Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Dec 6, 2019


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Finding Life

Chapter 9

Cowboy Massage

I was feeling horny and decided to try something new. I was wanting a sensual massage today, my boss was out of town and I could take some extra time during my lunch to set it up. I found a post for what I was looking for, it gave rates, approximate location (about 20 minutes away) and same day appointments. I sent in my request for the time I was looking for. The response came back quickly, giving Dean's (the therapist's name), his exact address and confirmation that the time was available. I replied my acceptance and made my preparations.

The address was further out than I normally would go, but I was looking forward to this appointment. The drive out of town was all highway, it was a very windy day making the car sway quite a bit from wind blasts. I reach the turnoff from the highway into the privately marked ranch sign. Less than a quarter mile off the highway was the trailer from the address that Dean had given me. Per his instructions I pulled next to the large pickup truck and entered the fenced yard headed toward the door.

Dean answered the door from my knock. He invited me in past the door and I got a good look at him. Dean was close to my height, about 5'8", with a trim and fit body. His hair was light brown and worn in a close buzz hair cut. He eyes were a rich hazel color, his skin was darkly tanned and smooth. He was wearing a tank top and short denim cutoff shorts - showing off his toned muscles.

"You must be Mace." He offered me a handshake as he welcomed me in, his hands were stocky and even though they were calloused they were not rough.

He ushered me back to the bedroom he had set up for his studio. It was cool outside. He had the temperature in the room pretty warm. I felt myself start to become too warm being fully dressed in polo shirt, slacks, and jacket. I was taking my jacket off as we entered the room. The room had a full size bed, a night stand, a chair and on the bay shelf a row of lit candles.

Pointing to the chair, "Make yourself comfortable." Dean said, continuing, "I am going to get a few bottles of water. I will shut the door, we are alone by the dog likes to get in the middle of things. I will be right back."

Dean stepped back outside of the room and closed the door behind him. I took the moment to lay my jacket on the chair and take my shoes off. I was undoing my belt when he stepped back in. He set the water down on the night stand and headed over to the open space at the end of the bed.

He watched as I undid my pants and slipped them off. My cock was semi hard on it's way to my 6 inches when hard. I laid the pants on the chair and then reached up and took off my shirt. I tossed it on the pants and then slipped off my socks. I stood nude next to the bed.

"Nice body Mace" Dean said as he looked me over.

I am 5'7", brown hair and eyes, trimmed body hair, legs and ass toned from cardio, but a bit of a belly. More of a classic dad bod.

"You can lay down on the bed, with your head towards the foot." Dean instructs, "Start by facing down."

I move over, take a drink of the water and lay down. The temperature in the room is quite warm and I was starting to feel like my skin was glistening up. As there was not a hole for my face, I turn my head towards the side of the bed.

"It is warm in here." Dean starts, then asks "Do you mind if I get comfortable?"

"No problems with that from me." I reply, "Get as comfortable as you like."

"I'm not sure if you would like how comfortable I could get." Dean answers.

"I think I can handle it." I say with a smirk. "Truly, do what you like."

I can see Dean as he smiles. He pulls his tank top off and drops it in a pile on the floor. His abs are toned and smooth like his arms. He drops his hands to his shorts and soon they join his tank in the pile. He had turned to grab the oil and I could see his tight ass, with great definition. As he turned back around his cock came into view. He was cut like me, wearing a bright yellow cock ring around the base of his shaft and under his balls. It appeared to be lengthening in transition from semi hard to hard, had to be close to 6 inches and a decent width.

"Move closer to the edge of the bed," Dean tells me, "put your arms up closer to your head."

I scoot down the bed and move my arms that had been down by my sides to be up near my head as requested. I hear Dean as he oils up his hands and then sets the oil down on the bed.

I feel his strong hands touch my shoulders and move down my back as he starts the massage. He moves his body closer to the edge of the bed as his strokes move further down my body. His strokes are now going the full length of my back and reaches down to my ass.

"How is the pressure?" Dean inquires softly.

"It is good." I reply, "It feels nice and it making me relax."

"That is our goal for today," Dean tells me, "I want you totally relaxed."

His hands are now focusing on my lower back, hips and ass. His hands slide down and pause at my ass cheeks. He cups them and separates them, exposing my crack and pucker. His body leans closer as he leans over me, I feel him blow on my pucker.

"Mmmhn..." I moan. I feel my pucker twitch from his breath. My hips wiggle as he blows again.

