Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Nov 25, 2019


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Finding Life

Chapter 6

Larry's Traveling Massage Table

My name is Mace. I am a gay man recently having unlocked my repressed memories and was interested in experiencing gay life.

I had some luck with Craigs List massage posts in the past. I came across a posting for a male therapist who specialized in massage for men. He listed several modalities including sensual. I had met up with Chet in the past, but could not get our schedules to work out to meet up again. I decided to try this new listing.

I sent the system email to inquire on rates and availability. Also I was wanting to find out where his studio was located, this would help me decide when would be the best time to try and schedule.

The email came back, that Larry offered a 60 minute massage traveling for $60.00, but sensual was $80.00. His schedule was flexible with day and evening times.

I replied back that I was interested in the sensual massage and was looking for an appointment time to coincide with my lunch time.

Larry confirmed a day and time that worked for him. He inquired of any allergies or health conditions and also if there was a preference for lotion or oil.

I confirmed the day and time. I let him know of the appropriate medical details and that I preferred oil.

The day of the massage, I arranged to be a little longer on lunch. I hurried home and into a shower. I only dressed in basketball shorts. I had cleared a space in my front room for his table already.

He arrived just on time.

"Hi I'm Mace!" I greeted him at the door. Ushering him in, "You can set up just down the hall here."

"Hey, that is great. I'm Larry." He answered as he headed down toward the living room I had pointed to.

I closed the door and followed behind him. Larry was about 6'1", wide shoulders but trim build. His arms were hairy, from what I could see and it matched the black hair on his head, though he kept his hair trimmed short. He wore a mustache as well. He started setting up after he surveyed the living room and decided how to align the table.

I past him and went to the kitchen to grab a few bottles of water. I returned to the living room and the Larry had the table set up and was putting the linen cover on it. He had set his oils on a side table that I had put up for that purpose. I set a bottle of water on the side table for him and took mine over by the couch.

"OK, remind me of what you were looking for today." Larry says as he looks over me.

My hair was just barely damp, I kept it cut short and it was a warm brown color. I stand about 5'7", smaller frame, but with a little bit of weight around my belly. As I was just wearing the basketball shorts, he could see my trimmed body hair and tanned skin.

"I am interested in sensual massage." I explained, "I do like regular massage as well - deep tissue is my preference when it comes to that."

"Right, well I have a tiered rate for my sensual massage." Larry starts off, "For $80 I will be nude, an additional $20 it will end 'happy'. For any penetration is $50 on top of that."

I had only planned for around the $80 range, but could swing an additional $20. A little more business like than I expected, but OK. I was in it for the experience. "I'm OK with a happy nude massage." I quip as I am dropping my shorts.

"That is great" Larry says as he looks over at my naked body. He smiles.

I open my water and take a drink before moving closer to the table. Larry starts to remove his shirt revealing a well muscled chest covered in black hair to match his arms. He has kicked off his shoes and unbuttons his pants. I see the band of his designer boxer briefs as his pants slide down. He looks over and sees me watching. He puts his pants with his shirt, turns around and hooks his thumbs in the waistband. He peels down the tight underwear to reveal a shapely hair covered ass. He pivots and his dick is hanging over his balls, sufficiently hairy to cover his crotch. His cock appears to be about 4 inches soft as it swings slightly from his turning motion. He comes up to his side of the table and motions for me to hop up.

"Let's start on your back." Larry advises, "I want you face down."

I climb up and stretch out on the table. I let my legs spread towards the edges of the table and let my hands rest by my hips. My shoulders roll sightly forward as my neck extends from my face going into the hole in the table.

Larry take a bolster and places it under the sheet above my ankles. He takes his hands and trails it up my prone body. They lift and I hear the bottle of oil being picked up.

I feel oil drizzle over my shoulders, backs of my arms and my lower back. A drop or two fall at the top of my crack.

I feel Larry's strong hands start at my shoulders then continue down in a smooth stroke to my ass. His hands came back up, adding the back of my arms in the circular stroke sequence. He continues this motion with firm pressure, occasionally stopping to work a knotted muscle here or there.

I lay there while he is working me over. I then feel his semi hard cock move from my shoulder down my arm and come to rest in my hand as Larry moves to the side of the table. My hand is slicked with oil, I grab hold of his pecker, squeezing it lightly. I go to move my hand to stroke the hot cock, but I feel slap on my ass. I leave my hand where it is and hold and explore his cock as it got more firm. I used my fingers to stroke his hairy balls.

Larry moved back up the table and moved to the other side, trailing his cock up my arm and back down the other. He rested his cock in my other hand, again I played with his shaft and balls. I twirled my fingers in his curly ball hair. My fingers flicked back behind his balls and brushed his taint. He rewarded me with a moan.

He moved down to the foot of the table to work on my legs. He did firm strokes down my thighs and calves reaching my feet. Larry manipulated my toes and stretched the soles of my feet. He then started rubbing and squeezing up the backs of my calves, gently spreading my legs out as he went higher. His strokes when they reached my thighs starting doing circle patterns that were making my ass cheeks spread to reveal my tight pucker.

The oil he had dripped down my crack earlier was working the way to make my ass lips slick. Larry reached my tight ass cheeks, his hands were kneading and stretching them out. In his motions he was dragging his fingers up and down my crack, moving around and over my pucker.

"Ohhh..." I moaned as my back arched from the teasing on my hole. Larry took a hand down and pulled my heavy balls and cock from between the table and stomach. The upper hand concentrated on teasing directly around my pucker. The lower hand was stroking my leaking cock and firmly handling my balls. My back arched higher to both give access to my cock and to open my ass up further to him.

