Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Nov 22, 2019


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Finding Life

Chapter 5

CL Crazy Chet Massage

I pulled up to a nondescript single story office building. It is just after 1:00 and I am sneaking out during my lunch for some fun.

These were the days when you could still share personals on Craigs List. I was horny and my regular massage/fun guys were either busy. I knew that I wanted more fun and less massage, so I had trolled the postings for sensual massage.

After weeding through way too many Asian parlor posts, I ran across one a post for sensual massage - men only and it had a picture. I had clicked on the post and additional details for the massage came up with the picture. The picture was a head shot of a young man, with pale green eyes and a halo of long dirty blond hair. His hair was pushed back with a headband and made a nimbus of about 4 or 5 inches around his head. The post gave his contact link and his name, Chet. His post said that he was close to my part of town, so I sent him an email. Chet emailed back fairly quickly and we made arrangements to meet later that day around my lunch time.

My instructions from Chet was to give him a text when I arrived at his building and he would meet me at the door. The office was off a semi-busy street in an older part of the neighborhood. "Here" I shot off the text when I pulled in the parking lot. "OMW" was the reply that I got.

I exited the car and headed toward the front door to see the face from the picture. Chet stood about 5'3", small frame, pale skin with some freckles, and the shoulder length dirty blond curly hair mostly covering his face. He pushed on the door as I come up and let me in. I saw my reflection in the glass. I am 5'7", brown hair and eyes, tanned skin, small frame but a bit of a dad bod.

"Hi, I'm Mace." I greet him and offer my hand. We trade handshakes and he ushers me inside.

"Hello, I'm Chet." He replies with a soft voice. He gives me an elevator look, from top to bottom, and I swear that he blushes slightly.

He points to an office door just after some glass windows overlooking an interior courtyard. The room turns out to be a nicely appointed massage studio set up. Roman shades are drawn letting in diffused light from a wall of windows, which I assume opens to the adjoining courtyard. The massage table is in the middle of the room, classical music is playing in the background and the side table has a display of flowers. A card holder on the table indicates another person's name.

"Do you share this space with another therapist?" I inquire.

"Yes, it is my roommate's office." Chet says and continues, "He lets me use it when he is not booked. You can get undressed and I will be right back." He excuses himself from the room, back out to the hallway, closing the door behind him.

This was the first time I had had an advertised sensual massage, so him leaving the room while I undressed was a little odd. I removed my polo style shirt and khaki pants, folding them on the little bench next to the side table. I put my socks in my shoes, then slide them under the bench as well. I hopped up on the massage table, face down. I left the towel under me, instead of using it for draping. As I settled down, I heard the door open.

"Fuck, that is hot." Chet muttered while closing the door. He came to the side of the table that had the side table and placed the recently warmed massage oil down. He then continued, "Sorry I had to step out, the oil was not ready when you got here so I had to go get it."

"I hope it was ok to start face down." I say. I hear him walk closer to the table.

"That is perfect." He answers.

From our email conversation I know that Chet is a bottom only and he knows that I am a verse top. He tells me, "I think I will get comfortable too. You said you wanted fully nude, right?"

"That is what I am looking for." I confirm.

I can hear that he is kicking off his flip flops. Then I hear a shirt rustle over his head and mass of curly hair. Next I hear the elastic sound of the track pants he was wearing lower, and each foot step out. From the sounds of it he has piled the clothes on the opposite end of the side table from where mine are resting on the bench.

Next I smell the light fragrance of jasmine and hear hands being oiled up. Chet has moved up to the head of the massage table. I feel his warm oil slicked hands start to rub my shoulders and neck. His strokes are long and light, not my usual deep tissue that I get if I was wanting something therapeutic. The light touch caresses my shoulders and back. As he moves lower on my body, he sweeps his hands closer to my prone ass. His hands then move to work just on my ass cheeks, brushing my crack, but not coming anywhere close to my pucker.

I feel a little disappointed that he does not spend any time with my hot man hole, but then reflect that if he is bottom only and used to working on strictly tops, that would be a no-go zone. His hands continue to rub, then change to kneading my cheeks. He then moves down my legs and reaches my feet. He does a decent job with pressure when he is rubbing the bottom of my feet and toes. I moan when he increases the pressure.

I am drifting in the relaxing environment, settling in from the work Chet has done. I feel his hands release my feet. I can hear him getting more oil, it sounds like more than just his hands are getting covered.

Soon I feel the table shift as Chet climbs up on the bottom of the table. I feel slicked hands and arms rub against my legs. Then I feel him add his chest, as he slides up my body and drapes his over me. He spreads out the oil and covers my whole body with his wiggling body. He is paying attention to my back, arms, legs and butt at the same time in his rippling motions. The body on body contact has fast tracked my relaxed cock to become quickly erect, sliding between the massage table and my body. I moan and move my body in response.