"Like that do you?" He asks. I nod in reply and feel a warmth on my head - he has positioned his cock ring bound cock next to my head.

His hands knead my ass cheeks, stretching my hole open. One of his hands slides down into my crack and I feel a finger run over my pucker and then circle around it. The finger then slides down and runs along my taint on its way to my balls. His hand grabs my balls and gives them a firm tug.

"Uhgh." I grunt. He chuckles.

I reach my hands forward and rub the sides of his legs. I feel the strong muscles flex as he moves closer. I start to stroke from his calves to his thighs.

He moves his cock closer and rubs it against my head. His hand slides down and gives my cock a jack up and down. He releases my cock and moves his oiled hands back up to my ass. He takes both hands and spreads my ass cheeks wide, moving his thumbs against the sides of my ass lips.

I start to writhe around from the stimulation. The motion causes his balls to drag across my face. I open my lips and flick my tongue out to lick them as they pass back across.

It is his turn to moan as my tongue makes contact and my lips try to capture his ball sack. He positions his hips to allow my mouth to suck one of his balls in. I grip his ass with my hands and start to knead the tight muscles while I am sucking on his balls, switching one to the other in my mouth. I feel a strand of his pre-cum drip on my face as his body responds to my ministrations.

He leans over again and buries his face in my open ass crack. I feel his breath then his tongue as it hits my pucker. He uses his hands to pull the ass open wider and starts to spear his tongue in my hole like it is a little cock.

I open my mouth to moan in pleasure. He shifts his hips back and lines his cock to my open mouth. I let his hardened tool slip between my lips. I start to lick his cock head and add some suction. My hands that are holding his ass cheeks start to pull open and separate. I fish my finger in and start to play with his hole.

He gives a muffled groan and his tongue is still assaulting my hole. He pushes his hips forward, moving his cock deeper in my mouth as I insert the tip of my finger in his hole. He slides his hips back, sliding his dick over my lips and tongue and impales his ass deeper on my finger. He picks up his pace with his hips, fucking my mouth and my finger faster on either end of his stroke.

"My God!" He yells when he pulls his face away from my ass. Then he asks,"You love that ass don't you."

I muffle a responding grunt. I slip a second finger in when he pushes back. I feel his cock twitch and give another drop of pre-cum. I can taste it as his cock slides back and forth on my tongue. I continue to fuck my fingers deeper in his hole, stretching him open.

He moves his hands back down to my balls and now dripping cock. I am full hard and he is jacking my cock head and squeezing my balls. He pulls his hips back and to the side, removing his cock from my lips. My fingers are still working his hole as he is still jacking me.

"I want this dick up my ass." Dean demands, "I want to have you fill me up."

"How do you want it my stud?" I inquire.

"I want you to mount me." He replies.

With that he moves onto the bed next to me. He gets on all fours and leans his chest closer to the bed, popping up his ass for my access. I sat up and slid to my knees. He hands my the bottle of oil, I pop the cap and pour some in my hands. He reaches his palm out for some more oil as well. I pour some in his hand and then set it aside.

He takes his oily hand and slathers it around his hole and then starts to put one and then two fingers in his pucker. He is making a low moaning sound as he is fingering himself.

I use the oil on my hands to slick up my cock. Once that is done I reach over and swat his hand out of the way. I know he has warmed up his hole, so I shove two fingers in and start to work them around. His hole is loosening up, so I insert another finger. He is riding back on my hand and using my fingers to punch his p-nut.

"Get that cock in me man." He exclaims, then urgently "I need it now!"

I remove my hand from his ass lips, they gape at the absence of my fingers. Lining up my cock, I slide the head in slowly. His ass lips swallow it up and hug it tightly. I sit for a moment then push my weight forward. My cock head breaches his inner ring. He moans wordlessly as he gets use to my dick in his ass. I slide my hips forward with a slow steady push. I pause again when I bottom out, I flex my cock in his ass a few times to tease him.

I feel his ass muscles grip and then release my cock. I know that he is ready. I pull back a inch, then force it back in. He is surprised at the force and makes a grunting noise. I continue the pull back and punch of my hips, gradually pulling further out each time.

When I get to where just the cock head is just barely in his ass lips I pause. He looks back over his shoulder questioningly. I take that time to slap his ass with the flat of my hand. It makes his ass quiver. I give his ass another tap, then push his head and shoulders down to the bed. I grab his hips and start to pound his ass hard.

