Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Jul 23, 2023


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the tenth installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of reading other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 9 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET


Faa'lex went into the large bathroom and started the spa tub so it would be the perfect temperature. When it was ready, we climbed in through the bubbles and sat cuddled close together, enjoying the sensation of our newly cemented bond. He kissed my ears and neck as I leaned back between his strong thighs. Conversation was conducted telepathically since the hormones increased my sensitivity and ability. We relaxed in the spa jets allowing the stresses of the last few weeks melt away. As the water started to cool, we rinsed, dried, and headed for our large bed. Faa'lex gently lowered me down to the mattress and began kissing and caressing me. As he moved down my body, I shivered in anticipation of the true beginning of our life as paa'treens.



I feel cheated and depressed because my "friends" weren't able to stop or even disrupt the joining ceremony for Louis and Faa'lex. Now they were fully-committed partners and, if I understood correctly, their bond would grow so strong that it would require either death or a very long, complicated and painful separation ceremony to dissolve. Hil'pot described the dai'vurgas months of fasting, prayer, arduous tasks and potential physical and mental destruction. My biggest problem was that this ritual could only be requested by one of the partners or a family member who feared for the health or safety of one of them. I was neither and thus not eligible, even if I could prove the danger aspect. Hopefully I can arrange an "accident" for Faa'lex and then be the shoulder that Louis will need to carry on with his life.


Watching my brother and his paa'treen exchange their vows of eternal devotion made me think about my own relationship. Diana and I haven't yet gone public since her position as security chief for Natalia requires a certain degree of discretion. She believes that nobody would care but I'm afraid people might think she could be compromised if I were put in danger. Even in our enlightened age, there are still people that behave like "nutballs" and want to force their antiquated views on the entire society. They were on the outer fringes of the society but had some level of power and influence of public opinion. Natalia assured both of us that whenever we were ready she would fight tooth and nail to help us become a couple.

I watched as Faa'lex and Louis boarded a shuttle to Earth for their honeymoon. My paternal grandparents had a large home in Chicago while Mom's parents had an apartment in Paris. Dad arranged for them to stay at both locations complete with security and escorts. Most of the press from Earth seemed to be in favor of their relationship since there were several public speaking events on the schedule. Even though they had those business responsibilities to meet, my brother and his husband would have plenty of time to just be newlyweds on their own. I was the first one they contacted when they landed at the Cape Canaveral space port. It was a short super-sonic flight to Chicago but they had about one hour to adjust to the increased gravity before they could board. Louis had not been there since before Wallace died and Faa'lex had last visited some two hundred years earlier. They both were excited and looking forward to every moment, even the speeches. Making me promise to let Bee'nix and our parents know they were safe, they entered their adaptation module after saying their farewells.


Well, after almost 75 years of solitude, I was once again with a paa'treen that I truly felt was fully connected with me. Something happened the very first time that I ever saw young Louis and his family on the Earth's moon base. He looked so innocent and sweet as he slept and even when I reviewed the footage of the family and their interactions. I celebrated his triumphs and mourned with him, especially when his lover Wallace had been killed. Learning that he was being transferred to Mars to lead the expansion of the humans' colonies, I vowed that I would at least meet him to see how he was in real life. The day he came close to my survey area seemed to be divine intervention for me. Probing his mind as he recovered from the stun gun, I could sense his loneliness and desire for another person to love. Through the haze, I even discovered dreams of the "mysterious blue man" who used to visit him in his sleep. When he awoke, all I felt radiating from him was a longing for affection and a desire for closeness.

Our first time together was so close to perfect that I knew instantly that I wanted him for my paa'treen. My only fear had to be that the council and the Earth leaders would not approve. Mars had been observing our neighbor's radio and television broadcasts for years. So many of these were filled with scenarios of Martians or other alien creatures attacking their planet. Our ancients expressed concern from the moment the first Earth probe vehicle landed here. The development of Galileo Base created a level of panic that was unseen since the Great Cataclysm. When we began to monitor their activity here, the council relaxed and felt we might be able to build an alliance with them. Therefore, I was allowed to pursue my attraction with this young Louis in order to further both of our agendas.

