Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Jul 8, 2023


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the ninth installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of reading other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 8 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET

Dad returned late in the evening and, being very tired, Faa'lex and I excused ourselves and returned to my quarters. Once there, I felt his arms come around my waist from behind. Warm breath and light kisses were covering my neck as fingers undid my uniform. Poking my backside, I felt his hard, thick erection letting me know that it wanted to fill me up. Pushing my ass against him, I moaned as I turned to face him. His eyes were full of so much love that my heart melted as his lips met mine. We slowly moved to my bed and laid down never breaking our kiss. Removing my clothing and his own, Faa'lex and I shifted into a 69 position. His cock was fully hard and dripping as I licked up the shaft. I could feel his tongue mimicking my movements until we both reached he tips. Not wanting to wait any longer, I swallowed him to the root and held him in my throat until I almost passed out. He groaned loudly before taking me in his hot mouth. Sweet precum was coating my tongue as I moved up and down, prepping him for what I really wanted. Faa'lex read my mind and began using his long, agile fingers to lube my ass. Soon, he had four opening me wide enough to take him without any difficulty. Moving into position between my thighs, he fed me his dick inch by glorious inch until he bottomed out. Every time we joined this way I felt like a virgin and fell more in love with him. He moved to kiss me as he started his rhythmic motion with his hips. Each thrust seemed to go deeper than the one before and I loved it. Using my legs to pull him closer, he increased his speed and intensity of his kisses. My orgasm was building rapidly ad I could sense his own was as well. Pulling back to see my eyes, we locked on one another as both of reached climax at the same instant. It was the most intense moment we had yet experienced and left us both weak and panting.



We relaxed for a few moments to catch our breath before cleaning up in my shower. I donned a small pair of short as Faa'lex did the same while I changed the sheets. Just then there was an emergency page from the main greenhouse asking me to come ASAP. Pulling on a fresh uniform, we used my personal vehicle to speed to the main door. Standing in front was the assistant director, Bertrand Montpelier, a 35 year old hydroponics specialist from Paris, France. He had been in his position since the beginning and was a leading expert in this field. Some thought he was arrogant but I felt he just needed to find someone to help him relax.

The red alarm lights were flashing and I stepped out to greet him. He informed me that a temperature sensor indicated something had happened with the hydroponics system. We grabbed our emergency gear and entered the greenhouse with several assistants. Walking through the various beds, each member checked the status of the individual planting areas as Bert and I worked our way to the control room. The first odd thing was that the separate units seemed to be working properly but alarms were still sounding. The most disturbing was evidence of a break in at the main facility office. A large crowbar and some metal shavings were found with the steel panel pushed back disengaging the security locks. Someone had clearly been inside as quite a few of the control panels had been crushed or ripped from the console. These units monitored the flow of water, nutrients, and light usage along with crop sowing, harvesting, and rotation schedules. Luckily, whoever attempted this sabotage missed the actual controls that ran the various systems. Had those consoles been destroyed the entire greenhouse could have suffered a catastrophic failure and loss of all crops. It was going to require a couple of round-the-clock days to fix the damage as soon as the investigators finished their work. Adrianna Growlaine, the base's Chief of Security, was already on scene with her team to help reduce the amount of interference in the daily routine of the greenhouse and it's staff.

Assigning an emergency staff to begin assessing the damage and start assembling the required materials, I placed an executive page to my father and General Osteen. Making them aware of what had happened, I requested an immediate meeting. Faa'lex and I sped over to the military office and were ushered in as soon as we stopped the vehicle. The two gentlemen greeted us and wanted the latest information. Using the video pad, I showed them the films I had taken as well as my chief engineer's assessment of the amount of damage and estimated repair time. My paa'treen even shared his own scans showing microscopic damage and fingerprints. He offered any assistance that we might need during the investigation. General Osteen asked who was in charge of the investigation and I told him it was Adrianna Growlaine. He immediately contacted her and made this incident the highest priority. We needed to know who and why this was done as it could have been fatal for the entire colony.

