Finding Love

By Jason

Published on Oct 6, 1999


Okay. Hello to everyone. Special thanks to my readers Toby, Tonny, and K for e-mailing me some of their comments. This next part is going to be somewhat different. So hold on tight. Thanks again. Here goes.......

"Finding Love" Part4

By: Jinray

A dark room. Both Brian and Jason jump up from bed at the same time. Sweating and shivering they both start to cry. They immediately cling to each other. A few minutes later they both calm down and just stare at each other. Jason once again gets lost in Brian's beautiful blue eyes.

" have the same..dream that I did?" Brian finally asks, breaking Jason's trance.

"I don't know. What was yours."

"Umm. Can we..." Brian trailed off.

"talk about this in the morning. Sure. I just wanna hold you right now."

They both just held each other all through the night. Neither one of them slept. Brian started to sing.

And in your eyes I see ribbons of colour

I just stared into Brian's eyes as he sang to me. I could no longer hold back. Without another thought I decided to join him. I sing the chorus.

I'm falling into you This dream could come true And it feels so good falling into you.

Brian's voice fades out. He just sits up and looks at me in shock. I sing the next verse.

I was afraid to let you in here Now I have learned love can't be Made in fear The walls begin to tumble down And I can't even see the ground.

A huge smile forms on Brian's face. He motions me to continue singing.

I'm falling into you This dream could come true And it feels so good falling into you

Falling like a leaf, falling like a star Finding a belief, falling where you are Falling into you Falling into you Falling into you.

Halfway through the song I closed my eyes. After the song had finished, I slowly opened my eyes. Brian was not there. I turned quickly and saw Kevin, Nick, AJ, Howie, and Brian watching with huge smiles on their faces.

"Wow." They all said in unison. My face just turned several shades of red.

"Why didn't you tell us you can sing like that?" Kevin asked

"Well for one, I don't really like singing in front of a lot of people; and two, I've only met you guys." I said with a smile on my face.

"Oh." They all said, looking down at the floor. I felt bad. I looked out the window and saw that the sun had come out already.

"So, who's up for breakfast? I'm starved." I said, Which put smiles back on everyone's faces.

Everyone left, so that Brian and I could take a shower and get dressed. I was first. Once inside the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. I felt so happy to be here with Brian and the other guys. Then, I thought about the dream I had, and how weird it was for Brian to have the same one as I did. What did it mean? I shrugged it off and hopped into the shower. I quickly lathered up and shampooed my hair. Boy was the hot water so relaxing. A after toweling myself dry I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and stepped outside. I yelled that I was done to Brian, but there was no response. I stepped into the bedroom and opened up my suitcase. I decided on wearing some khakis and a black tee shirt.

" Brian, you had better be showering or else I'll have to give you a spanking." Still no response. " Brian, I don't like having people wait."

Frustrated, I stepped out of the room and into the main room. Brian was nowhere to be seen. Where could he have gone? I decided to check the other guys, to see if they knew where he had gone? I knocked on Nick's door first. He quickly opened it. My jaw hit the floor. I couldn't stop staring. Nick was completely naked. His manhood was just dangling between his legs like a bell. It was huge and very, very thick.

"Hey Jay, whatsup?"

"Huh..Oh yeah..umm..Have you seen Brian by any chance?"

"Nope. Why, is anything wrong?" Nick looked very concerned.

"I don't think so. He just disappeared while I was taking a shower."

"You know what. Why don't you check with Kevin, he always knows where Brian is."

"Thanks Nick. And you should really put some clothes on." Nicks face turned red. He didn't even know he was naked. I walked over to Kevin's door and was about to knock, when I heard crying. I leaned into the door. As soon as I did, it swung open with me falling to the ground.

"Heres your lover boy now." Kevin laughed as he helped me up. I was just speechless."

"Go on in. Brian's waiting for you, I'll be right back." Kevin moved aside for me to step in.

I turned in time to see the door shut. I turned back around to see Brian standing there.

"Can you please hold me. I need you right now." Brian said between sobs. I just ran to him and held him tight.

"Brian please stop crying. It hurts me to see you upset. I love you so much."

"Jason th..the.theres something that I need to tell you. Something only Kevin knows."

"Brian honey, you can tell me anything." Brian just looked at me with a mixture of love, fright, and compassion on his face.

"Jay the dream we both had...well it might come true."

"Bri, how do you know that. Are you psychic or somethin?" I said smiling.

"I...I...Everytime I have dreams like that it always seems to come true. I know it's hard to believe but I'm scared for you and for me. Jay" The smile disappeared from my face.

"You can't be serious."

"I'm dead serious. I'll understand if you want to leave." Brian said looking at his feet.

I grabbed both of his hands. " Brian look at me. There's no way I'm going to leave you. No matter what you say. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me. We'll get through this. We can't let life stop our love." Brian clinged to me immediately.

"Listen Brian, we need to discuss the dream. I'll tell you mine first. Okay." Brian nodded.