Arriving on Earth for the first time in two centuries, I was shocked by the cleanliness of the environment and the near-pristine nature areas. The planet had been on its way to becoming a polluted mess when last I was there. Louis had told me that the planetary government had finally figured out how to restore the delicate natural balance. We landed in a place called Florida before going to a hotel in Chicago. The mayor and his aides met us at the airport with an invitation to a formal dinner. Louis' home was being prepared for us since it was usually not occupied during long periods of time. That evening, we dressed in our finest uniforms and rode a limo to the mayor's event. As we entered the room, the newly penned anthem for the Unified Solar Government was played by a small twelve piece orchestra. Escorted to our seats on the dais, there was a brief introduction and welcome that preceded the meal. An assistant had made certain the foods were selected so that I would be able to digest easily them. About halfway through the meal, Louis was introduced and gave a brief speech concerning the Mars-Earth treaty and our partnership before allowing me to make my public address. The glittering group of people in the room were very interested in the way our ceremony had been conducted.

After the meal, there was a small dance and meet-and-greet for the various dignitaries. I was extremely popular and a dancing partner leaving poor Louis to chat with guests. As I was being waltzed around the floor by a leading colonial supporter, I heard my paa'treen scream inside my mind. Making a polite exit, I rushed to his side to find that he had seen the parents of his former lover. Sending him a strong message of support, I held his hand as they walked up to greet us. There were tears in their eyes as the three hugged and exchanged greetings. When I was introduced, I sensed a feeling of joy that Louis had finally found happiness and love. After the four of us chatted, we made arrangements to meet for a private dinner in a couple of days. As Maxwell was moving on to the next guest, I asked Miranda Lamprey, Wallace's mother, if she cared to dance. She was tickled pink and we conversed about Wallace and how worried they had been for Louis, knowing how depressed he had been. When the dance ended, she confided in me that both she and her husband, Maxwell, had been relieved to see him so happy with me. They left to circulate and eventually the evening ended. We returned to our hotel where we made some message updates to be sent to his relatives on the moon and our families on Mars.


I received a new update from Faa'lex and Louis from Earth about how the first event of their hun`y'una (honeymoon) had concluded. They had a formal welcoming dinner with the mayor of Chicago and other dignitaries. Meeting Wallace's parents concerned me until it was revealed that they accepted and were glad for the union. Apparently, knowing how upset and suicidal Louis had been made them concerned that he might never find happiness again. Their fears were eased upon meeting and getting to see how happy the two lovers seemed to be together. Since this was their first destination on Earth, it gave the council a positive feeling for the remainder of their trip. They had 3 other cities to visit over the next 3 weeks so I could wait to let them know about the communication I received from our ambassador on Venus. We had not been in contact with that base for centuries and thought it was destroyed.

Venus had been like Earth at the same time that the Great Cataclysm occurred. Both our planets suffered enormous destruction leaving our societies living a marginal existence in deep underground bunkers. Yaw'twix had been assigned to the Martian embassy there but had not wanted to be evacuated prior to the disaster. She felt it was critical that she remain as a symbol of unity. Her paa'treen Fil'oh'mee had managed to evacuate their two children for their own safety. I did contact General Osteen to inform of this latest development and begin the retrofit of several transport vehicle that would be able to withstand the harsh Venusian atmosphere. This effort was being given the highest level of security from our council, the Galileo council and the USG defense corps. We needed to reestablish this vital link since it would greatly strengthen our position as well as expand the future capabilities for expansion.


