Mars.

One place I wanted to see was called the Morton Arboretum, a nature reserve for rare trees and other plants. It had been expanded after years of being endangered by pollution and encroachment. Once the Earth government cleaned the environment, people wanted to preserve the wilderness areas and make them bigger, if possible. We drove in the three vehicle convoy to the site and were greeted by the director personally. Kinsey Walters had been so thrilled to hear that we were coming since it gave her a chance to show off the improvements and lobby for more public support. After a brief photo session, we were given a private tour without press to interfere. Ms. Walters shared her extensive knowledge of the various flora and even the occasional animal we encountered. It was an extremely pleasant afternoon but made me sad remembering how beautiful Mars had been once. When we finished the visit, my paa'treen and I returned home for a wonderful romantic dinner for two. Louis and I each recorded our updates to be beamed to Mars before heading to our room.

The master bedroom suite was enormous with large windows and even a small greenhouse area complete with a small lap pool. In the main portion was a king-sized bed with dual nightstands and a gorgeous cedar chest at its foot. A small seating area consisting of two large stuffed chairs and a coffee table was located in front of a large fireplace. In one corner, there was a large walk-in closet with connections to the master bath. We had looked all around before entering that area. I was stunned to discover a huge steam shower, large spa-type tub, dual sink vanity, and small private area for the toilet. Walking through the beautifully tiled and lit room was amazing since the floor had radiant heat and wasn't cold. Looking at Louis, I mentally suggested a soak in the tub before bed. He agreed and set up the water in insure proper temperature, which was maintained by sensors within the sides of the basin. We brushed our teeth and then disrobed as the tub signaled it had achieved the requested temperature. I entered first and then assisted my love who sat between my long legs. Leaning against me, he radiated a great deal of love and even a little desire so I decided to act on those emotions.

Using my hands, I slowly moved down his torso stopping to tease his nipples. They were about the size of An old, standard U.S. quarter and highly sensitive. Whenever I touched them, Louis would squirm and purr like Martian phu'caht, a small feline-like animal. At the same moment, I was gently nibbling his ear and licking his neck. His body was tingling and causing me to become even more aroused than I was. His hands were caressing my thighs as he spread his legs and arched his back. Moving one hand down his chest my wrist made contact with his already erect member. I smiled knowing that it had grow since our coupling and was now almost 9.5 inches and slightly thicker. This was due to our neuro-chemical link created during the partnership ceremony. It was another way of assuring that the union would be successful. I kept moving until I reached the base which I then encircled and gripped tightly. A loud moan escaped my paa'treen as he turned his head to kiss me deeply. In my mind, I heard him telling me how much he loved me and wanted me to truly make him my husband. Pressing the rinse cycle button, a warm shower cascaded over us rinsing off the suds. The tub then refilled with clean, clear water at the same perfect temperature.

Turning Louis to face me, I passionately kissed him while using my long fingers to massage his firm buttocks. Moaning and climbing even closer to me, I found my hand being guided to his tight pleasure site. Using the most tender of motions, I inserted my finger into his anus and found it warm and welcoming. The soak had loosened the orifice well enough that soon there were three fingers probing and stretching the walls. Louis was so ready that he was forcing himself back against my hand. Placing my cock by the open hole, I encouraged Louis to sit back down. He rocked on his heels until the tip touched his ass causing him to shiver in anticipation. Being more than ready for the main event, he pressed slightly harder until the head forced its way inside. Taking a moment to adjust, he then sighed deeply and began to lower himself further and further down my hard cock. With each inch, our moans grew in volume and we started to kiss and caress each other. Before we knew it, he was resting comfortably on my hips with every part of me inside him. Pushing his torso up using my shoulders for leverage, Louis looked at me with both love and lust in his eyes before beginning to slide up my dick. Leaving just the knob embedded inside, he sank down again. This was the start of a steady bouncing motion that began slowly before gradually increasing in speed. Leaning my face to his, we resumed our kissing as I thrust myself up to meet Louis' downward movements. Our passion was unified and increasing with each second we were coupled. The ceremony synced our bodies, minds, and emotions so we acted almost as one entity. After 30 minutes of riding my cock, Louis moaned he was close so I gripped and stroked his erection. I was soon rewarded with a large load being sprayed over both our chests. His orgasm was causing my own dick to be milked even harder and I followed with my own climax seconds later. Both of us were physically spent and waited to gather our strength. Recovering our senses, we cleaned up, dried each other, had a quick drink before crawling, naked, into bed and going to sleep.


Well, our worst fears were confirmed when we saw the photos of the Mayor's reception. That Martian, Faa'lex, and his traitorous human lover, Louis, were now here for the "honeymoon." I'm not against same sex couples but our planet is in danger of being overrun by these blue-skinned aliens. How he could even think of becoming intimate with let alone marrying one is beyond logic. We had made several attempts to derail both the ceremony on Mars and their voyage here. The operatives assigned to those tasks were sloppy. All of the had been captured, tried, and exiled leaving the couple free to be "good will ambassadors." In this current age, the death penalty had been outlawed by both species so we placed our violent criminals into a secure facility of the dark side of the moon. This visit to Chicago had been another opportunity but they didn't have many public appearances and nobody knew where exactly they were staying. My spies had been outflanked by several look-a-likes as well as some fake sighting reports. If we lost them here, our allies in Paris were the next chance to catch them with their pants down.