This has moved up Chet's motivation and his movements become for forceful. His oiled body slicked up and sliding all over. I am amazed that he has not slipped due to his frantic motions. I feel his cock slide between us, but it is only slightly chubbed up.

After a few more minutes of his frantic rubbing, causing havoc on the rubbing of my cock, he slides off.

"Turn over, please" he instructs me in a airy voice, trying to catch his breath from his actions.

I flip over as instructed. My eyes go to where Chet is standing waiting for me. His tight little body is gleaming with the excess oil, his hair is starting to get damp from sweat and oil. He waits for me to lay back.

His gaze is on my hard cock. "Can I touch it?" He asks, barely looking up to see me nod my head. He walks up from the end of the table, trailing his fingers up my legs. He reached the middle of the table, his fingers reach the terminus of my thighs. He strokes the side of my cock, making it pulse and releasing a drop of pre-cum. The strand drips down toward my stomach, his fingers intercept it. Quickly he pulls the fingers to his mouth, licking them clean.

"Yum!" He almost moans, "I want to suck on it. Please." He continues is a pleading tone.

I grab his head and lead it to my pulsing cock, still being supported straight up by his hand. I leave my hand on the back of his head, playing with his long curls as he takes my cock head in his mouth. He issues a moan as he sinks his lips lower on my shaft. He is using his tongue to swipe around the shaft. I feel my cock head reach his throat. He bobs his head a few times, loosing up his throat my cock head slides in.

"Oh!" I exclaim.

I feel his throat massage my hard member. My fingers laced tighter in his curly mane. He is so excited he forces it in further, making himself gag. I feel his throat constrict tighter. I am getting too worked up and want this to last longer. I gab his hair and pull him off my cock.

"Why don't you come up here." I order him.

He climbs back on the table, sliding his slicked body against mine. Our lips meet for a long wet kiss. I force my tongue in his mouth, he sucks it in, then our tongues wrestle some more.

"I want some more of that daddy cock." He pleads.

I acquiesce.

He spins around, slipping my cock back between his lips while presenting his hot ass in my face. I lean forward, pulling his ass cheeks apart. I blow gently on his pucker. It sends a shiver through body. He doubled his bobbing on my cock.

"Slow down buddy," I tell him, "you will get the treat soon enough. "

He slows into a long deep throat action. I reach out with my tongue and touch this pucker. I swirl it in circles. His pucker starts to quake. I thrust my tongue into his needy hole. He jumps as I continue to attack his hole.

I wet a finger in my mouth and start to work it in deeper in the waiting ass lips. He starts humming as I add a second finger. I graze his love nut when I thrust the fingers deeper. He pulls off my cock and pants.

"Can I ride it?" He asks.

I answer, "Sure boy. Go to it!"

He pulls forward and slides his ass down my chest. He lifts up his hips as he aims my hard cock towards his hole. Lining up, he settles down with a little push. My cock head pushes through his first and second ring. He pauses a moment to acclimate to my cock size. He lifts up slightly then continues to sink down. His ass reaches my balls, again he pauses. I feel his glove like hole, grip my cock. Having reached a comfortable stretch, he rises up and settles back down. He works higher and higher on my cock, before dropping back down.

He is feeling more loose, at the bottom out he leans back against my chest, my cock still lodged deep in his hole. I shift my hips down, pulling my cock out. Swiftly I flex my hips back and slam my cock back in, as deeply as before. We start this rhythm of pounding his hole.

Chet is panting, head rolling side to side as I attack his hole. He moves his face next to mine.

"Roll you hips up and keep that hard cock in me." He says between quick breaths, "Let me work you good."

I do as instructed and shove my cock deep in his hole. He begins to slide his slicked body up and down mine, causing my cock to impale him by his own power. I reach my arms around to help support him as he is flailing around. I feel my impending climax coming. Chet's wild movements and the hard pressure he is pushing against my dick and balls is sending me closer. He grabs my arms to anchor his torso and bends his head around. Our lips meet and we proceed to kiss while his ass is pounding away at my buried cock.

His concerted efforts are enough. I hug his body tightly to mine and I start to piston in and out of his tight hole. He wiggles his body as I pound away. I slam my hips up and shove his body down to meet it - shoving my cock deeper still. I begin to breed his hole, I feel 4 spurts of daddy seed pulse out of my cock.

I relax my grip, but my cock is still impaling his hole. He is not done with me yet. After a few seconds after I calm down, he starts clamping his ass muscles around my cock. I do not seem to be loosing any of my erection as he works. He starts to rock his hips in time with his pulsing.