"Aiahee!" He yells into the bed, "Ride me hard. Ride me rough."

Encouraged, I hold on to his hips stronger and pick up my tempo. I force my cock from the tip rushing all the way to balls deep and repeat. Sweat is flying off both of us. I reach forward and raise his shoulders up and switch my grip to hold on to them. The change in position is now pile driving my cock into his prostrate gland. Dean starts swearing,

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me! Fuck me so hard!" His voice changes to a growl. He starts to pant and force his hips back to meet mine.

I feel his balls start to pull closer to his body. I double my efforts is hitting his p-nut again and again. His growl is now changing to a whimper.

He starts to shoot his load, that I am forcing out of him by the hard fucking. His spunk is leaving his cock and pooling on the bed. His ass muscles spasm around my cock, the added pressure tips off my climax.

I hold tight to his shoulders and pound my cock deep in his quaking hole. I shoot five jets of hot cum into his belly. I collapse on top of his back, my cock still buried in him.

"Fuck man that was hot." He pants.

I start to get up and pull out of him, but he reaches back and keeps me in.

"Stay where you are my friend." He requests, "Hold on to me"

With that I hug on to him and he rolls us over. My dick is still hard and now he is on top of me. He slides his legs up and gets on his knees. He begins to shift his hips back and forth while his ass is gripping my cock.

"Let me do some work now." He says, "Lay back and relax everything, but you hard cock."

His riding motion is making my member harden up again, fast as it did not loose much rigidity after I came. He feels it stiffen and then modifies his back and forth to up and down. He is dropping his body weight down on my pelvis with each drop.

"Damn dude, this feels awesome." I pant to him as he continues, "Why don't you turn around and face me."

Dean lifts off my cock that is dripping my fuck juice. He spins around and uses his hand to position my dick back in his wanting ass. My cock slips back in and it feels like it is being gripped in a velvet glove. He is now pulsing his ass muscles at the bottom of his strokes.

I reach up and grab his hard, smooth chest. My fingers find his nipples. I begin to pull and tease them until the are in hard points. I force each nipple between my index and middle fingers and then rub my thumb over the hardened nubs. His body shivers at the combined stimulation of my thumbs and the cock in his ass.

Dean has returned to the hard bouncing up and down on my cock. He leans forward and uses his hands on my shoulders to help stabilize himself. I start to force my hips up to tempo of when he is dropping down. It is making a series of loud smacking sounds, both of us are moaning and panting. Sweat is pouring off both of us as well, flinging off our bodies with our motions.

I feel Dean's balls stop slapping against me. I look down to see them pulling up against his body. His breathing is coming in short bursts. I know he is getting close again. I stop rubbing his nipples with my thumbs and start to pull and pinch them hard. He gasps at the change. He has thrown back his head and is bouncing for all he is worth.

I feel his ass muscles clench on to my cock as he starts to shoot ropes of cum. His bouncing has slowed, so I force my hips up to keep my cock pounding his insides. His orgasm is still making his ass muscles grab my cock.

My cum is about to come boiling out of my cock. I grab his hips and force my cock up in him as far as I can. I begin to shoot my load, filling him up again. My hot cream is filling his spaces and starts to drip out of his ass lips.

Dean falls forward as I release my grip on his hips. He slides my cock out of his ass with a pop and then lays on top of me. His cum is sticky between us from his climax. I hug him to me and he positions his head on my chest.

"Wow, that is some fun." Dean starts, "I usually do not bottom, but your attention to my hole and your hot dick made me change my mind today."

"Well you do have an amazing ass and your hole fucked the hell out of my cock." I murmur to him, "I enjoyed how you rode my like a stallion."

He looks up to my eyes, "This is what a good ranching cowboy does. He rides stallions to calm them down."

I laugh, "Thank God it was not like a rodeo cowboy who thinks 8 seconds is a good ride."

He joins in with my laugh, "Let's get you cleaned up and on your way." He adds, "You don't want to be late getting back to work."

We separate and untangle ourselves. He leads me to the adjoining bathroom and starts the shower. I shower and dry off, returning to the bedroom to get dressed. He is dressed in his tank and shorts again. I dress and we head toward his door. With a hug we part and I set out to get back to work.

"Yes, indeed this stallion is very well calmed." I think to myself, "I want to have that ride again!"

Next: Chapter 10

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