"Okay. We were driving back to the hotel after visiting my aunt. We got into a bad accident. I wake up in the hospital. I'm fine but you aren't, in fact your in a coma and your body looked all messed up. Then I woke up." I finished without crying.

"Wow. I had the exact same dream. Except you were the one that was in a coma."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. It was only a dream, and no matter what I'll never regret staying and loving you Brian. Remember that." I said before kissing Brian. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ The next day... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

I awoke from my peaceful slumber. Brian wasn't near me. I got up and looked around. Where was Brian? Where was I? Now I remember. We were talking in Kevin's room last night. I must have dozed off. Just then I heard snoring. I walked out the bedroom and into the main room. All the guys were sleeping. Nick on one of the couches, Brian on the other, AJ on the floor, Howie on the coffee table, and Kevin sitting on a chair with his head down on the table. I didn't want to wake them. So I slipped out of the room and went to Brian and I's room. I decided to take a shower. While in the shower I got a great idea. I quickly finished and got dressed.

I ran to the elevator and went down to the lobby. I asked one of the bell boys where the hotel store is. When I found it, I ran in and got what I needed, and made my way back to Kevin's room. They were all still sleeping. I put my plan into action. Right in the middle of the process Kevin woke up and scared the shit out of me. I froze. He just looked around and then turned to me with a huge grin. He helped me finish my, our surprise.

Kevin and I ran to the kitchen and waited for the guys to wake up. They started to wake. One by one they each got up. They all looked at each other and totally freaked out. AJ screamed and they all started to cuss and swear. They were royally pissed. They all ran to their room. As soon as they were all gone Kevin and I broke out in laughter.

"You do Know there going to kick our asses right." Kevin said between laughter.

After settling down a little I suggested that we go somewhere else until the cool down. Kevin quickly showered and got dressed. We left the hotel in a hurry.

"I bet there still washing all that gunk off and stuff." Kevin laughed as we got into the limo.

"When do you think they'll cool down?" I laughed.

"I dunno. All I know is that they'll get us back somehow."

"So, what do we do until then?" I asked

"Let's go to the mall and do some shopping."


We got to the mall and went in almost every store. Kevin kept staring at me.

"What? Do I have a booger hanging or something?" I laughed.

"No. Come here and I'll show you." Kevin dragged me to a huge mirror.

"Oh my god. Will you look at that. Twins." I said in amazement.

"You copycat." Kevin playfully punched my arm.

Kevin and I both had on black shirts, black jeans, black boots, and silver rings on our fingers.

"I think we should wear something different in public. It might attract attention." Kevin whispered. I agreed.

We ran to the nearest clothing store and split up. Kevin and I emerged from the dressing room at the same time. We broke out into laughter once again. We were both wearing khakis and tight Calvin Klein shirts. The only difference was that his was blue and mine was grey.

"You know what?" Kevin asked.


"Now I know who's closet to shop in." Kevin laughed.

"Anytime. But should I go and change?"

"No it's okay. Who cares what other people think. Let's go check if the queens have cooled down."

We paid for our clothes and left the mall. We spent hours in the mall. It was already four in the afternoon. We kept joking around in the limo. I knew that I would get along great with Kevin. He was so down to earth. We arrived at the hotel and made our way back to BSB's private floor. We slowly crept back into Kevin's room.

"What do we do now?" I asked

"Let's blast the music and have a small party of our own. When the guys here the music they'll come. I don't think we should face them separately. We should also pretend like nothing happened." Kevin whispered.

Kevin put on Third Eye Blind. As soon as Semi Charmed Life started to play, we danced radically and started to jump all over the place. Halfway into the song the guys showed up and just stared at us with absolutely no expression on their faces. Kevin ran to turn the music off.

"Hey guys whatsup? How was your day?" No response.

"Jason I just went shopping today. Wanna see what we got?" Still no response.

I just couldn't help it anymore. I broke out in laughter. Kevin saw this and broke out to. We just couldn't stop. Our eyes became teary and we were soon on the floor holding our sides. After a few minutes we stopped and got up. I took one look at AJ and broke out again. Kevin smacked me and said, " Stop." Kevin laughed again.

"Okay guys. Were sorry. We'll make it up to you we promise." Kevin said still grinning widely. I couldn't say anything so I just nodded.

AJ looked at us and said, " You guys put kotex on our foreheads, honey on our feet, mayonnaise in our shirts, toothpaste on our arms, tape on our legs, and peroxide on our hair."

"Do you know how long it took to clean ourselves up?" Howie yelled.

"Do you know how much it hurt taking of the tape on our legs. Were practically hairless now." Brian yelled.

"Look guys were sorry. Please forgive us." Kevin pleaded.

"You can't stay mad at us forever." I said

"Okay but your going to get yours one day. And you better make this up to us someway." Nick said.

They all smiled an said in unison, " FORGIVEN."

Kevin leaned toward me and whispered, " That was too easy. Something's up. Expect something."

To Be Continued.......

There you go. Finished. Hope you've enjoyed it. Don't forget to e-mail me your comments and suggestions.

Next: Chapter 4

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