By this time, it was extremely late, so Faa'lex and I started to head to my quarters when his page sounded. The look of shock on his face scared me. Turning to the three of us, he revealed that a similar attack had just been discovered in one of the Martians underground greenhouses. We both decided to beam over and see if we could find any similarities for these two events. We were greeted by Quo'lox, Tai'mai, and Zei'pai, the head of Martian intelligence. After being shown the damage their facility suffered, we shared our results from the colony to compare. The initial examination did reveal some very striking similarities between the two attacks. Whoever perpetrated them did not know exactly which units to destroy for maximum damage. Also, it was apparent that they didn't care about evidence since the items used to gain access to the areas were left behind. Spending a couple more hours comparing notes and exchanging theories, everyone was on edge and exhausted so we called it night. A quick call to my father and the general was made to let them know what happened and that we would be back tomorrow.

Faa'lex and I were escorted back to his apartment and went inside to find a lovely surprise. There was a large container of naïve flowers, in shades of blue and peach, on the main table along with a sealed envelope. Faa'lex opened the message to reveal a preliminary draft of the treaty with the Earth colony. We decided to review it in the morning and we took care of our nightly duties and headed to bed. This routine was becoming anything but dull for me as I felt my paa'treen's loving arms wrap around me. I soon drifted into that wonderful dream of my future life with Faa'lex and our children. The children were older and in school at the Martian compound since they grew and progressed faster because of the combined DNA. My family had all mover to one of the additional colonies that were developed. They spent as much time doting on my children as I did on my nieces and nephews. I awoke to find that Faa'lex was pacing the floor and muttering while scanning the papers we received. Trying not to disturb his thinking, I quietly crept to the bathroom but was shocked when he greeted me as I came out.

"You didn't have to sneak, Bah'hee (Babe)." he snickered. "I never want to miss seeing you when you wake."

Kissing me as he held me tight, I melted in his arms and wanted the moment to never end. I asked what bothered him about the treaty draft and he outlined the minor issues he felt needed clarification. Contacting the Martian security team, we discussed the new details they discovered. I connected with our own tam and held a video conference. It turned out both sites had been damaged in exactly the same way. The theory was either one vandal or two who coordinated the attacks. Bee'nix arranged for a final meeting to straighten out the details of the treaty. He joined my paa'treen and I as we beamed to Galileo Base. General Osteen, my father, and Dr. Quill met us and we finalized the fine print before announcing it to both communities. Through the use of broadcast communications, the treaty was revealed and an instantaneous vote was held. It passed by an almost 7/8 majority of both populations. With that completed, the results were submitted to the main Earth council and vigorously approved. This allowed us to finally assist the Martians with reaching their far-flung, isolated colonies.

Ganymede was the first to be reached. Faa'lex and I served as ambassadors from the newly created Unified Solar Government. It was decided that since my paa'treen has once been joined with the commander of the colony, Gee'trax, that he was the logical choice. My role had been defined as a representative of the cooperation of the two societies. The vehicle was a cross-bred design using the best of both Earth and old Martian technology. It traveled faster on less fuel and even was able to reach speeds almost equal to the Speed of Light. We arrived at the main settlement, Ganrede, after only three weeks of travel. Gee'trax met us at the landing area and gave each of us a huge embrace. Using his mind, he let me know that he was aware of my partnership with Faa'lex and approved. Our first task was repairing the communication satellites and relays, which only required a few days time. Once they were fixed, we contacted both governmental centers and announced the completion. This was only the first of many voyages and even began the establishment of a regular trade route.

Upon returning to Galileo Base, Faa'lex and I were hailed as heroes for expanding both Earthling and Martian knowledge and territory. Gee'trax gave us the coordinates for a colony feared lost among the many moons of Saturn. It had been almost a century since the last message had been received from it and no one knew if it still existed. By this point, the Martians had been able to reestablish both communications and travel routes with their colonies in the Jovian system. With those connections firmly established, Faa'lex and I were making plans to visit one of the Saturnian settlements where one of his siblings had lived. It was on the moon called Rhea and had been used as a production facility for fuel to power in inter-planetary vehicles. It took almost seven weeks to reach the colony, called Rhe'max, where we were shocked to find a thriving community. Jae'mei, my paa'treen's only surviving sibling, greeted us as we landed. She was thrilled to once again be in contact with the home planet and her brother. I was introduced but she had determined my identity through the mental connection with Faa'lex.

