Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Mar 21, 2014


This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of readers other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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The year is 2120 and mankind has made tremendous strides. Global warming had been stemmed in the middle of the 21st Century. Ice caps and glaciers stopped their retreats and actually returned to levels from years past. Pollution was reduced by the development of cleaner burning fuels and more efficient transportation methods. The ozone layer was replenished thanks to the elimination of many of the chemicals which caused the damage in the first place. Ocean levels and temperatures stabilized, which reduced the frequency and intensity of tropical storms. Intense droughts and floods became rarer and shorter in duration. Politically, communism finally failed around the world, resulting in Tibet and Cuba being freed and Korea becoming a united nation. The world economy was united and all nations became the beneficiaries of better living conditions. Even religious differences seemed to disappear as extremists fell out of power and common sense seemed to reign.

By 2030, the moon had finally been established as a base for future exploration as well as colonization. Lunar Base Kennedy was established quite near Tranquility Bay, site of the first manned landing on the surface. After being encased in a protective dome, the actual location became the first extra-terrestrial national monument and eventually a favorite tourist destination. As the settlement grew, other bases were established and connected using special train lines, partially subsurface and encased in protective tubes to keep out radiation and dust. Over the years, the entire lunar surface was transformed into a thriving collection of towns. These villages ranged from industrial centers to recreational destinations to purely residential neighborhoods. In addition, there were several communication hubs and spaceport installations. These allowed for almost instantaneous exchange of messages and vessels, including those for future missions deeper into the solar system.

The first manned mission to Mars was undertaken in the year 2040, leading to a new voyage each decade to establish a base of operations there. Martian Base Galileo was the first permanent settlement and located near the landing site of Viking I. A colonization plan similar to that for the moon was being worked out when my mission was announced. Over the ensuing decades, our ability to conduct interplanetary travel became easier and shorter due to technological advances. What was once a 6 month, one-way trip was reduced to less than 2 months. Modules were deposited near Galileo Base to speed the expansion of the colony and eventually lead to future development. This is the reason why I am currently speeding through the blackness of space on my way there.

Born on Kennedy Lunar Base, my name is Louis Macarthur Newton. I am 25 Earth-years of age and am considered a scientific genius, or freak, by some people. Standing 5 feet 11, my physique was trim and slightly muscular from years of lunar exercising. My hair was a rich, ebony color that complimented by my deep green eyes. Our family was one of the founders of the first lunar colony and had a prime residence near the governmental center of the moon. I had two younger sisters and a brother, all of whom were above-average in one skill or another. Graduating high school at 12 and college at 16, my education became complete with my doctorate degree as 20. I developed a more efficient method of growing plants in zero gravity allowing the development of lunar greenhouses and expanding settlements in space. The following year, my then-boyfriend and I found a solution allowing fish to be raised off-planet, increasing the available source of food and fuel for these remote locations. I have a new innovation that will hopefully lead to further expansion throughout the solar system.

My boyfriend, Wallace Lamprey, was killed after a trip to visit a newly established colony on the dark side of the moon. He was overseeing the installation of special lighting meant to simulate the rising and setting sun. While he was outside the facility making final connections, his lifeline became tangled in around the tires of a lunar rover and was severed. Wallace was unable to reach the safety of the airlock before his suit depressurized. I was on Earth at the time, beginning work on our project involving chickens and zero-gravity. For a period of time, my life fell into a deep abyss that almost resulted in my mental breakdown.

Thanks to a wonderful therapist, I found new purpose in continuing my work, as a way of honoring my late lover. As a result, I am now leading a special team that was organized to implement my latest development. This discovery led to the ability to raise chickens in reduced- and zero-gravity, expanding the available protein sources for colonies off-planet. It had already been a success on lunar colonies and was now a large planned Martian project. The team members were well-prepared and all capable of operating the facility with little or no supervision. I was just there to oversee the establishment and expansion as more colonies are formed.

After 7 weeks in space, the ship made its approach into a stable orbit over the landing platform. Once that was achieved, we were shuttled down to the Martian base along with all of our required materials. After taking time to acclimate ourselves to the local conditions, we were shown to our living quarters and the module that would house our project. The director even took the time to show us where they had set up the greenhouses and the fish farms, which were progressing extremely well. It all made me proud to see how much impact my work was having on these facilities. I could only hope that Wallace was smiling at the same thought.

My team and I spent 6 weeks setting up the support structures required for the project to work in Lamprey Plantation, the largest of several food-producing modules around Galileo Base. Once the embryos developed into chicks and eventually full-grown chickens, they were soon producing eggs and chicks to continue the cycle. After ten months, my team was running the entire operation with little required supervision on my part. I turned my attention to a program that was intended to help begin the terra-forming process by increasing the density and temperature of the Martian atmosphere. Our hope was to allow the planet to become more Earth-like and not limit us to living in modules. This was only possible due to Mars' existing limited atmosphere, which the moon lacked.

On one trip to calibrate a machine emitting greenhouse gases to help thicken the atmosphere, I spotted a cave a short distance from the location. Being naturally curious, I entered it to investigate when the first beam of blue light hit me. Before passing out completely, I feared that the rumors of renegade Chinese or Russian separatists might have been true. Even in our enlightened period of history, old phobias. ideologies, and suspicions were held by a few die-hard zealots. As my eyes closed, I saw what appeared to be a tall, thin, pale figure looking down at me. I soon felt myself being lifted and carried with no sense of direction or time.

