Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Nov 27, 2019


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Finding Life

Chapter 7

Santa's Naughty Massage Table

I have found that I am getting an addiction to having my massages done by hot men and ending happy. My regulars were all busy the next time that I got the itch. I returned to my trusty source, Craig's List (back when personals were still open.) I found a new listing that had a more professional feel, but because of where it was advertised it lead me to believe that it could be what I was looking for.

I sent the message requesting open times and rates.

The response came back fairly quickly. The therapist introduced himself as Chip. He provided the location of his studio, in a private gym facility, his rates and a few times on the date I was looking at.

I confirmed the time that worked for me on the upcoming Sunday afternoon.

My appointment came soon. The private gym was located in the back of a building that had a restaurant in front that I had worked in many years ago, so I was familiar with the area. I pulled up to the parking in front of the gym and noticed that the hours posted for the gym stated it was closed on Sundays. I thought to myself,

"Great, we will have privacy" I sent the text to let Chip know I was there - he would have to let me in the door. I step out of the car and head toward the door.

As I reach the glass door, I see a tall, silver haired man with a large frame - it looked as if he could have played foot ball in his youth. He stood about 6'4", tanned skin, startling blue eyes and a closely trimmed salt & peppered beard and mustache. He unlocked the door and ushered me in.

"Hi, I'm Chip. You must be Mace." He said with an easy, low voice. He put out a large hand to shake the one I offered.

"Yes, I am." I answered as his hand enveloped mine, "Nice place." I gestured around the foyer of the gym.

"Thanks. It is a great location. I worked a deal with the gym owners to barter my rental fee for massage time." Chip replied. "I think I have the better end of the bargain."

Chip led me down a short hall off the foyer to an open doorway. I could smell a faint whiff of sandalwood and hear some relaxing jazz music.

"If you need a restroom it is just two doors down" Chip advised and pointed. "It also has a shower for afterwards."

"I'm good for the moment." I answered.

I walk into the massage room. It is nice and tastefully appointed. The room was dimly lit, the table had nice linens on it, and the walls had some framed art. I stepped to the far side of the table as Chip followed me in.

He did not appear to be more than 40, but he had the silver fox vibe going for him. He was wearing a t-shirt and athletic shorts that both showed off his physic nicely, he had a bit of a belly but still had powerful looking arms and legs. It made my dick twitch in my shorts.

Knowing that I wanted to discreetly communicate what I was looking for. I kicked off my flip flops and started to remove my polo style shirt. I could feel him watching me, but not moving to leave. I continued to take my shirt off. I am 5'7", lean legs and arms from the cardio I do, bit of a belly as well. My skin is darkly tanned except for my swimsuit area. My brown hair is short on purpose as it is very naturally curly, it matches the trimmed body hair that I sport. My smaller frame seems dwarfed in comparison to Chip's. I reach to start to undo my shorts button.

"I usually do not prefer to be draped when it is this warm." I tell him, then ask, "Is that a problem?"

"Not with me." Chip chuckles. I swear his belly jiggled a bit.

He turns and closes the door. Then he lowered the lights a bit more. Then goes to the station that he has his massage oils at. He positions himself to watch me sideways.

I have undone my shorts and slide them down. I have gone commando from many years, so my flaccid cock flips out when the shorts go down. I see Chip's eyebrow raise slightly, but he does not comment. I fold my shorts and put them with my shirt.

"How do you want me?" I say mischievously as I am standing naked next to the table. "I mean, do you want me face up or face down?"

He laughs, "Face down please. Lets start with your back."

I hop on the table. I position my body open on the table, my legs spread towards the edges of the table and my hands down by my hips. I hear oil being slicked up on hands, close to the head of the table.

"Your skin is soft." Chip states as his hands stroke down my back in long strokes from shoulders to hips. His pattern is circular and he keeps moving in a steady pace.

"Thanks, I hydrate often." I tell him in response. "That feels nice. I like the pressure."

"Let me know if it is too deep or not deep enough." Chip says.

"I like it very deep," I reply, "usually as deep as most people can go."

Chip shifts his body weight a bit more over his arms & hands. His t-shirt hem drags back and forth as he continues.

"This shirt has got to go." Chip states, "That alright? "

"No problems here." I tell him, "Be as comfortable as you want."

His hands leave my back. I hear his shirt being taken off. Then I hear the rustle of his short dropping.

"It is warm." Chip says, "I will loose these, too."

I lift my head to see Chip standing in tight black boxer briefs. His bulge sees to be growing. I lay back down.

"As long as you are comfortable." I muse.

Chip resumes working on my back in long strokes. No shirt is dragging now, but I feel his body heat as he leans in for a long stroke going all the way to my ass. He repeats the strokes and now I feel the wispy feeling of his chest hair as he moves. He moves closer to the table as his arc spreads down to include cupping my ass cheeks in his pattern. I feel his hard, hot encased member rub against the top of my head.

"This is a nice ass, my friend." Chip murmurs. His hands pause in a longer cupping for him to squeeze my resting globes. He gently pulls the cheeks apart before releasing them and resuming the strokes.

"That feels nice!" I comment contentedly.

I can feel his hard member still rubbing over my head. He is not fully standing when he completes his stroking pattern. He does a few more of the full back stokes, with the gentle pushing of my ass cheeks apart. This makes my hole twitch from the subtle exposure.

Chip stops his full strokes, and moves to the side of the table to work one side of my body. He stays close to the table as he moves down. I feel his hard dick in my hand as he stops where my palm is on the table. He gently thrusts his crotch forward, putting more of his dick in my hand.