We followed the same protocol as we did on Ganymede and were soon reconnected with the USG leadership. Jae'mei introduced us to her paa'treen, Dahn'koi, and their three children. She had been the commander of this settlement since shortly after it was established. The original leader had been killed during a brief meteor shower. It was during the same calamity that robbed Mars of its oceans and atmosphere. The populace was thrilled to finally be reconnected and we were given a heroes welcome. A regular trade schedule was set up and we returned to Galileo Base. This was the last of the immediate voyages until those routes were secure, reliable, and well-managed. The USG was pleased with the results of these two expeditions but wanted to finish the three additional Martian settlements.


Louis and that Martian returned from their explorations to the outer colonies and were received as heroes. I almost threw up when they were awarded both governments highest honors. During the ceremony, Bee'nix and General Osteen announced that Faa'lex and Louis would be joined in a traditional Martian unification ceremony to be broadcast from the underground ceremonial site. Now I was furious since they seemed to have ignored my little demonstration but what they didn't know was I had a connection with a member of the Martian underground resistance, Hil'pot. His group wanted to evict us from their planet and take over the Solar System themselves. Between the two of us, we tried to stop the peaceful cooperation among the two species. I was going to contact my ally and stop this union. When we succeed, I will rule Earth's colonies under the umbrella of the Empire of the Martian System. The only other reward will be the destruction of Faa'lex and my partnership with Louis.


It was finally the day prophesized eons ago. A being from a neighboring planet would unite with one of our own and secure our future existence. We had formed a peaceful alliance and even restored some of our outer colonies. The only negative was our joint discovery of a secret underground revolutionary group bent on domination rather than cooperation. I arranged for the uniting ceremony to be broadcast to the Earth colonies as a show of our unity. Rae'vot worked with Louis so he was prepared for the intricate details that were involved. Qua'lox and Dr. Quill oversaw the necessary medical preparation which included injections of a special hormone to allow the binding to go more smoothly. The gazebo had been decorated with Earth and native flowers and special seating erected for the various dignitaries. In a move to include Louis' home customs, his father and mother would escort him down the procession path and symbolically give him to Faa'lex in marriage.

The morning of the ceremony arrived and both men were clad in uniforms of pure white with a matching flower on the chest. Faa'lex waited at the altar with Gee'trax as his second. Music began and Louis entered the path following his sister Isabelle, his chosen second. Both of their parents held one of his hands as the three came forward. Rae'vot performed the ritual in traditional Martian speech while one of his aides provided a translation on large video displays which also were located in other places for the most people to witness this unique moment. Faa'lex had been so down since his first joining ended but now, as he said the words uniting he and Louis, he beamed with love and happiness. Following the exchange of rings and vows, the couple kissed and melded minds to complete the binding. From this day forward the only way to separate them, other than death, was a long, painful bai'men ceremony.


The uniting ceremony was emotional and beautiful. I admit that the hormone injections were a little painful and left me very tired until my body adapted. Rae'vot helped me learn the proper Martian responses that would be needed during the ritual. My parents escorted me down the path and beamed as I became the full-fledged paa'treen of Faa'lex. We had decided to move our residence to a large apartment in the new colony of Palomar Base, which was situated halfway between Galileo and the main Martian compound. The building was finally complete and ready to be occupied. A rail spur connecting it to the other three settlements was finished as well. Our "honeymoon" was going to be something not even I had done. My parents had grown up on Earth and wanted us to see my home planet. Faa'lex and I would travel to Chicago, Paris, London, and Honolulu since those were places where my family had relatives. He was as anxious as to see Earth since it had been over 500 years since he last visited. Arriving in Chicago, we were greeted by the mayor of the city and given the bridal suite at one of the city's premier hotels. After a private dinner with various government officials we returned to our room,

Faa'lex went into the large bathroom and started the spa tub so it would be the perfect temperature. When it was ready, we climbed in through the bubbles and sat cuddled close together, enjoying the sensation of our newly cemented bond. He kissed my ears and neck as I leaned back between his strong thighs. Conversation was conducted telepathically since the hormones increased my sensitivity and ability. We relaxed in the spa jets allowing the stresses of the last few weeks melt away. As the water started to cool, we rinsed, dried, and headed for our large bed. Faa'lex gently lowered me down to the mattress and began kissing and caressing me. As he moved down my body, I shivered in anticipation of the true beginning of our life as paa'treens.


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Next: Chapter 11

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