Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Nov 15, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chaptrer 9

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 9

Here are the keys to the car, will you both grab the coolers of food out of trunk so we can set up for lunch?' AJ and Scott headed outside, hand in hand hoping that things would stay the course.

The kiddos were swept up by the Grands in the room. All 4 kiddos were entertained while the younger folks got the food AJ's mom had prepared ready for lunch. As the family got their plates, there was a knock on the door; Chase, Brett, Brent and Steve were standing at the door holding several envelopes that had been signed for the day before as the guys were headed back to the fraternity. Steve apologized for the delay and handed them to AJ, who looked through the 6 large envelopes. AJ's mom asked him what was wrong and AJ turned to face his parents with his mouth hanging open – The envelopes were from – John's Hopkins, Duke, Harvard, University of Michigan & University of California – SF. The envelopes appeared to be acceptance information from the top 5 surgical programs in the country and AJ was obviously speechless. AJ could not articulate what they were, so Steve piped up and told everyone there that it appeared AJ had been accepted to the top 5 medical schools in the nation. AJ's mom – shrinking violet that she is, grabbed the envelopes and began opening them, Charlene, Eva and Gina each took an envelope as well. Each read the letters inside and were a bit shell shocked as well.

Evelyn looked up with tears in her eyes – she read aloud the key part of the letter from Harvard – `Mr. O'Brien, it is with great pride and pleasure that we welcome you to Harvard Medical School. Your academic investment to date and our desire to have you attend our hallowed university, we are offering you a full ride scholarship and would like you to begin courses as a first-year medical student beginning in January. We understand the hard work and dedication you have put forward to graduate with your undergraduate degree in 3 ½ years.' Evelyn looked up at her son and choked out – I'm so proud of you. The other ladies gave summary indication that the other letters were nearly identical. Chase asked – `I thought you were 1 course shy of wrapping up this semester, I thought Professor Edmunds didn't let you take your final after Syd's funeral.' AJ responded – `he didn't, I will have to check with my advisor to get to the bottom of this. I don't know if I can start at any of these schools that soon – it's only 2 months from now.' AJ noticed the somewhat sad expression on Scott's face as he finished his thought `I'll deal with that tomorrow, today is about this extended family, let's eat'.

The unexpected party was lively and everyone settled in to getting acquainted or reacquainted. The grandparents played with the little ones, Kevin cornered Scott, Jonathan squared conspired for nicknames, Eva and Gina smoothed things over the guys from the house helped keep things clean and interreacted where they could. Brett pulled AJ aside and tried to get his big to talk to him about the smoke coming out of his ears. AJ tried to play it off that there was nothing wrong and he was just trying to keep an eye on things and head something off if it went sideways. Brett would not relent as he KNEW there was an undercurrent between, he and Scott. Scott would glance in the direction of AJ, but if AJ looked at him, he would turn his attention back to whoever he was talking with. There definitely appeared to be trouble in paradise given those 5 thick envelopes.

AJ was keeping an eye on everyone and noticed Conor and Caleb were struggling to keep their eyes open – he looked at his watch and realized it was nearly 5 o'clock. He stepped into his office unnoticed and ordered pizza for everyone. They were delivered a short time later and AJ had the kids at the table, Caleb and Conor's were torn up into bite size pieces and he did get a bit of a stink eye from the grandma's for serving up pizza to their boys. Evelyn grabbed some kid approved food out of the refrigerator. She and Charlene fed the boys more appropriate kid food while the rest grabbed slices and chowed down. After everyone got something to eat, they all gave hugs and headed home. Elliot, Charlene, Eva, Mat and the girls were likely going to spend the night with Jonathan and Evelyn on their way to the Seattle area.

Jonathan hugged Conor and Caleb, told the 4 frat boys to behave, hugged his son and told him `I'll see you later', grabbed AJ in a bear hug from behind and told him loudly – `I don't know you too well, have seen a LOT of flesh, but I'm very proud to have you as my son's love', under his breath – you need to go to medical school and convince Scotty to go with you, he was going to go to college to be a lawyer, when his mom passed he withdrew from law school and settled into law enforcement. He should go with you and get his law degree; you could be a power couple. Please don't let him stay behind and give up his dream.' Jonathan, kissed AJ on the cheek turned and as he walked out the door said – all my boys need to behave I don't want to arrest any of you and he laughed heartily as he closed the door.