Seeing Wallace's parents at the mayor's event made my legs become unsteady and my stomach quake. In my head, I yelled for Faa'lex, who appeared the very next second. Acting as moral support, we greeted them and even chatted about my current life. My paa'treen surprised me by dancing with Miranda allowing Maxwell to reveal how pleased they were about my newfound happiness. That night at the hotel, I sent a message to my father and Bee'nix. These would be sent my super-sonic relay from here to the moon and then on to Mars. Responses would come within 48 hours so we just had to wait to see what they felt. Basking in the large steam shower, we held each other and enjoyed the closeness our love. Drying each other slowly, we walked to the bed without dressing knowing that sex was anticipated. Kissing as we lay on the large king-sized mattress, my skin tingled with even more fire than before the joining. I questioned Faa'lex with my mind and he responded that the ceremony opened our emotional pathways completely, creating the extremely tight bond. From this moment forward, we could now communicate across the entire solar system as well as the planet.

My paa'treen moved down my body causing goose bumps to appear anywhere he touched. We carried on a complete lover's conversation the entire time as the sexual tension heightened. Reaching my dick, which seemed to have gotten even larger than before, he tongued and caressed it driving me over the moon with delight. Coming to the knob, he slowly swallowed until he reached the base. I could feel the muscles of his throat massaging me and applying moisture on every single cell. His technique was bringing me ever closer to the promised land when he rose onto his keens, straddling my waist. Placing his firm ass over my cock, Faa'lex gently lowered himself down while we locked eyes in an almost trance-like state. Unlike our first time, I could almost visualize every inch of his anus as I entered him. As his cheeks rested on my hips, I could again feel the contraction of each individual muscle. The sense of pleasure and unity was almost overwhelming until he suggested methods for preventing sensory overload. I focused on his eyes and let the sensations wash over both of us. He rode up and down for what seemed like an eternity increasing his pace the longer it went. Our breathing synced as we acted as though we were one unit. My heartbeat matched his as I thrust up to meet him. This went on until I felt my orgasm approaching. As I sent him the mental warning he just replied "Do it." What followed was the most intense and toe-curling climax I'd ever experienced in my entire life. Faa'lex mentally cried as he lost his load on my sweat covered chest. He fell onto me and we lay there struggling to recover our breath. After several minutes, we looked at each other with huge smiles on our faces. A passionate kiss and a quick shower was undertaken before crawling into bed for a wonderful night's sleep.

I found myself in a small, dim and cold room with the only sound being the beating of my heart. Looking around, I saw a small sofa and several chairs centered in front of a darkened window. The longer I waited, the more terrified I became. Where was I and why was I here? Just as I thought I might go crazy from isolation, the door opened and in walked two men in dark grey uniforms accompanied by what seemed to be a doctor in white. They sat down opposite me in the chair and pointed to the sofa. Reluctantly, I sat and was about to speak when the man in white cleared his throat to begin.

"Well, Mr. Newton," he said. "I'm sure you are curious as to why you are here."

Being as nervous as I was all I could manage was to shake my head. He continued to speak explaining that this was a death inquiry and I would need to answer some questions. My mind started flying through the recent days. Who died, what happened, what does this have to do with me and why am I being interrogated? As he droned on and on with the introduction of the two officers beside him and his own name, which I missed, I was still frantically trying to remember. Suddenly I was jolted out of my daydream by the following question.

"You are the husband of Wallace Lamprey?" the doctor asked.

"Yes," I replied.

The man went on to inform me that there had been an accident outside Aldrin City dome. Wallace was repairing some electrical connections to the train depot when his lifeline became tangled under the wheels of his transport. He attempted to signal for assistance while struggling to free the cable. His pages were not received and he suffered a loss of consciousness. A second crew working on the rail shields found him 30 minutes later and rushed him to medical but he did not survive. I found my head spinning as I screamed and cried. People attempted to console me and I flailed my arms wildly. Managing to rise, I fled the room running through dimly lit corridors desperate to reach our quarters. It was just a bad joke that Wallace was playing. He couldn't be gone because he was everything in my life. How would I survive without his love and support?

The next thing I remember was the soothing sound of Faa'lex as his arms held me tightly to him. He kept assuring me that it was only a sad memory brought on by seeing my former in-laws again. Feeling his concern and love, I relaxed and melted into his embrace before drifting off to slumber for a little while longer.


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Next: Chapter 12

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