I grab and squeeze his hard member through the boxer briefs. I hear him let out a low moan as my hand is feeling up his cock and balls. He is still massaging my lower back, hips and ass.

I feel his hands stop and grip my ass cheeks again. He squeezes them and pull them apart. My hole is now exposed as he his kneading my ass. His body shifts forward as he bends at the waist. I feel a warm breeze on my pucker. It causes me to moan and a shudder passes through my body.

He leans back up with a mean chuckle. I feel his hands leave my ass, releasing the cheeks to slap back together. He takes a step back, removing his cock from my hand. I hear the sound of elastic being pulled back, then the rustling of underwear being pulled down. He steps of of the boxer briefs and tosses them on his pile of clothes.

Stepping back closer to the table, I feel a hard and leaking cock pressed in to my hand. His shaft pulses in my grip, I feel his hairy bush towards the base. I slide my hand down and cup his released balls. I hear a louder moan as I squeeze the dangling love nuts.

Chips hands return to my ass, spreading my cheeks wide. He leans in again. I feel the hot breath close to my pucker and his whiskers rub on my sensitive inner ass cheeks. His tongue hits my exposed pucker.

"Oh my god" I moan into the table.

As his tongue swipes around my tight hole, sometimes going right over, I lightly thrash against the table and his tongue. My hand is sliding back up to his shaft. I feel pre-cum leaking down from his pulsing head. My thumb reaches the underside of his corona and I flick back and forth on his tender spot. More pre-cum drops down onto my hand.

Chip pulls my ass cheeks further apart as his tongue starts to attack and push into my wanting hole. His scruff is sending electric shocks up and down my body as his head bobs.

He moves towards the foot of the table making my hand release his cock. He pulls my hips up off the table and pulls me back slightly. My cock slaps my belly as it is released from confinement between my body and the table. My pre-cum is making a sticky strand from the table to the tip of my cock.

He slides his tongue down from my pucker, over my taint and balls. One of his hands pulls my cock so it juts back. His tongue continues down my cock shaft, then laps the string of pre-cum. He pulls my cock head into his lips.

I moan as his tongue makes a circuit of my cock. He slips his lips further down my shaft and it slides over his silky tongue. I feel a finger enter my hole, still wet from the hot licking it had received. His finger reaches deeper in my hole while his mouth has now increased the sucking and licking. My pucker is being stretched out and loosened. He slips in a second finger. This makes my dick spurt more pre-cum which Chip hoovers away. My body aches as his fingers find and then rub my p-nut vigorously. Chip pulls his mouth down to just above my cock head and he swirls his tongue over my piss slit and the edge of my corona.

A sharp jab to my prostrate and his focused mouth work causes me to climax. I jam my face into the table and I start to shoot cum into Chips sucking mouth. I unload 5 shots of hot cum, filling his mouth.

His fingers exit my hole as he pulls his mouth off my now sensitive cock. He takes his hands and flips my hips over - turning my body to face up. He brings his face up to mine. I open my lips and he opens his - my cum drips into my waiting mouth. He then leans in and we kiss, passing my cum back and forth between us.

My hands run up and down his back and arms. My fingers playing with his silver fur. I rub against his burly chest. I break our kiss to slide my face down to his hard nipple. I take the large nipple into my mouth and suck. I bring his hard tip between teeth.

"Oh fuck!" Chip exclaims.

I switch to the other nipple with my mouth, but I snake my hand to the wet one. I play with both nipples and feel Chip start to writhe on me. I play a while causing him shocks when I nibble now and again.

I push him up and make his chest move backward towards the table. I slide my mouth down his chest as I sit forward, tracing my tongue through his thick chest hair and down his treasure trail. He moans when my mouth makes contact with his dripping cock.

I take his member into my mouth and slide my lips over his big head and down his shaft. He appears to be about 7 inches and his bulbous head flares out. He is cut like I am so there is not any excess foreskin, but he jumps when my tongue swishes over the transition. I open my throat and widen my jaws as I slide down to bottom out above his balls.

"Holy shit!" he yelps as I bottom out on his cock.

I hum just a bit before I start to slide up and down on his hard member. He is uttering a constant moan as I work his throbbing pole in my mouth and throat. I taste his pre-cum that is leaking out of his cock as my tongue slide close to his cock head.

I feel his hand slide to the back of my head as he starts to piston his hips. I let my lips extend and let my jaw slack some to help his cock move deeper with his thrusts. I feel his head poke the entrance of my throat. I relax my throat muscles and he pops in during one of his thrusts. The tight grip of my throat pushes his climax over the edge.

Chip wordlessly yelled as he pumped his throbbing cock into my throat. I pulled back a bit after his first jet went into my stomach and caught the other three jets in my mouth. I held my mouth still after he stopped shooting waiting for him to calm down. I pulled my lips up his shaft and head. I brought my head up to his and pulled him into a kiss. Sharing his load this time when our tongues wrestled.

"Damn that was hot, Mace!" Chip said, "it has been a while since I had a happy ending, too."

"I aim to please." I reply, "But who could not resist making sure my Santa daddy got a gift too." I still had my arms his chest, playing with his silver hair.

"Well, have you been a good boy?" Chip replied, laughing "I have already slid down your chimney."

With that I leaned in for another quick kiss. We start to untangle from the table and start to locate our clothes.

"I think I have been pretty good." I ask being fake shy, "You might need to come and tuck me into bed sometime."

Chip blushes, causing his cheeks to become rosy above his trimmed beard. Looking super hot.

Thinking to myself as I am leaving, "Yes, you will have to tuck me and hopefully fuck each other's brains out." I continue, "Well maybe I have been a naughty boy after all!"

Next: Chapter 8

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