"I want you to mount me." Chet tells me. "Let me get up and you come in behind me."

He climbs up and my seed slimy cock pops out of his tight pucker. He stands to the side of the table and leans over it. I move behind him as he brings one knee to the side to rest on the table, opening up his hole for me. I line up my cock with his wanting pucker and shove it back in.

As we are both keyed up and his hole is warmed up, I just start pile-driving him. I reach my arm around his chest and hug him tight. My other hand I reach around and grab his hardened little cock and balls. Fully hard he is about 4 inches long and skinny. He moans and leans his head back against my chest as I pound away and play with his cocklet. I feel his balls start to pull up, his nipples harden under my hand, and his breath is coming in gasps.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Chet yells, "I'm cumming!"

His ass muscles clench tightly around my invading cock. His dick shoots 3 spurts across the massage table. I hold him close and pound in deep, sending my second climax deep in his ass walls. My seed is filling him again and starts to drip out of his ass lips.

"That was hot!" I exclaim to him.

I pull his head back and we trade a long wet kiss. My cock has softened and pulls out of his ass. He turns around and we hug and kiss some more. He has moved me around to have my back against the massage table. Breaking our kiss he slides his lips down and sucks on my right nipple, then moves to the left one. Both nipples are hard and he sinks further down, licking and kissing my belly and abs.

Chet drops to his knees and is eye level with my semi hard cock. He grabs my shaft and lifts it out of the way. He starts licking my balls, bathing them in spit. He sucks one in his mouth, then the other - lapping them clean. Popping my ball from his mouth, his lips find my cock. He licks the shaft up and down, then moves around my cock head. He flicks his tongue over my piss slit and then settles his lips around my corona. He sucks my cock back down his throat. My cock has fully hardened up and pushes back against his throat.

Standing up, "Will you fuck me again?" Chet inquires, now holding my hard cock in his hands.

"How do you want it?" I ask him while he kneads my balls and shaft.

"I want to watch you fuck me" He says then continues, "I want to be on my back with you pummeling me."

"Get up on that table then." I command him.

He hops up on the table and scoots up to the top. I climb on by the foot of the table. I grab his legs up, pulling them up - feet above my shoulders. I guide my cock to his waiting hole. When I feel his ass lips, I push in leaning in with my body weight. I sink into his well lubed hole. When I bottom out, I grip his thighs and pull back to begin pounding his ass. He is watching my face and I punish his hole. I start hitting his p-nut when I adjust his hips and my cock angle. His eyes start to roll back in his head as I continue to pound his gland.

I lean forward, forcing his legs up higher, and I mash my lips against his. I assault his lips as I do his ass, ramming members in and out of his body. Sweat is rolling off our bodies, his long hair is fully soaked to his head. I grab his shoulders as I pound deeper and at a fast pace. His ass muscles are gripping my cock when I push all the way in.

The added friction is bringing me closer to my third climax. I release from our kiss, lean my body further in and continue to punish his love chute. My hands tighten on his shoulders as I grunt and do a final push as deep as I can. My cock pulses three volleys of cum, tapping out my spent balls.

I collapse on top of him, letting his legs slide down around my body. Chet uses them to hook around my hips and pulls me closer, trying to keep my cock lodged in his ass. He kisses the side of my head and ear while he holds on to me.

Finally my softened cock drops out of his hole. I push myself up to a sticky chest, he had cum while I was fucking him. His seed was mixed with the oil and our sweat. I continue to lift myself off of him and slide off the table. He gathers himself up and hops off the table.

"Stars and stones!" I exclaim, "That was a super hot fuck session. Damn man!"

He glances up at me though his eyelashes and damp hair framing his face. He smiles.

"You drive me to lengths to get off, you crazy hot man." He quips. "I want to please you. You make me hot!"

I walk around to where he is standing. He grabs a towel and I expect him to hand it to me, but instead he starts to wipe me down. I let him work the rough towel over my hot sweaty body. He kisses my spent cock as he dries my crotch area. I chuckle when it does not stir.

He has finished up, front and back. I look at the time and realize that I have to get back to my office. I start dressing. He is cleaning himself up some, pulling his hair back in a tie. I finish with my shoes and go to pay for my massage.

"I got my payment times three today." He tells me, "I think that is enough."

I laugh but put the money on the side table. I pull him in for a hug and pat his ass.

"This was a great lunch break." I tell him, "We are going to have to do this again."

He leads my back to the front door of the office building to let me out.

"What a hot time" I think to myself as I leave the parking lot headed back to work. "Next time I will have to take off 2 hours."

Next: Chapter 6

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