Larry gripped my dick more firmly and held me up with my back arched. He took his slicked finger and inserted the tip in my hungry hole. His digit slipped past the first ring and he massaged it open, but not pushing past the second ring. My hips starting writhing wanting for his finger to slip further in. His thumb holding my cock, started to rub just under the cock head. My cock responds by leaking more pre-cum.

Larry's finger in my hole finally pushes through the second ring. He moves his hand back in forth, pushing his finger deeper on each stroke. His hand holding my cock starts to slide up and down, jacking my cock to the same speed as the invading finger. He keeps that up for a few minutes.

"Oh god!" I moan as his finger grazes my pnut. The efforts of both hands cause my body to tighten up, tensing for a release. His finger starts hitting my pnut more directly, it starts to harden. My breath becomes ragged, my back arches further back.

Larry grips my slicked cock and starts to jack it faster. I feel my climax churning up my balls and race down my shaft. My ass muscles clamp on his finger and begin to pulse as I start to shoot my load.

"Aghh!" I yell with cum shooting onto the table. "Oh, Oh, Oh! Ahhh!" I continue as the ropes of cum pool below me.

My ass muscles release Larry's finger, he slides it out and slaps my ass. "Looks like you needed that." He quips.

"Go ahead and turn over" He says.

He reaches and grabs a towel and placed it over my cum pool. My cock trails a strand of cum over my hip as I flip over. Larry dabs the corner of the towel to clean it up. I settle down on the table and look over at Larry. His cock is now mostly hard, his hairy balls as swinging slightly as he turns back around. Larry positions my arms by my sides and opens my legs by lifting and setting my ankles towards the outer edges of the table. My cock is still hard, even after I had cum, it was laying up against my belly.

Larry moves to the top of the table and begins to work on my head and face. He uses his fingers to massage my scalp and then work toward my jaws. He flexes the side of my face to make my jaw hinge open and then closed.

He moves down and begins to work my neck and upper shoulders. He slides his arms under my back and uses his fingers to stretch and rub my neck muscles. He continues down and moves to my chest. His rubbing slides over my nipple, it hardens under his finger. He moves over to one arm, lifting it up as he pulls it out. He kneads and flexes my fingers and hand. He slides my hand onto his chest to rest as he works back down the arm. I am able to grab his nipple and I feel it harden with my attention. As he reaches my shoulder, he lifts my arm up above my head for a stretch. His fingers trail the underside of my bicep and then into my pit. He swirls his finger around and plays with my pit hair before sliding down to my chest and waiting nipple. He pinches it to make the nipple stand up tighter. He lays my arm down and repeats the actions on the other side.

My nipples are now both hard, Larry laughs when I wiggle from his rubbing them. He then works down my abs and stomach. He slides my cock out of the way when he needs to work around it. The motion and the rubbing around it make my cock spring up and lift from my belly. He gives my balls a quick yank and slides his hand a single stroke on my shaft.

Larry slides his hands down the tops of my legs. Stopping at my feet, he grabs one and works on it, flexing the foot and the ankle. He moves to the other and repeats. He then on rubbing my shin and around to the calve - he finds a knot and works it out. He switches to the other leg and works those muscles. As he reaches the knees, he uses both hands together on opposite legs, his strokes and kneading are turning my hips open. His fingers get up close to my balls and taint - he swipes them both generously. My body wiggles to his attentions.

Larry pulls back and lifts one of my legs through a series of stretches. He leaves the knee flexed open and grabs the other leg to do the exercises. He completes the circuit and the soles of my feet are pointed toward each other, hips flexed completely open and my cock now jutting toward the sky.

Larry's fingers now lightly trace up my legs and meet around my balls. He kneads them and pulls them down. One hand again traces down to my slicked hole, his finger tracing around my entrance. His other hand slides back up and grips my shaft. He slides his hand slowly up and down, pausing at the bottom and grinding his fist down firmly. His finger enters the loosened hole and starts to finger fuck it again. He quickly has slide past the second ring and is rubbing my prostrate gland roughly.

The pace that Larry is working me has picked up. My hips as thrashing up and down as he continues to work both pleasure centers on my body. I feel another climax start to boil. Larry feels my pnut start to harden, he pushes in more firmly and matches it with the down stroke as he jacks my cock. I can only stand a few minutes of this workout.

"Oh god!" I start to yell. My body tenses up, "I'm cumming again!!"

Larry leaves his impaling finger deep in me and wiggles it to massage my prostate. His fist still is pumping as my cum blows out. The first blast goes over my head, the next two land on my hair and face. The last couple of blast grace my chest and belly. My cock is super sensitive after this climax and it make me shudder when his fist gets close to my cock head.

Larry releases his finger from my hole and lets my cock slap back down to my belly. He turns and grabs another towel to wipe up the streaks of cum and oil on my body.

"I hope that you enjoyed my services" Larry starts, "Maybe next time we can take it further." He alludes to the next tier of service he offers.

"I will definitely have to keep that in mind." I answer.

I dress into my discarded basketball shorts as he dresses and begins to pack up his table and supplies. He grabs his water bottle as he is finished, I hand him an envelope with my payment. He give me a hug and I lead him to the door.

"Thank you!" I tell him, laughing I continue, "Now I have to clean up and scoot back to work. Not sure how much good I will be, but I will be there"

Larry waves as he backs out of the drive.

I close the door and turn to get ready to return to work. I think to myself, "At least I will be relaxed."

Next: Chapter 7

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