The next moment I awoke, I found myself in a warm, dimly lit room, reclining on a slightly inclined table with a thin mattress for support. I attempted to sit up and move but found I was restrained by some type of force field that I could feel but not see. It was causing the tiny hairs of my body to stand erect and vibrate as well as creating a steady ringing sensation in my ears. When I tried to yell or ask for help, no sound exited my mouth and my tongue felt like the driest desert on Earth. Giving up any further attempts to leave, I waited nervously until I heard a whooshing sound behind my head.

Unable to turn, I was confronted by the same tall figure, who pulled a mask from alongside the bed. Placing it over my mouth, I was shocked to find a warm, moist slush, similar to scrambled eggs, being deposited in bite-size quantities. Sensing an aura of calm from the individual, I chewed and swallowed several bites and was then given a coffee-like liquid to rise it down. Once my "meal" was complete, the mask was removed and I was raised into a more normal seated position. My host placed a compact receiver/transmitter in my right ear before taking a position in a chair opposite me.

His voice was surprisingly low, almost a baritone, as he began. "My name would be impossible for Earthlings to pronounce. You may call me Faa'lex."

I could only answer, "My name is Louis. Where exactly are we?"

"You are in one a many sub-surface living pods that my people have established all over this planet we call Maa'teen."

"We call it Mars." I replied, unsure of how I was understanding him.

The conversation continued with many basic questions being answered. Mars had been a planet similar to Earth but had lost much of its water and atmosphere after a comet struck the sun while in an opposing position to Earth. Because it had been known in advance, the population took steps to relocate deep underground. I was able to understand his speaking because they had developed a translator system using our television and radio broadcasts. Over the centuries, they had visited our planet every so often to determine the level of threat we posed to their society. Until the establishment of the permanent base, we weren't considered a danger. Now, because of the rapid development and planned expansions, they had grave concerns as to whether we could coexist on the planet.

The more we conversed, the more I found myself strangely attracted to Faa'lex. He appeared to be honest, caring, well-educated, and willing to attempt to bring our two civilizations together in peace. Standing approximately 6 feet 2, his body was on the more macho end of the spectrum, just the sort of man I found appealing. His eyes were a deep blue that I couldn't even begin to describe with light brown hair. All of those features complimented his pale skin, which resembled the color of ivory. When I raised the question of sex and gender, he smiled and explained that children were created using a test-tube type process with artificial gestation chambers to insure the survival of the species in the event of a major catastrophe.

"That doesn't sound like much fun." I stated, blushing at my suggestion. "Among humans, sex is just as much about pleasure as it is procreation."

He seemed to get the implication, smiled, and said, "Don't worry. We haven't entirely done away with that aspect of it yet."

I inquired as to whether I was to be returned or remain a captive in this facility. Faa'lex acknowledged that it was to be decided by the Council of Ancients. These were the people who had been ruling this planet since before the Great Calamity, as the locals called it. He was unsure of their potential decision since it was feared we would endanger their society. I had no counter argument since I was an amateur student of Earth history. Knowing our track record with indigenous population, the Martians concerns were certainly valid. One of the questions I asked concerned whether I would be able to address the Council. Faa'lex assured me that I would be allowed to speak as a representative for my species. He offered to assist me in preparing my discussion as he admitted that he had been secretly observing me since my arrival on the surface.

Blushing deeply, I stammered, "You have? How?"

"Our scientists have developed small, mobile cameras." He smiled. "So I have been able to observe you in all aspects of your daily routine, even your most private times."

I didn't know how to respond when I felt the electrical field suddenly disappear, allowing me to move. Sitting up, the cover fell and I discovered that I had been naked the entire time but couldn't remember my clothes being removed. Pulling the thin sheet back over me, I looked up to find Faa'lex smiling with a hint of lust in his eyes. He approached me and put a slender finger under my chin. Raising my face to his, our lips touched sending surges of excitement throughout my entire body. My mind raced as the kiss became more passionate and intense. Using his strong arms, Faa'lex carried me to a small curtain on the opposite side of the room. Pushing his way through the fabric, I looked around at a small sleeping area that was surprisingly warm.

Setting me down on a fluffy bed, he pushed a button on his wristband, which reduced the lighting and started some soft music. Faa'lex removed this light gray tunic slowly revealing a nicely sculpted chest and slim waist. His privates were covered by a gauzy, bikini-style covering that was barely straining against whatever was awaiting release. Crawling on the bed next to me, I trembled as he began kissing my neck and stroking my chest. I was more and more aroused as the encounter continued.

"Are you sure that this is even possible?" I managed to stammer out.

Faa'lex didn't reply but returned to his previous tactics as I felt him remove the sheer brief he was wearing. His member was fiery hot as it came in contact with my bare thigh. Based on the sensations I was perceiving, it must have been close to nine inches long and three inches thick. Part of me was fearful of how actual physical intimacy might feel yet I was intrigued at the possibility. When Faa'lex brought his lips to mine, I returned his kiss with equal passion and vigor. By this time, our bodies were in complete contact and each movement increased my anxiety. Sensing my anticipation, he began slowly working his way towards my stomach creating tingling spasms all along the way.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope you find this story intriguing. Although most of this chapter was designed to establish the back story, there will be more intimate and exciting scenarios to come in future installments. I do hope you continue to read this and other stories I have posted on this site.

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Next: Chapter 2

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