AJ asked the guys to take the boys into the playroom for a bit he needed to talk to Scott. Scott did not react at all, he continued to stare out the front window. AJ walked up behind Scott encircling his waist, pulling him into his growing rod, sliding his hands down the front of his jeans which were getting very tight in the front as well. He asked him `a million for your thoughts?' Scott retorted – `it's a penny for your thoughts, not a million.' AJ chuckled in his ear, sending a shiver down his spine – `you goof, I know that but your thoughts are worth more than a penny to me, I love you want you to be my husband and grow old with me so give it up.' Scott's hands went to his jeans, he unbuttoned them, pushed them to his knees and wiggled his naked ass back into AJ. AJ roared and when he stopped laughing, he said – `that's a good one. Let me spell it out for you – I want to know what you are thinking about me going away to medical school, since my family rang in from the roof tops that I got into the top 5 medical schools in the country, you have been moody as a bear getting ready to hibernate and I won't have you shutting me out like this. You told me you loved me and wanted this to work and the ONLY way this will work is if we talk to each other.' As AJ was making his plea, Scott had pulled the front of AJ's sweats down and was grinding his ass into AJ's rock-hard cock.

AJ chuckled in his ear – yes, he was sexually VERY excited, but he was not going to succumb to this man's rock-hard ass and absolutely stunning cock. He stepped back until he reaches a chair, pulling Scott down with him. Once they were seated, AJ reached down and grabbed Scott's balls in his right hand and applied a bit of pressure and asked his question again – `Scott, what is going through that gorgeous head of yours, talk to me?' Scott responded by grinding into AJ's crotch. AJ upped the pressure on Scott's balls, Scott ground harder, AJ upped the pressure, Scott ground harder, AJ upped the pressure. Scott through his head back against AJ's shoulder. AJ could see the tears streaming out of his lover's eyes, instantly he let go of his nuts and turned him in his lap hugging him hard to his body stating – `we'll figure this out, I will give up med school, I'M N O T leaving you behind.' Scott kissed AJ deep and more passionately than he had to date and when he finally broke the kiss, he wiped his face and looked deeply into AJ's blue eyes and asked – `did you really just ask me to marry you?' AJ grabbed his face and kissed him hard. Breaking the kiss he chuckled and told Scott, yes as a matter of fact I did and before you go on about how we haven't known each other long, it's too fast, men can't marry men and every other excuse in the book, we are meant to be and can have a commitment ceremony and put together enough legal documents that you and I can be each other's life partners and be act as if we are married until such time as the government recognizes this fact.

Scott's simple heart felt answer – yes love I will be your husband. Scott did not realize he never said the words aloud.

Chase, Steve, Brett and Brent came out of the playroom, the little guys had fallen asleep. The guys in unison stated, `fuck me, that thing is huge.' Chase continued – `Scott you are a better man than me, you are walking and smiling.' The four guys huddled around the chair and moved arms so they could take a look at Scott's goodies. Brent lamented – `how are you both so lucky, gorgeous and hung. My boyfriend is cute and average.' Chase popped him in the back of the head – `thank you SOOOOO very much lover.'

Scott and AJ continued to make out, ignoring their guests. They were totally wrapped up in each other. The guys did cop a feel of the two half naked studs stroking them both which elicited deep moans from them. AJ pulled away from Scott's lips and slapped the extra hands away. Brent licked the pre-cum off his fingers and stated – `he even tastes better.' drawing another smack to the back of the head. AJ stated emphatically, leaving little room for conversation – `Goodnight boy, we'll see with you later' as he swallowed Scott's dripping cock. Eliciting a `not fair' from the boys as they left the house.

Brett broke the ice once they were outside – `fuck me, AJ tastes good. I got my mouth on his massive mushroom head. We are going to have to find a way to get those boys drunk and convince them to let us molest their bodies before they leave Pullman.' High fives were shared, they ran to the house and into Chase and Brett's room so they could get each other off. The four guys were naked in a flash, hard cocks, tongues, hands and asses were all used to get each other off. There were two couples, but they readily shared if they played together.

AJ asked Scott – so are you going to tell me what you are thinking about us going away to school or us staying here? Scott sighed and said – `let's get each other off first and then we can talk.' AJ was having none of that and said, `talk first, boys second, sex third.' Scott pouted a bit but in the end he agreed they needed to talk first, then take care of the boys and then violate each other.

The two hunks stared into each other's eyes – AJ was tense as he was unsure where they were going, Scott was tense as he did not want to hold this man back.

Next: Chapter 10

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