The next morning, I woke up feeling better than I could ever remember having felt in my life. Faa'lex and I had begun the night spooning tightly but due to my recurring bad dreams. Tossing and turning like a maniac, I could only hope that I hadn't struck him during these occurrences. As dawn broke through the blinds, I turned and saw Faa'lex still facing me as he slept. Trying to disentangle myself from the sheets, I ended up waking him. Hearing a small laugh, a quick sideways glance confirmed a smiling face watching me with amusement. Leaning over, he kissed me gently before helping me free myself and carrying me to the bathroom. Taking care of our morning routine, we entered the kitchen to find my chef working on preparing a lovely meal for us. The security chief came in with a suggestion that we remain inside for a couple of hours. There had been a bomb threat sent to local law enforcement and the grounds were being scanned. As we ate our breakfast, our communication devices beeped with incoming messages. My father had replied with congratulations from the entire Martian leadership and a wish that the remainder of the trip went as smoothly. Faa'lex's message was a communiqué for him to pass on to the European leaders when we arrived in Paris. It was a confirmation of a trade of technology between the two scientific communities.

By this time, we were given the all-clear notice and decided to spend the day touring a small settlement called Long Grove, Illinois. This village was typical of small farming communities from late 19th Century America. It had traditional wooden bridges, period buildings, and even an acting troupe who conducted tours. Most of the units housed small shops, selling, clothing, collectibles or food items. We were lucky enough to be here during what was their annual Strawberry Festival. It was a celebration of the sweet, red fruit. They sold fresh jams and jellies, cakes and tarts as well as being able to buy any quantity of berry to take home. Faa'lex had never tried them so I ordered two small shortcakes with extra whipped bream and some sweetened iced tea. Finding a table in the shade, we ate and enjoyed not only the food but just being an ordinary couple on a day trip. I purchased some small gifts for my family including a couple of trinkets for the only relative of Faa'lex I knew about. These were only two small delicately carved crystal figurines, both of angels with their wings spread. Symbolizing hope and love, I believed they were an appropriate choice for his only living relative.

We got home with plenty of time to clean-up and dress for our dinner with Wallace's parents. I chose a dark grey suit with a pale lavender shirt and a dark purple tie with silver lines. Faa'lex went with a dark blue suit with a white shirt and navy tie. He was so handsome and I had to restrain myself from pouncing on him. My security team escorted us to our ride and soon we arrived at the Lamprey's home. Miranda answered the door within seconds of ringing the bell. She greeted both of us with a large hug and kiss. Showing us to the lounge, Maxwell was waiting with a large pitcher of iced tea ready for us. He was thrilled that we came and served everyone a drink before sitting down to chat for a few minutes. We talked about the new settlement on Mars and I asked if they would be willing to come and attend the official opening. They asked why and I explained that it was named Lamprey Station, after their son. With tears in their eyes, they agreed to be there as soon as I had the finalized dates. Dinner was enjoyable with the conversation remaining light and open. After the meal, we spent another couple of hours playing cards, mostly Gin. As we left, I promised to contact them as soon as I knew the opening dates and agreed to keep in touch from then on.

The rest of our week in Chicago was uneventful but romantic for us. We did a number of the routine tourist stops including a private cruise on Lake Michigan. On our final day, the security team made certain that our limo and plane were thoroughly screened before we entered either vehicle. Since it was a direct flight to Paris, we had several hours to relax in first class as we talked telepathically so as not to disturb the other passengers. About 30 minutes into the trip, I fell asleep dreaming of the home Faa'lex and I would have with our 4 "dream" children. It was relaxing and full of love until a small dark cloud started to form in the sky. Slowly this mass grew until it became a swirling whirlwind that blocked out the sun and made it impossible for me to see my family. Panicking, I screamed and moved through the darkness with my arms stretching out I front groping for anything I could find. Soft responses could be heard on the torrents of wind but there was no sense of direction. My blood pressure was rising and I could hear it pounding it in my ears to the point of drowning out even the wild storm. Just when I thought I found someone, I discovered I was falling down from the edge of a steep cliff. Just before I would have hit the bottom, I felt two strong arms gather me close to a warm body. Opening my eyes, I looked up to see Faa'lex staring at me with concern in his face. He calmed me down and assured me that I was safe as long as he was around to protect me. Keeping me in his arms, we both returned to sleep while waiting for our plane to land in Paris.


I got the latest message from Louis about Wallace's parents attending the official dedication of Lamprey Station. It was a wonderful idea to include them and I began making the necessary arrangements with our head of security. The facility was almost ready for settlement as the main greenhouses, food processing zones, and central recreation dome are fully finished. Our team would need a few weeks to complete the residential and commercial areas to specification. Rail engineers finished the link to Galileo Base and made the necessary expansion spur ready for the next location before returning to the central depot. Not every site was going to be directly connected to all the others. Some would be reached through interchanges and this was the first of those to be established. Colonists would begin to be screened in order to be selected to live in this settlement. Louis and Faa'lex had requested that their new personal space be moved here and it was between the main recreation dome and the central business zone. Isabelle had been overseeing the preparations in accordance with instructions from her brother. I was taking every precaution available to ensure that there were no disruptions or security problems here.


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Next: Chapter 13

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